< 1 Samuel 14 >

1 Otu ụbọchị, Jonatan nwa Sọl, kpọrọ nwokorobịa na-ebu ihe agha ya sị, “Bịa, ka anyị gafee ndagwurugwu jeruo nʼụlọ ikwu ndị Filistia.” Ma ọ gwaghị Sọl nna ya.
One day Jonathan son of Saul said to the young man bearing his armor, “Come, let us cross over to the Philistine outpost on the other side.” But Jonathan did not tell his father.
2 Sọl na narị ndị ikom isii ya na-anọdụ nʼebe dị anya site na Gibea, nʼokpuru osisi pomegranet dị na Migrọn.
Meanwhile, Saul was staying under the pomegranate tree in Migron on the outskirts of Gibeah. And the troops who were with him numbered about six hundred men,
3 Otu nʼime ndị so Sọl bụ Ahija onye nchụaja, onye yi efọọd. Ọ bụ nwa Ahitub, onye bụ nwanne Ịkabọdụ. Ahitub bụ nwa nwa Finehaz, onye bụ nwa Elayị, onye nchụaja Onyenwe anyị na Shaịlo. Ọ dịkwaghị onye ma na Jonatan apụọla.
including Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was the son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub son of Phinehas, the son of Eli the priest of the LORD in Shiloh. But the troops did not know that Jonathan had left.
4 Tupu Jonatan eruo ebe ndị Filistia nọ, ọ ghaghị isite na nwa ụzọ warawara dị nʼagbata nkume abụọ, a na-akpọ Bozez na Sene gabiga.
Now there were cliffs on both sides of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost. One was named Bozez and the other Seneh.
5 Nkume nke dị nʼakụkụ elu elu, dị nʼihu Mikmash, nke dị nʼakụkụ ndịda dị nʼihu Geba.
One cliff stood to the north toward Michmash, and the other to the south toward Geba.
6 Jonatan gwara nwokorobịa na-ebu ihe agha ya sị, “Bịa, ka anyị gafee ga nʼebe nguzo ndị ahụ a na-ebighị ugwu, ma eleghị anya Onyenwe anyị ga-alụrụ anyị ọgụ. Nʼihi na ọ dịghị ihe pụrụ igbochi Onyenwe anyị ịzọpụta, site nʼọtụtụ mmadụ, maọbụ ole na ole.”
Jonathan said to the young man bearing his armor, “Come, let us cross over to the outpost of these uncircumcised men. Perhaps the LORD will work on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.”
7 Nwokorobịa ahụ zara sị ya, “Gaa nʼihu, eji m obi m na mmụọ m na-eso gị dịka ọchịchọ gị si dị.”
His armor-bearer replied, “Do all that is in your heart. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
8 Jonatan gwara ya sị, “Bịa ka anyị ga, lee ihe anyị ga-eme. Anyị ga-apụkwuru ndị agha ahụ mee ka ha hụ anyị anya.
“Very well,” said Jonathan, “we will cross over toward these men and show ourselves to them.
9 Ọ bụrụ na ha asị, ‘Guzonụ ebe ahụ ruo mgbe anyị bịakwutere unu,’ anyị ga-echere ebe anyị nọ, anyị agaghị agakwuru ha.
If they say, ‘Wait until we come to you,’ then we will stay where we are and will not go up to them.
10 Ma ọ bụrụ na ha sị, ‘Rigokwutenụ anyị,’ anyị ga-emekwa otu ahụ, nʼihi na ọ ga-abụrụ anyị ihe ama na Onyenwe anyị enyela ha nʼaka anyị.”
But if they say, ‘Come on up,’ then we will go up, because this will be our sign that the LORD has delivered them into our hands.”
11 Ya mere, ha abụọ guzoro ebe ndị Filistia ga-ahụ ha. Mgbe ndị Filistia hụrụ ha, ha tiri mkpu sị, “Lee, ndị Hibru esitela nʼọnụ ebe ha zoro na-arịpụta.”
So the two of them showed themselves to the outpost of the Philistines, who exclaimed, “Look, the Hebrews are coming out of the holes in which they were hiding!”
12 Ndị ikom ndị na-anọ nʼebe nguzo ndị nche tikuru Jonatan na onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha ya sị, “Rigokwutenụ anyị, ka anyị mee unu ihe.” Jonatan gwara onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha, “Soro m nʼazụ rigota, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ewerela ha nyefee nʼaka Izrel.”
So the men of the outpost called out to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come on up, and we will teach you a lesson!” “Follow me,” Jonathan told his armor-bearer, “for the LORD has delivered them into the hand of Israel.”
13 Ya mere, Jonatan ji ikpere ya na aka ya rigoruo nʼebe ahụ; onye na-ebu ihe agha ya sokwa ya nʼazụ. Ma ndị agha Filistia daghachiri azụ mgbe Jonatan na onye na-ebu ihe agha ya bidoro igbu ha.
So Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, with his armor-bearer behind him. And the Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer followed and finished them off.
14 Na ogbugbu mbụ ahụ, Jonatan na onye ahụ na-ebu ngwa agha ya gburu ọnụọgụgụ ndị Filistia dị iri abụọ. Ọ bụ nʼihe ha ka nketa ala ruru otu ọkara nʼekaa nʼọtụtụ.
In that first assault, Jonathan and his armor-bearer struck down about twenty men over half an acre of land.
15 Oke ọma jijiji dakwasịrị ndị agha niile, na ndị nọ nʼọmụma ụlọ ikwu, ma ndị nọ nʼọhịa, ma ndị nọ nʼebe dịpụrụ adịpụ, ma ndị na-ejegharị ejegharị ibu agha. Ala ahụ niile mara jijiji. Ọ bụ ọma jijiji nke Chineke zitere.
Then terror struck the Philistines in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even those in the outposts and raiding parties trembled. Indeed, the earth quaked and panic spread from God.
16 Ndị nche Sọl, bụ ndị nọ na Gibea nʼime Benjamin, lepụrụ anya hụ igwe ndị agha ka ha malitere ịgba barịị nʼihu na-azụ.
Now when Saul’s watchmen at Gibeah in Benjamin looked and saw the troops melting away and scattering in every direction,
17 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị agha ya na ha so, “Gụọnụ ndị agha ọnụ, chọpụta onye na-anọghị nʼebe a.” Mgbe ha mere nke a, ha chọpụtara, na Jonatan na onye na-ebu ihe agha ya anọghị nʼebe ahụ.
Saul said to the troops who were with him, “Call the roll and see who has left us.” And when they had called the roll, they saw that Jonathan and his armor-bearer were not there.
18 Sọl sịrị Ahija, “Bute igbe ọgbụgba ndụ Chineke.” (Nʼoge ahụ igbe ọgbụgba ndụ dị nʼaka ụmụ Izrel.)
Then Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the ark of God.” (For at that time it was with the Israelites.)
19 Mgbe Sọl na-agwa onye nchụaja okwu, ụzụ na iti mkpu nke na-ada nʼụlọ ikwu ndị Filistia dara karịa, nʼihi ya, Sọl gwara onye nchụaja ahụ okwu sị ya, “Sepụ aka gị.”
While Saul was talking to the priest, the commotion in the Philistine camp continued to increase. So Saul said to the priest, “Withdraw your hand.”
20 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl na ndị niile ya na ha nọ jikọtara onwe ha baa nʼagha ahụ, ma lee, ndị Filistia ji mma agha na-egburita onwe ha. Ọgbaaghara dịkwa nʼebe niile.
Then Saul and all his troops assembled and marched to the battle, and they found the Philistines in total confusion, with each man wielding the sword against his neighbor.
21 Ma ndị Hibru, ndị so ndị Filistia na-alụ ọgụ, tụgharịrị dịnyere ndị Izrel soro Sọl na Jonatan.
And the Hebrews who had previously gone up into the surrounding camps of the Philistines now went over to the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 Emesịa, ndị ikom Izrel niile, ndị ahụ zoro onwe ha nʼala ugwu ugwu Ifrem pụtara, mgbe ha hụrụ na ndị Filistia na-agba ọsọ. Ha gbapụtara soro ndị ọzọ ịchụ ndị Filistia ọsọ.
When all the Israelites who had been hiding in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were fleeing, they also joined Saul and Jonathan in the battle.
23 Ya mere, Onyenwe anyị napụtara ndị Izrel nʼụbọchị ahụ. E buru agha ahụ gabiga Bet-Aven.
So the LORD saved Israel that day, and the battle moved on beyond Beth-aven.
24 Ma ndị ikom Izrel nọ ọnọdụ nhụju anya nʼụbọchị ahụ, nʼihi na Sọl jiri ịṅụ iyi kechie ha, mgbe o kwuru sị, “Onye a bụrụ ọnụ ka nwoke ahụ bụ onye ga-eri nri ọbụla site ugbu a ruo anyasị, tutu ruo mgbe m bọsịrị ọbọ megide ndị iro m!” Nʼihi ya, o nweghị onye ọbụla nʼetiti ndị agha ya detụrụ ihe oriri ọnụ.
Now the men of Israel were in distress that day, for Saul had placed the troops under an oath, saying, “Cursed is the man who eats any food before evening, before I have taken vengeance on my enemies.” So none of the troops tasted any food.
25 Ndị agha ahụ niile banyere nʼọhịa ebe mmanụ aṅụ dị nʼala.
Then all the troops entered the forest, and there was honey on the ground.
26 Mgbe ha banyere nʼọhịa, ha hụrụ mmanụ aṅụ ebe ọ na-asọpụta, ma o nweghị onye metụrụ aka nʼọnụ ya, nʼihi na ha tụrụ egwu iyi ahụ ha ṅụrụ.
