< Ezra 2 >

1 Ugbu a, ndị a bụ ndị obodo niile a na-achị achị, bụ ndị sitere na ndọta nʼagha nke Nebukadneza, eze Babilọn, onye dọtara ha nʼagha buru ha laa Babilọn. Ha lọghachitere na Jerusalem nakwa Juda, onye ọbụla nʼobodo nke ha.
and these son: descendant/people [the] province [the] to ascend: rise from captivity [the] captivity which to reveal: remove (Nebuchadnezzar *Q(K)*) king Babylon to/for Babylon and to return: return to/for Jerusalem and Judah man: anyone to/for city his
2 Ndịisi ha na Zerubabel soo, bụ Jeshua, Nehemaya, Seraya, Reelaya, Mọdekai, Bilshan, Mispa, Bigvai, Rehum na Baana. Ihe ndepụta ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom Izrel bụ nke a:
which to come (in): come with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Seraiah Reelaiah Mordecai Bilshan Mispar Bigvai Rehum Baanah number human people Israel
3 Ndị agbụrụ Parosh, puku abụọ, otu narị na iri asaa na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Parosh thousand hundred seventy and two
4 Ụmụ Shefataya, narị atọ na iri asaa na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two
5 Ụmụ Ara, narị asaa na iri asaa na ise.
son: descendant/people Arah seven hundred five and seventy
6 Ụmụ Pahat-Moab (site nʼụmụ Jeshua na Joab), dị puku abụọ na narị asatọ na iri na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Pahath-moab Pahath-moab to/for son: descendant/people Jeshua Joab thousand eight hundred and two ten
7 Ụmụ Elam, otu puku na narị abụọ na iri ise na anọ.
son: descendant/people Elam thousand hundred fifty and four
8 Ụmụ Zatu, narị itoolu na iri anọ na ise.
son: descendant/people Zattu nine hundred and forty and five
9 Ụmụ Zakai, narị asaa na iri isii.
son: descendant/people Zaccai seven hundred and sixty
10 Ụmụ Bani, narị isii na iri anọ na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Bani six hundred forty and two
11 Ụmụ Bebai, narị isii na iri abụọ na atọ.
son: descendant/people Bebai six hundred twenty and three
12 Ụmụ Azgad, otu puku na narị abụọ na iri abụọ na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Azgad thousand hundred twenty and two
13 Ụmụ Adonikam, narị isii na iri isii na isii.
son: descendant/people Adonikam six hundred sixty and six
14 Ụmụ Bigvai, puku abụọ na iri ise na isii.
son: descendant/people Bigvai thousand fifty and six
15 Ụmụ Adin, narị anọ na iri ise na anọ.
son: descendant/people Adin four hundred fifty and four
16 Ụmụ Atea, site na Hezekaya, iri itoolu na asatọ.
son: descendant/people Ater to/for Hezekiah ninety and eight
17 Ụmụ Bezai, narị atọ na iri abụọ na atọ.
son: descendant/people Bezai three hundred twenty and three
18 Ụmụ Jora, otu narị na iri na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Jorah hundred and two ten
19 Ụmụ Hashum, narị abụọ na iri abụọ na atọ.
son: descendant/people Hashum hundred twenty and three
20 Ụmụ Giba, iri itoolu na ise.
son: descendant/people Gibbar ninety and five
21 Ndị ikom Betlehem, otu narị na iri abụọ na atọ.
son: descendant/people Bethlehem Bethlehem hundred twenty and three
22 Ndị ikom Netofa, iri ise na isii.
human Netophah fifty and six
23 Ndị ikom Anatot, otu narị na iri abụọ na asatọ.
human Anathoth hundred twenty and eight
24 Ndị ikom Azmavet, iri anọ na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Azmaveth forty and two
25 Ndị ikom Kiriat Jearim, Kefira na Beerọt, narị asaa na iri anọ na atọ.
son: descendant/people Kiriath-jearim Kiriath-jearim Chephirah and Beeroth seven hundred and forty and three
26 Ndị ikom Rema na Geba, narị isii na iri abụọ na otu.
son: descendant/people [the] Ramah and Geba six hundred twenty and one
27 Ndị ikom Mikmash, otu narị na iri abụọ na abụọ.
human Michmash hundred twenty and two
28 Ndị ikom Betel na Ai, narị abụọ na iri abụọ na atọ.
human Bethel Bethel and [the] Ai hundred twenty and three
29 Ndị ikom Nebo, iri ise na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Nebo fifty and two
30 Ndị ikom Magbish, otu narị na iri ise na isii.
son: descendant/people Magbish hundred fifty and six
31 Ụmụ Elam nke ọzọ, otu puku, narị abụọ na iri ise na anọ.
