< Diuteronomi 28 >

1 Ọ bụrụ na i debezuo ma gbasookwa iwu ndị a niile Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị sitere nʼaka m na-enye gị taa, Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ga-eme ka ị ghọọ mba kachasị mba niile nʼụwa elu.
It shall happen, if you shall listen diligently to the LORD your God’s voice, to observe to do all his commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
2 Ngọzị ndị a niile ga-abịakwasị gị, zuo gị ahụ, ma ọ bụrụ na i rubere Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị isi.
All these blessings will come upon you, and overtake you, if you listen to the LORD your God’s voice.
3 Onye a gọziri agọzi ka ị ga-abụ nʼobodo, bụrụkwa onye a gọziri agọzi nʼala ubi.
You shall be blessed in the city, and you shall be blessed in the field.
4 Ihe a gọziri agọzi ka mkpụrụ nke afọ gị ga-abụ na mkpụrụ nke ala ubi gị na mkpụrụ nke anụ ụlọ gị, ụmụ ehi gị mụrụ na ụmụ igwe ewu na atụrụ gị.
You shall be blessed in the fruit of your body, the fruit of your ground, the fruit of your animals, the increase of your livestock, and the young of your flock.
5 Ihe a gọziri agọzi ka abọ gị na ihe i ji agwọ achịcha ga-abụ.
Your basket and your kneading trough shall be blessed.
6 Onye a gọziri agọzi ka ị ga-abụ mgbe ị na-abata na mgbe ị na-apụ apụ.
You shall be blessed when you come in, and you shall be blessed when you go out.
7 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ndị iro ọbụla buliri onwe ha elu imegide gị bụrụ ndị e meriri nʼihu anya gị. Ha ga-esite nʼotu ụzọ buso gị agha, ma ha ga-esite nʼụzọ asaa si nʼihu gị gbalaga.
The LORD will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be struck before you. They will come out against you one way, and will flee before you seven ways.
8 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezipụ ngọzị ya ka ọ dịkwasị nʼelu ọba gị na nʼelu ihe ọbụla i tinyere aka gị. Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ga-agọzi gị nʼala ahụ ọ na-enye gị.
The LORD will command the blessing on you in your barns, and in all that you put your hand to. He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you.
9 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka i guzosie ike dịka ndị nsọ ya, dịka o sitere nʼịṅụ iyi kwee nkwa ime ma ọ bụrụ na i debe iwu Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị, ma jee ije nʼụzọ ya niile.
The LORD will establish you for a holy people to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and walk in his ways.
10 Mgbe ahụ, ndị niile nọ nʼụwa ga-ahụta na ọ bụ aha Onyenwe anyị ka a kpọkwasịrị gị. Ha ga-atụkwa gị egwu.
All the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the LORD’s name, and they will be afraid of you.
11 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ị babiga ụba oke na mkpụrụ nke afọ gị, na mkpụrụ nke anụ ụlọ gị, na mkpụrụ nke ihe ubi gị, nʼala ahụ ọ ṅụrụ nʼiyi nye nna nna gị na ọ ga-enye gị.
The LORD will grant you abundant prosperity in the fruit of your body, in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your ground, in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you.
12 Onyenwe anyị ga-emeghepụ eluigwe ebe ụlọakụ ya dị, zidata mmiri nʼala gị nʼoge ya, ma gọzie akaọrụ gị niile. Ị ga-agbazinye ọtụtụ mba ihe, ma gị onwe gị agaghị esite nʼaka onye ọbụla gbaziri ihe ọbụla.
The LORD will open to you his good treasure in the sky, to give the rain of your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You will lend to many nations, and you will not borrow.
13 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ị bụrụ isi, ọ bụghị ọdụdụ. Ọ bụrụ na ị ṅaa ntị nʼiwu ndị a Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị na-enye gị taa, lezie anya ịgbaso ha, ị ga-anọgide nʼelu, ị gaghị anọ nʼokpuru.
