< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 14 >

1 Nʼobodo Aikoniọm, Pọl na Banabas banyekwara nʼụlọ nzukọ ndị Juu, kwuo okwu nʼụzọ pụrụ iche nke mere nʼọtụtụ mmadụ, ndị Juu na ndị mba ọzọ kwenyekwara.
And at Iconium they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great number both of the Jews and of the Greeks believed.
2 Ndị Juu, ndị na-anabataghị okwu ahụ, kpaliri ndị mba ọzọ mee ka mkpụrụobi ha jọọ njọ megide ụmụnna.
But the unbelieving Jews stirred up and inflamed the minds of the Gentiles against the brethren.
3 Otu ọ dị, ha nọgidere nʼebe ahụ ogologo oge, na-ekwusakwa okwu nke Onyenwe anyị na-atụghị egwu ọbụla. Onye nke gosikwara na ọ bụ okwu amara ya ka ha na-ekwu site nʼinye ha ike ịrụ ọrụ ịrịbama na ọrụ ebube dị iche iche.
They therefore stayed a considerable time speaking freely of the Lord, who bare witness to the word of his grace, and gave signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
4 Ma ndị obodo ahụ kewara abụọ, ụfọdụ nʼime ha dịnyere ndị Juu. Ụfọdụ dịnyekwara ndị ozi.
But the multitude of the city was divided: and some were for the Jews, and some for the apostles:
5 Mgbe ndị mba ọzọ, na ndị Juu, ha na ndị ndu ha, gbara izu ime ha ihe ihere, tụọkwa ha nkume.
but when there was an effort both of the Gentiles and of the Jews, together with their rulers, to offer violence to them, and to stone them;
6 Ndị ozi ahụ matara nzube ha site nʼebe ahụ gbapụ ọsọ gbaruo nʼakụkụ Laikonia, gbaba nʼime obodo Listra na Debi na obodo nta ndị ọzọ ndị dị nʼakụkụ ebe ahụ.
being apprised of it they fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and the adjacent country:
7 Nʼebe ahụ, ha gara nʼihu na-ekwusakwa oziọma ahụ.
and there they preached the gospel.
8 Nʼobodo Listra, o nwere otu nwoke dara ngwụrọ site nʼoge a mụrụ ya. Nwoke a ejibeghị ụkwụ ya abụọ gaa ije mgbe ọbụla.
And there was sitting at Lystra, a man disabled in his feet, who had never walked at all, being lame from his birth.
9 O gere ntị mgbe Pọl na-ekwu okwu. Onye legidere ya anya hụ na ọ nwere okwukwe nke a ga-eji mee ka a gwọọ ya,
This man heard Paul speaking; who looking earnestly at him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,
10 were oke olu sị, “Guzoro nʼụkwụ gị abụọ.” Nwoke ahụ wuliri elu malite ịga ije.
said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped up, and walked.
11 Mgbe igwe mmadụ ahụ hụrụ ihe Pọl mere, ha tiri mkpu nʼasụsụ Laikonia sị, “Ndị a bụ chi bịakwutere anyị nʼụdịdị mmadụ.”
And the people, seeing what Paul had done, lifted up their voice, saying in the Lycaonian tongue, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.
12 Banabas ka ha kpọrọ Zeus ma kpọkwa Pọl Hamis nʼihi na ọ bụ ya bụ onye ọka okwu.
And they called Barnabas Jupiter, and Paul Mercury; because he was the chief speaker.
13 Onye nchụaja Zeus, nke ụlọ arụsị ya dị nso nʼihu obodo, kpụtara oke ehi wetakwa okoko osisi dị iche iche. Ya na igwe mmadụ ahụ chọrọ ịchụ aja nye ha nʼọnụ ụzọ ama ha.
And the priest of Jupiter, whose image was before the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and with the people would have offered sacrifices to them.
