< 1 Samuel 14 >

1 Otu ụbọchị, Jonatan nwa Sọl, kpọrọ nwokorobịa na-ebu ihe agha ya sị, “Bịa, ka anyị gafee ndagwurugwu jeruo nʼụlọ ikwu ndị Filistia.” Ma ọ gwaghị Sọl nna ya.
And it bifelde in a day, that Jonathas, the sone of Saul, seide to his squyer, a yong man, Come thou, and passe we to the staciouns of the Filisteis, which is biyende that place; `sotheli he schewide not this same thing to his fadir.
2 Sọl na narị ndị ikom isii ya na-anọdụ nʼebe dị anya site na Gibea, nʼokpuru osisi pomegranet dị na Migrọn.
Sotheli Saul dwellide in the laste part of Gabaa, vndur a pumgarnarde tre, that was in the feeld of Gabaa; and the puple as of sixe hundrid men was with hym.
3 Otu nʼime ndị so Sọl bụ Ahija onye nchụaja, onye yi efọọd. Ọ bụ nwa Ahitub, onye bụ nwanne Ịkabọdụ. Ahitub bụ nwa nwa Finehaz, onye bụ nwa Elayị, onye nchụaja Onyenwe anyị na Shaịlo. Ọ dịkwaghị onye ma na Jonatan apụọla.
And Achias, sone of Achitob, brother of Icaboth, sone of Fynees, that was gendrid of Ely, preest of the Lord in Silo, bar ephod, `that is, the preestis cloth; but also the puple wiste not whidur Jonathas hadde go.
4 Tupu Jonatan eruo ebe ndị Filistia nọ, ọ ghaghị isite na nwa ụzọ warawara dị nʼagbata nkume abụọ, a na-akpọ Bozez na Sene gabiga.
Sotheli bitwixe the stiyngis, bi whiche Jonathas enforside to passe to the stacioun of Filisteis, weren stonys stondynge forth on euer either side, and scarris brokun bifore bi the maner of teeth on ech syde; name to oon was Boses, and name to `the tother was Sene;
5 Nkume nke dị nʼakụkụ elu elu, dị nʼihu Mikmash, nke dị nʼakụkụ ndịda dị nʼihu Geba.
o scarre was stondynge forth to the north ayens Machynas, and the tother scarre to the south ayens Gabaa.
6 Jonatan gwara nwokorobịa na-ebu ihe agha ya sị, “Bịa, ka anyị gafee ga nʼebe nguzo ndị ahụ a na-ebighị ugwu, ma eleghị anya Onyenwe anyị ga-alụrụ anyị ọgụ. Nʼihi na ọ dịghị ihe pụrụ igbochi Onyenwe anyị ịzọpụta, site nʼọtụtụ mmadụ, maọbụ ole na ole.”
Forsothe Jonathas seide to his yong squyer, Come thou, passe we to the stacioun of these vncircumcisid men, if in hap the Lord do for vs; for it is not hard to the Lord to saue, ethir in manye ethir in fewe.
7 Nwokorobịa ahụ zara sị ya, “Gaa nʼihu, eji m obi m na mmụọ m na-eso gị dịka ọchịchọ gị si dị.”
And his squyer seide to hym, Do thou alle thingis that plesen thi soule; go whidur thou coueitist, Y schal be with thee, where euer thou wolt.
8 Jonatan gwara ya sị, “Bịa ka anyị ga, lee ihe anyị ga-eme. Anyị ga-apụkwuru ndị agha ahụ mee ka ha hụ anyị anya.
And Jonathas seide, Lo! we passen to these men; and whanne we apperen to hem,
9 Ọ bụrụ na ha asị, ‘Guzonụ ebe ahụ ruo mgbe anyị bịakwutere unu,’ anyị ga-echere ebe anyị nọ, anyị agaghị agakwuru ha.
if thei speken thus to vs, Dwelle ye, til we comen to you; stonde we in oure place, and stie we not to hem.
