< Esta 7 >

1 Eze na Heman gara iri oriri ahụ Esta nwunye eze kpọrọ ha,
Therfor the kyng and Aaman entriden to the feeste, to drynke with the queen.
2 mgbe ha nọ na-aṅụ mmanya, nʼụbọchị nke abụọ ahụ, eze jụrụ Esta ajụjụ sị, “Gịnị bụ arịrịọ gị, Esta, eze nwanyị? Gịnị ka ị chọrọ? Ihe ọbụla ọ bụ, aga m enye gị ya, ọ bụladị otu ọkara alaeze m.”
And the kyng seide to hir, yhe, in the secounde dai, aftir that he was hoot of the wiyn, Hester, what is thin axyng, that it be youun to thee, and what wolt thou be doon? Yhe, thouy thou axist the half part of my rewme, thou schalt gete.
3 Nʼikpeazụ, Esta nwunye eze zara sị, “Eze biko, ọ bụrụ na m ahụtala amara nʼihu gị, ọ bụrụkwa na ọ masịrị gị, zọpụta ndụ m na ndụ ndị m.
To whom sche answeride, A! king, if Y haue founde grace in thin iyen, and if it plesith thee, yyue thou my lijf to me, for which Y preie, and my puple, for which Y biseche.
4 Nʼihi na mụ na ndị m abụrụla ndị erere ere nʼaka ndị ga-ala anyị nʼiyi. Anyị abụrụla ndị a ga-egbu, na ndị aghaghị ịla nʼiyi. A sị na e rere anyị dịka ndị ohu nwoke na nwanyị, agaara m agba nkịtị, hapụ inye gị nsogbu, ma nʼihi nʼọdịghị ihe ga-akwụ ụgwọ isogbu eze.”
For Y and my puple ben youun, that we be defoulid, and stranglid, and that we perische; `and Y wolde, that we weren seeld in to seruauntis and seruauntessis, `and the yuel `were suffrable, and Y `were stille weilynge; but now oure enemy is, whos cruelte turneth `in to the kyng.
5 Eze, bụ Sekses, jụrụ Esta, bụ nwunye eze, “Onye ka mmadụ ahụ bụ, olee ebe ọ nọ, bụ onye na-ezube ime ihe ọjọọ dị otu a?”
And kyng Assuerus answeride, and seide, Who is this, and of what power, that he be hardi to do these thingis?
6 Esta zara, “Ọ bụ onye iro na onye mmegide. Ọ bụ Heman, nwoke ọjọọ a!” Mgbe ahụ, ụjọ dị ukwu jidere Heman nʼihu eze na nwunye eze.
And Hester seide, Oure worste aduersarie and enemy is this Aaman. Which thing he herde, and was astonyde anoon, and `suffride not to bere the semelaunt of the kyng and of the queen.
7 Eze biliri ọtọ nʼiwe, hapụ mmanya ya site nʼebe oriri ahụ pụọ, gaa nʼime ubi ya a gbara ogige dị nʼụlọeze. Ma Heman nọdụrụ ịrịọ eze nwanyị, bụ Esta arịrịọ maka ndụ ya, nʼihi na ọ maara na eze ekpebiela ịla ndụ ya nʼiyi.
Forsothe the kyng roos wrooth, and fro the place of the feeste he entride in to a gardyn biset with trees. And Aaman roos for to preie Hester, the queen, for his lijf; for he vndurstood yuel maad redi of the kyng to hym.
8 Mgbe eze sitere nʼubi a gbara ogige lọghachita nʼụlọ oriri ahụ, lee ka Heman tụrụ onwe ya nʼelu oche ahụ Esta na-adabere nʼelu ya. Eze sịrị, “Ọ chọrọ iwedakwa nwunye eze nʼala nʼihu m nʼụlọ m?” Ngwangwa okwu a si nʼọnụ eze pụta, ha kpuchiri Heman akwa nʼihu.
And whanne the kyng turnede ayen fro the gardyn `biset with wode, and hadde entrid in to the place of feeste he foond that Aaman felde doun on the bed, wherynne Hester lai. And the king seide, `Also he wole oppresse the queen, while Y am present, in myn hows. The word was not yit goon out of the kyngis mouth, and anoon thei hiliden his face.
9 Mgbe ahụ kwa, Habona otu nʼime ndị ozi eze gwara eze sị, “Onyenwe m, lee na Heman enyela iwu ka a kwadoo osisi nke ịdị elu ya bụ iri mita abụọ na atọ, ebe ọ chọrọrị ịnọ kwụgbuo Mọdekai, nwoke ahụ mere ka a ghara igbu eze. Osisi ahụ guzokwa ugbu a nʼihu ụlọ Heman.” Eze sịrị, “Kwụgbuonụ ya nʼosisi ahụ!”
And Arbona seide, oon of the onest seruauntis and chast, that stoden in the seruyce of the kyng, Lo! the tre hauynge fifti cubitis of heiythe stondith in the hows of Aaman, which tre he hadde maad redi to Mardochee, that spak for the kyng. To whom the kyng seide, Hange ye Aaman in that tre.
10 Ya mere, ha kwụgburu Heman nʼosisi ahụ ọ kwadoro maka Mọdekai. Iwe eze dajụkwara.
Therfor Aaman was hangid in the iebat, which he hadde maad redi to Mardochee, and the ire of the kyng restide.

< Esta 7 >