< 2 Ihe E Mere 25 >

1 Amazaya gbara iri afọ abụọ na ise mgbe e mere ya eze, ọ chịrị dịka eze iri afọ abụọ na itoolu na Jerusalem. Nne ya bụ Jehoadin onye Jerusalem.
Amasias began to reign when he was twenty and five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name [was] Joadaen of Jerusalem.
2 O mere ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Onyenwe anyị, ma o jighị obi ya niile mee nke a.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.
3 Mgbe alaeze guzosiri ike nʼokpuru ọchịchị ya, o gburu ndị ozi ahụ gburu eze, bụ nna ya.
And it came to pass, when the kingdom was established in his hand, that he killed his servants who had slain the king his father.
4 Ma o meghị ka ụmụ ha nwụọ, kama ọ gbasoro usoro ihe e dere nʼakwụkwọ iwu Mosis, ebe Onyenwe anyị nyere iwu sị: “Ndị mụrụ ụmụ agaghị anwụ nʼihi ihe ụmụ ha metara, maọbụ mee ka ụmụ nwụọ nʼihi ihe ndị mụrụ ha metara, onye ọbụla ga-anwụ nʼihi mmehie nke aka ya.”
But he killed not their sons, according to the covenant of the law of the Lord, as it is written, [and] as the Lord commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, and the sons shall not die for the fathers, but they shall die each for his own sin.
5 Amazaya kpọkọtara ndị Juda, guzo ha dịka ezinaụlọ ha si dị, kenye ha nʼokpuru ndị ọchịagha na-achị ọtụtụ puku ndị agha, na ndị na-achị ọtụtụ narị ndị agha, bụ ndị Juda na ndị Benjamin niile. Mgbe ọ gụrụ ndị dị afọ iri abụọ maọbụ karịa ọnụ, ọ chọpụtara na ha dị narị puku ndị ikom atọ ndị tozuru iji ùbe na ọta buo agha.
And Amasias assembled the house of Juda, and appointed them according to the houses of their families for captains of thousands and captains of hundreds in all Juda and Jerusalem: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upwards, and found them three hundred thousand able to go out to war, holding spear and shield.
6 O ji narị talenti ọlaọcha gota narị puku ndị agha site nʼala Izrel.
Also he hired of Israel a hundred thousand mighty [men for] a hundred talents of silver.
7 Ma otu onye nke Chineke bịakwutere ya, sị ya; “Eze, ka ndị agha a si Izrel ghara isonyere gị, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị anọnyereghị ndị Izrel, ọ nọnyereghị onye ọbụla sitere nʼIfrem.
And there came a man of God to him, saying, O king, let not the host of Israel go with you; for the Lord is not with Israel, [even] all the sons of Ephraim.
8 A sịkwarị na i jiri obi dimkpa ga agha a, Chineke ga-eme ka ndị iro gị merie gị, nʼihi na Chineke bụ onye nwere ike inyere mmadụ aka maọbụ ime ka ọ sụọ ngọngọ.”
For if you shall undertake to strengthen [yourself] with these, then the lord shall put you to flight before the enemies: for it is of the Lord both to strengthen and to put to flight.
9 Amazaya sịrị onye nke Chineke ahụ, “Gịnị kwanụ ka anyị ga-eme banyere narị ego talenti m kwụrụ maka ndị agha Izrel?” Onye nke Chineke ahụ zara, “Onyenwe anyị pụrụ inye gị karịa nke ahụ.”
And Amasias said to the man of God, But what shall I do [for] the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God said, The Lord can give you much more than these.
10 Amazaya zighachiri ndị agha Izrel ahụ azụ ka ha laa, bụ ndị a si nʼIfrem bịakwute ya. Ha were iwe nke ukwuu megide Juda, jirikwa oke iwe laghachi nʼụlọ ha.
And Amasias separated from the army that came to him from Ephraim, that they might go away to their place; and they were very angry with Juda, and they returned to their place with great wrath.
