< Ọpụpụ 18 >

1 Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, Jetro, nna nwunye Mosis, onye bụkwa onye nchụaja Midia, nụrụ banyere ihe niile Chineke meere Mosis na Izrel ndị nke ya, na ụzọ Onyenwe anyị si napụta Izrel site nʼaka ndị Ijipt.
When Iethro the Priest of Midian Moses father in lawe heard all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and howe the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt,
2 Jetro ọgọ nwoke Mosis kpọọrọ Zipọra, nwunye Mosis, mgbe Mosis chụlara ya
Then Iethro the father in lawe of Moses, tooke Zipporah Moses wife, (after he had sent her away)
3 na ụmụ ya ndị ikom abụọ. Aha nwa ya nke mbụ bụ Geshọm, nke pụtara, abụ m ọbịa na mba ọzọ.
And her two sonnes, (whereof the one was called Gershom: for he sayd, I haue bene an aliant in a strange land:
4 Aha nwa nwoke nke abụọ bụ Elieza, nke bụ, Onyenwe anyị bụ onye inyeaka m. Nʼihi na mgbe Mosis mụrụ Elieza o kwuru sị, “Chineke nna m bụ onye inyeaka m, nʼihi na ọ napụtara m site na mma agha Fero.”
And the name of the other was Eliezer: for the God of my father, said he, was mine helpe, and deliuered me from the sword of Pharaoh)
5 Jetro, ọgọ nwoke Mosis, bịakwutere ha nʼime ọzara. O dutere ụmụ ndị ikom Mosis abụọ na nwunye Mosis. Nʼoge ahụ, Mosis na ụmụ Izrel mara ụlọ ikwu ha nʼakụkụ ugwu Chineke.
And Iethro Moses father in law came with his two sonnes, and his wife vnto Moses into the wildernes, where he camped by ye mout of God.
6 O ziri Mosis ozi sị, “Mụ bụ Jetro ọgọ gị nwoke bịakwutere gị, nwunye gị na ụmụ gị abụọ sokwa m.”
And he said to Moses, I thy father in law Iethro am come to thee, and thy wife and her two sonnes with her.
7 Nʼihi ya, Mosis gara zute ọgọ ya nwoke, kpọọ isiala nye ọgọ ya, sutu ya ọnụ. Emesịa, ọ kpọbatara ha nʼime ụlọ ikwu ya. Jetro na ọgọ ya Mosis kwurịtara okwu, jụọ ihe banyere otu ihe si agara ibe ha.
And Moses went out to meete his father in law, and did obeisance and kissed him, and eche asked other of his welfare: and they came into the tent.
8 Mosis kọọrọ nna nwunye ya ihe niile Onyenwe anyị mere Fero na ndị Ijipt niile nʼihi ndị Izrel. Ọ kọkwaara ya banyere ihe ndakwasị niile dakwasịrị ha nʼime ọzara, na otu Onyenwe anyị si napụta ha.
Then Moses told his father in law all that the Lord had done vnto Pharaoh, and to the Egyptians for Israels sake, and all the trauaile that had come vnto them by the way, and howe the Lord deliuered them.
9 Jetro soro Mosis ṅụrịa ọṅụ nke ukwuu nʼihi ihe niile Onyenwe anyị meere ndị Izrel, na otu o siri napụta ha site nʼaka ndị Ijipt.
And Iethro reioyced at all the goodnesse, which the Lord had shewed to Israel, and because he had deliuered them out of the hande of the Egyptians.
10 Jetro kwuru sị, “Onye a gọziri agọzi ka Onyenwe anyị bụ. Onye napụtara unu site nʼaka ndị Ijipt na site nʼaka Fero.
Therfore Iethro sayd, Blessed be the Lord who hath deliuered you out of the hande of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh: who hath also deliuered the people from vnder the hand of the Egyptians.
11 Ugbu a, amaara m na Onyenwe anyị kachasị chi ndị ọzọ niile elu, nʼihi na ọ zọpụtara ndị ya site nʼaka ndị Ijipt ndị sitere na mpako ha meso Izrel mmeso.”
Now I know that the Lord is greater then all the gods: for as they haue dealt proudly with them, so are they recompensed.
12 Jetro, nna nwunye Mosis chụọrọ Chineke aja nsure ọkụ na aja ndị ọzọ. Emesịa, Erọn na ndị okenye Izrel bịara soro Mosis na ọgọ ya nwoke rie ihe nʼihu Chineke.
Then Iethro Moses father in lawe tooke burnt offerings and sacrifices to offer vnto God. And Aaron and all the Elders of Israel came to eat bread with Moses father in law before God.
13 Nʼụbọchị nke ọzọ ya, Mosis bịara nọdụ ala ikpere ndị mmadụ ikpe. Igwe mmadụ nọgidere Mosis site nʼụtụtụ ruo nʼanyasị.
Now on the morow, when Moses sate to iudge the people, the people stoode about Moses from morning vnto euen.
14 Ọgọ Mosis hụrụ ihe niile ọ na-emere ndị mmadụ, nke a mere na ọ jụrụ, “Gịnị bụ ihe nke a ị na-emere ndị a? Gịnị mere i ji nọdụ ala naanị gị, ndị a niile gbaa gị gburugburu malite nʼụtụtụ ruo nʼanyasị?”
