< Jenesis 20 >

1 Ugbu a, Ebraham sitere nʼebe ahụ bilie gaa na mpaghara Negev biri nʼebe dị nʼagbata Kadesh na Shua. Ọ nọrọ nʼobodo Gera nwa oge nta.
Abraham yede forth fro thennus in to the lond of the south, and dwellide bitwixe Cades and Sur, and was a pilgrym in Geraris;
2 Nʼebe ahụ, Ebraham kwuru maka Sera, nwunye ya, sị “Ọ bụ nwanne m nwanyị.” Abimelek, eze Gera, ziri ozi kpọrọ Sera.
and he seide of Sare, his wijf, Sche is my sistir. Therfor Abymalec, kyng of Gerare, sente, and took hir.
3 Ma Chineke bịakwutere Abimelek na nrọ nʼanyasị, sị ya, “Onye nwụrụ anwụ ka ị bụ, nʼihi nwanyị nke ị kpọọrọ, nwanyị a bụ onye nwere di.”
Sotheli God cam to Abymalec bi a sweuene in the nyyt, and seide to hym, Lo! thou schalt die, for the wooman which thou hast take, for sche hath an hosebond.
4 Ma Abimelek abịabeghị Sera nso, ya mere o ji sị, “Onyenwe m, ị ga-ebibi mba aka ya dị ọcha?
Forsothe Abymalech touchide not hir; and he seide, Lord, whether thou schalt sle folc vnkunnynge and iust?
5 Ọ bụ na ya onwe ya agwaghị m sị, ‘ọ bụ nwanne m nwanyị,’ nke nwanyị nʼonwe ya, ekwuokwa sị, ‘Nwanne m nwoke ka ọ bụ?’ E ji m uche dị ọcha na aka dị ọcha mee ihe niile m mere.”
Whether he seide not to me, Sche is my sistir, and sche seide, He is my brother? In the symplenesse of myn herte, and in the clennesse of myn hondis Y dide this.
6 Chineke zara ya sị, “Amaara m na i ji uche dị ọcha mee ihe i mere. Ọ bụ ya mere m ji gbochie gị imehie megide m. Ọ bụkwa ya mere m ji gbochie gị ịmetụ ya aka.
And the Lord seide to hym, And Y woot that thou didist bi symple herte, and therfor Y kepte thee, lest thou didist synne ayens me, and I suffride not that thou touchidist hir;
7 Ugbu a, nyeghachi nwoke a nwunye ya. Nʼihi na ọ bụ onye amụma. Ọ ga-ekpere gị ekpere, ka ị ghara ịnwụ. Ma ọ bụrụ na i dughachịghị nwanyị a nye di ya, unu ga-anwụ, gị na ndị gị niile.”
now therfor yelde thou the wijf to hir hosebonde, for he is a profete; and he schal preye for thee, and thou schalt lyue; sotheli if thou nylte yelde, wite thou that thou schalt die bi deeth, thou and alle thingis that ben thine.
8 Ya mere, Abimelek biliri nʼisi ụtụtụ echi ya, kpọọ nzukọ nke ndịisi ozi ya niile, kọọrọ ha ihe mere. Ha tụrụ ụjọ nke ukwuu.
And anoon Abynalech roos bi nyyt, and clepide alle his seruauntis, and spak alle these wordis in the eeris of hem; and alle men dredden greetli.
9 Emesịa, Abimelek kpọbatara Ebraham sị ya, “Gịnị bụ ihe a i mere anyị? Gịnị bụ ihe ọjọọ m mere i ji butere mụ na alaeze m ihe oke ikpe ọmụma dị otu a? Ihe a i mere m bụ ihe na-ekwesighị ekwesi.”
Sotheli Abymalec clepide also Abraham, and seide to hym, What hast thou do to vs? what synneden we ayens thee, for thou hast brouyt in on me and on my rewme a greuouse synne? thou hast do to vs whiche thingis thou ouytist not do.
10 Abimelek jụrụ Ebraham sị, “Ọ bụ gịnị ka ị hụrụ i jiri mee omume dị otu a?”
And eft Abimalech axide, and seide, What thing seiyist thou, that thou woldist do this?
11 Ebraham zara ya, “Nʼihi na asịrị m nʼobi m, ‘Nʼezie, ịtụ egwu Chineke adịghị nʼebe a. Ha ga-egbu m nʼihi nwunye m.’
Abraham answerde, Y thouyte with me, and seide, in hap the drede of God is not in this place; and thei schulen sle me for my wijf;
12 Ewezugakwa nke a, ọ bụ nwanna m nwanyị, nʼihi na otu nna mụrụ anyị, ma ọ bụghị otu nne, tupu ọ bụrụ nwunye m.
in other maner forsothe and sche is my sister verili, the douyter of my fadir, and not the douyter of my moder; and Y weddide hir in to wijf;
13 Mgbe Chineke sitere nʼezinaụlọ nna m zipụ m ije ebe dị anya, agwara m ya sị, ‘Otu a ka ị ga-esi gosi na ị hụrụ m nʼanya, ebe ọbụla anyị gara, kwuo gbasara m, “Onye a bụ nwanne m.”’”
sotheli aftir that God ladde me out of the hous of my fadir, Y seide to hir, Thou schalt do this mercy with me in ech place to which we schulen entre; thou schalt seie, that Y am thi brother.
14 Mgbe ahụ, Abimelek dupụtara atụrụ, na ehi, na ndị ohu ndị ikom, na ndị ohu ndị inyom, nye Ebraham. Ọ kpọnyekwara ya Sera nwunye ya.
Therfore Abymelech took scheep, and oxun, and seruauntis, and handmaydenes, and yaf to Abraham; and he yeldide to him Sare, `his wijf, and seide, The lond is bifor you;
15 Abimelek sịrị, “Lee nʼala m niile, birikwa nʼebe ọbụla masịrị gị.”
dwelle thou, where euere it plesith thee. Forsothe Abymelech seide to Sare, Lo!
16 Mgbe ahụ, ọ sịrị Sera, “Ana m enye nwanne gị puku shekel ọlaọcha, ka ọ bụrụ ihe m ji kwụọ ụgwọ mmeso ọjọọ m mesoro gị. Ejikwa m ya na-egosi na ị bụ onye aka ya dị ọcha.”
Y yaf a thousand platis of siluer to thi brother; this schal be to thee in to hiling of iyen to al men that ben with thee; and whider euere thou goist, haue thou mynde that thou art takun.
17 Mgbe ahụ, Ebraham kpọkuru Chineke nʼekpere. Chineke gwọrọ Abimelek na nwunye ya, na ndị inyom ndị ohu ya niile, ka ha nwee ike ịmụta ụmụ ọzọ.
Sotheli for Abraham preiede, God curide Abymelech, and his wijf, and handmaydens, and thei childiden;
18 Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị mechiri akpanwa ndị inyom niile nọ nʼezinaụlọ Abimelek nʼihi Sera nwunye Ebraham.
for God hadde closid ech wombe of the hows of Abymelech, for Sare, the wijf of Abraham.

< Jenesis 20 >