< Jenesis 16 >

1 Ma Serai nwunye Ebram, amụtaghị nwa. Serai nwere odibo nwanyị onye Ijipt, aha ya bụ Hega.
Therfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre children; but sche hadde a seruauntesse of Egipt, Agar bi name, and seide to hir hosebonde, Lo!
2 Ya mere ọ gwara Ebram sị, “Lee, ugbu a, Onyenwe anyị egbochiela m ịmụta ụmụ. Ugbu a, bakwuru nwanyị na-ejere m ozi. Ma eleghị anya, aga m esi na ya wulite ezinaụlọ m.” Ebram kweere ihe Serai kwuru.
the Lord hath closid me, that Y schulde not bere child; entre thou to my seruauntesse, if in hap Y schal take children, nameli of hir. And whanne he assentide to hir preiynge, sche took Agar Egipcian,
3 Ya mere Serai nwunye Ebram, duuru Hega, odibo nwanyị ya, onye Ijipt, dunye Ebram ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya. Ihe a mere na ngwụcha afọ iri site na mgbe Ebram bịara biri nʼala Kenan.
hir seruauntesse, after ten yeer aftir that thei begunne to enhabite in the lond of Chanaan, and sche yaf Agar wiif to hir hosebonde.
4 Ebram na Hega dinara. Hega tụụrụ ime. Ma mgbe Hega matara na ọ dịrịla ime, ọ malitere ileda nne ya ukwu bụ Serai anya.
And Abram entride to Agar; and Agar seiy that sche hadde conseyued, and sche dispiside hir ladi.
5 Mgbe ahụ, Serai gwara Ebram sị, “Ọ bụ gị butere ahụhụ a m nọ nʼime ya. Ọ bụ m were nwaodibo nwanyị m kunye gị nʼaka, ma ugbu a ọ hụrụ na ọ dị ime, abụrụla m onye ọ na-eleda anya. Ka Onyenwe anyị kpee ikpe a nʼetiti mụ na gị.”
And Saray seide to Abram, Thou doist wickidli ayens me; I yaf my seruauntesse in to thi bosum, which seeth, that sche conseyuede, and dispisith me; the Lord deme betwixe me and thee.
6 Ebram zara Serai sị, “Lee, ohu gị nwanyị dị gị nʼaka. Jiri ya mee ihe ọbụla dị gị mma nʼanya.” Nʼihi nke a, Serai mesiri ya ihe ike, nke mere ka o si nʼebe Serai nọ gbapụ.
And Abram answerde and seide to hir, Lo! thi seruauntesse is in thin hond; vse thou hir as `it likith. Therfor for Sarai turmentide hir, sche fledde awei.
7 Ma mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị hụrụ ya nʼakụkụ isi iyi mmiri dị nʼọzara, nʼakụkụ ụzọ Shua,
And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde founde hir bisidis a welle of watir in wildernesse, which welle is in the weie of Sur in deseert,
8 jụọ ya sị, “Hega, ohu nwanyị Serai, olee ebe i si bịa, olee ebe ka ị na-ejekwa?” Hega zara sị, “Ọ bụ site nʼihu nne m ukwu Serai ka m na-agba ọsọ.”
he seide to hir, Fro whennus comest thou Agar, the seruauntesse of Sarai, and whidur goist thou? Which answerde, Y fle fro the face of Sarai my ladi.
9 Mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị gwara ya sị, “Laghachikwuru nne gị ukwu. Doo onwe gị nʼokpuru ya.”
And the aungel of the Lord seide to hir, Turne thou ayen to thi ladi, and be thou mekid vndur hir hondis.
10 Mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị sịkwa ya, “Aga m amụba ụmụ gị, ka a hapụ inwe ike ịgụta ole ha dị.”
And eft he seide, Y multipliynge schal multiplie thi seed, and it schal not be noumbrid for multitude.
11 Mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị gwakwara ya sị, “Ị dị ime ugbu a, ị ga-amụ nwa nwoke. Aha ị ga-agụ ya bụ Ishmel nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị anụla maka nhụju anya gị.
And aftirward he seide, Lo! thou hast conseyued, and thou schalt bere a sone, and thou schalt clepe his name Ismael, for the Lord hath herd thi turment;
12 Nwoke dịka ịnyịnya ibu a na-azụghị azụ ka ọ ga-abụ. Ọ ga-emegide onye ọbụla, onye ọbụla ga-emegidekwa ya. Ọ ga-ebi nʼime ibu iro, megide ụmụnna ya niile.”
this schal be a wielde man; his hond schal be ayens alle men, and the hondis of alle men schulen be ayens him; and he schal sette tabernaclis euene ayens alle his britheren.
13 Hega kpọkuru aha Onyenwe anyị, onye gwara ya okwu sị, “Ị bụ Chineke m na-ahụ m.” Nʼihi na Hega kwuru sị, “Ahụla m, ugbu a, onye ahụ na-ahụ m.”
Forsothe Agar clepide the name of the Lord that spak to hir, Thou God that seiyest me; for sche seide, Forsothe here Y seiy the hynderere thingis of him that siy me.
14 Ọ bụ ya mere e ji na-akpọ olulu mmiri ahụ, Bịa-Lahai-Rọị. Ọ ka dị ebe ahụ, nʼetiti Kadesh na Bered.
Therfor sche clepide thilke pit, the pit of hym that lyueth and seeth me; thilk pit is bitwixe Cades and Barad.
15 Emesịa, Hega mụtaara Ebram nwa nwoke. Ebram kpọrọ nwa nwoke ahụ Hega mụtaara ya Ishmel.
And Agar childide a sone to Abram, which clepide his name Ismael.
16 Ebram gbara iri afọ asatọ na isii mgbe Hega mụtaara ya Ishmel.
Abram was of `eiyti yeere and sixe, whanne Agar childide Ysmael to hym.

< Jenesis 16 >