< Jenesis 3 >

1 Agwọ dị aghụghọ karịa ụmụ anụ ọhịa niile Onyenwe anyị Chineke kere. Ọ bịakwutere nwanyị ahụ sị ya, “Ọ bụ ezie na Chineke sị unu erila mkpụrụ si nʼosisi niile dị nʼogige a?”
And the serpent has been cunning above every beast of the field which YHWH God has made, and he says to the woman, “Is it true that God has said, You do not eat from every tree of the garden?”
2 Nwanyị ahụ zara sị ya, “Anyị nwere ike rie mkpụrụ si nʼosisi niile dị nʼogige a
And the woman says to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we eat,
3 ma Chineke kwuru sị, ‘Unu erila mkpụrụ si nʼosisi dị nʼetiti ogige a, unu emetụkwala ya aka, ka unu ghara ịnwụ.’”
but from the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden, God has said, You do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest you die.”
4 Agwọ gwara nwanyị ahụ sị, “Unu agaghị anwụ.
And the serpent says to the woman, “Dying, you do not die,
5 Nʼihi na Chineke maara na ọ bụrụ na unu erie ya, anya unu ga-emeghe, unu ga-amata ezi ihe na ajọ ihe.”
for God knows that in the day of your eating of it—your eyes have been opened, and you have been as God, knowing good and evil.”
6 Nwanyị ahụ hụrụ na mkpụrụ si nʼosisi ahụ dị mma iri eri, na ọ dị mma nʼanya, na ọ bụ osisi mara mma e si enweta amamihe. Ọ ghọọrọ mkpụrụ ahụ rie, nyekwa di ya, onye nke na ya nọ, o rie.
And the woman sees that the tree [is] good for food, and that it [is] pleasant to the eyes, and the tree is desirable to make [one] wise, and she takes from its fruit and eats, and also gives [some] to her husband with her, and he eats;
7 Mgbe ahụ, anya ha abụọ meghere, ha chọpụtara na ha gba ọtọ. Ya mere, ha dụkọtara ahịhịa fiig, jiri ya mere onwe ha akwa.
and the eyes of them both are opened, and they know that they [are] naked, and they sew fig-leaves, and make girdles for themselves.
8 Mgbe nwoke ahụ na nwunye ya nụrụ ụda njegharị Onyenwe anyị Chineke nʼogige ahụ nʼoge uhuruchi, ha zoro onwe ha site nʼebe Onyenwe anyị Chineke nọ nʼetiti osisi ndị dị nʼogige ahụ.
And they hear the sound of YHWH God walking up and down in the garden at the breeze of the day, and the man and his wife hide themselves from the face of YHWH God in the midst of the trees of the garden.
9 Ma Onyenwe anyị Chineke kpọrọ nwoke ahụ oku sị ya, “Ebee ka ị nọ?”
And YHWH God calls to the man and says to him, “Where [are] you?”
10 Ọ zara si, “Anụrụ m ụda ụkwụ gị nʼogige, nʼihi ya, atụrụ m ụjọ, ebe ọ bụ na m gba ọtọ. Ezokwara m onwe m.”
And he says, “I have heard Your sound in the garden, and I am afraid, for I am naked, and I hide myself.”
11 Onyenwe anyị Chineke jụrụ ya sị, “Onye gwara gị na ị gba ọtọ? I riela mkpụrụ si nʼosisi ahụ m nyere gị iwu sị gị erila?”
And He says, “Who has declared to you that you [are] naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I have commanded you not to eat?”
12 Nwoke ahụ sịrị, “Nwanyị ahụ i mere ka mụ na ya nọdụ, ọ bụ ya nyere m mkpụrụ sitere nʼosisi ahụ, m rie.”
And the man says, “The woman whom You placed with me—she has given to me from the tree, and I eat.”
13 Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị Chineke sịrị nwanyị ahụ, “Gịnị bụ ihe a i mere?” Nwanyị ahụ zara sị, “Ọ bụ agwọ ghọgburu m, mee m ka m rie ya.”
And YHWH God says to the woman, “What [is] this you have done?” And the woman says, “The serpent has caused me to forget, and I eat.”
