< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 Mgbe Devid gwasịrị Sọl okwu, ịhụnanya dị ukwuu malitere nʼetiti Jonatan na Devid. Jonatan hụrụ Devid nʼanya dịka o si hụ onwe ya.
And it was doon, whanne Dauid `hadde endid to speke to Saul, the soule of Jonathas was glued togidre to the soule of Dauid, and Jonathas louyde hym as his owne soule.
2 Sọl mere ka Devid nọgide nʼụlọeze. O kwekwaghị ka ọ laghachi nʼụlọ nna ya.
And Saul took Dauid in that dai, and grauntide not `to hym, `that he schulde turne ayen in to `the hows of his fadir.
3 Jonatan na Devid gbara ndụ nʼihi na Jonatan hụrụ Devid nʼanya dịka o si hụ onwe ya.
Forsothe Jonathas and Dauid maden boond of pees, `that is, swerynge euerlastynge frenschip; for Jonathas louyde Dauid as his owne soule;
4 Jonatan yipụtara uwe o yi nʼahụ nye ya Devid, nyekwa ya uwe ime ahụ ya, na ọ bụladị mma agha ya, ma ụta ya na eriri ukwu ya.
for whi Jonathas dispuylide him silf fro the coote `in which he was clothid, and yaf it to Dauid, and hise othere clothis, `til to his swerd and bouwe, and `til to the girdil.
5 Devid jeziri ozi niile Sọl ziri ya, o mere ihe niile nke ọma nke a mere na Sọl nyere ya ọkwa dị elu nʼetiti ndị agha ya. Ọnọdụ a dị mma nʼanya ndị Izrel nakwa nʼanya ndị agha Sọl.
Also Dauid yede out to alle thingis, to what euer thingis Saul `hadde sent hym, and he gouernede hym silf prudentli; and Saul settide hym ouer the men of batel, and `he was acceptid, `ether plesaunt, in the iyen of al the puple, and moost in the siyt of `the seruauntis of Saul.
6 Mgbe ndị agha ahụ na-alọghachite, mgbe Devid gbusịrị onye Filistia ahụ, ndị inyom sitere nʼobodo niile nke Izrel pụta izute eze Sọl. Ha na-abụ abụ na-ete egwu ọṅụ, nke ha ji ụbọ akwara na ihe egwu ndị ọzọ na-eti.
Forsothe whanne Dauid turnede ayen, whanne `the Filistei was slayn, and bar the heed of `the Filistei in to Jerusalem, wymmen yeden out of alle the citees of Israel, and sungen, and ledden queris, ayens the comyng of king Saul, in tympans of gladnesse, and in trumpis.
7 Dịka ha na-ete egwu, ha bụrụ abụ sị, “Sọl egbuola ọtụtụ puku ndị agha ma Devid egbuola iri puku kwụrụ puku ndị agha.”
And the wymmen sungen, pleiynge, and seiynge, Saul smoot a thousynde, and Dauid smoot ten thousynde.
8 Nke a were Sọl iwe nke ukwuu. O kwuru nʼime onwe ya sị, “Gịnị bụ nke a? Ha enyela Devid ugwu dịka onye gburu iri puku kwụrụ puku ndị agha, ma mụ onwe m ka ha nyere naanị ugwu dịka onye gburu ọtụtụ puku ndị agha. Gịnị ọzọ fọdụrụ ya ugbu a, ma ọ bụghị naanị inweta alaeze?”
Saul was wrooth greetli, and this word displeside `in his iyen; and he seide, Thei yauen ten thousynde to Dauid, and `thei yauen a thousynde to me; what leeueth to hym, no but the rewme aloone?
9 Site nʼụbọchị ahụ gawa, Sọl malitere ile Devid anya ọjọọ.
Therfor Saul bihelde Dauid not with `riytful iyen, `fro that dai and afterward.
10 Nʼechi ya, mmụọ ọjọọ Chineke zitere bịara dakwasị Sọl, ọ malitekwara ibu amụma nʼụlọ ya. Ma Devid kpọrọ ụbọ akwara dịka ọ na-eme mgbe ọbụla. Ma nʼoge a, o nwere ùbe dị Sọl nʼaka.
