< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 4 >

1 Mgbe ha nọ na-agwa ndị mmadụ ahụ okwu, ndị nchụaja na onyeisi ndị agha na-eche ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ na ndị Sadusii bịakwutere ha.
AND as they were thus speaking, the priests, and the captain of the temple-guard, and the Sadducees, came upon them,
2 Ha were oke iwe nʼihi na ha na-ezi ndị mmadụ ihe, na-ekwusakwa na nʼime Jisọs ka mbilite nʼọnwụ nke ndị nwụrụ anwụ dị.
worn down with vexation, because they taught the people, and preached by Jesus the resurrection of the dead.
3 Ha jidere ha tinye ha nʼụlọ mkpọrọ, ruo nʼechi ya. Nʼihi na oge e jidere ha bụ nʼoge uhuruchi.
And they laid hands on them, and committed them to prison till the next day: for it was then evening.
4 Ma ọtụtụ ndị nụrụ okwu ahụ kwenyere. Ọnụọgụgụ ha ruru ihe dị ka puku mmadụ ise.
But many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.
5 Nʼechi ya, ndị na-achị achị, na ndị okenye na ndị ozizi iwu zukọrọ na Jerusalem.
Now it came to pass that the next morning, their rulers, and elders, and scribes, were assembled at Jerusalem,
6 Onyeisi nchụaja bụ Anas nọ nʼebe ahụ, na Kaịfas na Jọn na Alegzanda, na ndị ọzọ bụ ndị ikwu onyeisi nchụaja.
and Annas the high-priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were the high-priest’s relations.
7 Mgbe ha kpọpụtara ha nʼetiti ha, ha jụrụ ha, “Ọ bụ site nʼike onye, na site nʼaha onye, ka unu ji mee ihe a?”
And placing them in the midst, they interrogated them, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this thing?
8 Nʼoge ahụ, Pita jupụtara na Mmụọ Nsọ. Ọ gwara ha, “Unu ndị na-achị ala anyị, na ndị okenye.
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,
9 Ọ bụrụ na unu kpọpụtara anyị ịchọpụta otu nwoke ngwụrọ a si bụrụ onye ahụ dị mma maọbụ otu e si gwọọ ya,
if we are this day examined relative to the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he was restored;
10 ya mere maranụ nke a, unu na ndị Izrel niile, a gwọrọ nwoke a guzo nʼetiti unu site nʼaha Jisọs Kraịst onye Nazaret, onye unu kpọgidere nʼobe, ma Chineke kpọlitere ya site nʼọnwụ.
be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarean, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by him doth this man stand here sound in your presence.
11 Jisọs a bụ “‘nkume ahụ unu ndị na-ewu ụlọ jụrụ, nke ghọrọ nkume isi ntọala ụlọ.’
This is the stone which, though set at nought by you builders, is become the head of the corner.
12 Nzọpụta adịghị nʼime onye ọbụla ọzọ, nʼihi na o nweghị aha ọzọ e nyere nʼetiti mmadụ nʼokpuru eluigwe nke e nwere ike isite na ya zọpụta anyị.”
And there is no salvation in any other person: for there is no other name under heaven given unto men, whereby we must be saved.
13 Mgbe ha hụrụ nkwuwa okwu Pita na Jọn, na-atụghị ụjọ, ma chọpụtakwa na ha bụ ndị mmadụ nkịtị, na ndị a na-azụghị nʼụlọ akwụkwọ, o juru ha anya. Ma ha ghọtara na ha bụ ndị ha na Jisọs nọkọrọ.
Attentively regarding then the noble confidence of Peter and John, and perceiving that they were men unlettered, and destitute of education, they were astonished; and they recollected them, that they had been with Jesus.
14 Ma mgbe ha hụrụ nwoke ahụ a gwọrọ, ka o guzo nʼakụkụ ha, ha enweghị okwu ọbụla ha nwere ikwu megide nke a.
But seeing the man who was healed standing with them, they had not a word to reply in contradiction.
15 Ha nyere iwu ka ha si nʼụlọikpe ahụ pụọ, ma bido ịgba izu nʼetiti onwe ha banyere nke a.
But bidding them retire out of the council-chamber, they conferred among themselves,
16 Ha na-asị, “Gịnị ka anyị ga-eme ndị a? Anyị apụghị ịgọ agọ na ha rụrụ ọrụ ịrịbama pụrụ iche. Ndị niile bi na Jerusalem maara ihe banyere nke a.
saying, What shall we do with these men? for that an acknowledged miracle hath been wrought by them is evident to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.
17 Ma iji mee ka akụkọ ọrụ ebube a hapụ ịgbasa ruo ọtụtụ mmadụ ntị, ka anyị dọọ ha aka na ntị ka ha ghara ịgwa onye ọbụla okwu banyere aha nwoke a.”
But that it be no farther spread among the people, we will menace them with threats, no more to speak in this name to any man.
18 Ha kpọrọ ha nye ha iwu ka ha kwụsị ikwu okwu maọbụ izi ihe nʼaha Jisọs.
So calling them in, they charged them not to speak in any manner, nor to teach, in the name of Jesus.
19 Ma Pita na Jọn zara sị ha, “Kpeenụ ikpe a nʼonwe unu, maọbụ ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Chineke ige unu ntị karịa ige Chineke ntị?
