< 2 Ndị Eze 5 >

1 Nʼoge a, Neeman bụ ọchịagha ndị agha eze Aram, Ọ bụ onye dị ukwuu nʼanya nna ya ukwu, bụrụkwa onye a na-enye nsọpụrụ nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị sitere nʼaka ya nye ndị agha Aram mmeri nʼọgbọ agha dị iche iche. Ọ bụ dike na dimkpa nʼagha, maọbụ onye ekpenta.
Naaman, prince of the chyualrye of the kyng of Syrie, was a greet man, and worschipid anentis his lord; for bi hym the Lord yaf helthe to Sirie; sotheli he was a strong man and riche, but leprouse.
2 Otu mgbe, ụfọdụ nʼime ndị agha Aram na-apụnara ndị mmadụ ihe pụrụ ga dọta otu nwaagbọghọ nta site nʼIzrel, onye na-ejere nwunye Neeman ozi.
Forsothe theues yede out of Sirie, and ledden prisonere fro the lond of Israel a litil damysele, that was in the seruyce of the wijf of Naaman.
3 Ọ sịrị nne ya ukwu, “Ọ gaara atọ m ụtọ ma a sị na nna m ukwu ga-aga hụ onye amụma nọ na Sameria. Ọ ga-agwọ ya ọrịa ekpenta a.”
`Which damysele seide to hir ladi, `Y wolde, that my lord hadde be at the prophete which is in Samarie; sotheli the prophete schulde haue curid hym of the lepre which he hath.
4 Neeman nụrụ nke a, bilie gaa kọọrọ eze Aram ihe niile nwaagbọghọ a si Izrel kwuru.
Therfor Naaman entride to his lord, and telde to hym, and seide, A damysel of the lond of Israel spak so and so.
5 Eze Aram sịrị, “Bilie, gaa, aga m ezigakwara eze Izrel akwụkwọ ozi.” Ya mere Neeman gara, ọ chịịrị talenti ọlaọcha iri, na puku shekel ọlaedo isii, na uwe ọma dị iche iche, nke dị iri nʼọnụọgụgụ.
Therfor the kyng of Syrie seide to hym, Go thou, and Y schal sende lettris to the kyng of Israel. And whanne he hadde go forth, and hadde take with hym ten talentis of siluer, and sixe thousynde goldun platis, `ether floreyns, and ten chaungyngis of clothis,
6 Nke a bụkwa ihe dị nʼime akwụkwọ ahụ eze Aram degaara eze Izrel: “Nwoke a ji akwụkwọ a bịakwute gị bụ Neeman, onyeisi ndị agha m. Biko, achọrọ m ka ị gwọọ ya ọrịa ekpenta dị ya nʼahụ.”
he brouyte lettris to the kyng of Israel bi these wordis; Whanne thou hast take this pistle, wite thou, that Y haue sent to thee Naaman, my seruaunt, that thou cure hym of his lepre.
7 Ngwangwa eze Izrel gụrụ akwụkwọ ahụ, ọ dọwara uwe ya sị, “Abụ m Chineke? A pụrụ m ime ka mmadụ nwụọ na ime ka mmadụ dị ndụ? Gịnị mere nwoke a ji ezitere m onye m ga-agwọ ọrịa ekpenta? Lee ka o si na-achọ ụzọ anyị ga-eji nwee esemokwu.”
And whanne the kyng of Israel hadde red the lettris, he to-rente his clothis, and seide, Whether Y am God, that may sle and quykene, for this kyng sente to me, that Y cure a man of his lepre? Perseyue ye, and se, that he sekith occasiouns ayens me.
8 Mgbe Ịlaisha onye Chineke nụrụ na eze Izrel dọwara uwe ya, o ziri ozi a zigara ya sị, “Gịnị mere i ji dọwaa uwe gị? Zitere m Neeman. Ọ ga-amatakwa na e nwere onye amụma nʼIzrel.”
And whanne Elisee, the man of God, hadde herd this, that is, that the kyng of Israel hadde to-rente hise clothis, he sente to the kyng, and seide, Whi to-rentist thou thi clothis? come he to me, and wite he, that a prophete is in Israel.
9 Ya mere, Neeman bịarutere guzo nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ Ịlaisha, ya na ịnyịnya ya, na ụgbọ agha ya.
Therfor Naaman cam with horsis and charis, and stood at the dore of the hows of Elisee.
10 Ịlaisha zigara onyeozi ya nke bịara zie sị ya, “Jee saa ahụ gị ugboro asaa nʼosimiri Jọdan. I mee nke a, ekpenta ahụ ga-esi nʼakụkụ ahụ gị niile pụọ. Ị ga-adịkwa ọcha.”