son: descendant/people Elam another thousand hundred fifty and four
32 Ụmụ Harim, narị atọ na iri abụọ.
son: descendant/people Harim three hundred and twenty
33 Ụmụ Lod, Hadid na Ono, narị asaa na iri abụọ na ise.
son: descendant/people Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred twenty and five
34 Ụmụ Jeriko, narị atọ na iri anọ na ise.
son: descendant/people Jericho three hundred forty and five
35 Ụmụ Senaa, puku atọ, narị isii na iri atọ.
son: descendant/people Senaah three thousand and six hundred and thirty
36 Ndị nchụaja: ndị agbụrụ Jedaya (site nʼezinaụlọ Jeshua), narị itoolu na iri asaa na atọ
[the] priest son: descendant/people Jedaiah to/for house: household Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three
37 ndị Imea, otu puku na iri ise na abụọ
son: descendant/people Immer thousand fifty and two
38 ndị Pashua, otu puku na narị abụọ na iri anọ na asaa
son: descendant/people Pashhur thousand hundred forty and seven
39 ndị Harim, otu puku, otu narị na asaa.
son: descendant/people Harim thousand and seven ten
40 Ndị Livayị: Ndị agbụrụ Jeshua na Kadmiel (nke ụmụ Hodavaya), iri asaa na anọ.
[the] Levi son: descendant/people Jeshua and Kadmiel to/for son: descendant/people Hodaviah seventy and four
41 Ndị ọbụ abụ: Ndị agbụrụ Asaf, otu narị, na iri abụọ na asatọ.
[the] to sing son: descendant/people Asaph hundred twenty and eight
42 Ndị nche ọnụ ụzọ ụlọnsọ ukwu: Ndị agbụrụ Shalum, Atea, Talmon, Akub, Hatita na Shobai. Ha dị otu narị, na iri atọ na itoolu.
son: descendant/people [the] gatekeeper son: descendant/people Shallum son: descendant/people Ater son: descendant/people Talmon son: descendant/people Akkub son: descendant/people Hatita son: descendant/people Shobai [the] all hundred thirty and nine
43 Ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ: Ndị agbụrụ Ziha, Hasufa na ndị Tabaot,
[the] temple servant son: descendant/people Ziha son: descendant/people Hasupha son: descendant/people Tabbaoth
44 Keros, Siaha, Padon,
son: descendant/people Keros son: descendant/people Siaha son: descendant/people Padon
45 Lebana, Hagaba, Akub,
son: descendant/people Lebanah son: descendant/people Hagabah son: descendant/people Akkub
46 Hagab, Shalmai, Hanan,
son: descendant/people Hagab son: descendant/people (Shalmai *Q(K)*) son: descendant/people Hanan
47 Gidel, Gaha, Reaya,
son: descendant/people Giddel son: descendant/people Gahar son: descendant/people Reaiah
48 Rezin, Nekoda, Gazam,
son: descendant/people Rezin son: descendant/people Nekoda son: descendant/people Gazzam
49 Ụza, Pasea Besai,
son: descendant/people Uzza son: descendant/people Paseah son: descendant/people Besai
50 Asna, Meunim, Nefusim,
son: descendant/people Asnah son: descendant/people (Meunim *Q(K)*) son: descendant/people (Nephisim *Q(K)*)
51 Bakbuk, Hakufa, Hahua,
son: descendant/people Bakbuk son: descendant/people Hakupha son: descendant/people Harhur
52 Bazlut, Mehida, Hasha,
son: descendant/people Bazluth son: descendant/people Mehida son: descendant/people Harsha
53 Bakos, Sisera, Tema,
son: descendant/people Barkos son: descendant/people Sisera son: descendant/people Temah
54 Nezaya na Hatifa.
son: descendant/people Neziah son: descendant/people Hatipha
55 Agbụrụ ndị na-ejere eze Solomọn ozi, ya bụ ndị agbụrụ Sotai, Hasoferet, Peruda,
son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon son: descendant/people Sotai son: descendant/people [the] Sophereth son: descendant/people Peruda
56 Jaala, Dakon, Gidel
son: descendant/people Jaalah son: descendant/people Darkon son: descendant/people Giddel
57 Shefataya, Hatil, na Pokeret-Hazebaim na Ami.
son: descendant/people Shephatiah son: descendant/people Hattil son: descendant/people Pochereth-hazzebaim Pochereth-hazzebaim son: descendant/people Ami
58 Ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ, na ụmụ ndị na-ejere eze Solomọn ozi, dị narị atọ na iri itoolu na abụọ.
