< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 23 >

1 Mgbe Pọl legidere ndị nzukọ a anya, ọ sịrị, “Ụmụnna m, mụ onwe m ejirila ezi akọnuche bie ndụ m niile nʼihu Chineke ruokwa ụbọchị taa.”
And Poul bihelde in to the counsel, and seide, Britheren, Y with al good conscience haue lyued bifore God, `til in to this dai.
2 Nke a mere, Ananayas onyeisi nchụaja nyere iwu ka ndị nọ ya nso tie ya aka nʼọnụ.
And Anany, prince of prestis, comaundide to men that stoden nyy hym, that thei schulden smyte his mouth.
3 Ma Pọl, sịrị ya, “Otu a ka Chineke ga-esi tie gị, gị mgbidi e tere nzu. Ụdị onye ikpe dị aṅaa ka ị bụ i ji na-emebi iwu nʼonwe gị site nʼinye iwu ka e si otu a tie m ihe?”
Thanne Poul seide to hym, Thou whitid wal, God smyte thee; thou sittist, and demest me bi the lawe, and ayens the law thou comaundist me to be smytun.
4 Ndị guzo ya nso sịrị, “Ị na-ekwutọ onyeisi nchụaja Chineke?”
And thei that stoden niy, seiden, Cursist thou the hiyest prest of God?
5 Ma Pọl sịrị, “Aghọtaghị m, ụmụnna m na ọ bụ onyeisi nchụaja. Nʼihi na akwụkwọ nsọ kwuru sị, ‘Ekwula okwu ọjọọ ọbụla megide onye na-achị ndị nke gị.’”
And Poul seide, Britheren, Y wiste not, that he is prince of preestis; for it is writun, Thou schalt not curse the prince of thi puple.
6 Mgbe Pọl chọpụtara na otu ụzọ nʼime nzukọ ahụ bụ ndị otu Sadusii, ebe ndị ọzọ bụkwa ndị Farisii, o tiri mkpu nʼime nnọkọ ahụ sị, “Ụmụnna m, abụ m onye Farisii na nwa ndị Farisii. A na-ekpe m ikpe taa nʼihi olileanya m nwere na mbilite nʼọnwụ nke ndị nwụrụ anwụ.”
But Poul wiste, that o parti was of Saduceis, and the othere of Fariseis; and he criede in the counsel, Britheren, Y am a Farisee, the sone of Farisees; Y am demyd of the hope and of the ayen rising of deed men.
7 Mgbe o kwusiri nke a esemokwu dapụtara nʼetiti ndị Farisii na ndị Sadusii. Ọgbakọ ahụ kewara.
And whanne he hadde seid this thing, dissencioun was maad bitwixe the Fariseis and the Saduceis, and the multitude was departid.
8 Nʼihi na ndị Sadusii na-asị na mbilite nʼọnwụ maọbụ mmụọ ozi maọbụ mmụọ ọbụla adịghị. Ma ndị Farisii kweere nʼihe ndị a niile.
For Saduceis seien, that no `rysing ayen of deed men is, nether aungel, nether spirit; but Fariseis knowlechen euer eithir.
9 Mkpọtụ malitere na-ada ike ike. Ụfọdụ ndị ozizi iwu so nʼotu ndị Farisii biliri ọtọ malite ịrụ ụka nʼoke olu sị, “Anyị ahụghị ihe ọjọọ nʼebe nwoke a nọ, ma gịnịkwa ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ mmụọ, maọbụ mmụọ ozi gwara ya okwu?”
And a greet cry was maad. And summe of Farisees rosen vp, and fouyten, seiynge, We fynden no thing of yuel in this man; what if a spirit, ether an aungel spak to hym?
10 Esemokwu a bịara karịa, nke mere na onyeisi ọchịagha tụrụ egwu na ha ga-adọkasị Pọl. Ọ gwara ndị agha ya ka ha banye were ike kpọpụta ya, ziga ya nʼogige ndị agha.
And whanne greet discencioun was maad, the tribune dredde, lest Poul schulde be to-drawun of hem; and he comaundide knyytis to go doun, and to take hym fro the myddil of hem, and to lede hym in to castels.
11 Nʼabalị ya, Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere ya sị, “Nwee obi ike, dịka i si gbaa ama banyere m na Jerusalem, ị ghaghị ịgbakwara m ama na Rom.”
