< 2 Ndị Eze 14 >

1 Nʼafọ nke abụọ nke ịbụ eze Jehoash nwa Jehoahaz nʼIzrel, ka Amazaya nwa Joash eze Juda malitere ọchịchị ya.
The second yeere of Ioash sonne of Iehoahaz King of Israel reigned Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah.
2 Amazaya gbara iri afọ abụọ na ise mgbe ọ malitere ịbụ eze. Ọ bụ eze na Jerusalem iri afọ abụọ na itoolu. Aha nne ya bụ Jehoadin, onye Jerusalem.
He was fiue and twentie yeere olde when he began to reigne, and reigned nine and twentie yeere in Ierusalem, and his mothers name was Iehoadan of Ierusalem.
3 O mere ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Onyenwe anyị, ma o meghị dịka nna nna ya bụ Devid mere. Nʼihe niile, ọ gbasoro nzọ ụkwụ nna ya Joash.
And he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, yet not like Dauid his father, but did according to all that Ioash his father had done.
4 Ọ wezugaghị ebe ịchụ aja niile dị nʼugwu. Ndị Juda gara nʼihu na-achụ aja na-esurekwa ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nʼelu ugwu ahụ niile.
Notwithstanding the hie places were not taken away: for as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense in the hie places.
5 Mgbe alaeze ahụ siri ike nʼọchịchị ya, o gburu ndị ozi ahụ gburu eze, bụ nna ya.
And when the kingdome was confirmed in his hand, he slewe his seruants which had killed the King his father.
6 Ma o meghị ka ụmụ ndị ogbu mmadụ ahụ nwụọ, nʼusoro ihe e dere nʼakwụkwọ iwu Mosis, ebe Onyenwe anyị nyere iwu sị: “Agaghị eme ka ndị mụrụ ụmụ nwụọ nʼihi ihe ụmụ ha metara, maọbụ mee ka ụmụ nwụọ nʼihi ihe ndị mụrụ ha metara, onye ọbụla ga-anwụ nʼihi mmehie nke aka ya.”
But the children of those that did slay him, he slewe not, according vnto that that is written in the booke of the Lawe of Moses, wherein the Lord commanded, saying, The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children put to death for the fathers: but euery man shall be put to death for his owne sinne.
7 Amazaya bụ onye gburu puku ndị agha Edọm iri na Ndagwurugwu Nnu, dọtakwa obodo Sela nʼagha, gụgharịa ya Jekteel, nke bụ aha a na-akpọ ya ruo ụbọchị taa.
He slew also of Edom in the valley of salt ten thousand, and tooke the citie of Sela by warre, and called the name thereof Ioktheel vnto this day.
8 Mgbe ahụ, Amazaya zigara ndị ozi ka ha jekwuru Jehoash nwa Jehoahaz nwa Jehu, eze Izrel, zie ya ozi ịma aka, sị, “Bịa, ka dimkpa na ibe ya zute ihu na ihu nʼagha.”
Then Amaziah sent messengers to Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz, sonne of Iehu King of Israel, saying, Come, let vs see one another in the face.
9 Ma Jehoash eze Izrel zighachiri ozi nye Amazaya eze Juda sị ya, “Uke dị na Lebanọn zigaara osisi sida nke dị na Lebanọn ozi, sị ya, ‘Nye nwa m nwoke nwa gị nwanyị ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.’ Mgbe ahụ, anụ ọhịa nke dị na Lebanọn gafetere ebe ahụ, zọpịa uke ahụ.
Then Iehoash the King of Israel sent to Amaziah King of Iudah, saying, The thistle that is in Lebanon, sent to the cedar that is in Lebanon, saying, Giue thy daughter to my sonne to wife: and the wilde beast that was in Lebanon, went and trode downe the thistle.
10 I meriela Edọm, nʼezie. Ugbu a, mpako abatala. Ṅụrịa ọṅụ nʼihi mmeri nke i nwetara, ma nọdụ nʼụlọ gị. Nʼihi gịnị ka ị ga-eji kpaliere onwe gị nsogbu, si otu a wetara onwe gị na Juda ọdịda?”
Because thou hast smitten Edom, thine heart hath made thee proud: bragge of glory, and tary at home. why doest thou prouoke to thine hurt, that thou shouldest fall, and Iudah with thee?
11 Ma otu ọ dị, Amazaya egeghị ntị. Ya mere, Jehoash bụ eze Izrel buliri agha, ya na Amazaya eze Juda zutere ihu na ihu nʼagha na Bet-Shemesh, dị nʼala Juda.
But Amaziah would not heare: therefore Iehoash King of Israel went vp: and he and Amaziah King of Iudah sawe one another in the face at Beth-shemesh which is in Iudah.
12 Ndị Izrel meriri ndị Juda, mee ka ha gbalaga, nwoke ọbụla nʼụlọ ya.
And Iudah was put to the worse before Israel, and they fledde euery man to their tents.
13 Jehoash bụ eze Izrel nwudere Amazaya bụ eze Juda, nwa Joash, nwa Ahazaya na Bet-Shemesh. Mgbe ahụ, Jehoash gara Jerusalem kwada mgbidi Jerusalem, site nʼỌnụ ụzọ ama Ifrem ruo nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Nkuku, nke ogologo ya ruru narị nzọ ụkwụ isii.
But Iehoash King of Israel tooke Amaziah King of Iudah, the sonne of Iehoash the sonne of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh, and came to Ierusalem, and brake downe the wall of Ierusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, foure hundreth cubites.
14 Ọ chịkọrọ ọlaedo na ọlaọcha niile na ngwongwo niile ahụtara nʼụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị, na nke dị nʼụlọakụ nke ụlọeze. Ọ dọtara ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ nʼagha, kpọrọ laghachi na Sameria.