Sotheli aftir the tother dai a wickid spirit of God asailide Saul, and he propheciede in the myddis of his hows.
11 Ọ tụrụ ùbe ahụ, kwuo nʼobi ya sị, “Aga m atụgide Devid nʼaja ụlọ ahụ.” Ma Devid wezugara onwe ya, ugboro abụọ ndị a.
Forsothe Dauid harpide with his hond, as bi alle daies; and Saul helde a spere, and caste it, and gesside that he myyte prene Dauid with the wal, that is, perse with the spere, so that it schulde passe til to the wal; and Dauid bowide `fro his face the secounde tyme.
12 Sọl na-atụ Devid egwu, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ahapụla Sọl, ma nọnyere Devid.
And Saul dredde Dauid, for the Lord was with hym, and hadde go awei fro him silf.
13 Emesịa, Sọl mere ihe ga-eme ka ọ ghara ịhụkwa Devid anya ọzọ. O mere Devid ka ọ bụrụ onye na-elekọta puku ndị agha, ndị ọ na-edu na-aga ibu agha.
Therfor Saul remouide Dauid fro hym silf, and made hym tribune on a thousynde men; and Dauid yede out and entride in `the siyt of the puple.
14 Ma ihe niile ọ na-eme na-agara ya nke ọma, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị na-anọnyere ya.
And Dauid dide warli in alle hise weies, and the Lord was with hym;
15 Mgbe Sọl hụrụ na ọ bụ onye nwere uche nke ọma, ọ tụrụ ya ụjọ.
and so Saul siy that Dauid was ful prudent, and he bigan to be war of Dauid.
16 Ma Izrel na Juda niile hụrụ Devid nʼanya, nʼihi na ọ na-edu ha nʼagha.
Forsothe al Israel and Juda louyden Dauid; for he entride and yede out bifor hem.
17 Sọl gwara Devid okwu sị ya, “Lee ada m nwanyị Merab. Aga m akpọnye gị ya, ka ị lụọ ya. Naanị jeere m ozi, lụọkwa agha Onyenwe anyị.” Nʼihi na Sọl kwuru nʼime obi ya sị, “Agaghị m ewelite aka m megide ya. Ka ndị Filistia mee nke ahụ.”
And Saul seide to Dauid, Lo! `my more douytir Merob, Y schal yiue her wijf to thee; oneli be thou a strong man, and fiyte thou the `batels of the Lord. Forsothe Saul `arettide, and seide, Myn hond be not in hym, but the hond of Filisteis be on hym.
18 Ma Devid sịrị Sọl, “Onyekwanụ ka m bụ, gịnịkwa bụ ezinaụlọ m maọbụ agbụrụ m nʼIzrel, nke m ga-eji bụrụ ọgọ nwoke eze?”
Sotheli Dauid seide to Saul, Who am Y, ether what is my lijf, ether the meynee of my fadir in Israel, that Y be maad the `sone in lawe of the kyng?
19 O ruo, na mgbe a ga-eduru Merab, ada Sọl dunye Devid, akpọrọ ya nye Adriel, onye Mehola ka ọ lụọ.
Forsothe the tyme `was maad whanne Merob, the douyter of Saul, `ouyte to be youun to Dauid, sche was youun wijf to Hadriel Molatite.
20 Nʼoge a, a chọpụtara na Mikal, ada Sọl hụrụ Devid nʼanya, mgbe e mere ka Sọl mata nke a, obi tọrọ ya ụtọ.
Forsothe Dauid louide Mychol, the douytir of Saul; and it was teld to Saul, and it pleside hym.
21 O kwuru nʼobi ya sị, “Aga m akpọnye ya nwa m nwanyị, ka ọ bụrụ ihe ịma nʼọnya nye ya, ka aka ndị Filistia si otu a megide ya.” Ya mere, Sọl gwara Devid sị ya, “Ugbu a i nwekwara ohere ọzọ ịghọ ọgọ m nwoke.”
And Saul seide, Y schal yyue hir to hym, that it be to hym in to sclaundir, and the hond of Filisteis be on hym. Therfor Saul seide to Dauid, In `twei douytris thou schalt be my sone in lawe to dai.
