< 2 Samuel 11 >

1 Nʼoge ọkọchị, mgbe ndị eze na-apụ ibu agha, Devid zipụrụ Joab ọchịagha ya, na ndị agha Izrel. Ha bibiri ndị Amọn, nọchibidokwa Raba. Ma Devid nọdụrụ na Jerusalem.
And it cometh to pass, at the revolution of the year — at the time of the going out of the messengers — that David sendeth Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel, and they destroy the Bene-Ammon, and lay siege against Rabbah. And David is dwelling in Jerusalem,
2 Nʼotu uhuruchi, Devid sitere nʼihe ndina ya bilie, gagharịa nʼelu ụlọeze ya. Ọ sitere nʼelu ụlọ ahụ hụ otu nwanyị na-asa ahụ. Nwanyị ahụ mara mma nke ukwu nʼile anya.
and it cometh to pass, at evening-time, that David riseth from off his couch, and walketh up and down on the roof of the king's house, and seeth from the roof a woman bathing, and the woman [is] of very good appearance,
3 Devid ziri ozi ka a jụta onye nwanyị ahụ bụ, ma a gwara ya na ọ bụ Batsheba, nwa Eliam, nwunye Ụraya onye Het.
and David sendeth and inquireth about the woman, and saith, 'Is not this Bath-Sheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of Uriah the Hittite?'
4 Devid ziri ka a gaa kpọta ya. Mgbe ọ bịara, ya na Devid dinara. (Ka ọ ghụchasịrị onwe ya site nʼadịghị ọcha ya nke ọnwa ahụ.) Ọ laghachiri nʼụlọ ya.
And David sendeth messengers, and taketh her, and she cometh unto him, and he lieth with her — and she is purifying herself from her uncleanness — and she turneth back unto her house;
5 Nwanyị a mechara dị ime, bịa ziga ozi ka agwa Devid. Ọ sịrị, “Adị m ime.”
and the woman conceiveth, and sendeth, and declareth to David, and saith, 'I [am] conceiving.'
6 Mgbe Devid nụrụ ya, o zigaara Joab ozi sị ya, “Zitere m Ụraya, onye Het.”
And David sendeth unto Joab, 'Send unto me Uriah the Hittite,' and Joab sendeth Uriah unto David;
7 Mgbe Ụraya bịakwutere ya, Devid jụrụ ya otu Joab mere, na otu ndị agha Izrel dị na otu agha si aga.
and Uriah cometh unto him, and David asketh of the prosperity of Joab, and of the prosperity of the people, and of the prosperity of the war.
8 Devid sịrị Ụraya, “Laa nʼụlọ gị gaa saa ụkwụ gị.” Ụraya si nʼụlọeze pụọ. E zipụkwara onyinye nke ndị na-ejere eze ozi ji sochie ya azụ.
And David saith to Uriah, 'Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet;' and Uriah goeth out of the king's house, and there goeth out after him a gift from the king,
9 Ma Ụraya agaghị nʼụlọ ya. Kama o so ndị na-ejere eze ozi dinaa nʼọnụ ụzọ e si abata ụlọeze.
and Uriah lieth down at the opening of the king's house, with all the servants of his lord, and hath not gone down unto his house.
10 Mgbe a gwara Devid na Ụraya alaghị nʼụlọ ya, Devid kpọrọ Ụraya, jụọ ya ajụjụ sị, “Ọ bụghị ije dị anya ka i si lọta? Gịnị mere ị larughị nʼụlọ gị?”
And they declare to David, saying, 'Uriah hath not gone down unto his house;' and David saith unto Uriah, 'Hast thou not come from a journey? wherefore hast thou not gone down unto thy house?'
11 Ụraya zara Devid, “Lee, igbe ọgbụgba ndụ Onyenwe anyị, na Izrel na Juda niile nọ nʼụlọ ikwu. Nna m ukwu Joab na ndị agha nna m ukwu nọ nʼọhịa. M ga-esi aṅaa laa nʼụlọ m, iri na ịṅụ ihe ọṅụṅụ na isoro nwunye m dinaa? Ana m aṅụ iyi na agaghị m eme ihe dị otu a.”
And Uriah saith unto David, 'The ark, and Israel, and Judah, are abiding in booths, and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, on the face of the field are encamping; and I — I go in unto my house to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife! — thy life, and the life of thy soul — if I do this thing.'
12 Devid gwara ya sị, “Ọ dị mma, nọdụ nʼebe a taa, echi ị ga-alaghachikwa nʼọgbọ agha.” Ụraya kwenyere nọdụ na Jerusalem ụbọchị ahụ, nakwa ụbọchị na-eso ya.
And David saith unto Uriah, 'Abide in this [place] also to-day, and to-morrow I send thee away;' and Uriah abideth in Jerusalem, on that day, and on the morrow,
13 Emesịa, Devid kpọrọ ya oriri, meekwa ya ka ọ ṅụbiga mmanya oke, ma nke a emeghị ka ọ laa nʼụlọ ya nʼabalị ahụ, kama ọ bụkwa nʼọnụ ụzọ e si abata ụlọeze ka o dinara nʼetiti ndị na-ejere eze ozi.
and David calleth for him, and he eateth before him, and drinketh, and he causeth him to drink, and he goeth out in the evening to lie on his couch with the servants of his lord, and unto his house he hath not gone down.