And he tooke all the gold and siluer, and all the vessels that were found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the Kings house, and the children that were in hostage, and returned to Samaria.
15 Ihe banyere akụkọ ndị ọzọ gbasara ọchịchị Jehoash, na ihe o mere, na ihe ọ rụpụtara, tinyere agha ọ lụrụ megide Amazaya eze Juda, ọ bụ na-edeghị ha nʼakwụkwọ akụkọ ihe ndị eze Izrel mere nʼoge ha?
Concerning the rest of the acts of Iehoash which he did and his valiant deedes, and how he fought with Amaziah King of Iudah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
16 Jehoash sooro nna nna ya ha dinaa nʼọnwụ, e lie ya na Sameria, ebe e liri eze ndị Izrel ndị ọzọ. Jeroboam nwa ya ghọrọ eze nʼọnọdụ ya.
And Iehoash slept with his fathers, and was buried at Samaria among the Kings of Israel: and Ieroboam his sonne reigned in his stead.
17 Amazaya nwa Joash, eze Juda nọrọ ndụ afọ iri na ise, mgbe Jehoash nwa Jehoahaz, eze Izrel nwụsịrị.
And Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah, liued after the death of Iehoash sonne of Iehoahaz King of Israel fifteene yeere.
18 Ma banyere ihe ndị ọzọ niile mere nʼoge ọchịchị Amazaya, ọ bụ na e deghị ha nʼakwụkwọ akụkọ ihe mere nʼoge ndị eze Juda?
Concerning the rest of the actes of Amaziah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?
19 Ha gbara izuzu imegide ya nʼime Jerusalem, ọ gbapụrụ gbalaga Lakish. Ma ha zipụrụ ndị ikom chụụrụ ya gaa Lakish, gbuo ya nʼebe ahụ.
But they wrought treason against him in Ierusalem, and he fled to Lachish, but they sent after him to Lachish, and slewe him there.
20 Ha bulatara ozu ya nʼelu ịnyịnya, e lie ya na Jerusalem nʼebe e liri ndị nna nna ya ha, nʼobodo Devid.
And they brought him on horses, and he was buried at Ierusalem with his fathers in the citie of Dauid.
21 Mgbe ahụ, ndị Juda niile duuru Azaraya onye aha ya bụkwa Uzaya, onye gbara afọ iri na isii, mee ya eze nʼọnọdụ nna ya Amazaya.
Then all the people of Iudah tooke Azariah which was sixteene yeere olde, and made him King for his father Amaziah.
22 Ọ bụ ya wugharịrị obodo Elat, nyeghachi ya Juda, mgbe Amazaya eze sooro ndị nna nna ya ha dina nʼọnwụ.
He built Elath, and restored it to Iudah, after that the King slept with his fathers.
23 Nʼafọ nke iri na ise nke Amazaya nwa Joash, eze Juda, Jeroboam nwa Jehoash eze Izrel ghọrọ eze na Sameria. Ọ chịrị iri afọ anọ na otu dịka eze.
In the fifteenth yeere of Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah, was Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash made King ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned one and fourtie yeere.
24 Ma o mere ihe ọjọọ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị nʼihi na o wezugaghị onwe ya site na mmehie Jeroboam nwa Nebat, onye ahụ dubara ndị Izrel na mmehie.
And he did euill in the sight of the Lord: for he departed not from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel to sinne.
25 Ọ bụ ya weghachitara oke ala Izrel site na Lebo Hamat ruo nʼosimiri Araba, dịka okwu Onyenwe anyị, Chineke nke Izrel si dị, nke o kwuru site nʼọnụ Jona nwa Amitai, onye amụma si Gat Hefa.
He restored the coast of Israel, from the entring of Hamath, vnto the Sea of the wildernesse, according to the worde of the Lord God of Israel, which he spake by his seruant Ionah the sonne of Amittai the Prophet, which was of Gath Hepher.
26 Onyenwe anyị hụrụ ọnọdụ ọjọọ nke ndị Izrel nọ nʼime ya; onye ọbụla nʼime ha, ohu na onye nwe onwe ya, nọ nʼoke ahụhụ. Ọ dịkwaghị onye inyeaka ọbụla ha nwere.
For the Lord saw the exceeding bitter affliction of Israel, so that there was none shutte vp, nor any left, neyther yet any that could helpe Israel.
27 Ma ọ bụghị uche Onyenwe anyị ịla Izrel nʼiyi kpamkpam nʼokpuru eluigwe, nʼihi ya ka o mere ka Jeroboam nwa Jehoash napụta ha site nʼaka ndị iro ha.
Yet the Lord had not decreed to put out the name of Israel from vnder the heauen: therefore he preserued them by the hand of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash.
28 Akụkọ niile gbasara ihe niile Jeroboam mere, na ike ya niile, na agha niile o buru, na otu o si nwetaghachiri ndị Izrel obodo Damaskọs na Hamat, bụ obodo ndị Juda, ọ bụ na e deghị ha nʼakwụkwọ akụkọ ihe ndị eze Izrel mere nʼụbọchị ndụ ha?
Concerning the rest of the actes of Ieroboam, and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, and how he fought, and how he restored Damascus, and Hamath to Iudah in Israel, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
29 Jeroboam sooro ndị nna nna ya ha dina nʼọnwụ, e lie ya nʼebe e liri ndị eze Izrel nwụrụ anwụ. Ma Zekaraya nwa ya ghọrọ eze Izrel nʼọnọdụ ya.
So Ieroboam slept with his fathers, euen with the Kings of Israel, and Zachariah his sonne reigned in his steade.

< 2 Ndị Eze 14 >