The LORD will make you the head, and not the tail. You will be above only, and you will not be beneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you today, to observe and to do,
14 Ewezugala onwe gị site nʼiwu niile ndị a m na-enye gị taa, maọbụ gaa nʼaka nri maọbụ nʼaka ekpe, ịgbaso chi ndị ọzọ na ife ha ofufe.
and shall not turn away from any of the words which I command you today, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.
15 Ma otu ọ dị, ọ bụrụ na ị jụ irubere Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị isi, jụkwa ilezi anya, gbasoo iwu ya na ụkpụrụ ya niile, nke m na-enye gị taa, ọbụbụ ọnụ ndị a ga-adakwasị gị.
But it shall come to pass, if you will not listen to the LORD your God’s voice, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come on you and overtake you.
16 Ị ga-abụ onye a bụrụ ọnụ nʼobodo, bụrụ onye a bụrụ ọnụ nʼala ubi,
You will be cursed in the city, and you will be cursed in the field.
17 Abọ gị na ihe ịgwọ achịcha gị ga-abụ ihe a bụrụ ọnụ.
Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.
18 Ihe a bụrụ ọnụ ka mkpụrụ nke afọ gị ga-abụ, ihe a bụrụ ọnụ ka mkpụrụ nke ala gị ga-abụ, ya na ụmụ nke igwe anụ ụlọ gị, na ụmụ ehi gị na nke igwe ewu na atụrụ gị mụrụ.
The fruit of your body, the fruit of your ground, the increase of your livestock, and the young of your flock will be cursed.
19 Onye a bụrụ ọnụ ka ị ga-abụ mgbe ị na-abata abata na mgbe ị na-apụ apụ.
You will be cursed when you come in, and you will be cursed when you go out.
20 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezidata nʼisi gị ọbụbụ ọnụ, na ọgbaaghara, tinyere nkọcha nʼihe niile nke i tinyere aka gị, tutu ruo mgbe ị ghọrọ onye e bibiri ebibi bụrụ onye lara nʼiyi na mberede, nʼihi ihe ọjọọ niile i mere site nʼịhapụ m.
The LORD will send on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in all that you put your hand to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, because of the evil of your doings, by which you have forsaken me.
21 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezite ajọ ọrịa nʼetiti gị tutu ruo mgbe a ga-ekpochapụ gị site nʼala ahụ ị gaje ịba nʼime ya inweta.
The LORD will make the pestilence cling to you, until he has consumed you from off the land where you go in to possess it.
22 Onyenwe anyị ga-eti unu ọrịa na-eripịa eripịa, ahụ ọkụ na ọrịa na-aza anụ ahụ, oke okpomọkụ na mma agha, ụkọ mmiri ozuzo na ọrịa na-eripịa ihe ubi, na ọmụma ebu ga-abịakwasị gị tutu ruo mgbe i lara nʼiyi.
The LORD will strike you with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with fiery heat, with the sword, with blight, and with mildew. They will pursue you until you perish.
23 Mbara eluigwe nke ị na-ahụ anya ga-aghọ bronz, ala ị na-azọkwasị ụkwụ gị ga-aghọ igwe.
Your sky that is over your head will be bronze, and the earth that is under you will be iron.
24 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka mmiri kwesiri izo nʼala gị ghọọ uzuzu na aja. Ha ga-esi na mbara eluigwe na-ezodata nʼala tutu ruo mgbe ị lara nʼiyi.
The LORD will make the rain of your land powder and dust. It will come down on you from the sky, until you are destroyed.
25 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ndị iro gị merie gị nʼagha. Ị ga-esi otu ụzọ pụta ibuso ha agha, ma ị ga-esi ụzọ asaa gbalaga. Ị ga-aghọrọ ndị ụwa ihe a na-asọ oyi mgbe ha hụrụ ihe dakwasịrị gị.
The LORD will cause you to be struck before your enemies. You will go out one way against them, and will flee seven ways before them. You will be tossed back and forth among all the kingdoms of the earth.