14 Nʼụtụtụ echi ya, Devid degaara Joab akwụkwọ, zighachịkwa ya site nʼaka Ụraya.
And it cometh to pass in the morning, that David writeth a letter unto Joab, and sendeth by the hand of Uriah;
15 Ihe ọ dere nʼakwụkwọ ahụ bụ nke a, “Tinye Ụraya nʼihu agha ebe ọgụ siri ike. Mgbe ndị iro na-apụkwute unu, laanụ azụ, ma hapụnụ Ụraya nʼihu ọgụ ka ndị iro gbuo ya.”
and he writeth in the letter, saying, 'Place ye Uriah over-against the front of the severest battle, and ye have turned back from after him, and he hath been smitten, and hath died.'
16 Ya mere, mgbe Joab gbara obodo ahụ gburugburu, o tinyere Ụraya nʼebe ọ maara na ndị dị ike nʼetiti ndị iro ha nọ.
And it cometh to pass in Joab's watching of the city, that he appointeth Uriah unto the place where he knew that valiant men [are];
17 Ndị ikom obodo ahụ pụtara buso Joab agha. Ụfọdụ ndị agha Devid nwụrụ. Ụraya onye Het, so na ndị egburu.
and the men of the city go out and fight with Joab, and there fall [some] of the people, of the servants of David; and there dieth also Uriah the Hittite.
18 Mgbe ahụ, Joab zigara ozi gwa Devid otu agha si na-aga,
And Joab sendeth and declareth to David all the matters of the war,
19 Ọ gwara onyeozi ahụ sị, “Mgbe ị gwachara eze akụkọ ihe gbasara otu agha si gaa
and commandeth the messenger, saying, 'At thy finishing all the matters of the war to speak unto the king,
20 iwe nwere ike iwe eze nke ukwu, na o nwere ike jụọ gị sị, ‘Gịnị mere unu ji gaa mgbidi obodo ahụ nso ịlụ agha? Ọ bụ na unu amaghị na a ga-esi nʼelu mgbidi ahụ gbaa àkụ?
then, it hath been, if the king's fury ascend, and he hath said to thee, Wherefore did ye draw nigh unto the city to fight? did ye not know that they shoot from off the wall?
21 Onye gburu Abimelek nwa Jeru-Beshet? Ọ bụghị na mgbidi obodo ka nwanyị nọ tụdaa aka nkume dagburu ya na Tebez? Gịnị mere unu ji jeruo mgbidi ahụ nso?’ Ọ bụrụ na ọ jụọ gị ihe dị otu a, gwa ya, ‘Ohu gị bụ Ụraya, onye Het anwụọkwala.’”
Who smote Abimelech son of Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cast on him a piece of a rider from the wall, and he dieth in Thebez? why drew ye nigh unto the wall? that thou hast said, Also thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.'
22 Onyeozi ahụ biliri ije, mgbe o rutere, ọ gwara Devid ihe niile Joab ziri ya ka o zie.
And the messenger goeth, and cometh in, and declareth to David all that with which Joab sent him,
23 Onyeozi ahụ sịrị Devid, “Ndị ikom ahụ ji ike karịrị anyị, ha pụtara ị buso anyị agha na mbara ma anyị chụghachiri ha azụ. Chụruo ha nʼọnụ ụzọ ama obodo ahụ.
and the messenger saith unto David, 'Surely the men have been mighty against us, and come out unto us into the field, and we are upon them unto the opening of the gate,
24 Mgbe ahụ, ndị ọgba ụta sitere nʼelu mgbidi malite ịgba ndị ohu gị àkụ, ụfọdụ nʼime ndị ikom eze nwụrụ. Ohu gị Ụraya, onye Het, sokwa na ndị nwụrụ.”
and those shooting shoot at thy servants from off the wall, and [some] of the servants of the king are dead, and also, thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.
25 Devid sịrị onyeozi ahụ, “Otu a ka ị ga-agwa Joab, ‘Ka ihe a ghara iwute gị nʼobi, nʼihi na mma agha na-egbu otu onye dịka o si egbu onye ọzọ. Lụsie ọgụ ike, lụgbukwaa obodo ahụ.’ Jiri okwu ndị a gbaa ya ume.”
And David saith unto the messenger, 'Thus dost thou say unto Joab, Let not this thing be evil in thine eyes; for thus and thus doth the sword devour; strengthen thy warfare against the city, and throw it down — and strengthen thou him.'
26 Mgbe nwunye Ụraya nụrụ na di ya anwụọla, o ruru ụjụ nʼihi ya.
And the wife of Uriah heareth that Uriah her husband [is] dead, and lamenteth for her lord;
27 Mgbe oge iru ụjụ ya gabigara, Devid ziri ka a kpọta ya nʼụlọeze. Ọ ghọkwara nwunye ya. Mụọra ya nwa nwoke. Ma ihe Devid mere jọrọ njọ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị.
and the mourning passeth by, and David sendeth and gathereth her unto his house, and she is to him for a wife, and beareth to him a son; and the thing which David hath done is evil in the eyes of Jehovah.

< 2 Samuel 11 >