< Diuteronomi 9 >

1 Nụrụ, Izrel! Taa ka ị na-aga ịgafe osimiri Jọdan ịbanye ka inweta ala mba ndị dị ukwuu na ndị dị ike karịa gị, inweta obodo ndị dị ukwuu nke nwere mgbidi ha dị elu ruo nʼeluigwe.
Hear, O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fortified up to heaven,
2 Ndị bi nʼime ha bụ ndị Anak, ndị gbara dimkpa, too ogologo nke ukwuu. Ị maara banyere ha. Ị nụkwaala ka e kwuru sị, “Onye pụrụ iguzo onwe ya nʼihu ụmụ Anak?”
A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard it said, Who can stand before the children of Anak!
3 Ma mata taa na Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị bụ onye na-aga nʼihu gị dịka ọkụ na-erepịa erepịa. Ọ ga-ala ha nʼiyi. Ọ bụkwa ya ga-eme ka unu lụgbuo ha, chụpụ ha, bibiekwa ha ngwangwa dịka Onyenwe anyị kwere gị na nkwa.
Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he who goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said to thee.
4 Mgbe Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị sitere nʼihu gị chụpụ ha, asịla onwe gị, “Onyenwe anyị akpọbatala m nʼebe a, ka m nweta ala a nʼihi ezi omume m.” Mba, ọ bụ naanị nʼihi ajọ omume nke mba ndị a bi nʼala ahụ ka Onyenwe anyị ji esite nʼihu gị chụpụ ha.
Speak not thou in thy heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee.
5 Ọ bụghị nʼihi ezi omume gị, maọbụ izi ezi nke obi gị ka ị ga-eji nweta ala ahụ, kama ọ bụ nʼihi ajọ omume nke mba ndị a bi nʼime ya ka Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ga-eji achụpụ ha site nʼihu gị. Ọ na-emekwa ya nʼihi imezu nkwa ahụ o kwere nna nna gị ha bụ Ebraham, Aịzik, na Jekọb.
Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore to thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
6 Ya mere, ghọta ya nke ọma na Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị anaghị enye gị ezi ala a ka inweta ya nʼihi ezi omume gị, nʼihi na unu bụ ndị isiike.
Understand therefore, that the LORD thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness; for thou art a stiffnecked people.
7 Chetakwa nke a ma echefukwala otu i si kpasuo Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị iwe, mgbe mgbe, nʼime ọzara. Site nʼụbọchị ị hapụrụ Ijipt tutu ruo taa, ka ị na-enupu isi nʼebe Onyenwe anyị nọ.
Remember, and forget not, how thou didst provoke the LORD thy God to wrath in the wilderness: from the day that thou didst depart from the land of Egypt, until ye came to this place, ye have been rebellious against the LORD.
8 Unu kpasuru Onyenwe anyị iwe nʼugwu Horeb, ya mere o jiri were iwe laa unu nʼiyi.
Also in Horeb ye provoked the LORD to wrath, so that the LORD was angry with you to have destroyed you.
9 Mgbe m rigooro nʼelu ugwu ahụ ịnata mbadamba nkume ndị ahụ bụ mbadamba nkume ọgbụgba ndụ dị nʼetiti Onyenwe anyị na unu, anọrọ m nʼelu ugwu ahụ iri ụbọchị anọ, ehihie na abalị, ọ dịghị nri m riri, ọ dịghịkwa mmiri m ṅụrụ.
When I went up to the mount to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights, I neither ate bread nor drank water:
10 Onyenwe anyị nyere m mbadamba nkume abụọ ndị ahụ, nke eji mkpịsịaka Chineke dee. Edekwasịrị nʼelu ha iwu niile nke Onyenwe anyị gwara unu nʼugwu ahụ site nʼetiti ọkụ, nʼụbọchị mkpọkọta ahụ.
And the LORD delivered to me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spoke with you in the mount from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.
11 Mgbe iri abalị anọ gwụrụ Onyenwe anyị nyere m mbadamba nkume abụọ ndị ahụ, bụ mbadamba nkume ọgbụgba ndụ.
And it came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that the LORD gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant.
12 Mgbe ahụ ka Onyenwe anyị gwara m sị m, “Rịdata ọsịịsọ, nʼihi na ndị gị, ndị i si nʼIjipt dupụta, emerụọla onwe ha, ha emeela ngwangwa iwezuga onwe ha site nʼiwu m nyere ha. Ha emeerela onwe ha nwa ehi a kpụrụ akpụ, ka ọ bụrụ chi ha.”
And the LORD said to me, Arise, go down quickly from here; for thy people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have corrupted themselves; they are quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image.
13 Onyenwe anyị gwara m sị, “Ahụla m na ndị a bụ ndị isiike nʼezie.
Furthermore the LORD spoke to me, saying, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:
14 Hapụ m, ka m kpochapụ ma hichapụkwa aha ha site nʼokpuru eluigwe. Aga m emekwa gị ka ị ghọọ mba dị ike karịa, dịkwa ọtụtụ nʼọnụọgụgụ karịa ha.”
Let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under heaven: and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater than they.