10 Ma ọ bụrụ na ha sị, ‘Rigokwutenụ anyị,’ anyị ga-emekwa otu ahụ, nʼihi na ọ ga-abụrụ anyị ihe ama na Onyenwe anyị enyela ha nʼaka anyị.”
Sotheli if thei seien, Stye ye to vs; stie we, for the Lord hath bitake hem in oure hondis; this schal be a signe to vs.
11 Ya mere, ha abụọ guzoro ebe ndị Filistia ga-ahụ ha. Mgbe ndị Filistia hụrụ ha, ha tiri mkpu sị, “Lee, ndị Hibru esitela nʼọnụ ebe ha zoro na-arịpụta.”
`Therfor euer either apperide to the stacioun of Filisteis; and Filisteis seiden, Lo! Ebreis goen out of caues, in whiche thei weren hid.
12 Ndị ikom ndị na-anọ nʼebe nguzo ndị nche tikuru Jonatan na onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha ya sị, “Rigokwutenụ anyị, ka anyị mee unu ihe.” Jonatan gwara onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha, “Soro m nʼazụ rigota, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ewerela ha nyefee nʼaka Izrel.”
And men of the stacioun spaken to Jonathas and to his squyer, and seiden, Stie ye to vs, and we schulen schewe to you a thing. And Jonathas seide to his squyer, `Stie we, sue thou me; for the Lord hath bitake hem in to the hondis of Israel.
13 Ya mere, Jonatan ji ikpere ya na aka ya rigoruo nʼebe ahụ; onye na-ebu ihe agha ya sokwa ya nʼazụ. Ma ndị agha Filistia daghachiri azụ mgbe Jonatan na onye na-ebu ihe agha ya bidoro igbu ha.
Forsothe Jonathas stiede crepynge on hondis and feet, and his squyer after hym; and whanne thei hadden seyn the face of Jonathas, summe felden doun bifor Jonathas, his squier killed othere, and suede hym.
14 Na ogbugbu mbụ ahụ, Jonatan na onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha ya gburu ọnụọgụgụ ndị Filistia dị iri abụọ. Ọ bụ nʼihe ha ka nketa ala ruru otu ọkara nʼekaa nʼọtụtụ.
And the firste wounde was maad, which Jonathas and his squyer smoot, as of twenti men, in `the myddil part of lond which a peire of oxun was wont to ere in the dai.
15 Oke ọma jijiji dakwasịrị ndị agha niile, na ndị nọ nʼọmụma ụlọ ikwu, ma ndị nọ nʼọhịa, ma ndị nọ nʼebe dịpụrụ adịpụ, ma ndị na-ejegharị ejegharị ibu agha. Ala ahụ niile mara jijiji. Ọ bụ ọma jijiji nke Chineke zitere.
And a myracle was don in the castels, and bi the feeldis, but also al the puple of the `stacioun of hem that yeden out to take prey, dredde, and `the castels weren disturblid; and it bifelde as a myracle of God.
16 Ndị nche Sọl, bụ ndị nọ na Gibea nʼime Benjamin, lepụrụ anya hụ igwe ndị agha ka ha malitere ịgba barịị nʼihu na-azụ.
And aspyeris of Saul bihelden, that weren in Gabaa of Beniamyn, and lo! a multitude cast doun, and fleynge awei hidur and thidur.
17 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị agha ya na ha so, “Gụọnụ ndị agha ọnụ, chọpụta onye na-anọghị nʼebe a.” Mgbe ha mere nke a, ha chọpụtara, na Jonatan na onye na-ebu ihe agha ya anọghị nʼebe ahụ.
And Saul seide to the puple that weren with hym, Seke ye, and se ye, who yede awei fro vs. And whanne thei hadden souyt, it was foundun, that Jonathas and his squyer weren not present.