14 Mgbe ndị ozi ahụ, Banabas na Pọl nụrụ ihe ndị a, ha dọwara uwe ha, gbara ọsọ jekwuru igwe mmadụ ahụ na-eti mkpu,
But the apostles Barnabas and Paul, when they heard of it, rent their clothes, and ran in among the people,
15 na-asị, “Ndị ikom, gịnị ka unu na-achọ ime? Lee, anyị bụkwa mmadụ dị ka unu. Ọ bụ oziọma ka anyị wetaara unu. Anyị chọrọ ka unu site nʼịsọpụrụ ihe ndị a na-abaghị uru, bịakwute Chineke dị ndụ. Onye kere eluigwe na ụwa, na oke osimiri na ihe niile dị nʼime ha.
crying out, and saying, "Sirs, why do ye these things? we also are men subject to the like infirmities with you, and we preach the gospel unto you, that ye may turn from these vanities to the living God, who made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea,
16 Nʼoge gara aga, ọ hapụrụ mba niile ka ha na-eme ihe masịrị ha.
and all things therein, who in generations past suffered all the nations to walk in their own ways: though He left not Himself without witness;
17 Nʼagbanyeghị nke a ọ hapụghị ị debere onwe ya ihe ndị ga-agbara ya akaebe, site nʼọrụ ọma ya niile. Dị ka inye unu mmiri ozuzo site nʼeluigwe, na mkpụrụ nke ala nʼoge ha. Ọ na-enyekwa unu nri na-emekwa ka obi na-atọ unu ụtọ.”
for He did us good, in giving us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."
18 Nʼagbanyeghị okwu ndị a, ọ rara ha ahụ igbochi igwe mmadụ ahụ ịchụrụ ha aja.
And saying these things, they with difficulty restrained the people from sacrificing to them.
19 Ma ndị Juu sitere nʼAntiọk na Aikoniọm bịara kpalie obi igwe mmadụ ahụ. Nʼihi ya, ha tụrụ Pọl nkume, dọkpụrụ ya pụọ nʼobodo, chee na ọ nwụọla.
But there came thither some Jews from Antioch and Iconium, and persuading the multitude, stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.
20 Ma mgbe ndị na-eso ụzọ bịara gbaa ya gburugburu, o bilitere, laghachikwa nʼime obodo ahụ. Ma nʼechi ya, ya na Banabas sooro gaa Debi.
But when the disciples were gathered round him, he rose up and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
21 Ha zisasịrị oziọma nʼime obodo ahụ, nke mere ka ọtụtụ mmadụ bụrụ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ha lọghachiri nʼobodo Listra site ya gaa Aikoniọm na Antiọk.
And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, and Iconium, and Antioch;
22 Nʼebe ahụ ha gbara ndị na-eso ụzọ ume kasịekwa ha obi sị ha jidesie okwukwe ahụ ike. Ha sịrị, “Anyị ga-agabiga ọtụtụ mkpagbu dị iche iche tupu anyị abaa nʼalaeze Chineke.”
confirming the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and telling them that through many afflictions we must enter into the kingdom of God.
23 Mgbe ha họpụtachara ndị okenye nʼime nzukọ niile. Ha sitere nʼobubu ọnụ na ekpere tinye ha nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, bụ onye ha kwenyere na ya.
And when they had appointed them elders in every church, praying and fasting, they recommended them to the Lord, in whom they had believed.
24 Ha sitere nʼakụkụ Pisidia garuo Pamfilia.
And passing through Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia.
25 Mgbe ha zisachara oziọma nʼobodo Pega, ha gbadara gaa Atalia.
And when they had preached the word at Perga, they went down to Attalia.
26 Site nʼebe ahụ, ha sooro ụgbọ mmiri jeruo Antiọk bụ ebe a nọ nyefee ha nʼamara Chineke nʼihi ọrụ ndị a ha rụzuru.
And from thence they sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God, for the work which they had now fulfilled.
27 Mgbe ha bịaruru, ha kpọkọtara nzukọ kọwara ha ihe niile Chineke sitere nʼaka ha mee, na otu o siri meghe ọnụ ụzọ nke okwukwe nye ndị mba ọzọ.
And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they related what God had done by them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
28 Ha na ndị na-eso ụzọ nọgidere nʼebe ahụ ruo oge dị anya.
And they spent a considerable time there with the disciples.

< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 14 >