11 Amazaya duuru ndị agha ya gaa na Ndagwurugwu Nnu, ebe o gburu ndị ikom Sia dị puku iri.
And Amasias strengthened [himself], and took his people, and went to the valley of salt, and struck there the children of Seir ten thousand.
12 Ndị agha Juda nwudoro puku ndị ikom iri ọzọ na ndụ, duru ha gaa nʼelu nkume dị elu, si nʼebe ahụ tụda ha niile, nke mere na ha niile kụpịasịrị.
And the children of Juda took ten thousand prisoners, and they carried them to the top of the precipice, and cast them headlong from the top of the precipice, and they were all dashed to pieces.
13 Ma ndị agha ahụ Amazaya zilagara, ka ha ghara iso ya gaa agha, wakporo ọtụtụ obodo ndị Juda site na Sameria ruo Bet-Horon. Ha gburu puku mmadụ atọ nʼime ha, bukọrọkwa ọtụtụ ihe nkwata nʼagha, buru ha laa.
And the men of the host whom Amasias sent back so that they should not go with him to battle, [went] and attacked the cities of Juda, from Samaria to Baethoron; and they struck three thousand among them, and took much spoil.
14 Mgbe Amazaya sitere nʼagha ebe o gburu ọtụtụ ndị Edọm lọta, o bulatara chi nke ndị Sia. O guzobere ha dịka chi ndị nke aka ya, kpọọ isiala nye ha ma surekwa aja nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nye ha.
And it came to pass, after Amasias had returned from striking Idumea, that he brought home the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up for himself as gods, and bowed down before them, and he sacrificed to them.
15 Iwe Onyenwe anyị dị ukwuu megide Amazaya. O zigaara ya onye amụma, onye sịrị, “Nʼihi gịnị ka iji ajụ ase site nʼaka chi nke ndị ahụ, bụ ndị na-enweghị ike ịzọpụta ndị ha site nʼaka gị?”
And the anger of the Lord came upon Amasias, and he sent him a prophet, and he said to him, Why have you sought the gods of the people, which have not rescued their own people out of your hand?
16 Mgbe ọ ka kpụ okwu nʼọnụ ya, eze sịrị ya; “Mechie ọnụ! Ị chọrọ ịnwụ? Ole mgbe ka anyị mere gị onye na-adụ eze ọdụ?” Ya mere, onye amụma ahụ kwụsịrị, ma sị, “Amaara m na Chineke ekpebiela ịla gị nʼiyi, nʼihi na i mere nke a ma jụkwa ige ntị na ndụmọdụ m.”
And it came to pass when the prophet was speaking to him, that he said to him, have I made you king's counsellor? take heed lest you be scourged: and the prophet forebore, and said, I know that [God] is disposed against you to destroy you, because you have done this thing, and have not listened to my counsel.
17 Emesịa, mgbe Amazaya, eze Juda gbachara izu ya na ndị ndụmọdụ ya, o zigara Jehoash nwa Jehoahaz, nwa Jehu, eze Izrel ozi ịma aka, sị, “Bịa ka dimkpa na ibe ya zute ihu na ihu nʼagha.”
And Amasias king of Juda took counsel, and sent to Joas, son of Joachaz, son of Jeu, king of Israel, saying, Come, and let us look one another in the face.
18 Ma Jehoash eze Izrel, zighachiri ozi nye Amazaya eze Juda, sị; “Uke dị na Lebanọn zigaara osisi sida nke dị na Lebanọn ozi sị ya, ‘Nye nwa m nwoke nwa gị nwanyị ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.’ Mgbe ahụ, anụ ọhịa nke dị na Lebanọn gafetere ebe ahụ zọpịa uke ahụ.
And Joas king of Israel sent to Amasias king of Juda, saying, The thistle that was in Libanus sent to the cedar that was in Libanus, saying, Give your daughter to my son to wife; but, behold, your wild beasts of the field that are in Libanus shall come: and the wild beasts did come, and trod down the thistle.