18 Sọl sịrị Ahija, “Bute igbe ọgbụgba ndụ Chineke.” (Nʼoge ahụ igbe ọgbụgba ndụ dị nʼaka ụmụ Izrel.)
And Saul seide to Achias, Brynge the arke of the Lord; for the arke of God was there in that dai with the sones of Israel.
19 Mgbe Sọl na-agwa onye nchụaja okwu, ụzụ na iti mkpu nke na-ada nʼụlọ ikwu ndị Filistia dara karịa, nʼihi ya, Sọl gwara onye nchụaja ahụ okwu sị ya, “Sepụ aka gị.”
And whanne Saul spak to the preest, a grete noise roos in the castelis of Filisteis; and it encresside litil and litil, and sownede cleerliere. And Saul seide to the preest, Withdraw thin hond.
20 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl na ndị niile ya na ha nọ jikọtara onwe ha baa nʼagha ahụ, ma lee, ndị Filistia ji mma agha na-egburita onwe ha. Ọgbaaghara dịkwa nʼebe niile.
Therfor Saul criede, and al the puple that was with hym; and thei camen `til to the place of batel, and, lo! the swerd of ech man was turned to his neiybore, and a ful grete sleynge was.
21 Ma ndị Hibru, ndị so ndị Filistia na-alụ ọgụ, tụgharịrị dịnyere ndị Izrel soro Sọl na Jonatan.
But also Ebreis that weren with Filisteis yistirday and the thridde dai ago, and hadde stied with hem in castels, turneden ayen to be with Israel, that weren with Saul and Jonathas.
22 Emesịa, ndị ikom Izrel niile, ndị ahụ zoro onwe ha nʼala ugwu ugwu Ifrem pụtara, mgbe ha hụrụ na ndị Filistia na-agba ọsọ. Ha gbapụtara soro ndị ọzọ ịchụ ndị Filistia ọsọ.
Also alle men of Israel, that hadden hid hem silf in the hil of Effraym, herden that Filisteis hadden fled; and thei felouschipiden hem silf with her men in batel, and as ten thousynde of men weren with Saul.
23 Ya mere, Onyenwe anyị napụtara ndị Izrel nʼụbọchị ahụ. E buru agha ahụ gabiga Bet-Aven.
And the Lord sauyde Israel in that day. Sotheli the batel cam til to Bethauen.
24 Ma ndị ikom Izrel nọ ọnọdụ nhụju anya nʼụbọchị ahụ, nʼihi na Sọl jiri ịṅụ iyi kechie ha, mgbe o kwuru sị, “Onye a bụrụ ọnụ ka nwoke ahụ bụ onye ga-eri nri ọbụla site ugbu a ruo anyasị, tutu ruo mgbe m bọsịrị ọbọ megide ndị iro m!” Nʼihi ya, o nweghị onye ọbụla nʼetiti ndị agha ya detụrụ ihe oriri ọnụ.
And men of Israel weren felouschipid to hem silf in that dai; forsothe Saul swoor to the puple, and seide, Cursid be the man, that etith breed `til to euentid, til `Y venge me of myn enemyes.
25 Ndị agha ahụ niile banyere nʼọhịa ebe mmanụ aṅụ dị nʼala.
And al the puple ete not breed. And al the comyn puple of the lond cam in to a forest, in which was hony on the `face of erthe.
26 Mgbe ha banyere nʼọhịa, ha hụrụ mmanụ aṅụ ebe ọ na-asọpụta, ma o nweghị onye metụrụ aka nʼọnụ ya, nʼihi na ha tụrụ egwu iyi ahụ ha ṅụrụ.
And so the puple entride in to the forest, and flowynge hony apperide; and no man puttide hond to his mouth, for the puple dredde the ooth.
27 Ma Jonatan anụghị na nna ya mere ka ndị ahụ ṅụọ iyi, ya mere, o setịpụrụ ọnụ ọnụ mkpanaka dị ya nʼaka rụta mmanụ aṅụ na ugbugbo ya, tinye nʼọnụ ya rachaa. Nke a mere ka ike ya laghachite.