22 Sọl nyere ndị ohu ya iwu sị, “Gwanụ Devid okwu na nzuzo sị ya, ‘Lee, ihe banyere gị masịrị eze, ndị niile na-ejere ya ozi hụkwara gị nʼanya. Ugbu a, kwerenụ ịbụ ọgọ ya.’”
And Saul comaundide to hise seruauntis, Speke ye to Dauid, while it `is hid fro me, and seie ye, Lo! thou plesist the king, and alle hise seruauntis louen thee; now therfor be thou hosebonde of the `douytir of the kyng.
23 Ha gwara Devid okwu ndị a niile. Ma Devid zara sị, “Ọ bụ ihe nta ịbụ ọgọ eze? Mụ onwe m bụ onye ogbenye, onye a na-amaghị ama.”
And the seruauntis of Saul spaken alle these wordis in the eeris of Dauid. And Dauid seide, Whether it semeth litil to you `to be sone in lawe of the kyng? Forsothe Y am a pore man, and a feble.
24 Mgbe ndị ohu Sọl gwara Sọl ihe Devid kwuru,
And the seruauntis telden to Saul, and seiden, Dauid spak siche wordis.
25 ọ gwara ha sị, “Gwanụ Devid, ‘Eze achọghị ihe ọzọ dịka ụgwọ isi akụ ọbụla karịa naanị narị apị ndị Filistia. Ka ọ bụrụ ọbọ ọ ga-abọrọ m nʼisi ndị iro m.’” Ma ihe Sọl bu nʼobi bụ na a ga-egbu Devid nʼọgụ ahụ.
Sotheli Saul seide, Thus speke ye to Dauid, The kyng hath no nede to yiftis for spowsails, no but onely to an hundrid prepucies, `that is, mennus yerdis vncircumcidid, `of Filisteis, that veniaunce be maad of the kyngis enemyes. Certis Saul thouyte to bitake Dauid in to the hondis of Filisteis.
26 Mgbe ndị ohu eze gwara Devid ihe eze kwuru, ọ tọrọ ya ụtọ, nʼihi ya, o kwenyere ịbụ ọgọ eze. Tupu oge ahụ a kara aka eruo,
And whanne the seruauntis of Saul hadden teld to Dauid the wordis, whiche Saul hadde seid, the word pleside `in the iyen of Dauid, that he schulde be maad the kyngis son in lawe.
27 Devid na ndị agha ya pụrụ gbuo narị ndị Filistia abụọ, werekwa apị ha gosi eze. Sọl kpọnyere Devid Mikal, nwa ya nwanyị, ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.
And aftir a fewe daies Dauid roos, and yede in to Acharon, with the men that weren with hym, and he killide of Filisteis twei hundrid men; and brouyte `the prepucies of hem, and noumbride tho to the kyng, that he schulde be the kyngis sone in lawe. And so Saul yaf Mycol, his douyter, wiif to hym.
28 Mgbe Sọl hụrụ na Onyenwe anyị na-anọnyere Devid, hụkwa na Mikal nwa ya nwanyị hụrụ Devid nʼanya,
And Saul siy, and vndirstood, that the Lord was with Dauid.
29 ọ tụrụ Devid ụjọ karịa na mbụ. Sọl kpọkwara Devid asị, gụọ ya dịka onye iro ụbọchị ndụ ya niile.
Forsothe Mychol, `the douyter of Saul, louide Dauid, and Saul bigan more to drede Dauid; and Saul was maad enemye to Dauid in alle daies.
30 Ndịisi agha Filistia na-apụta ibu agha dịka ha na-eme mgbe ọbụla, ma Devid na-eme nke ọma karịa ndị ọchịagha Sọl ndị ọzọ niile. Nke a mere ka Devid ghọọ onye a mara aha ya nʼala ahụ niile.
And the princes of Filisteis yeden out; forsothe fro the bigynnyng of her goyng out Dauyd bar hym silf more warli than alle the men of Saul; and the name of Dauid was maad ful solempne.

< 1 Samuel 18 >