And Elisee sente to hym a messanger, and seide, Go thou, and be thou waischun seuensithis in Jordan; and thi fleisch shal resseyue helthe, and thou schalt be clensid.
11 Ma Neeman were iwe nke ukwuu tụgharịa bido ịlaghachi ebe o si bịa. Mgbe ọ na-ala, ọ na-ekwu na-asị, “Echere m na ọ ga-apụkwute m, guzo, kpọkuo aha Onyenwe anyị Chineke ya, fufee aka ya nʼebe ahụ ọrịa m dị, gwọọ m ọrịa ekpenta m.
Naaman was wrooth, and yede awei, and seide, Y gesside, that he schulde go out to me, and that he schulde stonde, and clepe the name of `the Lord his God, and that he schulde touche with his hond the place of lepre, and schulde cure me.
12 Abana na Fapa, bụ osimiri dị na Damaskọs, ha adịghị mma karịa mmiri Izrel niile? Ọ bụ na m enweghị ike ịsa ahụ nʼime ha ma dị ọcha.” Ọ tụgharịrị jiri ọnụma pụọ.
Whether Abana and Pharphar, floodis of Damask, ben not betere than alle the watris of Israel, that Y be waischun in tho, and be clensid?
13 Ma ndị ozi Neeman jekwuru ya sị ya, “Nna anyị, a sị na ọ bụ ihe sịrị ike nke ukwuu ka onye amụma ahụ gwara gị sị gị mee, ị garaghị eme ya? Ma ihe ọ sị gị mee bụ naanị ‘Gaa saa ahụ gị ka ị dị ọcha.’”
Therfor whanne he hadde turned hym silf, and yede awei, hauynge indignacioun, hise seruauntis neiyiden to hym, and spaken to hym, Fadir, thouy the prophete hadde seid to thee a greet thing, certis thou owist to do; hou myche more for now he seide to thee, Be thou waischun, and thou schalt be clensid.
14 Ya mere, ọ gara sụnye onwe ya nʼime osimiri Jọdan ugboro asaa, dịka onye nke Chineke gwara ya. Anụ ahụ ya lọghachiri dị ọcha ka anụ ahụ nwantakịrị.
He yede doun, and waischide hym seuensithis in Jordan, bi the word of the man of God; and his fleisch was restored as the fleisch of a litil child, and he was clensid.
15 Mgbe ahụ, Neeman na ndị niile ya na ha so laghachikwutere onye nke Chineke. O guzoro nʼihu ya sị, “Ugbu a amatala m na ọ dịghị Chineke ọzọ dị nʼụwa niile ma ọ bụghị naanị nʼIzrel. Ya mere, biko, nara onyinye a site nʼaka ohu gị.”
And he turnede ayen with al his felouschipe to the man of God, and cam, and stood bifor hym; and seide, Verili Y knowe, that noon other God is in al erthe, no but oneli God of Israel; therfor, Y biseche, that thou take blessyng of thi seruaunt.
16 Ma Ịlaisha zara sị ya, “Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, bụ onye m na-ejere ozi, agaghị m ana gị ihe ọbụla.” Ma Neeman rịọrọ ya arịrịọ ka ọ nara ya, ma ọ jụrụ ajụ.
And he answeride, The Lord lyueth bifor whom Y stonde, for Y schal not take. And whanne he made `strengthe, that is, greet preier, Elisee assentide not outirli.
17 Mgbe ahụ Neeman sịrị, “Ọ bụrụ na ị gaghị anara, biko, kwerenụ ka m kporo aja nke ịnyịnya abụọ nwere ike ibu. Nʼihi na site ugbu a gaa nʼihu, agaghị m achụrụ chi ọzọ aja nsure ọkụ, ma ọ bụghị naanị Onyenwe anyị.
Therfor Naaman seide, As thou wolt; but, I biseche, graunte thou to me, thi seruaunt, that Y take of `the lond the birthun of twei burdones; for thi seruaunt schal no more make brent sacrifice, ether slayn sacrifice, to alien goddis, no but to the Lord.
18 Ma ka Onyenwe anyị gbaghara ohu gị naanị otu ihe a. Mgbe nna m ukwu banyere nʼụlọ arụsị Rimọn ịkpọ isiala, mgbe ọ na-adabere nʼaka m, nke ga-eme ka mụ onwe m kpọọkwa isiala. Mgbe m si otu a kpọọ isiala nʼụlọ arụsị Rimọn, ka Onyenwe anyị gbaghara ohu gị nʼihi nke a.”
Forsothe this thing is oneli, of which thou schalt preie the Lord for thi seruaunt, whanne my lord shal entre into the temple of Remmon, that he worschipe, and while he `schal lene on myn hond, if Y worschipe in the temple of Remmon, while he worschipith in the same place, that the Lord foryyue to thi seruaunt for this thing.