26 Ozu unu ga-aghọrọ ụmụ anụ ufe niile na anụ ọhịa niile ihe oriri. O nwekwaghị onye ga-anọ menye ha egwu chụpụ ha.
Your dead bodies will be food to all birds of the sky, and to the animals of the earth; and there will be no one to frighten them away.
27 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezite etuto ndị Ijipt ka ha bịakwasị gị, ya na ọnya, na agba, na ọkọ. Ọ dịkwaghị ihe a ga-eji gwọọ ha.
The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with the tumors, with the scurvy, and with the itch, of which you can not be healed.
28 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezitere gị isi mgbaka, na ikpu ìsì, na ọgbaaghara nke obi.
The LORD will strike you with madness, with blindness, and with astonishment of heart.
29 Ị ga-asọgharị isi nʼetiti ehihie dịka onye kpuru ìsì nʼasọgharị nʼọchịchịrị. Ọ dịghị ihe ọbụla ga-agara gị nke ọma. Site nʼụbọchị ruo nʼụbọchị, ị ga-abụ onye a na-emegbu emegbu, na onye a na-anapụ ihe ya nʼike oge niile, na-enweghị onye ga-anapụta gị.
You will grope at noonday, as the blind gropes in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your ways. You will only be oppressed and robbed always, and there will be no one to save you.
30 Gị na nwanyị ga-enwe nkwekọrịta ịlụ di na nwunye, ma nwoke ọzọ ga-eduru ya dinaa ya nʼike. Ị ga-ewu ụlọ ma ị gaghị ebi nʼime ya. Ị ga-akụ ubi vaịnị ma ị gaghị eri mkpụrụ si na ya.
You will betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her. You will build a house, and you won’t dwell in it. You will plant a vineyard, and not use its fruit.
31 Nʼihu anya gị ka a ga-egbu ehi gị, ma ị gaghị ata iberibe anụ ya. A ga-anapụ gị ịnyịnya ibu gị nʼihu anya gị ma a gaghị eweghachiri gị ya. Atụrụ gị ka a ga-enye ndị iro gị. Ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-anapụta ha.
Your ox will be slain before your eyes, and you will not eat any of it. Your donkey will be violently taken away from before your face, and will not be restored to you. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and you will have no one to save you.
32 A ga-ewere ụmụ gị ndị ikom na ndị inyom nye ndị mba ọzọ. Ọ ga-agụ gị agụụ ogologo oge ka ị hụ ha anya, ma ị pụghị inyere ha aka.
Your sons and your daughters will be given to another people. Your eyes will look and fail with longing for them all day long. There will be no power in your hand.
33 Mba nke ị na-amaghị ga-eri mkpụrụ ubi ị tara ahụhụ kụọ nʼala gị. Ị ga-abụ naanị onye a na-emegbu emegbu na onye a na-akpagbu ụbọchị ndụ gị niile.
A nation which you don’t know will eat the fruit of your ground and all of your work. You will only be oppressed and crushed always,
34 Ihe ndị a niile ị ga-eji anya gị hụ ga-eme ka i nwe isi mgbaka.
so that the sights that you see with your eyes will drive you mad.
35 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka etuto nke na-egbu oke mgbu a na-apụghị ịgwọta agwọta too gị nʼikpere na ogwe ụkwụ gị abụọ, ọ ga-agbasa site nʼọbọ ụkwụ gị abụọ ruo nʼopi isi gị.
The LORD will strike you in the knees and in the legs with a sore boil, of which you cannot be healed, from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head.
36 Onyenwe anyị ga-achụpụ gị na eze ahụ ị họpụtara nye onwe gị, chụpụ gị nye mba ọzọ, ebe gị na nna nna gị ha, na-amaghị. Nʼebe ahụ, ị ga-efe chi ndị ọzọ nke e ji osisi na nkume kpụọ.
The LORD will bring you, and your king whom you will set over yourselves, to a nation that you have not known, you nor your fathers. There you will serve other gods of wood and stone.
