< 2 Ihe E Mere 3 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, Solomọn malitere iwu ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị. Ọ bụ nʼugwu Mọrịa, nke dị na Jerusalem, ka e wukwasịrị ya, nʼebe ahụ Onyenwe anyị mere ka Devid bụ nna ya hụ ya anya. Ọ bụ nʼala ebe ịzọcha ọka Arauna, onye Jebus, ebe ahụ Devid họpụtara.
And Salomon bigan to bilde the hows of the Lord in Jerusalem, in the hil of Moria, that was schewid to Dauid, his fadir, in the place which Dauid hadde maad redi in the corn floor of Ornam Jebusei.
2 O bidoro iwu ụlọ ahụ nʼabalị nke abụọ, nke ọnwa abụọ, nʼafọ nke anọ, nke ọchịchị eze ya.
Forsothe he bigan to bilde in the secounde monethe, in the fourthe yeer of his rewme.
3 Ntọala Solomọn tọrọ maka iwu ụlọnsọ Chineke dị iri mita abụọ na asaa nʼogologo, mita itoolu nʼobosara. (Nke a bụ ma ejiri ihe ọtụtụ ochie).
And these weren the foundementis, whiche Salomon settide, that he schulde bilde the hous of God; sixti cubitis of lengthe in the firste mesure, twenti cubitis of breede.
4 Ịdị ogologo mpụta ọnụ ụlọ nke ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ dị mita itoolu, dịka ịdị ogologo obosara ụlọ nso ahụ nʼonwe ya. Ịdị elu ya dịkwa mita itoolu. O jikwa ọlaedo a nụchara anụcha machie ime ya.
Forsothe he bildide a porche bifor the frount, that was stretchid forth along bisidis the mesure of the breede of the hows, of twenti cubitis, sotheli the hiynesse was of an hundrid and twenti cubitis; and he ouergilde it with inne with clennest gold.
5 O ji osisi junipa machie ahụ ime ụlọ ezumezu ahụ, jirikwa ọlaedo a nụchara anụcha techie osisi ndị ahụ niile. Emesịa, e sere oyiyi nkwụ dị iche iche, na oyiyi ụdọ igwe nʼahụ ụlọ ahụ iji chọọ ya mma.
Also he hilide the gretter hows with tablis of beech, and he fastnede platis of gold of beste colour al aboute; and he grauyde therynne palmtrees, and as smale chaynes biclipynge hem silf togidere.
6 O ji nkume dị oke ọnụahịa dị iche iche chọọ ime ụlọnsọ ahụ mma, ya na ọlaedo nke e si na Pavaim bute.
And he arayede the pawment of the temple with most preciouse marble, in myche fairenesse.
7 Ogidi osisi silin niile, na ibo ọnụ ụzọ niile, na aja ụlọ niile, na ọnụ ụzọ niile dị nʼụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ ka o ji ọlaedo techie. Ọ gbukwara egbugbu oyiyi cherubim na mgbidi ya niile.
Forsothe the gold was moost preued, of whose platis he hilide the hows, and the beemys therof, and the postis, and the wallis, and the doris; and he grauyde cherubyns in the wallis.
8 O wuru Ebe ahụ Kachasị Nsọ; nke ogologo ọnụ ụlọ ya dị mita iri, otu a kwa, obosara ya dị mita iri. O ji ọlaedo dị ezi mma nke ọnụahịa ya ruru narị talenti isii techie ahụ ime ụlọ ahụ niile.
Also he made an hows to the holi of holi thingis, in lengthe bi the breede of the hows, of twenti cubitis, and the breed also of twenti cubitis; and he hilide it with goldun platis, as with sixe hundrid talentis.
9 Ịdị arọ ọlaedo e ji kpụọ ǹtu e ji wuo ya dị iri shekel ise. E jikwa ọlaedo techie akụkụ elu elu nke ime ọnụ ụlọ a.
