< Ọpụpụ 30 >

1 “Jiri osisi akashia rụọ ebe ịchụ aja ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ.
Also thou schalt make an auter of the trees of Sechym, to brenne encense;
2 Akụkụ anọ ya ga-aha nʼotu. Ogologo ya na obosara ya ga-adị iri sentimita anọ na ise. Ịdị elu ya ga-adị iri sentimita itoolu. Mpi ya niile ga-esi na ya pụta.
and the auter schal haue a cubit of lengthe, and another cubit of brede, that is foure cornerid, and twei cubitis in heiythe; corneris schulen come forth of the auter.
3 Jiri ọlaedo a nụchara anụcha machie elu ya, akụkụ ya niile nakwa mpi ya niile. Ị ga-ejikwa ọlaedo kpụlite ọnụ ọnụ ya gburugburu.
And thou schalt clothe it with clennest gold, as wel the gridil therof, as the wallis and corneris bi cumpas therof; and thou schalt make to the auter a litil goldun coroun,
4 Kpụnye mgbaaka ọlaedo abụọ nʼokpuru ihe ahụ akpụlitere akpụlite, abụọ na ncherita ihu akụkụ ọbụla, ebe ga na-ejide mkpara e ji ebu ya.
`bi cumpas, and twei goldun serclis vndur the coroun by alle sidis, that barris be put in to the serclis, and the auter be borun.
5 Ị ga-eji osisi akashia mee mkpara, jiri ọlaedo machie ha.
Also thou schalt make tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and thou schalt ouergilde;
6 Ị ga-adọba ebe ịchụ aja ahụ nʼihu akwa mgbochi nke kpuchiri igbe iwu ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ, nʼihu oche ebere ahụ dị nʼelu igbe iwu ọgbụgba ndụ, nʼebe m ga-ezute gị.
and thou schalt sette the auter ayens the veil, which veil hangith bifor the ark of witnessyng bifor the propiciatorie, bi which the witnessyng is hilid, where Y schal speke to thee.
7 “Ụtụtụ niile, mgbe Erọn doziri oriọna, ọ ga-esure ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja ahụ.
And Aaron schal brenne theronne encense smellynge swetly eerli; whanne he schal araye the lanternes, he schal brenne it;
8 Nʼanyasị kwa, mgbe ọ na-amụnye ọkụ nʼoriọna ahụ, ọ ga-esurekwa ihe nsure ọkụ. Ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nke ga-adị nʼihu Onyenwe anyị site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.
and whanne he settith the lanternes at euentid, he schal brenne euerlastynge encense bifor the Lord, in to youre generaciouns.
9 Unu echekwala ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ na-adịghị nsọ nʼelu ya, maọbụ aja nsure ọkụ, maọbụ aja ihe oriri, unu awụpụla onyinye ihe ọṅụṅụ nʼelu ya.
Ye schulen not offre theronne encense of other makyng, nethir offryng, and slayn sacrifice, nether ye schulen offre fletynge offryngis thereonne.
10 Otu ugbo nʼafọ Erọn ga-ekpuchi mmehie nʼelu mpi ya. Mmemme mkpuchi mmehie a nke a na-eme otu ugbo nʼafọ, aghaghị ịbụ nke e ji ọbara nke si nʼaja a chụrụ nʼihi mkpuchi mmehie, nʼihi ọgbọ niile nke na-abịa. A ga na-edo ebe ịchụ aja nsọ otu a. Nke a bụ ebe dịkarịsịrị nsọ nye Onyenwe anyị.”
And Aaron schal preie on the corneres therof onis bi the yeer, in the blood which is offrid for synne, and he schal plese theronne in youre generaciouns; it schal be the hooli of hooli thingis to the Lord.
11 Mgbe nke a gasịrị, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
And the Lord spak to Moises,
12 “Mgbe ọbụla a gụrụ mmadụ ọnụ, onye Izrel ọbụla ga-akwụ Onyenwe anyị ụgwọ o ji gbara mkpụrụobi ya. Nke a dị mkpa, ka ihe otiti ọbụla ghara ịbịakwasị ha mgbe ị ga-agụ ha ọnụ.
and seide, Whanne thou schalt take the summe of the sones of Israel, alle bi hem silf schulen yyue `bi the noumbre prijs for her soulis to the Lord, and veniaunce schal not be in hem, whanne thei ben noumbrid.
