< 1 Samuel 24 >

1 Mgbe Sọl sitere nʼịlụso ndị Filistia agha lọta, a gwara ya sị, “Devid nọ nʼọzara En-Gedi.”
And whanne Saul turnede ayen, aftir that he pursuede Filisteis, thei telden to hym, and seiden, Lo! Dauid is in the deseert of Engaddi.
2 Sọl chịịrị puku ndị agha atọ a zụrụ nke ọma site nʼIzrel niile, pụọ ịchọ Devid na ndị ikom ya nʼetiti ọgba nkume, na nʼakụkụ ụzọ dị warawara nke Ewu Ọhịa.
Therfor Saul took three thousinde of chosun men of al Israel, and yede to seke Dauid and hise men, yhe on moost brokun rochis, that ben `able to weie to wield geet aloone.
3 Mgbe ọ bịaruru nso nʼọgba atụrụ nke dị nʼụzọ ahụ, otu ọgba nkume dị nʼebe ahụ, Sọl banyere nʼime ya, ịga mposi. Devid na ndị ikom ya nọ nʼime ime ọgba nkume ahụ.
And he cam to the fooldis of scheep, that offriden hem silf to the wei goere. And there was a denne, in to which denne Saul entride, that he schulde purge the wombe; forsothe Dauid and hise men weren hid in the ynnere part of the denne.
4 Ndị ikom Devid sịrị ya, “Ahaa ugbu a bụ oge gị! Taa bụ ụbọchị ahụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru okwu ya, mgbe ọ sịrị, ‘Aghaghị m inyefe gị onye iro gị nʼaka, ka i mee ya dịka o si masị gị.’” Ma Devid ji nwayọọ gaa nso ebe Sọl nọ bipụ ọnụ ọnụ uwe mwụda ya.
And the seruauntis of Dauid seiden to hym, Lo! the dai of which the Lord spak to the, Y schal bitake to thee thin enemy, that thou do to hym as it plesith in thin iyen. Therfor Dauid roos, and kittide the hemme of the mentil of Saul priuely.
5 Emesịa, obi Devid malitere ịma ya ikpe nʼihi na o bipụrụ ọnụ ọnụ uwe mwụda Sọl.
Aftir these thingis Dauid smoot his herte, for he hadde kit awei the hemme of the mentil of Saul.
6 Ọ gwara ndị ya na ha so okwu sị, “Onyenwe anyị ekwela na m ga-emeso nna m ukwu, onye Onyenwe anyị tere mmanụ mmeso dị otu ahụ, maọbụ na m ga-eweli aka imegide ya. Nʼihi na onye Onyenwe anyị tere mmanụ ka ọ bụ.”
And Dauid seide to hise men, The Lord be merciful to me, lest Y do this thing to my lord, the crist of the Lord, that Y sende myn hond `in to hym, for he is the crist of the Lord. The Lord lyueth, for no but the Lord smyte hym, ether his dai come, that he die, ether he go doun in to batel and perische, the Lord be merciful to me, that Y sende not myn hond in to the crist of the Lord.
7 Devid sitere nʼokwu ndị a o kwuru baara ndị so ya mba. O nyeghị ha ohere ibuso Sọl agha. Emesịa, Sọl hapụrụ ọgba nkume ahụ.
Forsothe Saul roos out of the denne, and yede in the weie bigunnun.
8 Mgbe Sọl si nʼọgba nkume ahụ pụọ ịga nʼihu nʼije ya, Devid sitere nʼime ọgba nkume ahụ pụta, kpọọ Sọl oku sị ya, “Onyenwe m, eze!” Sọl tụgharịrị ma Devid kpọrọ isiala nye ya, daa nʼala kpuo ihu ya nʼala.
Sotheli Dauid roos aftir hym, and he yede out of the denne, and criede aftir the bak of Saul, and seide, My lord, the kyng! And Saul bihelde bihinde him silf; and Dauid bowide hym silf lowe to the erthe, and worschipide.
9 Mgbe ahụ Devid gwara Sọl okwu sị, “Gịnị mere i ji na-aṅa ntị nʼokwu ndị mmadụ na-ekwu, ndị ahụ na-asị Devid na-achọ ụzọ ọ ga-esi merụọ gị ahụ?
And he seide to Saul, Whi herist thou the wordis of men spekynge, Dauid sekith yuel ayens thee?
10 Taa, i jirila anya gị hụ na ọ bụghị eziokwu. Onyenwe anyị nyere gị nʼaka m nʼime ọgba nkume ahụ ị banyere, ụfọdụ ndị mụ na ha so gwara m ka m gbuo gị, ma ahapụrụ m gị ndụ nʼihi na m sịrị, ‘Agaghị m eweli aka m megide nna m ukwu nʼihi na ọ bụ onye Onyenwe anyị tere mmanụ.’