37 Ị ga-abụ ihe iju anya, na ihe e ji atụ ilu, na ihe akụkọ, nʼetiti mba ahụ niile Onyenwe anyị ga-achụga gị.
You will become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all the peoples where the LORD will lead you away.
38 Ị ga-akụ ọtụtụ mkpụrụ nʼubi ma ị ga-aghọta ntakịrị mkpụrụ, nʼihi na igurube ga-ericha ihe ị kụrụ nʼubi.
You will carry much seed out into the field, and will gather little in, for the locust will consume it.
39 Ị ga-akọ ubi vaịnị lekọtakwa ya anya, ma ị gaghị aracha mkpụrụ ya maọbụ ṅụọ mmanya si na ya, nʼihi na ikpuru ga-eri ha.
You will plant vineyards and dress them, but you will neither drink of the wine, nor harvest, because worms will eat them.
40 Osisi oliv ga na-eto ebe niile, ma mmanụ oliv agaghị adị nke ị ga-ete nʼahụ nʼihi na mkpụrụ oliv ga-adasịsị na-akaghị aka oge ha mara ifuru.
You will have olive trees throughout all your borders, but you won’t anoint yourself with the oil, for your olives will drop off.
41 Ị ga-amụta ụmụ ndị ikom na ndị inyom ma ha agaghị adịgide nʼihi na a ga-adọta ha nʼagha.
You will father sons and daughters, but they will not be yours, for they will go into captivity.
42 Igwe igurube ga-erichasị osisi niile dị nʼubi gị, ya na ihe ị kụrụ nʼubi gị.
Locusts will consume all of your trees and the fruit of your ground.
43 Onye ọbịa bi nʼetiti gị ga-aba ụba karịa gị. Ihe ga na-agara ya nke ọma, ma ihe ga na-ajọrọ gị njọ.
The foreigner who is among you will mount up above you higher and higher, and you will come down lower and lower.
44 Ọ ga-ebinye gị ihe, ọ bụkwaghị gị ga-ebinye ya! Ọ ga-abụ isi ma ị ga-abụ ọdụdụ.
He will lend to you, and you won’t lend to him. He will be the head, and you will be the tail.
45 Ọbụbụ ọnụ ndị a niile ga-abịakwasị gị. Ha ga-achụso gị ọsọ, chụkwute gị tutu ruo mgbe a lara gị nʼiyi, naanị nʼihi na ị jụrụ irubere Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị isi, na idebe iwu na ụkpụrụ ndị a o nyere gị.
All these curses will come on you, and will pursue you and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you didn’t listen to the LORD your God’s voice, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you.
46 Ha ga-abụ ihe ịrịbama na ihe ebube nye gị, na mkpụrụ gị niile, ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
They will be for a sign and for a wonder to you and to your offspring forever.
47 Nʼihi na ị jụrụ iji ọṅụ na obi ụtọ fee Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị nʼoge ihe na-agara gị nke ọma.
Because you didn’t serve the LORD your God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart, by reason of the abundance of all things;
48 Ya mere, nʼọnọdụ agụụ na akpịrị ịkpọ nkụ, nʼọnọdụ ịgba ọtọ na ụkọ ka ị ga-efe ndị iro ahụ Onyenwe anyị na-ezite imegide gị. Ọ ga-anyakwasị yoku igwe nʼolu gị ruo mgbe ọ lara gị nʼiyi.
therefore you will serve your enemies whom the LORD sends against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in lack of all things. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.
49 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka mba si nʼebe dị anya na nsọtụ ụwa, bịakwasị gị, imegide gị. Mba a ga-adị gara gara dịka ugo, ọ ga-abụkwa mba ị na-amaghị asụsụ ha,
The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, as the eagle flies: a nation whose language you will not understand,
50 Mba na-enweghị ihu ọchị nke na-adịghị asọpụrụ okenye maọbụ were ihuọma leta ụmụntakịrị.
a nation of fierce facial expressions, that doesn’t respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young.
