< 2 Samuel 17 >

1 Ahitofel gwara Absalọm sị ya, “Kwere ka m họpụta puku ndị ikom iri na abụọ ka m duru ha chụso Devid ọsọ nʼazụ nʼabalị taa.
And Achitophel said to Abessalom, Let me now choose out for myself twelve thousand men, and I will arise and follow after David this night:
2 Aga m abịakwasị ya mgbe ike gwụrụ ya, mgbe obi ya na-ada mba. Aga m emenye ya egwu nke ga-eme ka ọ maa jijiji. Mgbe ahụ, ndị niile so ya ga-agbasasịkwa. Ọ bụ naanị eze ka m ga-egbu
and I will come upon him when he [is] weary and weak-handed, and I will strike him with terror; and all the people with him shall flee, and I will strike the king only of all.
3 Aga m eme ka ndị ya niile lọghachikwute gị. Ọnwụ nke otu nwoke a ị na-achọsi ndụ ya ike ga-eme ndị ọzọ niile ịlọghachikwute gị, onye ọbụla ga-anọ nʼudo.”
And I will bring back all the people to you, as a bride returns to her husband: only you seek the life of one man, and all the people shall have peace.
4 Atụmatụ ahụ ziri ezi nʼanya Absalọm na ndị okenye niile nke Izrel.
And the saying [was] right in the eyes of Abessalom, and in the eyes of all the elders of Israel.
5 Ma Absalọm kwuru sị, “Kpọọ Hushaị onye Akai ka anyị jụọ ya ihe ọ chere banyere okwu a.”
And Abessalom said, Call now also Chusi the Arachite, and let us hear what [is] in his mouth, even in his also.
6 Mgbe Hushaị bịakwutere ya, Absalọm sịrị ya, “Ahitofel nyere ndụmọdụ dị otu a. Gịnị ka ị chere? Anyị ga-eme ihe o kwuru? Ọ bụrụ na anyị agaghị eme ya, gị onwe gị kwuo nke gị.”
And Chusi went in to Abessalom, and Abessalom spoke to him, saying, After this manner spoke Achitophel: shall we do according to his word? but if not, do you speak.
7 Hushaị zara Absalọm sị, “Ndụmọdụ Ahitofel dụrụ nʼoge a adịghị mma.
And Chusi said to Abessalom, This counsel which Achitophel has counselled this one time [is] not good.
8 Ọ sịrị, Gị onwe gị maara nna gị na ndị ikom ya; ha bụ ndị dike nʼagha, mkpụrụobi ha dịkwa ilu ugbu a dịka anụ ọhịa bịa a gbabara aka nwa nʼọhịa. Nna gị bụ onye ihe banyere agha doro anya. Ọ gaghị eso ndị ya nọọ ọnọdụ abalị.
And Chusi said, You know your father and his men, that they are very mighty, and bitter in their spirit, as a bereaved bear in the field, [and as a wild boar in the plain]: and your father [is] a man of war, and will not give the people rest.
9 Ọ bụladị ugbu a, o zoola onwe ya nʼime otu olulu maọbụ nʼime ọgba nkume. Ọ bụrụ na ọ pụta buru ụzọ buso ndị agha gị agha, onye ọbụla nụrụ ya ga-ekwu sị, ‘Etigbuola ndị agha Absalọm oke ntigbu.’
For, behold, he is now hidden in one of the hills or in some [other] place: and it shall come to pass when he falls upon them at the beginning, that [some one] will certainly hear, and say, There has been a slaughter among the people that follow after Abessalom.
10 Mgbe ahụ, ọ bụladị dimkpa nʼagha ndị nwere obi ọdụm, ụjọ ga-atụkwa ha. Ha agaghị ekwekwa ịga nʼihu ọgụ. Nʼihi na Izrel niile maara na nna gị bụ dike. Ha maakwara na ndị agha ya bụkwa ndị obi kara aka.
Then even he [that is] strong, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, —it shall utterly melt: for all Israel knows that your father [is] mighty, and they that are with him [are] mighty men.