19 Ị na-asị onwe gị, na i meriela Edọm, ugbu a, mpako abatala, isi a na-ebu gị. Ma nọdụ nʼụlọ gị. Nʼihi gịnị ka ị ga-eji kpaliere onwe gị nsogbu, si otu a wetara onwe gị na Juda ọdịda?”
You have said, Behold, I have struck Idumea, and your stout heart exalts you: now stay at home; for why do you implicate yourself in mischief, that you should fall, and Juda with you.
20 Ma Amazaya egeghị ntị, nʼihi na Chineke na-akwado inyefe ya nʼaka Jehoash onye iro ha, nʼihi na ha chọrọ chi ndị Edọm gawa.
Nevertheless Amasias listened not, for it was of the Lord to deliver him into [the enemy's] hands, because he sought after the gods of the Idumeans.
21 Ya mere, Jehoash bụ eze Izrel buliri agha. Ya na Amazaya eze Juda zutere ihu na ihu nʼagha na Bet-Shemesh, dị nʼala Juda.
So Joas king of Israel went up; and they saw one another, he and Amasias king of Juda, in Baethsamys, which is of Juda.
22 Ndị Izrel meriri ndị Juda, mee ka ha gbalaga, nwoke ọbụla nʼụlọ ya.
And Juda was put to flight before Israel, and they fled every man to his tent.
23 Jehoash, bụ eze Izrel nwudere Amazaya eze Juda, nwa Joash, nwa Ahazaya na Bet-Shemesh. Mgbe ahụ, Jehoash duuru ya bịa na Jerusalem, kwada mgbidi Jerusalem, site nʼỌnụ ụzọ ama Ifrem ruo nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Nkuku, nke ogologo ya ruru narị nzọ ụkwụ isii.
And Joas king of Israel took prisoner Amasias king of Juda, [son] of Joas, son of Joachaz, in Baethsamys, and brought him to Jerusalem; and he pulled down [part] of the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
24 Ọ chịkọrọ ọlaedo na ọlaọcha niile na ngwongwo niile ahụtara nʼụlọnsọ ukwu Chineke, nke e tinyere nʼaka Obed-Edọm ilekọta, tinyekwara akụ niile dị nʼụlọeze. Ọ dọọrọ ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ nʼagha, kpọrọ laghachi na Sameria.
And [he took] all the gold and the silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of the Lord and with Abdedom, and the treasures of the king's house, and the hostages, and he returned to Samaria.
25 Amazaya nwa Joash, eze Juda nọrọ ndụ afọ iri na ise, mgbe Jehoash nwa Jehoahaz, eze Izrel nwụsịrị.
And Amasias the [son] of Joas king of Juda lived after the death of Joas the [son] of Joachaz king of Israel fifteen years.
26 Ma banyere ihe ndị ọzọ niile mere nʼoge ọchịchị Amazaya, site na mmalite ruo ọgwụgwụ, ọ bụ na e deghị ha nʼakwụkwọ akụkọ ndị eze Juda na Izrel?
And the rest of the acts of Amasias, the first and the last, Behold! are they not written in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel?
27 Site nʼoge Amazaya gbakụtara Onyenwe anyị azụ, ha gbara izuzu imegide ya nʼime Jerusalem. Ọ gbapụrụ gbalaga Lakish, ma ha zipụrụ ndị ikom chụụrụ ya gaa Lakish, gbuo ya nʼebe ahụ.
And at the time when Amasias departed from the Lord, then they formed a conspiracy against him; and he fled from Jerusalem to Lachis: and they sent after him to Lachis, and killed him there.
28 Ha bulatara ozu ya nʼelu ịnyịnya, e lie ya nʼebe e liri nna nna ya ha nʼobodo Juda.
And they took him up on horses, and buried him with his fathers in the city of David.

< 2 Ihe E Mere 25 >