13 Ihe onye a gụrụ ọnụ ga-akwụ bụ ọkara shekel, dịka shekel nke ebe nsọ si dị. Ọkara shekel bụ iri gera abụọ. Ọkara shekel a bụ onyinye nye Onyenwe anyị.
Sotheli ech that passith to the name, schal yyue this, half a sicle bi the mesure of the temple; a sicle hath twenti halpens; the myddil part of a cicle schal be offrid to the Lord.
14 Ndị kwesiri inye onyinye a bụ ndị niile gbara iri afọ abụọ gbagoo. Ọ bụ ndị a kwesiri inye Onyenwe anyị onyinye a.
He that is hadde in noumbre, fro twenti yeer and aboue,
15 Ndị ọgaranya agaghị enye karịa ọkara shekel. Otu a kwa ndị ogbenye agaghị enye ihe dị ntakịrị karịa ọkara shekel. Nʼihi na onyinye a bụ onyinye unu na-enye Onyenwe anyị maka ikpuchiri mkpụrụobi unu mmehie.
schal yyue prijs; a riche man schal not adde to the myddil of cicle, and a pore man schal no thing abate.
16 Nabata ego niile ndị a site nʼaka ụmụ Izrel, ma jiri ya jee ozi dị nʼụlọ nzute. Ihe onyinye a ga-eme bụ ịkpọtụ uche Onyenwe anyị nʼebe unu nọ nʼihi mkpuchi mmehie maka ndụ unu.”
And thou schalt bitake in to vsis of the tabernacle of witnessyng the money takun, which is gaderid of the sones of Israel, that it be the mynde of hem bifor the Lord, and he schal be merciful to `the soulis of hem.
17 Ọzọkwa, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị,
And the Lord spak to Moises,
18 “Jiri bronz kpụọ efere ukwu na ihe ndọkwasị ya, maka ịsa ihe. Wụnye mmiri nʼime ya, dọsa ya nʼetiti ụlọ nzute na ebe ịchụ aja.
and seide, Also thou schalt make a greet vessil of bras with his foundement to waische, and thou schalt sette it bitwixe the tabernacle of witnessyng and the auter `of brent sacrifices; and whanne watir is put therynne,
19 Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom ga na-asa ụkwụ na aka ha site na ya.
Aaron and hise sones schulen waische therynne her hondis and feet,
20 Mgbe ọbụla ha na-aba nʼụlọ nzute ahụ, ha ga-eji mmiri saa onwe ka ha ghara ịnwụ. Ọzọkwa, mgbe ha na-abịaru nso nʼebe ịchụ aja, maka ije ozi iche onyinye nʼihu Onyenwe anyị site nʼọkụ,
whanne thei schulen entre in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, and whanne thei schulen neiye to the auter that thei offre therynne encense to the Lord,
21 ha ga-asa aka ha na ụkwụ ha, ka ha ghara ịnwụ. Nke a ga-abụ ụkpụrụ dịrị Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.”
lest perauenture thei dien; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastinge to hym and to his seed bi successiouns.
22 Ọzọkwa, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
And the Lord spak to Moises,
23 “Were eso osisi na-esi isi ụtọ ndị a dị iche iche: máá, nke ọtụtụ ya ruru kilo isii, na ihe ruru kilo sinamọn abụọ na ụma itoolu, na kilo kalamus atọ,
and seide, Take to thee swete smellynge spiceries, of the firste and chosun myrre, fyue hundrid siclis; and of canel the half, that is, twei hundrid and fifti siclis;
24 na kilo kashia isii, na lita anọ na ụma asatọ nke mmanụ oliv, dịka ọtụtụ shekel ebe nsọ ahụ si dị.
in lijk maner of calamy twei hundrid and fifti siclis; also of casia fyue hundrid siclis, in the weiyte of seyntuarie; oile of olyue trees, the mesure hyn;
25 Ị ga-eji ya mepụta mmanụ nsọ, nke dị nsọ, nke a gwakọtara nke ọma dịka nke onye na-eme mmanụ na-esi isi ụtọ mere. Ọ ga-abụ mmanụ otite dị nsọ.
and thou schalt make the hooly oile of anoyntyng, an oynement maad bi the werk of a `makere of oynement.