Forsothe Jonathas herde not, whanne his fadir swoor to the puple; and he helde forth the ende of a litil yerde, whiche he hadde in the hond, and dippide in to `a coomb of hony; and he turnede his hond to his mouth, and hise iyen weren liytned.
28 Ma otu onye agha gwara ya sị, “Nna gị ji ịṅụ iyi gbaa ndị agha niile iwu, sị, ‘Onye a bụrụ ọnụ ka nwoke ahụ bụ, onye riri nri taa. Ọ bụ nke a mere ndị mmadụ ji ada mba.’”
And oon of the puple answeride, and seide, Thi fader boond the puple with an ooth, and seide, Cursid be the man that etith breed to dai. Forsothe the puple was feynt.
29 Jonatan zara sị, “Nna m esitela nʼiwu dị otu a wetara ala anyị nsogbu. Lee ka m si nweta ike site na mmanụ aṅụ nta m rachara.
And Jonathas seide, My fadir hath disturblid the lond; ye sien, that myn iyen ben liytned, for Y tastide a litil of this hony;
30 Ọ garaghị aka mma ma a sị na ndị ikom riri ihe ha si nʼaka ndị iro ha kwata nʼagha? Ọ bụ na ogbugbu a gaara egbu ndị Filistia agaraghị adị ukwuu karịa?”
hou myche more if the puple hadde ete the prey of hise enemyes, which `prey it foond; whether not gretter veniaunce hadde be maad in Filisteis?
31 Ma ndị agha Izrel bu agụụ tigbuo ndị Filistia, chụọkwa ha ọsọ site na Mikmash ruo Aijalon. Ha dakwara mba karịa.
Therfore thei smytiden Filisteis in that dai fro Machynas `til in to Hailon. Forsothe the puple was maad ful wery;
32 Ha dakwasịrị ihe a kwatara nʼagha, gbuo atụrụ na ehi na ụmụ ehi, bido iri anụ ha na ndụ nʼihi agụụ.
and the puple turnede to prey, and took scheep and oxun, and calues; and thei killiden in the erthe; and the puple eet with blood.
33 Ma otu onye gwara Sọl sị, “Ndị ikom Izrel na-emehie megide Onyenwe anyị site na iri anụ ọbara ya dị nʼahụ ya.” Mgbe ahụ, ọ sịrị, “Ihe dị otu a jọgburu onwe ya. Nutenụ nkume ukwuu nʼebe a ugbu a.”
And thei telden to Saul, and seiden, that the puple etynge with blood hadde synned to the Lord. And Saul seide, Ye han trespassid; walewe ye to me `riyt now a greet stoon.
34 Sọl sịrị, “Gaa nʼetiti ndị ikom a gwa ha, ‘Ka onye ọbụla weta ehi na atụrụ ha chọrọ igbu nʼebe a, ka e gbuo ha nʼebe a, rie anụ ha. Unu emehiela megide Onyenwe anyị site nʼiri anụ ọbara dị nʼime ya.’” Ya mere, onye ọbụla wetara ehi ya nʼabalị ahụ, gbuo nʼebe ahụ.
And Saul seyde, `Be ye spred abrood in to the comyn puple, and seie ye to hem, that ech man brynge to me his oxe and ram; and sle ye on this stoon, and ete ye, and ye schulen not do synne to the Lord, `and ete with blood. Therfor al the puple brouyte ech man an oxe in his hond `til to nyyt, and thei killiden there.
35 Emesịa, Sọl wuuru Onyenwe anyị ebe ịchụ aja. Nke a bụ ebe ịchụ aja nke mbụ o wuru.
Sotheli Saul bildide an auter to the Lord; and thanne firste he bigan to bilde an auter to the Lord.