11 “Ndụmọdụ m na-enye bụ nke a: chịkọtaa ndị Izrel niile, site na Dan ruo Bịasheba, ha dịka aja nke dị nʼakụkụ oke osimiri. Ọ bụkwa gị ga-edu ha nʼagha ahụ.
For thus I have surely given counsel, that all Israel be generally gathered to you from Dan even to Bersabee, as the sand that is upon the sea-shore for multitude: and that your presence go in the midst of them.
12 Mgbe ahụ, anyị ga-ebuso ya agha ebe ọbụla anyị hụrụ ya; anyị ga-abịakwasị ya dịka igirigi si adakwasị ala. Anyị ga-egbu ya, gbukwaa ndị niile so ya. Otu onye agaghị afọdụkwa nʼime ha.
And we will come upon him in one of the places where we shall find him, and we will encamp against him, as the dew falls upon the earth; and we will not leave of him and of his men so much as one.
13 Ọ bụrụkwa na o zoo onwe ya nʼotu obodo, mgbe ahụ Izrel niile ga-eweta ụdọ nʼobodo ahụ, anyị ga-adọtu ya dọbanye ya na ndagwurugwu, ruo mgbe ọ bụladị otu nkume ga-afọdụ nʼebe ahụ.”
And if he shall have taken refuge with his army in a city, then shall all Israel take ropes to that city, and we will draw it even into the river, that there may not be left there even a stone.
14 Absalọm na ndị ikom Izrel niile sịrị, “Ndụmọdụ Hushaị, onye Akai dị mma karịa nke Ahitofel.” Ma Onyenwe anyị ekpebielarị imebi ezi ndụmọdụ Ahitofel ka o si otu a wetara Absalọm ihe ndakwasị ọjọọ.
And Abessalom, and all the men of Israel said, The counsel of Chusi the Arachite [is] better than the counsel of Achitophel. For the Lord ordained to disconcert the good counsel of Achitophel, that the Lord might bring all evil upon Abessalom.
15 Hushaị gwara Zadọk na Abịata, ndị nchụaja, “Otu a na ihe ndị a ka Ahitofel dụrụ Absalọm na ndị okenye Izrel nʼọdụ ka ha mee, ma otu a na nke a ka mụ onwe dụkwaranụ nʼọdụ.
And Chusi the Arachite said to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests, Thus and thus Achitophel counselled Abessalom and the elders of Israel; and thus and thus have I counselled.
16 Ugbu a, meenụ ngwa, ziga ozi gwa Devid sị, ‘Anọkwala ọnọdụ abalị nʼụzọ ngabiga nke osimiri nʼime ọzara, kama gabiga na-atụfughị oge, ma ọ bụghị otu a, ma eze ma ndị niile ya na ha soo ga-abụ ndị elodara.’”
And now send quickly and report to David, saying, Lodge not this night in Araboth of the wilderness: even go and make haste, lest [one] swallow up the king, and all the people with him.
17 Jonatan na Ahimaaz nọ nʼakụkụ En-Rogel ka a ghara ihu ha mgbe ha na-abata nʼobodo. Otu nwaagbọghọ na-eje ozi na-aga zie ha ozi, ha onwe ha agaa zie eze Devid.
And Jonathan and Achimaas stood by the well of Rogel, and a maidservant went and reported to them, and they go and tell king David; for they might not be seen to enter into the city.
18 Ma otu nwokorobịa hụrụ ha gaa gwa Absalọm. Ya mere, ha abụọ mere ngwangwa baa nʼụlọ otu nwoke onye Bahurim, onye nwere olulu mmiri nʼogige ya, ha rịdara nʼime olulu ahụ
But a young man saw them and told Abessalom: and the two went quickly, and entered into the house of a man in Baurim; and he had a well in his court, and they went down into it.
19 Nwunye nwoke ahụ weere ihe mkpuchi ya tụsaa nʼọnụ olulu mmiri ahụ gbasaakwa mkpụrụ ọka nʼelu ya. Ọ dịghị onye maara maka ya.
And a woman took a covering, and spread it over the mouth of the well, and spread out ground corn upon it to dry, and the thing was not known.