And when Moses father in law saw all that he did to the people, he sayde, What is this that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thy selfe alone, and all the people stande about thee from morning vnto euen?
15 Mosis zara nna nwunye ya sị, “Nʼihi na ha bịara ịjụta m ihe si nʼaka Chineke.
And Moses sayd vnto his father in law, Because the people come vnto me to seeke God.
16 Ọ bụrụ na esemokwu adịrị nʼetiti mmadụ ọbụla na ibe ya, ha na-abịakwute m, ka m kpebie ihe dị nʼetiti mmadụ na ibe ya. Ana m eme ka ha mata iwu na ụkpụrụ Chineke.”
When they haue a matter, they come vnto me, and I iudge betweene one and another, and declare the ordinances of God, and his lawes.
17 Mgbe Jetro, nna nwunye Mosis, nụrụ ihe ndị a niile, ọ sịrị Mosis, “Ihe ị na-eme adịghị mma.
But Moses father in law said vnto him, The thing which thou doest, is not well.
18 Ike ga-agwụ gị, gwụkwa igwe mmadụ ndị a. Ọrụ a ị na-arụ dị ukwuu karịa gị. Naanị gị agaghị ebuli ya.
Thou both weariest thy selfe greatly, and this people that is with thee: for the thing is too heauie for thee: thou art not able to doe it thy selfe alone.
19 Ugbu a, gee m ntị. M ga-adụ gị ọdụ, ka Chineke nọnyekwara gị. Ọ ga-adị mma ma ọ bụrụ na ị bụ onye na-anọchi anya ndị a nʼihu Chineke. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, i nwere ike iweta nsogbu niile ha nwere nʼihu Chineke.
Heare nowe my voyce, (I will giue thee counsell, and God shalbe with thee) be thou for the people to Godwarde, and report thou the causes vnto God,
20 Ihe ọzọ ị ga-eme bụ nke a: ị ga-akụziri ha iwu na ụkpụrụ Chineke, gosikwa ha ụzọ ha ga-esi bie ndụ, na ọrụ ha kwesiri ịrụ.
And admonish them of the ordinances, and of the lawes, and shew them the way, wherein they must walke, and the worke that they must do.
21 Ma site nʼetiti ndị a họpụta ndị ikom tozuru, ndị ikom na-atụ egwu Chineke, ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi na ndị kpọrọ uru nʼezighị ezi asị. Mee ha ndịisi na-achị imerime puku ndị mmadụ, ndịisi narị mmadụ, ndịisi iri mmadụ ise na ndịisi mmadụ iri.
Moreouer, prouide thou among al the people men of courage, fearing God, men dealing truely, hating couetousnesse: and appoynt such ouer them to be rulers ouer thousandes, rulers ouer hundreths, rulers ouer fifties, and rulers ouer tennes.
22 Mee ka ha bụrụ ndị ikpe nye ndị mmadụ oge niile. Nye iwu ka ha na-ewetara gị okwu dịkarịsịrị ike, ma na-ekpe ikpe gbasara okwu dị mfe na ndị ọzọ niile dị iche iche. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ndị ikpe ndị ahụ ga-enyere gị aka ime ka ibu arọ gị dị mfe.
And let them iudge the people at all seasons: but euery great matter let them bring vnto thee, and let them iudge all small causes: so shall it be easier for thee, when they shall beare the burden with thee.
23 Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-eme ihe niile ndị a, ọ bụrụkwa na Chineke ekwenye, ị ga-enwe ike nagide nsogbu niile. Mmadụ niile ga-ewere udo na ọṅụ birikwa.”
If thou do this thing, (and God so command thee) both thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go quietly to their place.
24 Mosis gere ntị nʼihe niile nna nwunye ya gwara ya. O mekwara ihe niile o kwuru.
So Moses obeyed the voyce of his father in law, and did all that he had sayd:
25 O sitere nʼetiti ụmụ Izrel họpụta ndị kwesiri ekwesi mee ka ha bụrụ ndịisi. Ụfọdụ ka o mere ndịisi na-elekọta imerime puku mmadụ, ụfọdụ na-achị narị mmadụ, ụfọdụ, iri mmadụ ise, ụfọdụ, mmadụ iri.
And Moses chose men of courage out of all Israel, and made them heads ouer the people, rulers ouer thousandes, rulers ouer hundreths, rulers ouer fifties, and rulers ouer tennes.
26 Ha jere ozi dịka ndị ikpe nye ndị mmadụ nʼoge niile. Ha na-ewetara Mosis okwu niile siri ike, ma ha onwe ha na-ekpe ikpe banyere okwu nke dịkarịsịrị nta.
And they iudged the people at all seasons, but they brought the hard causes vnto Moses: for they iudged all small matters themselues.
27 Mgbe ahụ, Mosis zilagara nna nwunye ya. Jetro laghachikwara nʼobodo nke aka ya.
Afterward Moses let his father in law depart, and he went into his countrey.

< Ọpụpụ 18 >