15 Ya mere, atụgharịrị m malite isi nʼugwu ahụ na-enwu ọkụ rịdata, ejikwa m mbadamba nkume abụọ nke ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ nʼaka m.
So I turned and came down from the mount, and the mount burned with fire: and the two tables of the covenant were in my two hands.
16 Mgbe m lepụrụ anya, ahụrụ m na unu emeela mmehie megide Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu. Unu akpụọlara onwe unu arụsị nʼụdị nwa ehi. Unu esitela nʼịgbaso iwu Onyenwe anyị wezuga onwe unu ọsịịsọ.
And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against the LORD your God, and had made you a molten calf: ye had turned aside quickly from the way which the LORD had commanded you.
17 Mgbe ahụ, ewere m mbadamba nkume abụọ ahụ, tụpụ ha site nʼaka m abụọ, kụrie ha nʼihu unu.
And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and broke them before your eyes.
18 Mgbe ahụ, adara m nʼala ọzọ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị. Iri ụbọchị anọ, ehihie na abalị, erighị m nri maọbụ ṅụọ ihe ọṅụṅụ ọbụla, nʼihi mmehie niile unu mere. Unu mere ihe ọjọọ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị si otu a kpasuo ya iwe nke ukwuu.
And I fell down before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and forty nights: I neither ate bread, nor drank water, because of all your sins which ye sinned, in doing wickedly in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
19 Atụrụ m egwu iwe na ọnụma nke Onyenwe anyị, nʼihi na iwe ya dị ukwuu megide unu ruo na ikpochapụ unu. Ma nʼoge ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gere ntị nʼarịrịọ m.
For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure, with which the LORD was angry with you to destroy you. But the LORD hearkened to me at that time also.
20 Nʼoge ahụ, Erọn nʼonwe ya, nọrọ nʼoke nsogbu, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị were iwe megide ya, chọọ ibibi ya, ma arịọrọ m Onyenwe anyị arịrịọ nʼihi ya.
And the LORD was very angry with Aaron to have destroyed him: and I prayed for Aaron also at the same time.
21 Mgbe ahụ, eweere m ngwa ọrụ mmehie unu, ya bụ nwa ehi ahụ unu kpụrụ, kpọọ ya ọkụ, tipịa ya, gwerie ya nke ọma dịka ntụ, wụnye ntụ ya nʼime mmiri nke si nʼugwu na-asọpụta.
And I took your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with fire, and stamped it, and ground it very small, even until it was as small as dust: and I cast the dust of it into the brook that descended from the mount.
22 Ọzọkwa, unu kpasuru Onyenwe anyị iwe na Tabera, na Masa, ọ bụladị na Kibrọt Hataava.
And at Taberah, and at Massah, and Kibrothhattaavah, ye provoked the LORD to wrath.
23 Mgbe Onyenwe anyị si na Kadesh Banea zipụ unu ọ sị unu, “Gaanụ nweta ala ahụ m nyere unu.” Ma unu nupuru isi nʼiwu Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu nyere unu. Unu ekwenyeghị maọbụ rubere ya isi.
Likewise when the LORD sent you from Kadeshbarnea, saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you; then ye rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God, and ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his voice.
24 Site nʼụbọchị m maara ndị unu bụ, ọ dịbeghị mgbe unu na-enupughị isi nʼebe Onyenwe anyị nọ.
Ye have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
25 Ọ bụ ya mere m jiri daa nʼala nʼihu Onyenwe anyị iri ụbọchị anọ, ehihie na abalị, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị kwuru na ọ ga-ala unu nʼiyi.
Thus I fell down before the LORD forty days and forty nights, as I fell down at the first; because the LORD had said he would destroy you.
26 Ekpere m ekpere nʼoge ahụ nye Onyenwe anyị sị ya, “Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị biko, alala ndị gị nʼiyi, nʼihi na ha bụ ihe nketa gị, bụrụkwa ndị i ji ike aka gị na ebube gị gbapụta site nʼIjipt.
I prayed therefore to the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, destroy not thy people and thy inheritance, which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness, which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
27 Elekwasịla nnupu isi ha na isiike ha anya, kama, cheta nkwa gị, nke i kwere ndị ohu gị, Ebraham, Aịzik, na Jekọb. Biko, agụnyela ndụ ọjọọ ha, na mmehie ha megide ha.
Remember thy servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; look not to the stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin:
28 Ma ọ bụghị otu a, ndị obodo ahụ nke i si na ya kpọpụta anyị ga-asị, ‘Ọ bụ nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị apụghị inye ha ala o kwere ha na nkwa ka o ji laa ha nʼiyi. Nʼihi na ọ kpọrọ ha asị, ka o ji kpọbata ha nʼime ọzara mee ka ha nwụọ nʼebe ahụ.’
Lest the land from which thou hast brought us should say, Because the LORD was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them, and because he hated them, he hath brought them out to slay them in the wilderness.
29 Ma ha bụ ndị gị, ha bụkwa ihe nketa gị. Ha bụ ndị i sitere nʼike gị dị egwu na ike nke aka gị kpọpụta site nʼIjipt.”
Yet they are thy people and thy inheritance, which thou hast brought out by thy mighty power and by thy outstretched arm.

< Diuteronomi 9 >