And in the niyt suynge the Lord stood niy to hym, and seide, Be thou stidfast; for as thou hast witnessid of me in Jerusalem, so it bihoueth thee to witnesse also at Rome.
12 Nʼụtụtụ echi ya ụfọdụ ndị Juu zukọtara gbaa izu, ṅụọkwa iyi na ha agaghị eri nri maọbụ ṅụọ ihe ọbụla tutu ruo mgbe ha gburu Pọl.
And whanne the dai was come, summe of the Jewis gaderiden hem, and maden `avow, and seiden, that thei schulden nether eete, ne drinke, til thei slowen Poul.
13 Ndị zukọtara gbaa izu ọjọọ a karịrị iri mmadụ anọ.
And there weren mo than fourti men, that maden this sweryng togider.
14 Ha jekwuuru ndịisi nchụaja ha na ndị okenye, sị ha, “Anyị kwekọtara ịhapụ iri maọbụ ịṅụ ihe ọbụla tutu ruo mgbe anyị gburu Pọl.
And thei wenten to the princis of prestis, and eldre men, and seiden, With deuocioun we han a vowid, that we schulen not taste ony thing, til we sleen Poul.
15 Ugbu a, unu na nzukọ zienụ onyeisi ọchịagha ka ọ kpọpụtara unu ya. Meenụ ka unu na-achọ ịjụpụtasị eziokwu nʼọnụ ya nakwa itule ikpe ya nke ọma. Anyị dị njikere igbu ya nʼụzọ tupu ọ bịaruo unu nso.”
Now therfor make ye knowun to the tribune, with the counsel, that he bringe hym forth to you, as if ye schulden knowe sum thing more certeynli of hym; and we ben redi to sle hym, bifor that he come.
16 Ma nwa nwanne nwanyị Pọl nụrụ maka izuzu ọjọọ a. Ọ banyere nʼogige ndị agha kọọrọ Pọl.
And whanne the sone of Poulis sister hadde herd the aspies, he cam, and entride in to the castels, and telde to Poul.
17 Pọl kpọrọ otu nʼime ndịisi agha ahụ gwa ya, “Biko kpọrọ nwokorobịa a gaa nʼebe ọchịagha nọ, o nwere okwu dị mkpa ọ chọrọ ịgwa ya.”
And Poul clepide to hym oon of the centuriens, and seide, Lede this yonge man to the tribune, for he hath sum thing to schewe to hym.
18 Ọ kpọọrọ ya jekwuru onyeisi agha, sị. “Pọl, onye mkpọrọ, kpọrọ m rịọ m ka m kpọtara gị nwokorobịa a nʼihi na o nwere ihe ọ chọrọ ịgwa gị.”
And he took hym, and ledde to the tribune, and seide, Poul, that is boundun, preide me to lede to thee this yonge man, that hath sum thing to speke to thee.
19 Onyeisi agha ahụ duuru ya nʼaka ya gaa nʼakụkụ ọzọ jụọ ya, “Gịnị bụ ihe ị chọrọ ịkọrọ m?”
And the tribune took his hoond, and wente with hym asidis half, and axide hym, What thing is it, that thou hast to schewe to me?
20 Ọ sịrị, “Ndị Juu ụfọdụ ekwekọrịtala ịrịọ gị ka ị kpọpụta Pọl echi na nzukọ ụlọ ikpe. Ha ga-eme dịka ha nwere ihe dị mkpa ha chọrọ ịjụta ya.
And he seide, The Jewis ben acordid to preye thee, that to morewe thou brynge forth Poul in to the counsel, as if thei schulden enquere sum thing more certeynli of hym.
21 Ma aṅala ha ntị. Nʼihi na ihe karịrị iri mmadụ anọ na-ezo onwe ha na-eche inwude ya. Ndị a gbara ndụ na ha agaghị eri maọbụ ṅụọ ihe ọbụla tutu ruo mgbe ha gburu ya. Ha adịla njikere, ihe a na-eche bụ mkpebi gị nye arịrịọ ha.”
But bileue thou not to hem; for mo than fourti men of hem aspien hym, which han a vowid, that thei schulen not eete nether drynke, til thei sleen hym; and now thei ben redi, abidinge thi biheest.
22 Ọchịagha ahụ zilagara nwokorobịa ahụ site nʼinye ya iwu, “Emekwala ka onye ọbụla mata na ị bịara gwa m ihe dị otu a.”
