< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 15 >

1 Ụfọdụ ndị ikom sitere Judịa bịa malitere izi ụmụnna ozi, “Ọ bụrụ na e bighị unu ugwu dịka Mosis nyere nʼiwu, a pụghị ịzọpụta unu.”
And summe camen doun fro Judee, and tauyten britheren, That but ye ben circumcidid after the lawe of Moises, ye moun not be maad saaf.
2 Ha na Pọl na Banabas rụrịtara ụka nke ukwuu. Nʼihi nke a, ha kpebiri ka Pọl na Banabas, na ụfọdụ ndịisi ndị ọzọ soro gaa Jerusalem hụ ndị ozi na ndị okenye nke nzukọ maka okwu a.
Therfor whanne ther was maad not a litil discencioun to Poul and Barnabas ayens hem, thei ordeyneden, that Poul and Barnabas, and summe othere of hem, schulden go vp to the apostlis and preestis in Jerusalem, on this questioun.
3 Nzukọ ahụ zipụrụ ha nʼụzọ ha, mgbe ha sitere Fonisia na Sameria na-agafe, ha kọrọ otu ndị mba ọzọ siri chegharịa. Nke a wetara ndị niile kwere ekwe oke ọṅụ dị ukwuu.
And so thei weren led forth of the chirche, and passiden bi Fenyce and Samarie; and thei telden the conuersacioun of hethene men, and thei maden greet ioie to alle the britheren.
4 Mgbe ha bịaruru Jerusalem, nzukọ, ndị ozi na ndị okenye nabatara ha, ha kọkwara ha ihe niile Chineke sitere nʼaka ha mee.
And whanne thei camen to Jerusalem, thei weren resseyued of the chirche and of the apostlis, and of the eldre men, and telden, hou greet thingis God dide with hem.
5 Ma ụfọdụ ndị kwere ekwe si nʼotu ndị Farisii biliri na-ekwu sị, “Na ọ dị mkpa ka e bie ha ugwu ma gwakwa ha ka ha dobe iwu Mosis.”
But summe of the erise of Fariseis, that bileueden, risen vp, and seiden, That it bihoueth hem to be circumsidid, and to comaunde to kepe also the lawe of Moises.
6 Mgbe ahụ, ndị ozi na ndị okenye zukọtara itule okwu a.
And the apostlis and eldre men camen togidre, to se of `this word.
7 Mgbe ha nọ tulegide okwu ahụ ruo oge dị anya, Pita guzoro ọtọ sị ha, “Ụmụnna m, unu niile maara na site na mbụ Chineke họpụtara m site nʼetiti unu, ka m zisaa oziọma ahụ nye ndị mba ọzọ ka ha nụrụ, ma kwerekwa.
And whanne there was maad a greet sekyng herof, Petre roos, and seide to hem, Britheren, ye witen, that of elde daies in you God chees bi my mouth hethene, to here the word of the gospel, and to bileue;
8 Chineke a, onye maara obi mmadụ niile gbaara ha akaebe site nʼinye ha onyinye Mmụọ Nsọ dịka anyị si nata ya na mbụ.
and God, that knewe hertis, bar witnessing, and yaf to hem the Hooli Goost, as also to vs;
9 O gosighị na o nwere ihe dị iche nʼetiti anyị na ha. Nʼihi na o mere ka obi ha dị ọcha site nʼokwukwe.
and no thing diuerside bitwixe vs and hem, `and clenside the hertis of hem bi feith.
10 Ugbu a, gịnị mere unu ji anwa Chineke ọnwụnwa site na-itinye nʼolu ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ibu arọ nke anyị maọbụ nna nna anyị ha na-enweghị ike ịdọkpụ?
Now thanne what tempten ye God, to putte a yok on the necke of the disciplis, which nether we, nether oure fadris miyten bere?
11 Mba, anyị kwenyere na ọ bụ site nʼamara nke Onyenwe anyị Jisọs ka a ga-eji zọpụta anyị, dịka a ga-esi zọpụtakwa ha.”
But bi the grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist we bileuen to be saued, as also thei.
12 Mmadụ niile nọdụrụ nwayọọ, ha bidoro ige ntị nʼakụkọ Banabas na Pọl na-akọrọ ha banyere ihe ịrịbama niile na ọrụ ebube niile Chineke jiri ha rụọ nʼetiti ndị mba ọzọ.
And al the multitude helde pees, and herden Barnaban and Poul, tellinge hou grete signes and wondris God dide bi hem in hethene men.