But Peter and John, answering them, said, If it be right in the sight of God to obey you rather than God, be yourselves the judges.
20 Nʼihi na ọ bụ ihe rara ahụ na anyị ga-akwụsị ikwu okwu banyere ihe ahụ anyị hụrụ na nke anyị nụrụ.”
For we cannot refrain from speaking the things which we have seen and heard.
21 Mgbe ha batụchara ha mba, ha hapụrụ ha ka ha laa. O nweghị ụzọ ọbụla ha ga-esi taa ha ahụhụ nʼihi na mmadụ niile nọ na-eto Chineke nʼihi ihe a mere.
Then they with many additional threatenings dismissed them, finding no pretext how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for what had been done.
22 Nʼihi na nwoke a gwọrọ nʼụzọ dị ebube agafeela iri afọ anọ.
For the man was more than forty years of age, upon whom this miracle of healing was performed.
23 Mgbe ha hapụrụ ha, ha lara kọọrọ ndị ibe ha ihe ndịisi nchụaja na ndị okenye gwara ha.
But they being dismissed, came unto their own friends, and told them all things which the high-priests and elders had said.
24 Mgbe ha nụrụ nke a, ha niile ji otu obi welie olu ha kpọkuo Chineke, sị, “Gị, Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị, gị onwe gị kere eluigwe na ụwa, na oke osimiri, na ihe niile dị nʼime ha.
Now when they heard it, they lifted up their united voice to God, and said, Lord, thou art the God which made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things which are in them:
25 Ọ bụ gị sitere nʼaka Mmụọ Nsọ site nʼọnụ nna anyị Devid, onye na-ejere gị ozi, sị: “‘Gịnị mere mba niile ji eme oke mkpọtụ? Gịnị mere ndị mmadụ ji na-apịa ọpịpịa nke na-abaghị uru?
who by the mouth of David thy servant saidst, Why do the heathen so furiously rage, and the people meditate vain things?
26 Ndị eze nke ụwa na-eguzokwa onwe ha, ndị na-achị achị na-agbakọtakwa, imegide Onyenwe anyị na imegide Onye ya e tere mmanụ.’
The kings of the earth rose up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Messiah.
27 Nʼezie nʼobodo a, Herọd na Pọntiọs Pailet, na ndị mba ọzọ, nakwa ndị Izrel ezukọtala imegide onye nsọ ahụ na-ejere gị ozi, bụ Jisọs, onye i tere mmanụ,
For they have been in truth collected together against thy holy Son Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, even Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the heathen, and the people of Israel,
28 ha mere ihe i jiri ike gị na uche gị kwuo na ha aghaghị imezu.
to do all that thy hand and thy counsel predestined should come to pass.
29 Ugbu a, Onyenwe anyị, lee ịba mba ha ma nye ndị ohu gị ike iji gbasaa ozi gị na-atụghị egwu ọbụla.
And as to the present transactions, Lord, look upon their threatnings: and grant thy servants power with all boldness to speak thy word,
30 Setịpụ aka gị gwọọ ndị ọrịa ma rụọ ọtụtụ ọrụ ebube na ọrụ ịrịbama site nʼaha onye nsọ ahụ na-ejere gị ozi bụ Jisọs.”
by stretching out thy hand for healing; and that signs and miracles may be performed by the name of thy holy child Jesus.
31 Mgbe ha kpesịrị ekpere, ụlọ ahụ ha zukọrọ nʼime ya mara jijiji. Ha jupụtara na Mmụọ Nsọ, ma jiri nkwuwa okwu kwusaakwa okwu Chineke.
And while they were praying, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
32 Ndị niile kwere ekwe nwere otu obi nʼotu mkpụrụobi. O nweghị onye ọbụla gụrụ ihe ọbụla o nwere dịka nke aka ya, kama ha mere ka onye ọbụla nʼime ha keta oke nʼihe ibe ya nwere.
And in the multitude of those that believed there was one heart and soul: and not one person said, that any part of his substance was his peculiar property; but all things were in common among them.
33 Ndị ozi sitere nʼike gaa nʼihu na-agba ama banyere mbilite nʼọnwụ Onyenwe anyị Jisọs, oke amara bakwaara ha niile ụba.
And with great power bore the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
34 O nweghị onye mkpa kpara nʼime ha, nʼihi na site nʼoge ruo nʼoge, ndị nwere ala maọbụ ụlọ na-ere ha, ma wetakwa ego ha retara na ha,
Neither was there any person in want among them: for as many as were possessors of fields or houses disposed of them, and brought the prices of the things sold,
35 nye ndị ozi, a na-ekekwa ya nye onye ọbụla dị ka mkpa ya si dị.
and laid them at the apostles’ feet: and a distribution was made to every one according as he had need.
36 Josef onye ikwu Livayị, onye sitere na Saiprọs, onye ndị ozi na-akpọ Banabas (nke pụtara “nwa nke nkasiobi”).
And Joses, who was surnamed Barnabas by the apostles, (which is, being interpreted, A son of consolation, ) a Levite, a Cyprian by birth,
37 O rere ala o nwere, weta ego ya, ma tọgbọ ya nʼụkwụ ndị ozi.
having a field belonging to him, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 4 >