< 2 Timoti 2 >

1 Ya mere, nwa m, bụrụ onye dị ike site nʼamara ahụ Kraịst Jisọs na-enye.
THOU therefore, my son, be mighty in the grace which is in Jesus Christ.
2 Ihe niile nke ị nụrụ nʼọnụ m nʼihu ọtụtụ ndị ama ka ị ga-enyefe nʼaka ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi, bụ ndị nwekwara ike izi ndị ọzọ ihe ndị a.
And the things which thou hast heard of me before many witnesses, these commit to faithful men, who shall be qualified to teach others also.
3 Soro m kere oke nʼahụhụ dị ka ezi onye agha Jisọs Kraịst.
Thou therefore endure hardships, as a brave soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 Ọ dịghị onye agha ọbụla na-ekekọta onwe ya nʼihe nke ụwa a, kama ọ na-achọ ime ihe ga-atọ onye họpụtara ya dị ka onye agha ụtọ.
No man who enters the army involves himself with secular affairs; that he may please the person who hath enlisted him.
5 Otu aka ahụ, onye na-agba ọsọ agaghị enweta okpu mmeri, ma ọ bụrụ na ọ gbaghị ọsọ ya dịka usoro iwu ịgba ọsọ si dị.
And if a man contend in the public games, he is not crowned victor, unless he contend according to the laws.
6 Onye ọrụ ubi na-adọgbu onwe ya nʼọrụ kwesiri ịbụ onye ga-ebu ụzọ rie mkpụrụ sitere nʼubi ya.
The husbandman who toils is the first who ought to partake of the fruits.
7 Na-atụgharị uche nʼihe m kwuru, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ga-enye gị nghọta nʼime ha niile.
Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
8 Echefula Jisọs Kraịst, onye a kpọlitere site nʼọnwụ, onye sikwa nʼagbụrụ Devid, nke a bụ oziọma m.
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to my gospel:
9 Ọ bụ nʼihi na m na-ekwu eziokwu ndị a ka m ji nọọ na-ahụ ahụhụ dị otu a dị ka onye ọjọọ, ma otu ọ dị, ekeghị okwu Chineke agbụ.
for which I suffer affliction, even unto chains as a malefactor; but the word of God is not bound.
10 Ya mere, ana m anagide ihe niile nʼihi ndị a họpụtara, ka ha bụrụkwa ndị ga-anata nzọpụta dị nʼime Kraịst Jisọs, na ebube ebighị ebi. (aiōnios g166)
Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Jesus Christ with eternal glory. (aiōnios g166)
11 Nke a bụ okwu kwesiri ntụkwasị obi: Ọ bụrụ na anyị esoro ya nwụọ, anyị ga-esokwa ya dị ndụ.
It is a faithful saying: for if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
12 Ọ bụrụ na anyị anagide, anyị ga-esokwa ya chịa ọchịchị. Ọ bụrụ na anyị ajụ ya, ọ ga-ajụkwa anyị.
if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him: if we renounce him, he also will renounce us:
13 Ọ bụrụ na anyị ekweghị ekwe, ọ ga-anọgide nʼikwesị ntụkwasị obi, nʼihi na o nweghị ike ịjụ onwe ya.
if we are unbelieving, he abideth faithful; he cannot contradict himself.
14 Na-echetara ha nke a, na-agwasikwa ha ike nʼaha Chineke ka ha ghara ịrụ ụka banyere okwu efu. Nʼihi na okwu ndị a abaghị uru, ha na-ewetara ndị na-anụ ya ịla nʼiyi.
Put them in mind of these things, adjuring them before the Lord not to quarrel about words of no use, but tending to the perversion of the audience.
15 Gbalịsie ike ka iche onwe gị nʼihu Chineke dị ka onye a nabatara. Onye ọrụ nke ihere na-apụghị ime, onye na-akọwa eziokwu ahụ nke ọma.