13 Mgbe ha kwusiri okwu ndị a, Jemis sịrị, “Ụmụnna m geenụ ntị.
And aftir that thei helden pees, James answeride, and seide, Britheren, here ye me.
14 Saimọn akọọlara anyị otu Chineke si buru ụzọ lekọta ndị mba ọzọ site na isite nʼetiti ha họpụtara onwe ya ndị ga-ekwere na aha ya.
Symount telde, hou God visitide, first to take of hethene men a puple to his name.
15 Nke a na okwu ndị amụma dakọtara, dịka e dere ya,
And the wordis of prophetis acorden to him,
16 “‘Mgbe nke a gasịrị, aga m alọghachi, aga m ewughachikwa ụlọ ikwu Devid nke dara ada. Ebe ya niile dakpọsịrị adakpọsị ka m ga-ewugharịkwa, aga m emekwa ka ọ guzozie,
as it is writun, Aftir this Y schal turne ayen, and bilde the tabernacle of Dauid, that felle doun; and Y schal bilde ayen the cast doun thingis of it, and Y schal reise it;
17 ka ndị fọdụrụ nʼetiti mmadụ nwe ike chọọ Onyenwe anyị, ọ bụladị ndị mba ọzọ niile ndị a kpọkwasịrị aha m, ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru, onye na-emekwa ihe ndị a.’
that other men seke the Lord, and alle folkis on which my name is clepid to helpe; the Lord doynge this thing, seith.
18 Nke a amaara site na mgbe ochie. (aiōn g165)
Fro the world, the werk of the Lord is knowun to the Lord. (aiōn g165)
19 “Nʼihi nke a, mkpebi ikpe m bụ nke a, ka anyị ghara isogbu ndị mba ọzọ lọghachikwutere Chineke,
For which thing Y deme hem that of hethene men ben conuertid to God,
20 kama o kwesiri ka anyị degara ha akwụkwọ gwa ha sị ha hapụ iri nri ọbụla e ji chụọrọ arụsị aja. Ka ha wezugakwa onwe ha site na mmehie ịkwa iko, ya na iri anụ a nyagburu anyagbu, maọbụ ọbara.
to be not disesid, but to write to hem, that thei absteyne hem fro defoulingis of maumetis, and fro fornicacioun, and stranglid thingis, and blood.
21 Site na mbụ, Mosis nwere ndị na-ekwusa iwu nʼobodo niile. A na-agụkwa ya nʼụlọ nzukọ nʼụbọchị izuike niile.”
For Moyses of elde tymes hath in alle citees hem that prechen him in synagogis, where bi ech sabat he is red.
22 Mgbe ahụ, ndị ozi na ndị okenye, ha na nzukọ niile, kpebiri ka a họpụta ndị ikom a ga-eziga Antiọk ha na Pọl na Banabas. Ha họpụtara Judas onye a na-akpọkwa Basabas, na Saịlas, ndị ndu so nʼetiti ụmụnna.
Thanne it pleside to the apostlis, and to the eldre men, with al the chirche, to chees men of hem, and sende to Antioche, with Poul and Barnabas, Judas, that was named Barsabas, and Silas, the firste men among britheren;
23 Ha nyekwara ha nʼakwụkwọ ozi dị otu a, Akwụkwọ a sitere nʼaka ndị ozi, na ndị okenye ndị bụ ụmụnna unu. A na-edetara ya unu ndị sitere na mba ọzọ kwere bụ ndị nọ nʼAntiọk, Siria na Silisia. Ekele.
and wroten bi the hondis of hem, Apostlis and eldre britheren to hem that ben at Antioche, and Sirie, and Silice, britheren of hethen men, greting.
24 E mere ka anyị mata na ụfọdụ ndị otu anyị ebuterela unu nsogbu na ọgbaaghara, mee ka obi lọọ unu mmiri, na-emebi mkpụrụobi unu. Ma nʼezie, ha anataghị ike nʼaka anyị ime nke a.
For we herden that summe wenten out fro vs, and trobliden you with wordis, and turneden vpsodoun youre soulis, to whiche men we comaundiden not,
25 Nʼihi nke a, anyị zukọrọ, sitekwa nʼotu obi kpebie ịhọpụta ụfọdụ ndị ikom na izitere unu ha, ha na ndị anyị hụrụ nʼanya, bụ Pọl na Banabas,
it pleside to vs gaderid in to oon, to chese men, and sende to you, with oure most dereworthe Barnabas and Poul,
26 ndị ikom werela ndụ ha tụnye nʼaha Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst.
men that yauen her lyues for the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
27 Ya mere, anyị na-ezite Judas na Saịlas ndị ga-akọwara unu nʼihu nʼihu, ihe anyị dere nʼakwụkwọ a.
Therfor we senten Judas and Silas, and thei schulen telle the same thingis to you bi wordis.
