< Diuteronomi 22 >

1 Ọ bụrụ na ị hụ ehi, maọbụ atụrụ nwanna gị ka ọ na-akpafu, emela dịka a ga-asị na ị hụghị ya, jide ya, kpụlaara ya onye nwe ya.
'Thou dost not see the ox of thy brother or his sheep driven away, and hast hidden thyself from them, thou dost certainly turn them back to thy brother;
2 Ọ bụrụ na ị maghị onye nwe ya, maọbụ na nwanna gị ebighị nso, were ya laa nʼụlọ gị, hapụ ya nʼebe ahụ tutu onye nwe ya achọwa ya, mgbe ahụ ka ị ga-ewere ya nyeghachi ya.
and if thy brother [is] not near unto thee, and thou hast not known him, then thou hast removed it unto the midst of thy house, and it hath been with thee till thy brother seek it, and thou hast given it back to him;
3 Otu a kwa ka ị ga-eme ma ị hụ ịnyịnya ibu nwanna gị, maọbụ uwe, maọbụ ihe ọbụla ị ga-atụtụta. Were ya debere onye nwe ya.
and so thou dost to his ass, and so thou dost to his garment, and so thou dost to any lost thing of thy brother's, which is lost by him, and thou hast found it; thou art not able to hide thyself.
4 Ọ bụrụ na ị hụ ịnyịnya ibu, maọbụ ehi nwanna gị ka ha dara nʼụzọ, elela anya nʼebe ọzọ, gaa nyere ya aka bulie ya.
'Thou dost not see the ass of thy brother, or his ox, falling in the way, and hast hid thyself from them; thou dost certainly raise [them] up with him.
5 Nwanyị ekwesighị iyi uwe ndị ikom, nwoke agaghị eyikwa uwe ndị inyom. Nʼihi na ihe arụ ka ọ bụ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị.
'The habiliments of a man are not on a woman, nor doth a man put on the garment of a woman, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God [is] any one doing these.
6 Ọ bụrụ na ị hụ akwụ nnụnụ tọgbọ nʼala, maọbụ nke dị nʼelu osisi, ọ bụrụkwa na ọ bụ nnụnụ nke nọ nʼelu ụmụ ya, maọbụ nʼelu akwa ya, ewerela nne na ụmụ nnụnụ ya.
'When a bird's nest cometh before thee in the way, in any tree, or on the earth, brood or eggs, and the mother sitting on the brood or on the eggs, thou dost not take the mother with the young ones;
7 Hapụ nne nnụnụ ka ọ laa, ma were naanị ụmụ ya. Ihe ga-agakwara gị nke ọma nʼihi ya, ị ga-enwekwa ndụ ogologo.
thou dost certainly send away the mother, and the young ones dost take to thyself, so that it is well with thee, and thou hast prolonged days.
8 Mgbe i wuru ụlọ, wuokwa ihe mgbochi gburugburu elu ya, nke ga-eme ka onye ọbụla ghara isi nʼelu ya dapụ, si otu a wetara ụlọ na onye nwe ya ikpe ọmụma nke iwufu ọbara.
'When thou buildest a new house, then thou hast made a parapet to thy roof, and thou dost not put blood on thy house when one falleth from it.
9 Akụla ụdị mkpụrụ abụọ nʼubi vaịnị gị. Ọ bụrụ na i mee otu a, ihe ọkụkụ ndị a, na mkpụrụ ha mịrị ga-abụ ihe rụrụ arụ.
'Thou dost not sow thy vineyard [with] divers things, lest the fulness of the seed which thou dost sow, and the increase of the vineyard, be separated.
10 Ejikọla ehi na ịnyịnya ibu maka ịdọ ihe e ji akọ ala ubi.
'Thou dost not plow with an ox and with an ass together.
11 Eyila uwe e ji ụzọ ihe abụọ kpaa, dịka uwe ajị anụ na ogho ọcha kpaa.
'Thou dost not put on a mixed cloth, wool and linen together.
12 Ị ga-akpanyere onwe gị ihe ogho akpara akpa, nʼakụkụ anọ nke uwe mgbokwasị gị.
'Fringes thou dost make to thee on the four skirts of thy covering with which thou dost cover [thyself].
13 Ọ bụrụ na nwoke alụọ nwaagbọghọ, mesie mgbe o dinakwuru ya kpebie nʼobi ya na ọ chọkwaghị ịlụ ya ọzọ,
'When a man taketh a wife, and hath gone in unto her, and hated her,
14 ọ bụrụ na nwoke a ekwutọọ nwaagbọghọ ahụ, mebie aha ya kwuo na nwaagbọghọ ahụ amatalarị nwoke tupu ha abụọ alụọ,
and laid against her actions of words, and brought out against her an evil name, and said, This woman I have taken, and I draw near unto her, and I have not found in her tokens of virginity:
15 nne nwaagbọghọ ahụ, na nna ya, ga-ewere ihe ga-egosi na nwa ha amabeghị nwoke gaa nʼihu ndị okenye obodo ahụ, nʼọnụ ụzọ ama.
'Then hath the father of the damsel — and her mother — taken and brought out the tokens of virginity of the damsel unto the elders of the city in the gate,
16 Nna nwaagbọghọ ahụ ga-agwa ndị okenye, “Enyere m nwoke a nwa m nwanyị dịka nwunye, ma ugbu a, ọ chọkwaghị ịlụ ya.
and the father of the damsel hath said unto the elders, My daughter I have given to this man for a wife, and he doth hate her;
17 Ugbu a, o boola ya ebubo ihere, sị, ‘Achọpụtaghị m ihe ọbụla nʼahụ nwa gị nwanyị a ihe na-egosi na ọ maghị nwoke.’ Ma nke a bụ ihe ngosi na ada anyị amaghị nwoke.” Mgbe ahụ ndị mụrụ ya ga-agbasapụ akwa ahụ nʼihu ndị okenye obodo ahụ.
and lo, he hath laid actions of words, saying, I have not found to thy daughter tokens of virginity — and these [are] the tokens of the virginity of my daughter! and they have spread out the garment before the elders of the city.