19 Ịlaisha zara sị ya, “Ọ dị mma, laa nʼudo.” Mgbe Neeman lawara, o jerubeghị ebe dị anya,
Which Elisee seide to hym, Go thou in pees. `Therfor he yede fro Elisee in a chosun tyme of the lond.
20 Gehazi, bụ onyeozi Ịlaisha onye nke Chineke, sịrị nʼobi ya, “Nna m ukwu emezighị ikwere ka Neeman onye Aram laa na-anataghị ya ihe o ji bịa. Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, aga m eji ọsọ gbakwuru ya napụta ya ụfọdụ ihe ahụ.”
And Giezi, the child of the man of God, seide, My lord sparide this Naaman of Syrie, that he took not of hym that, that he brouyte; the Lord lyueth, for Y schal renne aftir hym, and Y schal take of hym sum thing.
21 Ya mere, Gehazi gbara ọsọ gbakwuru Neeman. Mgbe Neeman hụrụ ya ka ọ gba ọsọ na-abịa, o si nʼelu ụgbọ agha ya wudata gaa zute ya, jụọ ya sị: “Udo ọ dịkwa?”
And Giezi suede aftir the bak of Naaman; and whanne Naaman hadde seyn Giezi rennynge to hym, he skippide doun of the chare in to the metyng of Giezi; and seide, Whether alle thingis ben riytfuli?
22 “E, udo dị,” ka Gehazi zara, “Onyenwe m zitere m ka m gwa gị, ‘Lee, ụmụ okorobịa abụọ nʼetiti ndị amụma si nʼugwu Ifrem bịakwute m. Biko nye ha otu talenti ọlaọcha na uwe mgbanwe abụọ.’”
And he seide, Riytfuli; my lord sente me to thee, and seide, Twey yonge men of the hille of Effraym, of the sones of prophetis, camen now to me; yyue thou to hem a talent of siluer, and double chaungyng clothis.
23 Ma Neeman zara sị ya, “Biko, were talenti abụọ.” Ọ kwagidere Gehazi ka ọ nara ha. O kechiri talenti ọlaọcha abụọ ahụ nʼakpa abụọ, tinyere uwe mgbanwe abụọ. O bunyere ndị ohu ya ka ha buru ya na-aga nʼihu Gehazi.
And Naaman seide, It is betere that thou take twei talentis. And Naaman constreynede hym; and Naaman boond twei talentis of siluer in twei sackis, and double clothis, and puttide on his twey children, `that is, seruauntis, whiche also baren bifor Giezi.
24 Ma mgbe ha rutere nʼugwu, Gehazi naara ndị ohu Neeman ihe ndị ahụ, sị ha laghachikwa. O zoro ihe ndị ahụ nʼime ụlọ.
And whanne he hadde come thanne in the euentid, he took fro the hond of hem, and leide vp in the hows; and he delyuerede the men, and thei yeden.
25 Mgbe ọ batara nʼụlọ guzo nʼihu nna ya ukwu, Ịlaisha jụrụ ya sị, “Ebee ka i si na-abịa Gehazi?” Ọ zara, “Ohu gị ejeghị ebe ọbụla.”
Forsothe Giezi entride, and stood bifor his lord. And Elise seide, Giezi, fro whennus comest thou? Which answeride, Thi seruaunt yede not to ony place.
26 Mgbe ahụ Ịlaisha zara ya, “Ọ bụ na mmụọ m esoghị gị mgbe nwoke ahụ si nʼụgbọ ya rịdata izute gị? Oge a ọ bụ oge ịnara ego, na ịnara uwe, na ịnara ubi oliv, na ubi vaịnị, na igwe ehi, na igwe atụrụ, na ndị ohu ndị ikom, na ndị ohu ndị inyom na-eje ozi?
And Elise seide, Whether myn herte was not in present, whanne the man turnede ayen fro his chare in to the metyng of thee? Now therfor thou hast take siluer, and thou hast take clothis, that thou bie places of olyues, and vyneris, and scheep, and oxis, and seruauntis, and handmaydis;
27 Nʼihi nke a, ekpenta ahụ dị Neeman ga-abịakwasị gị, na ụmụ ụmụ gị, ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.” Ya mere, Gehazi ghọrọ onye ekpenta si nʼihu ya pụọ. Anụ ahụ ya bidokwara ịcha ọcha dịka ogho ọcha.
but also the lepre of Naaman schal cleue to thee, and to thi seed withouten ende. And Giezi yede leprouse as snow, `fro hym.

< 2 Ndị Eze 5 >