Be diligent to present thyself before God approved, a workman that need not blush, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16 Zere onwe gị nʼokwu nzuzu nke rụrụ arụ, nʼihi na ọ na-aga nʼihu iduba ndị mmadụ nʼọnọdụ amaghị Chineke karịa.
But profane vain bablings avoid: for they will proceed to greater lengths of impiety.
17 Ozizi ha ga-agbasa dị ka nsị, Haimeniọs na Filetus soo na ndị dị otu a.
And their discourse will eat like as a gangrene; of whom are Hymeneus and Philetus;
18 Ha ahapụla ịgbaso ụzọ eziokwu ahụ bido na-ekwusa okwu ụgha, na-asị na oge mbilite nʼọnwụ agafeela. Site nʼokwu ha, ha na-ekpu okwukwe mmadụ ụfọdụ ihu nʼala.
who with respect to the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection hath been already; and pervert the faith of some.
19 Ma ntọala Chineke hiwere na-eguzosi ike. Nʼelu ya ka eji ihe e dere kaa akara: “Onyenwe anyị maara ndị bụ ndị nke ya,” ya na, “Ka onye ọbụla kpọrọ onwe ya onye nke Kraịst kwụsị ibi ndụ ajọ omume.”
Nevertheless the stable foundation of God standeth firm, having this seal, the Lord knoweth those who belong to him. And, let every man who mentions the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness.
20 Nʼime ụlọ ukwuu, ọtụtụ ngwa ọrụ dị ya, ndị e ji ọlaedo maọbụ ọlaọcha, maọbụ osisi maọbụ ụrọ kpụọ. Ụfọdụ ka e ji eje ozi nʼoge nkwanye ugwu dị mkpa, ndị ọzọ ka e ji eje ozi nʼoge ọbụla.
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and pottery; and some for an honourable use, and others for baser service.
21 Ọ bụrụ na onye ọbụla edoo onwe ya ọcha pụọ nʼihe ọjọọ niile, ọ ga-abụ ngwa ọrụ e mere maka ọrụ ndị kwesiri nkwanye ugwu, bụrụkwa onye dị nsọ, onye na-abara Onyenwe ya uru, na onye dị njikere mgbe ọbụla ịrụ ezi ọrụ.
If therefore a man preserve himself pure from these things, he shall be a vessel for honour, sanctified and highly useful to the master, ready for every good work.
22 Gbanarị ihe ọbụla na-etinye ụdị echiche ọjọọ nke ụmụ okorobịa na-enwe nʼime gị, kama, na-agbaso ezi omume na okwukwe, na ịhụnanya na udo, ka gị na ndị na-akpọkukwa Onyenwe anyị site nʼobi dị ọcha na-emekọrịta.
But flee youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart.
23 Wezuga onwe gị nʼịrụ ụka nzuzu na nke amaghị ihe niile, nʼihi na ị maara na ha na-eweta ise okwu.
But foolish and uninstructive disputes avoid, knowing that they produce quarrels.
24 O kwesikwaghị ka ohu Onyenwe anyị bụrụ onye na-ese okwu, kama, ọ ga-abụ onye obiọma nye mmadụ niile, na onye ma otu e si ezi ihe, onye dị njikere ịnagide ihe ọjọọ e mere ya.
And a servant of the Lord ought not to quarrel; but to be gentle to all men, apt to teach, forbearing,
25 Ọ ga-ejiri obi dị nwayọ mgbe ọ na-adụ ndị iro ya ọdụ. Eleghị anya Chineke nwere ike mee ka ha chegharịa, bịa mata eziokwu.
with meekness correcting those who are opposers, if at last God may give unto them repentance so as to submit to the conviction of the truth;
26 Mgbe ahụ, ha nwere ike gbanahụ ọnya ekwensu, ka o jidechara ha ka ha mee uche ya.
and that they may escape out of the snare of the devil, who have been captured by him for his will.

< 2 Timoti 2 >