< Ọpụpụ 13 >

1 Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị,
And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, saying,
2 “Dooro m nsọ onye ọbụla bụ ọkpara, onye ọbụla e bụ ụzọ mụọ nʼetiti ụmụ Izrel, na nʼetiti mmadụ ma nʼetiti anụ ụlọ, nke m ka ọ bụ.”
'Sanctify to Me every first-born, opening any womb among the sons of Israel, among man and among beast; it [is] Mine.'
3 Mosis gwara ndị Izrel sị, “Chetanụ ụbọchị taa, ụbọchị unu si nʼala Ijipt pụta, ala ebe unu bụ ndị ohu, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị sitere nʼike aka ya dị ukwu kpọpụta unu site nʼebe ahụ. Unu erikwala achịcha ọbụla e ji ihe na-eko achịcha mee.
And Moses saith unto the people, 'Remember this day [in] which ye have gone out from Egypt, from the house of servants, for by strength of hand hath Jehovah brought you out from this, and any thing fermented is not eaten;
4 Taa, nʼọnwa Abib, bụ ụbọchị unu na-ahapụ ala Ijipt.
To-day ye are going out, in the month of Abib.
5 Mgbe Onyenwe anyị dubatara unu nʼala ndị Kenan, ndị Het, ndị Amọrait, ndị Hiv na ndị Jebus bi nʼime ya, bụ ala ahụ ọ ṅụrụ nʼiyi nye nna nna unu ha na ọ ga-enye unu, ala mmiri ara ehi na mmanụ aṅụ na-eru na ya, unu ga-eme ofufe mmemme a nʼọnwa a.
'And it hath been, when Jehovah bringeth thee in unto the land of the Canaanite, and of the Hittite, and of the Amorite, and of the Hivite, and of the Jebusite, which He hath sworn to thy fathers to give to thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, that thou hast done this service in this month.
6 Unu ga-eri achịcha na-ekoghị eko ụbọchị asaa ahụ. Nʼụbọchị nke ikpeazụ nʼime ụbọchị asaa ahụ, unu ga-eme mmemme oke oriri nʼihu Onyenwe anyị.
'Seven days thou dost eat unleavened things, and in the seventh day [is] a feast to Jehovah;
7 Rienụ achịcha na-ekoghị eko nʼime ụbọchị asaa ndị ahụ. Achịcha e ji ihe na-eko achịcha mee agaghị adị nʼụlọ unu. Achịcha e ji ihe na-eko achịcha mee agaghị adị nʼoke ala unu niile.
unleavened things are eaten the seven days, and any thing fermented is not seen with thee; yea, leaven is not seen with thee in all thy border.
8 Nʼoge ọbụla ị na-eme mmemme a, kọwaara nwa gị nwoke ihe kpatara i ji eme mmemme a, si ya, ‘Ana m eme mmemme a maka icheta ihe Onyenwe anyị meere m, mgbe m si nʼIjipt pụta.’
'And thou hast declared to thy son in that day, saying, '[It is] because of what Jehovah did to me, in my going out from Egypt,
9 Imezu mmemme a ga-adịrị unu dịka ihe ịrịbama nʼala unu, dịrịkwa ka ihe ngosi nʼegedege ihu unu, ichetara unu na Onyenwe anyị ji aka ike ya dupụta anyị site nʼala Ijipt.
and it hath been to thee for a sign on thy hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, so that the law of Jehovah is in thy mouth, for by a strong hand hath Jehovah brought thee out from Egypt;
10 Unu ga na-eme mmemme a nʼoge a kara aka nʼafọ ọbụla.
and thou hast kept this statute at its appointed season from days to days.
11 “Mgbe Onyenwe anyị dubatara unu nʼala ndị Kenan, nyefee unu ala ahụ dịka ọ ṅụrụ nʼiyi nye nna nna unu ha,
'And it hath been, when Jehovah bringeth thee in unto the land of the Canaanite, as He hath sworn to thee and to thy fathers, and hath given it to thee,
12 unu ga-enyefe Onyenwe anyị ụmụ ndị ikom unu niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ. Ọzọ, ụmụ oke anụ ụlọ niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ bụ nke Onyenwe anyị.
that thou hast caused every one opening a womb to pass over to Jehovah, and every firstling — the increase of beasts which thou hast: the males [are] Jehovah's.