51 Ha ga-erichapụ mkpụrụ nke anụ ụlọ gị niile na mkpụrụ nke ihe ubi gị niile tutu ruo mgbe ị ghọrọ ihe e bibiri ebibi. O nwekwaghị ihe ga-afọdụrụ gị, maọbụ ọka, maọbụ mmanya ọhụrụ maọbụ mmanụ oliv, maọbụ ụmụ ehi maọbụ ewu na atụrụ gị mụrụ, ruo mgbe e mere ka ị laa nʼiyi.
They will eat the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your ground, until you are destroyed. They also won’t leave you grain, new wine, oil, the increase of your livestock, or the young of your flock, until they have caused you to perish.
52 Mba ahụ ga-anọchigide obodo ndị ahụ niile dị nʼala gị tutu ruo mgbe mgbidi ndị ahụ niile e wusiri ike, nke ị na-atụkwasị obi dara. Ọ ga-anọchigide ndị ahụ niile dị nʼala ahụ niile Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị na-enye gị.
They will besiege you in all your gates until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout all your land. They will besiege you in all your gates throughout all your land which the LORD your God has given you.
53 Ị ga-erikwa anụ ahụ ụmụ gị ndị ikom na ndị inyom ndị Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị nyere gị nʼihi oke nnọchigide nke ndị agha nọchigidere gị na nʼihi oke mkpagbu nke ndị iro.
You will eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters, whom the LORD your God has given you, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemies will distress you.
54 Ọ bụladị nwoke ahụ dịkasịrịrị nwayọọ na-enwekwa mmetụta mmadụ nʼetiti unu ga-aghọ onye afọ tara mmiri nke ukwuu megide nwanne ya nwoke, maọbụ nwunye nke ọ hụrụ nʼanya, maọbụ ụmụ ya, ndị ka dị ndụ.
The man who is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye will be evil toward his brother, toward the wife whom he loves, and toward the remnant of his children whom he has remaining,
55 Ọ gaghị enye onye ọbụla nʼime ha ụfọdụ nʼime anụ ahụ ụmụ ndị ọ na-eri, nʼihi na ọ bụ naanị ya bụ ihe oriri fọdụrụ ya, nʼihi ahụhụ nke nnọchi ndị iro nọchiri ọnụ ụzọ obodo gị niile butere.
so that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he will eat, because he has nothing left to him, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy will distress you in all your gates.
56 Nwanyị nke dịkarịsịrị nwayọọ na-enwekwa mmetụta mmadụ nʼetiti unu, nke dị oke nwayọọ, nke ihe na-emetụta na ọ dịghị amasị ya ịzọgịdesị ọbụ ụkwụ ya ike nʼala, ga-ajụ ikenye di ya ọ hụrụ nʼanya, nwa ya nwoke maọbụ nwa ya nwanyị,
The tender and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye will be evil toward the husband that she loves, toward her son, toward her daughter,
57 ọ bụladị akpanwa si nʼetiti ụkwụ ya pụta na ụmụ ọhụrụ ọ mụrụ. Nʼọnọdụ ọjọọ nʼoke ụkọ ya, ọ chọrọ iri ha na nzuzo, nʼihi ahụhụ nke ndị iro gị mere ka ọ bịakwasị gị nʼoge nnọchigide nke obodo gị niile.
toward her young one who comes out from between her feet, and toward her children whom she bears; for she will eat them secretly for lack of all things in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy will distress you in your gates.
58 Ọ bụrụ na i lezighị anya gbasoo okwu iwu niile e dere nʼime akwụkwọ a, ọ bụrụ na ị sọpụrụghị aha a dị ebube na nke dị egwu, bụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị,
If you will not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD your God,
59 Onyenwe anyị ga-ezitere gị na ụmụ ụmụ gị ihe otiti dị oke egwu, oke mbibi nke ga-adị ogologo oge, na ọrịa dị oke njọ nke na-adịghị ala ala.
then the LORD will make your plagues and the plagues of your offspring fearful, even great plagues, and of long duration, and severe sicknesses, and of long duration.