20 Mgbe ndị ozi Absalọm bịaruru jụọ nwanyị ahụ, “Olee ebe Ahimaaz na Jonatan nọ”? Nwanyị ahụ zara, “Ha agafeela mmiri iyi.” Ndị ozi Absalọm chọrọ ha ma ha ahụghị ha. Ha laghachiri na Jerusalem.
And the servants of Abessalom came to the woman into the house, and said, Where [are] Achimaas and Jonathan? and the woman said to them, They are gone a little way beyond the water. And they sought and found them not, and returned to Jerusalem.
21 Mgbe ha lawara, mmadụ abụọ ahụ sitere nʼolulu mmiri ahụ rigopụta, gaa gwa eze Devid. Ha sịrị ya, “Bilie gafeenụ mmiri ngwangwa, nʼihi na Ahitofel adụọla Absalọm ọdụ otu a na otu a megide gị.”
And it came to pass after they were gone, that they came up out of the pit, and went on their way; and reported to king David, and said to David, Arise you and go quickly over the water, for thus has Achitophel counselled concerning you.
22 Nke a mere Devid na ndị niile so ya biliri gafee osimiri Jọdan. Mgbe chi ụtụtụ na-abọ, ha niile nọ nʼofe nke ọzọ Jọdan.
And David rose up and all the people with him, and they passed over Jordan till the morning light; there was not one missing who did not pass over Jordan.
23 Mgbe Ahitofel hụrụ na-emeghị ndụmọdụ ya, o biliri jikwaa ịnyịnya ibu ya, laa nʼụlọ ya nʼobodo ya. Mgbe o ruru nʼụlọ ya, o doziri nʼezinaụlọ ya nʼusoro, were ụdọ kwụgbuo onwe ya. Ọ nwụrụ. E lie ya nʼili nna ya.
And Achitophel saw that his counsel was not followed, and he saddled his ass, and rose and departed to his house into his city; and he gave orders to his household, and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.
24 Devid batara Mahanaim oge Absalọm gabigara Jọdan, ya na ndị ikom Izrel so ya.
And David passed over to Manaim: and Abessalom crossed over Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.
25 Absalọm họpụtakwara Amasa mee ya onyeisi ndị agha, nʼọnọdụ Joab. Amasa bụ nwa nwoke Itra, onye Ishmel, onye lụrụ Abigel, nwa nwanyị Nahash, onye bụkwa nwanne nwanyị Zeruaya nne Joab.
And Abessalom appointed Amessai in the room of Joab over the host. And Amessai was the son of a man whose name was Jether of Jezrael: he went in to Abigaia the daughter of Naas, the sister of Saruia the mother of Joab.
26 Absalọm na ndị agha Izrel mara ụlọ ikwu ha nʼala Gilead.
And all Israel and Abessalom encamped in the land of Galaad.
27 Mgbe Devid bịarutere Mahanaim, Shobi nwa Nahash onye obodo Raba nke dị nʼala ndị Amọn, na Makia nwa Amiel onye si Lo Deba, na Bazilai, onye Gilead si Rogelim
And it came to pass when David came to Manaim, that Uesbi the son of Naas of Rabbath of the sons of Ammon, and Machir son of Amiel of Lodabar, and Berzelli the Galaadite of Rogellim,
28 wetara ute e ji edina ala, na ite isi nri, na efere e ji eri nri bụ ọrụ onye ọkpụ ite. Tinyere ọka wiiti na ọka balị, ụtụ ọka na ọka a ṅara nʼọkụ, akịdị na lentil.
brought ten embroidered beds, (with double coverings, ) and ten caldrons, and earthenware, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and meal, and beans, and pulse,
29 O wetakwara mmanụ aṅụ, na bọta, atụrụ na chiizi nke sitere na mmiri ara ehi nye Devid na ndị so ya ka ha rie. Nʼihi na ha sịrị, “Ike agwụla ndị mmadụ, agụụ na-agụ ha, akpịrị na-akpọkwa ha nkụ, nʼime ọzara.”
and honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheeses of kine: and they brought them to David and to his people with him to eat; for [one] said, The people [is] faint and hungry and thirsty in the wilderness.

< 2 Samuel 17 >