< 2 Ihe E Mere 10 >

1 Rehoboam gara Shekem nʼihi na Izrel niile zukọrọ ebe ahụ ime ya eze.
Forsothe Roboam yede forth in to Sichem; for al Israel came togidere thidur to make hym kyng.
2 Mgbe Jeroboam nwa Nebat nụrụ nke a (ọ nọ nʼIjipt ebe ọ gbagara ọsọ ndụ site nʼaka eze Solomọn) o sitere Ijipt lọta.
And whanne Jeroboam, the sone of Nabath, that was in Egipt, `for he fledde thidur bifor Salomon, hadde herd this, he turnyde ayen anoon.
3 Ya mere, ha ziri ozi kpọọ Jeroboam, ya na ndị Izrel niile jekwuru Rehoboam sị ya:
And thei clepiden hym, and he cam with al Israel, and thei spaken to Roboam, and seiden,
4 “Nna gị boro anyị ibu arọ, ma ugbu a mee ka ibu arọ na ịyagba arọ a nke o bokwasịrị anyị dị mfe, anyị ga-ejere gị ozi.”
Thi fadir oppresside vs with ful hard yok; comaunde thou liytere thingis than thi fader, that settide on vs a greuouse seruage; and releese thou a litil of `the birthun, that we serue thee. And he seide,
5 Rehoboam zara ha sị, “Bịaghachikwutenụ m mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị.” Nʼihi ya ndị ahụ lara.
After thre daies turne ye ayen to me. And whanne the puple was goon, he took counsel with elde men,
6 Mgbe ahụ, eze Rehoboam gara ịnata ndụmọdụ nʼaka ndị okenye, bụ ndị jeere nna ya Solomọn ozi nʼoge ọ dị ndụ ya, sị ha, “Olee ndụmọdụ unu ga-enye m maka mụ inye ndị a ọsịsa?”
that stoden bifor his fadir Salomon, while he lyuyde yit, and seide, What counsel yyuen ye, that Y answere to the puple?
7 Ha zara ya, “Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-emere ha ihe ọma, mee ihe ga-atọ ha ụtọ, nyekwa ha ọsịsa dị mma, ha ga-anọgide bụrụ ndị ohu gị mgbe niile.”
And thei seiden to hym, If thou plesist this puple, and makist hem softe bi meke wordis, thei schulen serue thee in al tyme.
8 Ma ọ nabataghị ndụmọdụ ndị okenye nyere ya, ọ gakwuru ụmụ okorobịa ndị ya na ha tokọrọ, bụkwa ndị na-ejere ya ozi, ka ha nye ya ndụmọdụ.
And he forsook the counsel of elde men, and bigan to trete with yonge men, that weren nurischid with hym, and weren in his cumpenye.
9 Rehoboam jụrụ ha sị, “Gịnị bụ ndụmọdụ unu? Gịnị bụ ọsịsa anyị ga-enye ndị a na-asị, ‘Mee ka ibu arọ nna gị bokwasịrị anyị dị mfe’?”
And he seide to hem, What semeth to you? ether what owe Y answere to this puple, that seide to me, Releese thou the yok, which thi fadir puttide on vs?
10 Ụmụ okorobịa ahụ, bụ ndị ya na ha tokọrọ, zaghachiri sị, “Gwa ndị ahụ sịrị gị, ‘Nna gị bokwasịrị anyị ibu arọ, ma mee ka ibu anyị dị mfe,’ ị ga-agwa ha, sị, ‘Mkpịsịaka nta dị nʼaka m gbara okpotokpo karịa ukwu nna m.