60 Ọ ga-ezitere gị ọrịa ndị ahụ niile dị nʼIjipt, nke ị na-atụ ụjọ ha, ha ga-arapara gị nʼahụ.
He will bring on you again all the diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they will cling to you.
61 Ọ bụghị naanị nke a! Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ụdị ọrịa ọbụla, na ụdị ihe otiti ọbụla, ọ bụladị ndị na-adịghị nʼime Akwụkwọ Iwu a, bịakwasị gị, tutu ruo mgbe a ga-ekpochapụ gị.
Also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law, the LORD will bring them on you until you are destroyed.
62 Ọ bụ ezie na ị dị ukwuu nʼọnụọgụgụ dịka kpakpando nke eluigwe, maọbụ naanị mmadụ ole na ole nʼime gị ga-afọdụ. Ihe ndị a niile ga-emezu nʼihi na i geghị ntị nʼolu Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke gị.
You will be left few in number, even though you were as the stars of the sky for multitude, because you didn’t listen to the LORD your God’s voice.
63 Dịka mmụba ị mụbara nʼọnụọgụgụ, na ịdị ukwuu nke akụnụba gị si bụrụ ihe nyere Onyenwe anyị obi ụtọ, otu a ka ọ ga-esi tọkwaa ya ụtọ ibibi gị, na ime ka ị daa ụkpa. Ọ ga-esi nʼala ahụ ị na-aga inweta hopu gị.
It will happen that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you, so the LORD will rejoice over you to cause you to perish and to destroy you. You will be plucked from the land that you are going in to possess.
64 Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka ị gbasasịa nʼetiti mba niile, site nʼotu nsọtụ ụwa ruo na nsọtụ nke ọzọ. Nʼebe ahụ, ị ga-efekwa chi ndị ọzọ, nke gị, maọbụ nna nna gị ha, na-amaghị, chi e ji osisi na nkume kpụọ.
The LORD will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth. There you will serve other gods which you have not known, you nor your fathers, even wood and stone.
65 Nʼetiti mba ndị a, obi agaghị eru gị ala, ọbụ ụkwụ gị agaghị enwe ebe izuike. Nʼebe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị ga-enye gị mkpụrụobi na-ama jijiji, anya nke ike gwụrụ nʼihi enweghị olileanya, na obi na-ada mba.
Among these nations you will find no ease, and there will be no rest for the sole of your foot; but the LORD will give you there a trembling heart, failing of eyes, and pining of soul.
66 Ndụ gị ga-ekonye nʼelu nʼihi oke egwu. Ị ga-anọ nʼegwu, ehihie na abalị, ị gaghị ejikwa ndụ gị nʼaka.
Your life will hang in doubt before you. You will be afraid night and day, and will have no assurance of your life.
67 Nʼụtụtụ, ị ga-asị, “Ewoo, a sịkwa na ugbu a bụ uhuruchi!” Nʼuhuruchi ị ga-asịkwa, “Ewoo, a sịkwarị na ugbu a bụ ụtụtụ!” Ị ga-ekwu ihe ndị a nʼihi ihe egwu juru gị obi, na nʼihi ihe ndị ahụ niile anya gị na-ahụ.
In the morning you will say, “I wish it were evening!” and at evening you will say, “I wish it were morning!” for the fear of your heart which you will fear, and for the sights which your eyes will see.
68 Onyenwe anyị ga-eme ka i soro ụgbọ mmiri lọghachi nʼIjipt, nʼije ahụ m kwuru na ị gaghị ejekwa ọzọ. Nʼebe ahụ ị ga-ewere onwe gị resi ndị iro gị dịka ohu ndị ikom maọbụ ndị inyom, ma ọ dịghị onye ga-achọ ịzụ gị.
The LORD will bring you into Egypt again with ships, by the way of which I told you that you would never see it again. There you will offer yourselves to your enemies for male and female slaves, and nobody will buy you.

< Diuteronomi 28 >