< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 11 >

1 Ndị ozi na ụmụnna ndị bi na Judịa niile nụrụ na ndị mba ọzọ anabatala okwu Chineke.
The Apostles and the Brethren throughout Judea heard that even the Gentiles had welcomed God’s Message.
2 Mgbe Pita ruru Jerusalem, ndị kwere ekwe e biri ugwu tara ya ụta,
But, when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those who were converts from Judaism began to attack him,
3 na-asị, “Gịnị mere ị ji gakwuru ndị a na-ebighị ugwu soro ha rie ihe?”
on the ground that he had visited people who were not circumcised, and had taken meals with them.
4 Pita kọwaara ha ihe niile mere na otu o si mee, na-asị.
So Peter began to relate the facts to them as they had occurred.
5 “Otu ụbọchị, mgbe m nọ nʼobodo Jopa, ahụrụ m ọhụ nʼoge m na-ekpe ekpere. Nʼime ọhụ a, ahụrụ m ihe yiri akwa ọcha dị obosara nke e sitere nʼakụkụ anọ ya na-ewedata site nʼeluigwe. E budatara ya nʼihu m.
“I was in the town of Jaffa,” he said, “and was praying; and, while in a trance, I saw a vision. There was something like a great sail descending, let down by its four corners out of the heavens; and it came right down to me.
6 Nʼime ya, ahụrụ m anụmanụ ndị nwere ụkwụ anọ, na anụ ọhịa, na anụ ndị na-akpụ akpụ nʼala na ụmụ nnụnụ nke eluigwe.
Looking intently at it, I began to distinguish quadrupeds, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds;
7 Mgbe ahụ, anụrụ m olu gwara m sị, ‘Pita, bilie, gbuo ma riekwa.’
and I also heard a voice saying to me — ‘Stand up, Peter, kill something and eat.’
8 “Ma asịrị m, ‘Mba, Onyenwe m, ọ dịbeghị mgbe ihe na-adịghị ọcha maọbụ ihe rụrụ arụ bara m nʼọnụ.’
‘No, Lord, I cannot,’ I answered, ‘for nothing ‘defiled’ or ‘unclean’ has ever passed my lips.’
9 “Olu ahụ siri nʼeluigwe zaghachi nke ugboro abụọ, ‘Akpọla ihe ọbụla ihe rụrụ arụ bụ nke Chineke mere ka ọ dị ọcha.’
Then a second time there came a voice from the heavens. “What God has pronounced ‘clean’,” it said, “you must not call ‘defiled’.”
10 Nke a mere ugboro atọ, ma emesịa dọlie ha niile laa nʼeluigwe.
This happened three times, and then all was drawn up again into the heavens.
11 “Nʼotu oge ahụ, ndị ikom atọ ndị e zipụrụ site Sizaria ịkpọ m bịarutere kwụsị nʼọnụ ụzọ nʼụlọ ebe m nọ.
At that moment three men, who had been sent from Caesarea to see me, came up to the house in which we were.
12 Mmụọ Nsọ gwara m ka m ghara inwe obi abụọ isoro ha na-akpaghị oke ọbụla. Mmadụ isii ndị a nʼetiti ụmụnna anyị sokwa m, bịarute nʼụlọ nwoke ahụ.
The Spirit told me to go with them without hesitation. These six Brothers also went with me. And, when we came into the man’s house,
13 Ọ gwara anyị otu o si hụ mmụọ ozi nʼụlọ ya, onye sịrị, ‘Ziga ndị ozi jee Jopa ka ha kpọta Saimọn onye a na-akpọ Pita.
he told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house, and how the angel had said to him — ‘Send to Jaffa and fetch the Simon, who is also known as Peter;
14 Ọ ga-ewetara gị ozi nke a ga-esite na ya zọpụta gị nʼezinaụlọ gị niile.’
for he will tell you truths, which will prove the means of Salvation to you and all your household.’
15 “Mgbe m ka kpụ okwu ahụ nʼọnụ, Mmụọ Nsọ bịakwasịrị ha dịka o siri bịakwasị anyị na mbụ.
I had but just begun to speak,” continued Peter, “when the Holy Spirit fell on them, exactly as on us at the first;
16 Mgbe ahụ, echetara m okwu ahụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru sị, ‘Jọn ji mmiri mee unu baptizim, ma a ga-eji Mmụọ Nsọ mee unu baptizim.’
and I recalled the saying of the Master — ‘John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’
17 Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na Chineke nyere ha otu onyinye ahụ o nyere anyị mgbe anyị kweere nʼOnyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst, onye ka m bụ iguzogide Chineke?”