all [the] temple servant and son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon three hundred ninety and two
59 Ndị a bụ ndị ọzọ sitere nʼobodo Tel Mela, Tel Hasha, Kerub, Adọn na Imea, nke dị nʼala Peshịa lọta. Ma ha enweghị ike igosi ezinaụlọ ebe agbụrụ ha si nʼIzrel.
and these [the] to ascend: rise from Tel-melah Tel-melah Tel-harsha Tel-harsha Cherub Addan Immer and not be able to/for to tell house: household father their and seed: children their if from Israel they(masc.)
60 Ndị agbụrụ Delaya, Tobaya na Nekoda, narị isii na iri ise na abụọ.
son: descendant/people Delaiah son: descendant/people Tobiah son: descendant/people Nekoda six hundred fifty and two
61 Sitekwa nʼetiti ndị nchụaja: Ndị agbụrụ Hobaya, Hakoz na Bazilai, nwoke lụrụ ada Bazilai onye Gilead, a kpọọ ya aha nʼaha ha.
and from son: descendant/people [the] priest son: descendant/people Habaiah son: descendant/people Hakkoz son: descendant/people Barzillai which to take: marry from daughter Barzillai [the] Gileadite woman: wife and to call: call by upon name their
62 Ndị a chọrọ ebe e depụtara usoro ọmụmụ ha nʼakwụkwọ, ma ha achọtaghị ha, nʼihi ya, e wepụrụ ha nʼọrụ nchụaja dịka ndị na-adịghị ọcha.
these to seek writing their [the] to enroll and not to find and to defile from [the] priesthood
63 Onyeisi ọchịchị nyere iwu ka ha ghara iri ihe dịkarịsịrị nsọ tutu ruo mgbe e nwere onye nchụaja na-eji Urim na Tumim ajụta ase.
and to say [the] governor to/for them which not to eat from holiness [the] holiness till to stand: appoint priest to/for Urim and to/for Thummim
64 Nkpọkọta ọnụọgụgụ ndị niile lọtara dị iri puku anọ na abụọ, na narị atọ, na iri isii,
all [the] assembly like/as one four ten thousand thousand three hundred sixty
65 nke a agụnyeghị ndị ohu ndị ikom na ndị inyom dị puku asaa na narị atọ na iri atọ na asaa, ndị ikom na ndị inyom, ndị ọbụ abụ dị narị abụọ.
from to/for alone: besides servant/slave their and maidservant their these seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and to/for them to sing and to sing hundred
66 Ịnyịnya dị narị asaa na iri atọ na isii, ebe ịnyịnya muul dị narị abụọ na iri anọ na ise.
horse their seven hundred thirty and six mule their hundred forty and five
67 Ịnyịnya kamel ha dị narị anọ na iri atọ na ise, ebe ịnyịnya ibu dị puku isii, na narị asaa, na iri abụọ.
camel their four hundred thirty and five donkey six thousand seven hundred and twenty
68 Mgbe ha bịarutere nʼụlọ Onyenwe anyị dị na Jerusalem, ụfọdụ nʼime ndịisi ezinaụlọ nyere onyinye afọ ofufu maka i ji rụzie ụlọ Chineke ka o guzo nʼọnọdụ ya.
and from head: leader [the] father in/on/with to come (in): come they to/for house: temple LORD which in/on/with Jerusalem be willing to/for house: temple [the] God to/for to stand: stand him upon foundation his
69 Onye ọbụla nʼime ha webatara nʼụlọakụ ihe o nwere ike inye nʼihi ọrụ a. Ha nyere darik ọlaedo dị puku iri isii na otu, maịna ọlaọcha dị puku ise na onyinye uwe ndị nchụaja, otu narị.
like/as strength their to give: give to/for treasure [the] work gold drachma six ten thousand and thousand and silver: money mina five thousand and tunic priest hundred
70 Ndị nchụaja, ndị Livayị, ndị ọbụ abụ, ndị na-eche ọnụ ụzọ ama, na ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ, tinyere ụfọdụ ndị mmadụ ọzọkwa, ha na ndị Izrel niile fọdụrụ gara biri nʼobodo nke aka ha.
and to dwell [the] priest and [the] Levi and from [the] people and [the] to sing and [the] gatekeeper and [the] temple servant in/on/with city their and all Israel in/on/with city their

< Ezra 2 >