13 Jiri nwa atụrụ gbapụta nwa ịnyịnya ibu mbụ e bụ ụzọ mụọ. Ọ bụrụ na unu achọghị ịgbara nwa ịnyịnya ibu ahụ, unu aghaghị ịgbaji ya olu. Ma unu aghaghị ịgbara ụmụ ndị ikom niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ.
'And every firstling of an ass thou dost ransom with a lamb, and if thou dost not ransom [it], then thou hast beheaded it: and every first-born of man among thy sons thou dost ransom.
14 “Nʼoge dị nʼihu, mgbe nwa gị nwoke ga-ajụ gị sị, ‘Gịnị ka ihe ndị a pụtara?’ Ị ga-azaghachi ya sị, ‘Onyenwe anyị jiri aka ike dị ukwu dupụta anyị site nʼIjipt, site nʼala nke ohu.
'And it hath been, when thy son asketh thee hereafter, saying, What [is] this? that thou hast said unto him, By strength of hand hath Jehovah brought us out from Egypt, from a house of servants;
15 Mgbe Fero mesiri obi ya ike, jụ ka anyị si nʼala ya pụọ, Onyenwe anyị gburu ụmụ ndị ikom niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ nʼala Ijipt, ma mmadụ ma anụ ụlọ. Nʼihi ya, ana m eji ụmụ oke anụ ụlọ niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ achụ aja nye Onyenwe anyị. Ma ụmụ m ndị ikom niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ ka m na-agbapụta.’
yea, it cometh to pass, when Pharaoh hath been pained to send us away, that Jehovah doth slay every first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of man even unto the first-born of beast; therefore I am sacrificing to Jehovah all opening a womb who [are] males, and every first-born of my sons I ransom;
16 Mmemme a ga-adị ka ihe ịrịbama nʼanya unu, dịrịkwa ka ihe ngosi nʼegedege ihu unu, ichetara unu na Onyenwe anyị ji aka ike ya dupụta anyị site nʼala Ijipt.”
and it hath been for a token on thy hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes, for by strength of hand hath Jehovah brought us out of Egypt.'
17 Mgbe Fero mesịrị kwere ka ụmụ Izrel laa, Chineke edughị ha site nʼụzọ ahụ gafere ala ndị Filistia. Ọ bụ ezie na ụzọ ahụ dị nso karịa. Chineke mere nke a nʼihi na o chere nʼobi ya sị, “Ọ bụrụ na ndị a ezute agha, ha nwere ike ịgbanwe obi ha tụgharịa ịlaghachi azụ nʼIjipt.”
And it cometh to pass in Pharaoh's sending the people away, that God hath not led them the way of the land of the Philistines, for it [is] near; for God said, 'Lest the people repent in their seeing war, and have turned back towards Egypt;'
18 Ya mere, Chineke duuru ha ga nʼụzọ Osimiri Uhie, nke gara nʼụzọ nke ọzara. Ụmụ Izrel kwadokwara akwado ibu agha mgbe ha si nʼala Ijipt pụọ.
and God turneth round the people the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea, and by fifties have the sons of Israel gone up from the land of Egypt.
19 Mosis buuru ọkpụkpụ Josef mgbe ha na-ala. Nʼihi na o mere ka ụmụ Izrel ṅụọ iyi na ha ga-eme otu a, na-asị, “Chineke ga-eleta unu nʼezie, mgbe ahụ, unu aghaghị iburu ọkpụkpụ m si nʼebe a pụọ.”
And Moses taketh the bones of Joseph with him, for he certainly caused the sons of Israel to swear, saying, 'God doth certainly inspect you, and ye have brought up my bones from this with you.'
20 Ha si Sukọt bilie ije, maa ụlọ ikwu ha na Etam, na nsọtụ ọzara.
And they journey from Succoth, and encamp in Etham at the extremity of the wilderness,
21 Onyenwe anyị ji ogidi igwe ojii na-eje nʼihu ha nʼehihie, idu ha nʼụzọ ha niile. Nʼabalị, o ji ogidi ọkụ, inye ha ìhè ka ha nwee ike ịga njem nʼehihie nakwa nʼabalị.
and Jehovah is going before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them in the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give light to them, to go by day and by night;
22 Ma ogidi igwe ojii nʼehihie na ogidi ọkụ ahụ nʼabalị, ọ dịghị nke hapụrụ ọnọdụ ya nʼihu ha.
He removeth not the pillar of the cloud by day, and the pillar of the fire by night, [from] before the people.

< Ọpụpụ 13 >