Since then, God had given them the very same gift as he gave us when we became believers in Jesus Christ the Master — who was I that I could thwart God?”
18 Mgbe ha nụrụ nke a, ha agaghị nʼihu nʼịrụ ụka kama ha toro Chineke, na-asị, “Nʼezie, Chineke enyela ohere ka ọ bụladị ndị mba ọzọ chegharịa baa na ndụ.”
On hearing this statement, they said no more, but broke out into praise of God. “So even to the Gentiles,” they exclaimed, “God has granted the repentance which leads to Life!”
19 Ugbu a, ndị ahụ niile gbasasịrị nʼihi mkpagbu ahụ bidoro mgbe a tụgburu Stivin na nkume, jeruru akụkụ Fonisia na Saiprọs na Antiọk na-ekwusa oziọma ahụ naanị nʼetiti ndị Juu.
Now those who had been scattered in different directions, in consequence of the persecution that followed upon the death of Stephen, went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, telling the Message — but only to Jews.
20 Ma otu ọ dị, ụfọdụ nʼime ndị ikom ndị ahụ sitere nʼakụkụ Saiprọs na Sirini gara Antiọk, malite ikwusara ndị Griik oziọma banyere Onyenwe anyị Jisọs.
Some of them, however, who were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, on coming to Antioch, addressed themselves also to the Jews of foreign birth, telling them the Good News about that Lord Jesus.
21 Onyenwe anyị gọziri mgbalị ha niile. Nʼihi na ọtụtụ mmadụ chegharịrị kwere nʼOnyenwe anyị.
The power of the Lord was with them, so that a great number who had learned to believe came over to the Lord’s side.
22 Mgbe nzukọ dị na Jerusalem nụrụ ihe ndị a, ha zipụrụ Banabas ka ọ gaa Antiọk.
The news about them reached the ears of the Church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.
23 Mgbe o rutere, hụ ihe amara Chineke rụrụ nʼetiti ha. Ọ ṅụrịrị ọṅụ, mgbakwaa ha niile ume, gwa ha ka ha were obi ha niile nọgide nʼime Onyenwe anyị.
On coming there he saw to his great joy these tokens of the loving-kindness of God, and encouraged them all to make up their minds to be faithful to the Lord —
24 Ọ bụ ezigbo mmadụ, onye jupụtara na Mmụọ Nsọ na okwukwe. O nwekwara okwukwe dị ebube, nʼihi ya ọtụtụ mmadụ chegharịkwara bịakwute Onyenwe anyị.
For Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith — and a large number of people took their stand on the Lord’s side.
25 Emesịa, ọ gara Antiọk obodo Tasọs ịchọ Sọl.
Afterwards Barnabas left for Tarsus to look for Saul;
26 Mgbe ọ chọpụtara ya, o duuru ya bịa nʼAntiọk. Ihe ha ka otu afọ, ka ha na-ezukọ nʼụlọ chọọchị na-akụziri ọtụtụ igwe mmadụ ihe. Ọ bụ nʼime Antiọk ka e buru ụzọ kpọọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ndị Kraịst.
and, when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And so it came about that, for a whole year, they attended the meetings of the Church there, and taught a large number of people; and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called ‘Christians.’
27 Nʼoge ahụ, ndị amụma sitere na Jerusalem bịaruru Antiọk.
During this time, some Prophets came to Antioch from Jerusalem.
28 Otu onye nʼime ha a na-akpọ Agabọs biliri ọtọ buo amụma site nʼike Mmụọ Nsọ banyere oke ụnwụ ga-abịakwasị ụwa niile. Amụma a mezukwara nʼoge Klọdiọs na-achị.
One of them, named Agabus, came forward and, under the influence of the Spirit, foretold a great famine that was to spread over all the world — a famine which occurred in the reign of Claudius.
29 Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya kwekọrịtara ịtụkọta na iziga onyinye dị iche iche nye ndị kwere ekwe nọ na Judịa. Onye ọbụla nyekwara ihe dịka o nwere ike.
So the disciples, without exception, determined, in proportion to their means, to send something to help the Brethren living in Judea.
30 Ha mere nke a, ha zigara ndị okenye ihe ha tụkọtara, site nʼaka Banabas na Sọl.
And this they did, sending it to the Officers of the Church by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

< Ọrụ Ndị Ozi 11 >