28 Nʼihi na ọ bụ ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Mmụọ Nsọ na nʼanya anyị kwa, na o kwesighị ka anyị bokwasị unu ibu arọ karịa ihe ndị a dị mkpa.
For it is seyn to the Hooly Goost and to vs, to putte to you no thing more of charge, than these nedeful thingis,
29 Ma o kwesiri ka unu hapụ iri ihe ọbụla e jiri chụọ aja nye arụsị, ya na iri anụ ọbụla a nyagburu anyagbu, maọbụ ọbara. Kewapụkwanụ onwe unu site nʼịkwa iko. Ọ bụrụ na unu eme ihe ndị a, unu mere nke ọma. Nọọnụ nke ọma.
that ye absteyne you fro the offrid thingis of maumetis, and blood stranglid, and fornicacioun. Fro whiche ye kepinge you, schulen do wel. Fare ye wel.
30 Ya mere, e zipụrụ ha, ha jeruokwa Antiọk. Mgbe ha kpọkọrọ nzukọ ahụ, ha nyere ha akwụkwọ ozi ahụ.
Therfor thei weren let go, and camen doun to Antioche; and whanne the multitude was gaderid, thei token the epistle;
31 Mgbe ndị otu ọgbakọ ahụ gụsịrị ya, ha ṅụrịrị ọṅụ nke ukwuu nʼihi agbamume ha natara.
which whanne thei hadden red, thei ioyden on the coumfort.
32 Judas na Saịlas, ndị ha onwe ha bụ ndị amụma, kwuru ọtụtụ okwu, iji gbaa ha ume na ime ka okwukwe ndị kwere ekwe guzosie ike.
And Judas and Silas and thei, for thei weren prophetis, coumfortiden britheren, and confermyden with ful many wordis.
33 Mgbe ha nọnyesịrị ha nwa oge nta, ndị kwere ekwe ji ngọzị nke udo zilaga ha ka ha laghachikwuru ndị zitere ha.
But aftir that thei hadden be there a lytil while, thei weren let go of britheren with pees, to hem that hadden sent hem.
34 Ma ọ masịrị Saịlas ịnọtukwu nʼebe ahụ.
But it was seyn to Silas, to dwelle there; and Judas wente aloone to Jerusalem.
35 Pọl na Banabas nọgidere nʼAntiọk, ebe ha na ndị ọzọ kuziri ihe ma kwusakwa okwu Onyenwe anyị.
And Poul and Barnabas dwelten at Antioche, techinge and prechinge the word of the Lord, with othere manye.
36 Mgbe ụbọchị ole na ole gasịrị, Pọl gwara Banabas, “Ka anyị gaghachi nʼobodo niile anyị kwusara okwu Onyenwe anyị nʼotu nʼotu, mata ka ndị kwere ekwe si agbalị nʼebe ahụ.”
But after summe daies, Poul seide to Barnabas, Turne we ayen, and visite britheren bi alle citees, in whiche we han prechid the word of the Lord, hou thei han hem.
37 Banabas chọrọ ka ha na Jọn onye a na-akpọ Mak soro gaa.
And Barnabas wolde take with hym Joon, that was named Marcus.
38 Ma Pọl echeghị na o ziri ezi iduru ya nʼihi na ọ hapụrụ ha na Pamfilia. O sokwaghị ha jezuo ozi ha.
But Poul preiede him, that he that departide fro hem fro Pamfilie, and wente not with hem in to the werk, schulde not be resseyued.
39 Ịrụ ụka dapụtara nʼetiti ha siri ike nke mere na ha kewara. Banabas kpọrọ Jọn Mak banye nʼụgbọ gawa Saiprọs.
And dissencioun was maad, so that thei departiden a twynny. And Barnabas took Mark, and cam bi boot to Cipre.
40 Ma Pọl họọrọ Saịlas, kpọrọ ya gawa njem, mgbe ụmụnna kpesịrị ha ekpere raara ha nye nʼamara Onyenwe anyị.
And Poul chees Silas, and wente forth fro the britheren, and was bitakun to the grace of God.
41 O jegharịrị nʼime obodo Siria na Silisia na-agba nzukọ nọ nʼebe ahụ ume.
And he wente bi Sirie and Silice, and confermyde the chirche, comaundinge to kepe the heestis of apostlis and eldre men.

< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 15 >