14 Ya mere, Onyenwe anyị Chineke gwara agwọ ahụ sị, “Nʼihi ihe a i mere, “Ihe a bụrụ ọnụ ka ị bụ nʼetiti anụ ụlọ niile na nʼetiti anụ ọhịa niile. Afọ gị ka ị ga-eji na-aga ije, aja ka ị ga na-eri ogologo ụbọchị ndụ gị niile.
And YHWH God says to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed [are] you above all the livestock, and above every beast of the field: on your belly you go, and dust you eat, [for] all days of your life;
15 Aga m eme ka iro dịrị nʼetiti gị na nwanyị ahụ, nʼetiti mkpụrụ gị na mkpụrụ ya, mkpụrụ ya ga-etipịa gị isi, gị onwe gị ga-ata ya arụ nʼikiri ụkwụ.”
and I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He bruises your head, and you bruise His heel.”
16 Ọ gwara nwanyị ahụ sị ya, “Aga m eme ka ihe mgbu nke ịmụ nwa gị baa ụba nke ukwuu, ọ bụ site nʼihe mgbu ka ị ga-eji mụpụta ụmụ gị. Ọchịchọ nke obi gị ga-adị nʼaka di gị, ọ bụ ya ga-achịkwa gị.”
To the woman He said, “Multiplying I multiply your sorrow and your conception; you will bear children in sorrow, and your desire [is] toward your Man [[or husband]], and He [[or he]] will rule over you.”
17 Ọ gwara Adam sị, “Nʼihi na ị ṅara nwunye gị ntị, rie mkpụrụ site nʼosisi ahụ m nyere gị iwu sị, ‘Gị erila mkpụrụ sitere na ya,’ “Ala bụ ihe a bụrụ ọnụ nʼihi gị, site nʼoke ndọgbu nʼọrụ ka ị ga-eri ihe si na ya pụta ogologo ụbọchị ndụ gị niile.
And to the man He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and eat from the tree concerning which I have charged you, saying, You do not eat of it, cursed [is] the ground on your account; in sorrow you eat of it [for] all days of your life,
18 Ọ ga-erupụtara gị ogwu na uke, ị ga-erikwa ahịhịa nke ubi.
and it brings forth thorn and bramble for you, and you have eaten the herb of the field;
19 Site nʼọsụsọ nke ga-agbapụta gị nʼihu ka ị ga-eri nri gị tutu ruo mgbe ị lọghachiri nʼala ebe ọ bụ site nʼala ka e si mepụta gị nʼihi na aja ka ị bụ, nʼaja ka ị ga-alaghachikwa.”
by the sweat of your face you eat bread until your return to the ground, for you have been taken out of it, for dust you [are], and to dust you return.”
20 Adam gụrụ nwunye ya Iiv, nʼihi na ọ bụ nne mmadụ niile dị ndụ.
And the man calls his wife’s name Eve, for she has been mother of all living.
21 Emesịa, Onyenwe anyị Chineke weere akpụkpọ anụ meere Adam na nwunye ya uwe oyiyi.
And YHWH God makes coats of skin [for] the man and his wife, and clothes them.
22 Onyenwe anyị Chineke sịrị, “Lee, mmadụ adịla ka onye ọbụla nʼime anyị site nʼịmata ihe ọma na ihe ọjọọ. Ugbu a, ka ọ gharakwa ị setịpụ aka ya ghọrọ mkpụrụ osisi ahụ na-enye ndụ rie, si otu a dịrị ndụ ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.”
And YHWH God says, “Behold, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and has also taken from the Tree of Life, and eaten, and lived for all time.”
23 Nʼihi nke a, Onyenwe anyị Chineke chụpụrụ ya site nʼogige Iden ka ọ gaa na-arụ ọrụ nʼala e si wepụta ya.
YHWH God sends him forth from the Garden of Eden to serve the ground from which he has been taken;
24 Mgbe ọ chụpụrụ mmadụ, o dochiri nʼọwụwa anyanwụ nke ogige Iden ndị mmụọ ozi dị ike a na-akpọ Cherubim, na mma agha na-acha ọkụ, ka ha na-eche ọnụ ụzọ e si aba nʼebe osisi ahụ na-enye ndụ dị nche.
indeed, He casts out the man, and causes the cherubim to dwell at the east of the Garden of Eden with the sword of flame whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.

< Jenesis 3 >