18 Ndị okenye obodo ahụ ga-akpọrọ nwoke nyekwa ya ahụhụ.
'And the elders of that city have taken the man, and chastise him,
19 Ha ga-emekwa ya ka ọ kwụọ nna nwaagbọghọ ahụ narị shekel ọlaọcha, nʼihi na o boro nwaagbọghọ Izrel na-amaghị nwoke ebubo ụgha. Nwaagbọghọ ahụ ga-anọgide bụrụ nwunye nwoke ahụ. Nwoke ahụ agaghị achụpụkwa ya ụbọchị ndụ ya niile.
and fined him a hundred silverlings, and given to the father of the damsel, because he hath brought out an evil name on a virgin of Israel, and she is to him for a wife, he is not able to send her away all his days.
20 Ma ọ bụrụ na ebubo nwoke ahụ bụ eziokwu, na achọpụtaghị ihe gosiri na nwaagbọghọ ahụ amaghị nwoke.
'And if this thing hath been truth — tokens of virginity have not been found for the damsel —
21 A ga-eduru nwaagbọghọ ahụ pụta nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nna ya, nʼebe ahụ ka ndị ikom obodo ya ga-anọ were nkume tugbuo ya. Nʼihi na o mere ihe ihere jọgburu onwe ya nʼIzrel, site nʼibi ndụ akwụna mgbe ọ ka nọ nʼụlọ nne ya na nna ya. Ị ghaghị ikpochapụ ihe ọjọọ ahụ site nʼetiti unu.
then they have brought out the damsel unto the opening of her father's house, and stoned her have the men of her city with stones, and she hath died, for she hath done folly in Israel, to go a-whoring [in] her father's house; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.
22 Ọ bụrụ na e jide nwoke ebe ya na nwunye onye ọzọ dina, ma nwoke ahụ dinara ya ma nwanyị ahụ o dinara aghaghị ịnwụ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ị ga-ekpochapụ ihe ọjọọ a site nʼIzrel.
'When a man is found lying with a woman, married to a husband, then they have died even both of them, the man who is lying with the woman, also the woman; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of Israel.
23 Ma ọ bụrụ na nwaagbọghọ na-amaghị nwoke a na-alụ alụ na nwoke ọzọ edinakọọ nʼime obodo,
'When there is a damsel, a virgin, betrothed to a man, and a man hath found her in a city, and lain with her;
24 ya na nwoke ahụ ka a ga-eduru gaa nʼọnụ ụzọ ama obodo, were nkume tugbuo ha nʼebe ahụ, ka ha nwụọ, nwaagbọghọ ahụ ga-anwụ nʼihi na o tighị mkpu, ma nwoke ahụ ga-anwụ nʼihi na o mebiela nwunye nwoke ibe ya na-achọ ịlụ. Unu aghaghị ikpochapụ ihe ọjọọ site nʼetiti unu.
then ye have brought them both out unto the gate of that city, and stoned them with stones, and they have died: — the damsel, because that she hath not cried, [being] in a city; and the man, because that he hath humbled his neighbour's wife; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.
25 Ma ọ bụrụ na nwoke ezute nwaagbọghọ na-amaghị nwoke a na-alụ alụ nʼọhịa, were ike mee ka ha abụọ dina, ọ bụ naanị nwoke ahụ ga-anwụ.
'And if in a field the man find the damsel who is betrothed, and the man hath laid hold on her, and lain with her, then hath the man who hath lain with her died alone;
26 Aka nwaagbọghọ ahụ dị ọcha, ọ dịghị mmehie o mere nke ikpe ọnwụ ji adịrị ya, nʼihi na ọnọdụ ya dị ka ọnọdụ mmadụ ahụ onye iro ya bịakwasịrị na mberede gbuo ya.
and to the damsel thou dost not do anything, the damsel hath no deadly sin; for as a man riseth against his neighbour and hath murdered him — the life, so [is] this thing;
27 A pụrụ ị sị na nwaagbọghọ ahụ tiri mkpu ma ọ dịghị onye nọ ịnapụta ya.
for in a field he found her, she hath cried — the damsel who is betrothed — and she hath no saviour.
28 Ọ bụrụ na nwoke ọbụla ejiri ike jide nwaagbọghọ na-amaghị nwoke, nke nwoke ọbụla na-ekwebeghị nkwa ịlụ, mee ka ha abụọ dinaa,
'When a man findeth a damsel, a virgin who is not betrothed, and hath caught her, and lain with her, and they have been found,
29 nwoke ahụ ga-akwụ nna nwaagbọghọ ahụ iri shekel ọlaọcha ise. Ọ ga-alụkwa nwaagbọghọ ahụ nʼihi na o mebiela ya. Ọ gakwaghị achụpụ ya ụbọchị niile nke ndụ ya.
then hath the man who is lying with her given to the father of the damsel fifty silverlings, and to him she is for a wife; because that he hath humbled her, he is not able to send her away all his days.
30 Nwoke ọbụla agaghị alụ nwunye nna ya, nʼihi na ọ bụ nwunye nna ya. Ime ihe dị otu a bụ imerụ ihe ndina nna ya.
'A man doth not take his father's wife, nor uncover his father's skirt.

< Diuteronomi 22 >