Therfor the tribune lefte the yonge man, and comaundide, that he schulde speke to no man, that he hadde maad these thingis knowun to hym.
23 Mgbe e mesịrị, ọ kpọrọ mmadụ abụọ nʼime ndịisi agha nye ha iwu sị, “Gaanụ jikere narị ndị agha abụọ, na iri mmadụ asaa ndị na-agba ịnyịnya, tinyere narị ndị ikom abụọ ndị na-ama ùbe, ndị ga-aga Sizaria nʼelekere itoolu nke abalị a.
And he clepide togidre twei centuriens, and he seide to hem, Make ye redi twei hundrid knyytis, that thei go to Cesarie, and horse men seuenti, and spere men twey hundrid, fro the thridde our of the nyyt.
24 Nyekwa Pọl ịnyịnya nke ọ ga-agba, ka e nwee ike duru ya gakwuru Feliks bụ gọvanọ nʼudo.”
And make ye redy an hors, for Poul to ride on, to lede hym saaf to Felix, the presydent.
25 O dere akwụkwọ nʼolu dị otu a:
For the tribune dredde, lest the Jewis wolden take hym bi the weie, and sle hym, and aftirward he miyte be chalengid, as he hadde take money.
26 Klọdiọs Lisias, Na-edegara Feliks onye nsọpụrụ na-adịrị, onye na-achị akụkụ a. Ana m ekele gị.
And wroot hym `a pistle, conteynynge these thingis. Claudius Lisias to the beste Felix, president, heelthe.
27 Ndị Juu jidere nwoke a chọọ igbu ya, ma mgbe m nụrụ na ọ bụ onye Rom, mụ na ndị agha m bịara napụta ya nʼaka ha.
This man that was take of the Jewis, and bigan to be slayn, Y cam vpon hem with myn oost, and delyuerede hym fro hem, whanne Y knewe that he was a Romayn.
28 Achọrọ m ịmata ihe mere ha ji ebo ya ebubo, nʼihi ya eduuru m ya gaa nʼọgbakọ ndị okenye ha.
And Y wolde wite the cause, which thei puttiden ayens hym; and Y ledde hym to the counsel of hem.
29 Ma achọpụtara m na ọ bụ ihe banyere iwu ha. Nʼeziokwu, o nweghị ihe ọbụla kwesiri iji tụọ ya mkpọrọ maọbụ ọnwụ nʼime ebubo ahụ.
And Y foond, that he was accusid of questiouns of her lawe, but he hadde no cryme worthi the deth, ethir boondis.
30 Mgbe a gwara m banyere izuzu a na-agba megide nwoke a, ezitere m gị ya nʼegbughị oge. Enyekwara m ndị niile na-ebo ya ebubo iwu, ka ha bịa nʼihu gị kpee ọnụ ha.
And whanne it was teeld me of the aspies, that thei arayden for hym, Y sente hym to thee, and Y warnede also the accuseris, that thei seie at thee. Fare wel.
31 Ya mere, nʼabalị ahụ, ndị agha dubatara Pọl na Antipatris dịka e nyere ha nʼiwu.
And so the knyytis, as thei weren comaundid, token Poul, and ledde hym bi nyyt into Antipatriden.
32 Nʼechi ya, ha hapụrụ ya na ndị na-agba nʼelu ịnyịnya ka ha duru ya gawa, ebe ha laghachiri nʼogige ndị agha.
And in the dai suynge, whanne the horsmen weren left, that schulden go with hym, thei turneden ayen to the castels.
33 Mgbe ha bịarutere Sizaria, ha nyere onyeisi obodo ahụ akwụkwọ ozi, ma kpọnyekwa ya Pọl.
And whanne thei camen to Cesarie, thei token the pistle to the president, and thei setten also Poul byfore him.
34 Gọvanọ ahụ gụrụ akwụkwọ ozi ahụ, jụọ ya akụkụ ala o si pụta. Mgbe ọ matara na ọ bụ onye Silisia,
And whanne he hadde red, and axide, of what prouynce he was, and knewe that he was of Cilicie,
35 ọ sịrị ya, “Aga m enye okwu gị ezigbo ohere mgbe ndị na-ebo gị ebubo bịara.” O nyekwara iwu ka e debe ya nʼobi Herọd nʼaka ndị nche.
Y schal here thee, he seide, whanne thin accuseris comen. And he comaundide hym to be kept in the moot halle of Eroude.

< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 23 >