26 Ị ga-ewere mmanụ ahụ tee ụlọ nzute ahụ niile na igbe iwu ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ,
And thou schal anoynte therof the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the ark of testament, and the boord with hise vessels,
27 na tebul ahụ, na ngwongwo ya niile, na nʼihe ịdọsa oriọna, na nʼihe niile dị ya nʼahụ, na nʼebe ịdọsa ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ,
the candilstike, and the purtenaunces therof, the auteris of encense,
28 na nʼebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ, na ngwongwo ya niile, na nʼite ịsa ụkwụ na aka, na nʼebe a na-adọba ya.
and of brent sacrifice, and al the purtenaunce, that perteyneth to the ournyng of tho.
29 Ị ga-edo ha nsọ, ka ha bụrụ ihe dịkarịrị nsọ. Ihe ọbụla metụrụ ha ahụ ga-adịkwa nsọ.
And thou schalt halewe alle thingis, and tho schulen be the hooli of holi thingis; he that schal touche tho, schal be halewid.
30 “Ị ga-eji mmanụ otite a tee Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom. Ha niile ga-adịkwa nsọ, bụrụ ndị na-ejere m ozi dịka ndị nchụaja.
Thou schalt anoynte Aaron, and hise sones, and thou schalt halewe hem, that thei be set in presthod to me.
31 Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Nke a bụ mmanụ nsọ m, nke dị nsọ site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.
And thou schalt seie to the sones of Israel, This oile of anoyntyng schal be hooli to me in to youre generaciouns.
32 Agaghị awụsa ya nʼahụ mmadụ. O nwekwaghị onye kwesiri imepụta mmanụ otite dị otu a. Ọ dị nsọ, unu kwesikwara ido ya nsọ.
The fleisch of man schal not be anoyntid therof, and bi the makyng therof ye schulen not make another, for it is halewid, and it schal be hooli to you.
33 A ga-esite nʼetiti ndị m wezuga onye ọbụla mere ụdị mmanụ isi ọma a, maọbụ tee ya onye na-abụghị onye nchụaja m.’”
What euer man makith sich oile, and yyueth therof to an alien, he schal be `destried fro his puple.
34 Mgbe ahụ Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị, “Were ụda na-esi isi ụtọ, dịka eso osisi stakit, na ọnyịcha, na galbanọm, na ezigbo frankisens a na-agwaghị ihe, nke ọtụtụ ha niile ga-abụ otu ihe.
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Take to thee swete smellynge spyceries, stacten, and onyca, galban of good odour, and pureste encense, alle schulen be of euene weiyte.
35 Mee ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ, nke a gwakọtara nke ọma, bụ ọrụ onye na-eme mmanụ isi ụtọ. Tinyekwa ya nnu, ka ọ bụrụ ihe nsure ọkụ a nụchara anụcha, nke dịkwa nsọ.
And thou schal make encence, maad by werk of oynement makere, meddlid diligentli, and pure, and moost worthi of halewyng.
36 Gwerie ụfọdụ nʼime ya ka ọ dịka uzuzu. Wụsa ya nʼihu igbe iwu ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ nʼime ụlọ nzute, ebe m ga-ezute gị. Ọ ga-abụ ihe dịkarịsịrị nsọ nye unu.
And whanne thou hast powned alle thingis in to smalleste poudre, thou schalt putte therof bifor the tabernacle of witnessyng, in which place Y schal appere to thee; encense schal be to you the hooli of hooli thingis.
37 Unu emerela onwe unu nke dịka ọtụtụ ụdị ihe nsure ọkụ a. Hụta ya ka ihe dị nsọ nʼebe Onyenwe anyị nọ.
Ye schulen not make siche a makyng in to youre vsis, for it is hooli to the Lord.
38 Onye ọbụla meere onwe ya ụdị ihe nsure ọkụ a, ịnụ isisi ya, a ga-ekewapụ onye ahụ site nʼetiti ụmụnna ya.”
What euer man makith a lijk thing, that he vse the odour therof, he schal perische fro his puple.

< Ọpụpụ 30 >