36 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị agha ya sị, “Ka anyị gaa chụọ ndị Filistia ọsọ nʼabalị a niile, ma gbukwaa onye ọbụla fọdụrụ nʼime ha.” Ndị agha ya zara sị, “Ọ dị mma, mee dịka ị kwuru.” Ma onye nchụaja sịrị, “Ka anyị buru ụzọ jụta ihe bụ uche Chineke.”
And Saul seide, Falle we on the Filisteis in the nyyt, and waste we hem til the morewtid schyne; and leeue we not of hem a man. And the puple seide, Do thou al thing that semeth good to thee in thin iyen. And the preest seide, Neiye we hidur to God.
37 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl jụrụ Chineke sị, “Ọ bụ m rịda gaa chụso ndị Filistia? Ị ga-enyefe ha nʼaka ndị Izrel?” Ma Chineke enyeghị ya ọsịsa ọbụla nʼụbọchị ahụ.
And Saul counselide the Lord, and seide, Whether Y schal pursue Filisteis? whether thou schalt bitake hem in to the hondis of Israel? And the Lord answeride not to him in that dai.
38 Sọl gwara ndịisi agha Izrel okwu sị, “Ihe emebiela! Anyị aghaghị ịchọpụta ụdị mmehie anyị mere taa, nke mere Onyenwe anyị ji jụ inye anyị ọsịsa.
And Saul seide, Brynge ye hidur alle the corneris of the puple, and wite ye, and se, bi whom this synne bifelde to dai.
39 Nʼezie dịka Onyenwe anyị, onye na-azọpụta Izrel na-adị ndụ, a sịkwarị na ọ bụ nwa m Jonatan ka a chọpụtara na ọ bụ ya ka ikpe mara, ọ ga-anwụ!” Ma ọ dịghị onye gwara ya ihe ọbụla.
The Lord sauyour of Israel lyueth; for if `it is don bi Jonathas my sone, he schal die with out ayen drawyng. At which ooth no man of al the puple ayenseide hym.
40 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị Izrel niile okwu sị ha, “Guzonụ onwe unu nʼebe ahụ, mụ na nwa m Jonatan ga-eguzo onwe anyị nʼebe a.” Ndị ahụ zara sị, “Mee ihe ọbụla dị gị mma.”
And he seide to al Israel, Be ye departid in to o part, and Y with my sone Jonathas schal be in the tothir part. And the puple answeride to Saul, Do thou that, that semeth good in thin iyen.
41 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl kpere ekpere nye Onyenwe anyị, bụ Chineke Izrel, “Gịnị mere na ị zabeghị ohu gị taa? Ọ bụrụ na ikpe mara m maọbụ nwa m Jonatan, zaa site nʼUrim, ma ọ bụrụ ndị ikom Izrel ka ikpe mara, nye ọsịsa site na Tumim.” Nza ahụ mara Jonatan na Sọl, ma ikpe amaghị ndị ikom Izrel.
And Saul seide to the Lord God of Israel, Lord God of Israel, yyue thou doom, what is, that thou answerist not to dai to thi seruaunt? If this wickidness is in me, ether in Jonathas my sone, yyue thou schewyng; ether if this wickidnesse is in thi puple, yyue thou hoolynesse. And Jonathas was takun, and Saul; forsothe the puple yede out.
42 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl kwuru sị, “Ugbu a feenụ nza nʼetiti mụ na Jonatan, nwa m nwoke.” Nza ahụ mara Jonatan.
And Saule seide, Sende ye lot bitwixe me and Jonathas my sone. And Jonathas was takun `bi lot.
43 Sọl gwara Jonatan okwu sị ya, “Gwa m ihe i mere.” Jonatan zara sị ya, “Ọ bụ naanị mmanụ aṅụ ntakịrị ka m ji ọnụ mkpanaka m rụrụ rachaa. Ọ pụtara na m ga-anwụ nʼihi ya?”
Forsothe Saul seide to Jonathas, Schewe thou to me, what thou didist. And Jonathas schewide to hym, and seide, Y tastynge tastide a litil of hony `in the ende of the yerde, that was in myn hond; and lo!