Lo! to dai thin iyen siyen, that the Lord bitook thee in myn hond in the denne, and Y thouyte that Y wolde sle thee, but myn iye sparide thee; for Y seide, Y schal not holde forth myn hond in to my lord, which is the crist, `that is, anoyntid, of the Lord.
11 Lee, nna m, lee iberibe uwe mwụda gị nʼaka m. Ebipụtara m ọnụ ọnụ uwe gị, ma egbughị m gị. Jiri nke a ghọta ma matakwa na ikpe nnupu isi na ajọ omume megide gị amaghị m. O nweghị ụzọ m si mejọọ gị, ma ị nọ na-achọsikwa m ike iwere ndụ m.
But rathere, my fadir, se thou, and knowe the hemme of thi mentil in myn hond, for whanne Y kittide aweie the hemme of thi mentil, Y nolde holde forth myn hond in thee; perseyue thou, and see, for nether yuel nether wickidnesse is in myn hond, nether Y synnede ayens thee; but thou aspiest my lijf, that thou do it awei.
12 Ka Onyenwe anyị kpebie nʼetiti mụ na gị, ka Onyenwe anyị bọọ ọbọ ihe ọjọọ niile i mere. Ma agaghị m emetụ gị aka.
The Lord deme bitwixe me and thee, and the Lord venge me of thee; but myn hond be not in thee,
13 Dịka ilu ndị mgbe ochie si dị, ‘Ihe ọjọọ na-esi nʼaka ndị na-eme ihe ọjọọ,’ ma agaghị m emetụ gị aka.
as it is seid also in eld prouerbe, Wickidnesse schal go out of wickid men; therfor myn hond be not in thee.
14 “Ma onye kwanụ ka eze Izrel na-achọ ijide? Onye ka ọ na-atụfu oge ya ịchọgharị? Ọ bụ ozu nkịta? Ka ọ bụ akpị?
`Whom pursuest thou, kyng of Israel, whom pursuest thou? Thou pursuest a deed hound, and a quyk fle.
15 Ka Onyenwe anyị bụrụ onye ikpe nʼetiti mụ na gị, ya kpebiekwa okwu anyị. Ya leba okwu m anya kpepụta m, ya gosi na m bụ onye ikpe na-amaghị site nʼịnapụta m nʼaka gị.”
The Lord be iuge, and the Lord deme bitwixe me and thee, and se, and deme my cause, and delyuere me fro thin hond.
16 Mgbe Devid kwuchara okwu ndị a, Sọl zara sị ya, “Ọ bụ olu Devid nwa m dị nke ahụ?” Ọ malitekwara ịkwa akwa.
Sotheli whanne Dauid hadde fillid spekynge siche wordis to Saul, Saul seide, Whether this is thi vois, my sone Dauid? And Saul reiside his vois, and wepte.
17 Ọ sịrị Devid, “Ị bụ ezi mmadụ karịa m, nʼihi na i jirila ezi omume kwụghachi m ajọ omume m.
And he seide to Dauid, Thou art more iust than Y; for thou yauest goodis to me; forsothe Y yeldide yuelis to thee.
18 E, i gosila m oke obi ebere taa, nʼihi na mgbe Onyenwe anyị nyefere m nʼaka gị, ị gbughị m.
And thou schewidist to me to dai, what goodis thou hast do to me, how the Lord bitook me in thin hond, and thou killidist not me.
19 Ebee ka onye ahụ nọ nʼụwa niile, nke pụrụ ịhapụ onye iro ya mgbe ọ mara nʼọnya ya? Ka Onyenwe anyị kwụghachi gị ezi ihe nʼihi obi ebere i gosiri m taa.
For who, `whanne he fyndith his enemy, schal delyuere hym in good weie? But the Lord yelde to thee this while, for that, that thou wrouytist to dai in me.
20 Ugbu a, amatala m na ị ghaghị ịbụ eze, ị ga-achịkwa alaeze Izrel.
And now, for Y woot, that thou schalt regne moost certeynli, and schalt haue in thin hond the rewme of Israel, swere thou to me in the Lord,
21 Biko, ṅụọra m iyi nʼaha Onyenwe anyị na mgbe oge ahụ ruru, na ị gaghị egbu ụmụ m, maọbụ hichapụ aha m site nʼezinaụlọ nna m.”
that thou do not a wei my seed aftir me, nether take a wey my name fro the hows of my fadir.
22 Devid ṅụụrụ Sọl iyi. Emesịa, Sọl laghachiri nʼụlọ ya, ma Devid na ndị ikom ya laghachiri nʼọgba nkume ha.
And Dauid swoor to Saul. Therfor Saul yede in to his hows, and Dauid and hise men stieden to sikire placis.

< 1 Samuel 24 >