And thei answeriden, as yonge men and nurschyd with hym in delicis, and seiden, Thus thou schalt speke to the puple that seide to thee, Thi fadir made greuouse oure yok, releese thou; and thus thou schalt answere to hem, My leeste fyngur is gretter than the leendis of my fader;
11 Nna m boro unu ibu arọ; aga m atụkwasị ihe nʼibu ahụ mee ka ọ dị arọ karịa. Nna m ji apịpịa dọọ unu aka na ntị, maọbụ akpị ka m ga-eji mekpaa unu ahụ.’”
my fadir puttide on you a greuouse yok, and Y schal leie to a gretter birthun; my fadir beet you with scourgis, forsothe Y schal bete you with `scorpiouns, that is, hard knottid roopis.
12 Mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị, Jeroboam na ndị Izrel niile bịaghachiri ịnụrụ ọsịsa Rehoboam, dịka eze kwuru, sị, “Laghachitenụ nʼụbọchị nke atọ.”
Therfor Jeroboam and al the puple cam to Roboam in the thridde dai, as he hadde comaundid to hem.
13 Eze sara ha okwu nʼolu dị ike. Ọ jụrụ ndụmọdụ ndị okenye
And `the kyng answeride harde thingis, after that he hadde forsake the counsel of the eldere men,
14 ma gbasoro ndụmọdụ nke ụmụ okorobịa nyere, ọ sịrị, “Nna m mere ka ibu unu dị arọ, aga m eme ka ibu unu dị arọ karịa. Nna m ji apịpịa dọọ unu aka na ntị, aga m eji akpị mekpaa unu ahụ.”
and he spak bi the wille of the yonge men, My fadir puttide on you a greuouse yok, which Y schal make greuousere; my fadir beet you with scourgis, sotheli Y schal bete you with scorpiouns.
15 Ya mere, eze aṅaghị ndị ahụ ntị, nʼihi mgbanwe nke ọnọdụ niile a sitere nʼebe Chineke nọ, ka e mezuo okwu ahụ Onyenwe anyị gwara Jeroboam nwa Nebat site nʼọnụ Ahija onye Shilo.
And he assentide not to the preieris of the puple; for it was the wille of God, that his word schulde be fillid, which he hadde spoke bi the hond of Ahie of Silo to Jeroboam, sone of Nabath.
16 Mgbe Izrel niile hụrụ na eze jụrụ ige ha ntị, ha zaghachiri ya sị, “Olee oke anyị nwere nʼime Devid? Olee ihe nketa anyị nwere nʼime nwa Jesi? Ndị Izrel, laanụ nʼụlọ ikwu unu! Gị Devid lekọtakwa ụlọ nke gị.” Nke a mere, ka ndị Izrel niile laa nʼụlọ ha.
Sotheli whanne the kyng seide hardere thingis, al the puple spak thus to hym, No part is to vs in Dauid, nether eritage in the sone of Isai; Israel, turne thou ayen in to thi tabernaclis, sotheli thou, Dauid, feede thin hows. And Israel yede in to hise tabernaclis.
17 Ma banyere ndị Izrel bi nʼobodo niile nke Juda, Rehoboam gara nʼihu bụrụ eze ha.
Forsothe Roboam regnede on the sones of Israel, that dwelliden in the citees of Juda.
18 Eze Rehoboam zipụrụ Adoniram onyeisi na-elekọta ndị ọrụ mmanye ma ndị Izrel ji nkume tugbuo ya. Ma eze Rehoboam jisiri ike gbaba nʼime ụgbọ agha ya, gbalaga laa Jerusalem.
And kyng Roboam sente Adhuram, that was souereyn ouer the tributis; and the sones of Israel stonyden hym, and he was deed. Certis kyng Roboam hastide to stie in to the chare, and fledde in to Jerusalem.
19 Ya mere, Izrel nọ na nnupu isi megide ụlọ Devid ruo taa.
And Israel yede awei fro the hows of Dauid `til to this dai. Forsothe it was doon, whanne al Israel hadde herd, that Jeroboam turnede ayen, thei senten, and clepiden hym, whanne the cumpeny was gaderid, and thei ordeyneden him king on al Israel; and no man, outakun the lynage of Juda aloone, suede `the hows of Dauid.

< 2 Ihe E Mere 10 >