But also he made goldun nailis, so that ech nail peiside fifti siclis; and he hilide the solers with gold.
10 Solomọn tinyere oyiyi mmụọ ozi cherubim abụọ ọ kpụrụ nʼime Ebe ahụ Kachasị Nsọ, werekwa ọlaedo machie ha.
Also he made in the hows of the hooli of hooli thingis twei cherubyns bi the werk of an ymage makere, and hilide hem with gold.
11 Ịdị ogologo nku cherubim ndị a ruru mita iri. Ịdị ogologo otu nku cherub nke mbụ ruru mita abụọ na ọkara. Ọnụ nku a na-emetụ ahụ ime ụlọ nke ụlọnsọ ukwu, ma ọnụ ọnụ nku nke ọzọ, nke ịdị ogologo ya ruru mita abụọ nʼọkara, na-emetụ ọnụ otu nku cherub nke ọzọ.
The wyngis of cherubyns weren holdun forth bi twenti cubitis, so that o wynge hadde fyue cubitis, and touchide the wal of the hows; and the tother wynge hadde fyue cubitis, and touchide the wynge of the tother cherub.
12 Nʼotu aka ahụ, otu nku cherub nke abụọ ruru mita abụọ na ọkara nʼogologo. Ọnụ nku ya na-emetụ akụkụ nke ọzọ nke ahụ ime ụlọnsọ ukwu, ma nku ya nke ọzọ, nke rukwara mita abụọ na ọkara nʼogologo, na-emetụ ọnụ ọnụ otu nku cherub nke mbụ.
In lijk maner the wynge of the tother cherub hadde fyue cubitis, and touchide the wal, and the tother wynge therof of fyue cubitis touchide the wynge of the tothir cherub.
13 Nku cherubim ndị a gbasapụrụ ruo mita iri nʼogologo. Ha guzo ọtọ nʼụkwụ ha, na-eche ihu nʼọnụ ụlọ ezumezu ahụ.
Therfor the wyngis of euer eithir cherub weren spred abrood, and weren holdun forth bi twenti cubitis; sotheli thilke cherubyns stoden on the feet reisid, and her faces weren turned to the outermere hows.
14 O ji akwa na-acha anụnụ anụnụ, na uhie uhie, na odo odo, na ezi akwa ọcha, mee akwa mgbochi, nke a kpanyekwara oyiyi cherubim nʼime ya.
Also he made a veil of iacynct and purpur, of reed seelk and bijs; and weuyde cherubyns therynne.
15 O wuru ogidi abụọ dị nʼihu ụlọnsọ ahụ, nke ịdị elu ya ruru mita iri na asaa. Ọ kpụkwara ihe a dokwasịrị nʼelu ogidi ndị a, nke ịdị elu ha dị mita abụọ na ọkara.
Also bifor the yate of the temple he made twei pilers, that hadden fyue and thretti cubitis of heiythe; forsothe the heedis of tho weren of fyue cubitis.
16 Ọ kpụkwara ihe yiri ụdọ igwe a tụrụ atụ, nke e kokwasịrị nʼelu ogidi abụọ ndị ahụ. Kpụọkwa narị mkpụrụ pomegranet, nke a ganyekọtara ya na ụdọ igwe ahụ.
Also he made and as litle chaynes in Goddis answeryng place, and puttide tho on the heedis of the pilers; also he made an hundrid pumgarnadis, whiche he settide bitwixe the litle chaynes.
17 O guzobere ogidi abụọ ndị ahụ nʼihu ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ, otu nʼakụkụ ugwu nke ọzọ nʼakụkụ ndịda. Ogidi nke dị na ndịda ka ọ kpọrọ Jakin, ma nke dị nʼugwu ka ọ kpọrọ Boaz.
And he settide tho pilers in the porche of the temple, oon at the riytside, and the tother at the leftside; he clepide that that was at the riytside Jachym, and that that was at the leftside he clepide Booz.

< 2 Ihe E Mere 3 >