44 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl zara sị, “Nʼezie Jonatan, ị ghaghị ịnwụ. Ka Chineke meso m mmeso, otu ọbụla mmeso ahụ si sie ike, ma ọ bụrụ na ị nwụghị nʼihi ihe a i mere.”
Y die. And Saul seide, God do to me these thingis, and adde `these thingis, for thou, Jonathas, schalt die bi deeth.
45 Ma ndị ikom ahụ sịrị Sọl, “Jonatan ọ ga-anwụ, bụ onye a wetara nzọpụta a dị ukwuu nʼIzrel? Nke a apụghị ime! Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, ọ bụladị otu agịrị isi agaghị esi nʼisi ya dapụ, nʼihi na Chineke ejirila ya rụọ ọrụ ịtụnanya dị ukwuu taa.” Ya mere, ndị agha ahụ zọpụtara Jonatan, e gbukwaghị ya.
And the puple seide to Saul, `Therfor whethir Jonathas schal die, that dide this greet helthe in Israel? this is vnleueful; the Lord lyueth; noon heer of his heed schal falle in to erthe; for he wrouyte with God to dai. Therfor the puple delyuerede Jonathas, that he diede not.
46 Emesịa, Sọl kwụsịrị ndị agha ya ịchụ ndị Filistia ọsọ. Ndị Filistia nʼonwe ha lakwara nʼala nke ha.
And Saul yede a wey, and pursuede not Filisteis; sotheli Filisteys yeden in to her places.
47 Site nʼoge Sọl malitere ịchị nʼIzrel, o buru agha megide ndị iro ha nʼakụkụ niile, ndị Moab, ndị Amọn, ndị Edọm, ndị eze Zoba na ndị Filistia. Ebe ọbụla o chere ihu ọ na-alụgbu.
And Saul, whanne the rewme was `confermyd on Israel, fauyt bi cumpas ayens alle hise enemyes, ayens Moab, and the sones of Amon, and Edom, and ayens the kyngis of Soba, and ayens Filisteis; and whidur euer he turnede hym, he ouercam.
48 O buru agha dị ukwuu, lụgbuo ndị Amalek; ma zọpụta ndị Izrel site nʼaka ndị niile na-emegbu ha site nʼịpụnarị ha ihe ha nwere.
And whanne the oost was gaderid, he smoot Amalech; and delyuerede Israel fro the hond of hise distrieris.
49 Sọl mụtara ndị ikom atọ; Jonatan, Ishvi na Malkishua. Ọ mụtakwara ụmụ agbọghọ abụọ, Merab na Mikal.
Forsothe the sones of Saul weren Jonathas, and Jesuy, and Melchisua; the names of hise twei douytris, name of the firste gendrid douyter was Merob, and name `of the lesse douyter was Mycol.
50 Aha nwunye Sọl bụ Ahinoam, ada Ahimaaz. Ọchịagha Sọl bụ Abna, nwa Nea, nwanne nna Sọl.
And name of `the wijf of Saul was Achynoem, the douytir of Achymaas; and the name of the prince of his chyualrye was Abner, sone of Ner, brother of the fadir of Saul.
51 Nea, nna Abna, na Kish, nna Sọl bụ ụmụnne. Ha bụ ụmụ Abiel.
Forsothe Cys was the fadir of Saul; and Ner, the sone of Abiel, was fadir of Abner.
52 Ndị Izrel na ndị Filistia nọ nʼagha dị egwu ụbọchị niile Sọl bụ eze. Mgbe ọbụla Sọl hụrụ nwoke dị ike, maọbụ dimkpa, ọ na-eduru ya mee ya ka ọ bụrụ otu nʼime ndị agha ya.
Sotheli myyti batel was ayens Filisteis in alle the daies of Saul; for whom euere Saul siy a strong man and schapli to batel, Saul felouschipide to him silf that man.

< 1 Samuel 14 >