< Ndị Efesọs 6 >

1 Ụmụ, ruberenụ ndị mụrụ unu isi nʼihi na nke a ziri ezi nʼime Onyenwe anyị.
Sones, obeische ye to youre fadir and modir, in the Lord; for this thing is riytful.
2 “Sọpụrụ nne gị na nna gị,” nʼihi na nke a bụ iwu mbụ nke nwere nkwa so ya.
Onoure thou thi fadir and thi modir, that is the firste maundement in biheest;
3 “Ka ihe nwe ike na-agara gị nke ọma, ka ị biekwa ogologo ndụ nʼelu ụwa.”
that it be wel to thee, and that thou be long lyuynge on the erthe.
4 Ndị bụ nna, unu akpasukwala ụmụ unu iwe kama zụlitenụ ha nʼọzụzụ na nʼozizi nke Onyenwe anyị.
And, fadris, nyle ye terre youre sones to wraththe; but nurische ye hem in the teching and chastising of the Lord.
5 Ndị bụ ohu ruberenụ ndị nwee unu isi. Jirinụ nsọpụrụ na egwu na obi ọcha jeere ha ozi dị ka a ga-asị na ọ bụ Kraịst ka unu na-ejere ozi ahụ.
Seruauntis, obeische ye to fleischli lordis with drede and trembling, in simplenesse of youre herte, as to Crist;
6 Ruberenụ ha isi, ọ bụghị naanị ka unu nata ihuọma ha mgbe ha nọ na-ele unu anya, kama dị ka ndị ohu Kraịst, ndị na-eme uche Chineke site nʼobi ha.
not seruynge at the iye, as plesinge to men, but as seruauntis of Crist; doynge the wille of God bi discrecioun,
7 Jirinụ ọṅụ na ihuọma rụọ ọrụ unu dị ka ọ bụ Onyenwe anyị ka unu na-arụrụ ya, ọ bụghị mmadụ.
with good wille seruynge as to the Lord, and not as to men;
8 Nʼihi na unu maara na Onyenwe anyị ga-akwụghachi onye ọbụla maka ihe ọma ọbụla ha mere, ma ha bụ ohu maọbụ ndị nweere onwe ha.
witinge that ech man, what euere good thing he schal do, he schal resseyue this of the Lord, whether seruaunt, whether fre man.
9 Ndị a na-ejere ozi, mesonụ ndị na-ejere unu ozi mmeso nʼụzọ dị otu a. Abarala ha mba, nʼihi na ị matara na unu nwere naanị otu Nna ukwu nọ nʼeluigwe. Ile mmadụ anya nʼihu adịghịkwa nʼebe ọ nọ.
And, ye lordis, do the same thingis to hem, foryyuynge manaasis; witinge that bothe her Lord and youre is in heuenes, and the taking of persones is not anentis God.
10 Nʼikpeazụ, dịnụ ike nʼime Onyenwe anyị na nʼime ike ya dị ukwuu.
Her aftirward, britheren, be ye coumfortid in the Lord, and in the miyt of his vertu.
11 Yikwasịnụ ngwa agha niile Chineke ka unu nwee ike iguzosi ike megide nzube ọjọọ niile nke ekwensu.
Clothe you with the armere of God, that ye moun stonde ayens aspiynges of the deuel.
12 Nʼihi na ndị anyị na-alụso ọgụ abụghị ndị mmadụ efu nwere anụ ahụ na ọbara, kama ọ bụ megide ndịisi ha niile, megide ịchị isi niile, megide ike usuu mmụọ ọjọọ nke ike ụwa ọchịchịrị a, megidekwa mmụọ ajọ ihe niile nọ nʼebe dị elu nke eluigwe. (aiōn g165)
For whi stryuyng is not to vs ayens fleisch and blood, but ayens princis and potestatis, ayens gouernours of the world of these derknessis, ayens spiritual thingis of wickidnesse, in heuenli thingis. (aiōn g165)
13 Ya mere, yikwasịnụ ngwa agha niile nke Chineke ka unu nwee ike iguzosi ike mgbe onye iro ahụ ga-alụso unu ọgụ. Ka unu nweekwa ike iguzo ọ bụladị mgbe unu chụghachiri ha azụ.
Therfor take ye the armere of God, that ye moun ayenstonde in the yuel dai; and in alle thingis stonde perfit.
14 Meenụ ka eziokwu dịrị unu dị ka eriri akwa nke a na-eji ekesi akwa ike, ezi omume bụrụkwa ihe dị mkpa dị ka ihe agha unu ji ekpuchi obi unu.
Therfor stonde ye, and be gird aboute youre leendis in sothefastnesse, and clothid with the haburioun of riytwisnesse,
15 Werenụ njikere nke ikwusa oziọma nke udo yikwasị dị ka akpụkpọ nʼụkwụ unu.
and youre feet schood in making redi of the gospel of pees.
16 Mgbe niile, unu echefula ijide okwukwe unu dị ka ọta nke unu ga-eji kụchapụ àkụ niile na-enwu ọkụ nke ajọ onye ahụ ga-agba nʼebe unu nọ.
In alle thingis take ye the scheld of feith, in which ye moun quenche alle the firy dartis of `the worste.
17 Nabatanụ nzọpụta dị ka okpu igwe, werekwanụ okwu Chineke dị ka mma agha nke Mmụọ Nsọ na-enye unu.
And take ye the helm of helthe, and the swerd of the Goost, that is, the word of God.
18 Ma kpeenụ ekpere nʼime Mmụọ nʼoge niile na ụdị ekpere na arịrịọ niile. Nọọnụ na njikere mgbe niile ma nọgidekwanụ na-ekpere ndị nsọ niile ekpere oge niile.
Bi al preier and bisechyng preie ye al tyme in spirit, and in hym wakinge in al bisynesse, and bisechyng for alle hooli men, and for me;
19 Na-echetakwanụ m nʼekpere, ka e nye m ike nke mkwuwa okwu, m ga-eji na-ekwupụta ihe omimi nke oziọma na-atụghị egwu ọbụla,
that word be youun to me in openyng of my mouth, with trist to make knowun the mysterie of the gospel,
20 nke m ji maka ya bụrụ onye nnọchite anya nọ na mkpọrọ. Kperenụ m ekpere ka m kwupụta ya nʼatụghị egwu ọbụla dị ka m kwesiri ikwu.
for which Y am set in message in a chayne; so that in it Y be hardi to speke, as it bihoueth me.
21 Ugbu a, iji mee ka unu mara otu m dị na ihe m na-eme, Taịkikọs, nwanna m hụrụ nʼanya na nwaodibo kwesiri ntụkwasị obi nʼime Onyenwe anyị ga-akọrọ unu ihe niile.
And ye wite, what thingis ben aboute me, what Y do, Titicus, my moost dere brother, and trewe mynystre in the Lord, schal make alle thingis knowun to you;
22 Ana m ezitere ya unu nʼihi nke a, ka o mee ka unu mata ọnọdụ anyị nakwa ka ọ gbaa unu ume.
whom Y sente to you for this same thing, that ye knowe what thingis ben aboute vs, and that he coumforte youre hertis.
23 Ka udo na ịhụnanya, tinyere okwukwe nke sitere na Chineke Nna na Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst dịịrị unu ụmụnna.
Pees to britheren, and charite, with feith of God oure fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist.
24 Ka amara dịnyere ndị niile ji ịhụnanya na-adịghị anwụ anwụ hụ Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst nʼanya.
Grace with alle men that louen oure Lord Jhesu Crist in vncorrupcioun. Amen, `that is, So be it.

< Ndị Efesọs 6 >