And when they entered the forest and saw the flowing honey, not one of them put his hand to his mouth, because they feared the oath.
27 Ma Jonatan anụghị na nna ya mere ka ndị ahụ ṅụọ iyi, ya mere, o setịpụrụ ọnụ ọnụ mkpanaka dị ya nʼaka rụta mmanụ aṅụ na ugbugbo ya, tinye nʼọnụ ya rachaa. Nke a mere ka ike ya laghachite.
Jonathan, however, had not heard that his father had charged the people with the oath. So he reached out the end of the staff in his hand, dipped it into the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes brightened.
28 Ma otu onye agha gwara ya sị, “Nna gị ji ịṅụ iyi gbaa ndị agha niile iwu, sị, ‘Onye a bụrụ ọnụ ka nwoke ahụ bụ, onye riri nri taa. Ọ bụ nke a mere ndị mmadụ ji ada mba.’”
Then one of the soldiers told him, “Your father bound the troops with a solemn oath, saying, ‘Cursed is the man who eats food today.’ That is why the people are faint.”
29 Jonatan zara sị, “Nna m esitela nʼiwu dị otu a wetara ala anyị nsogbu. Lee ka m si nweta ike site na mmanụ aṅụ nta m rachara.
“My father has brought trouble to the land,” Jonathan replied. “Just look at how my eyes have brightened because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 Ọ garaghị aka mma ma a sị na ndị ikom riri ihe ha si nʼaka ndị iro ha kwata nʼagha? Ọ bụ na ogbugbu a gaara egbu ndị Filistia agaraghị adị ukwuu karịa?”
How much better it would have been if the troops had eaten freely today from the plunder they took from their enemies! Would not the slaughter of the Philistines have been much greater?”
31 Ma ndị agha Izrel bu agụụ tigbuo ndị Filistia, chụọkwa ha ọsọ site na Mikmash ruo Aijalon. Ha dakwara mba karịa.
That day, after the Israelites had struck down the Philistines from Michmash to Aijalon, the people were very faint.
32 Ha dakwasịrị ihe a kwatara nʼagha, gbuo atụrụ na ehi na ụmụ ehi, bido iri anụ ha na ndụ nʼihi agụụ.
So they rushed greedily to the plunder, taking sheep, cattle, and calves. They slaughtered them on the ground and ate meat with the blood still in it.
33 Ma otu onye gwara Sọl sị, “Ndị ikom Izrel na-emehie megide Onyenwe anyị site na iri anụ ọbara ya dị nʼahụ ya.” Mgbe ahụ, ọ sịrị, “Ihe dị otu a jọgburu onwe ya. Nutenụ nkume ukwuu nʼebe a ugbu a.”
Then someone reported to Saul: “Look, the troops are sinning against the LORD by eating meat with the blood still in it.” “You have broken faith,” said Saul. “Roll a large stone over here at once.”
34 Sọl sịrị, “Gaa nʼetiti ndị ikom a gwa ha, ‘Ka onye ọbụla weta ehi na atụrụ ha chọrọ igbu nʼebe a, ka e gbuo ha nʼebe a, rie anụ ha. Unu emehiela megide Onyenwe anyị site nʼiri anụ ọbara dị nʼime ya.’” Ya mere, onye ọbụla wetara ehi ya nʼabalị ahụ, gbuo nʼebe ahụ.
Then he said, “Go among the troops and tell them, ‘Each man must bring me his ox or his sheep, slaughter them in this place, and then eat. Do not sin against the LORD by eating meat with the blood still in it.’” So that night everyone brought his ox and slaughtered it there.
35 Emesịa, Sọl wuuru Onyenwe anyị ebe ịchụ aja. Nke a bụ ebe ịchụ aja nke mbụ o wuru.
Then Saul built an altar to the LORD; it was the first time he had built an altar to the LORD.
36 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị agha ya sị, “Ka anyị gaa chụọ ndị Filistia ọsọ nʼabalị a niile, ma gbukwaa onye ọbụla fọdụrụ nʼime ha.” Ndị agha ya zara sị, “Ọ dị mma, mee dịka ị kwuru.” Ma onye nchụaja sịrị, “Ka anyị buru ụzọ jụta ihe bụ uche Chineke.”
And Saul said, “Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them until dawn, leaving no man alive!” “Do what seems good to you,” the troops replied. But the priest said, “We must consult God here.”
37 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl jụrụ Chineke sị, “Ọ bụ m rịda gaa chụso ndị Filistia? Ị ga-enyefe ha nʼaka ndị Izrel?” Ma Chineke enyeghị ya ọsịsa ọbụla nʼụbọchị ahụ.
So Saul inquired of God, “Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will You give them into the hand of Israel?” But God did not answer him that day.
38 Sọl gwara ndịisi agha Izrel okwu sị, “Ihe emebiela! Anyị aghaghị ịchọpụta ụdị mmehie anyị mere taa, nke mere Onyenwe anyị ji jụ inye anyị ọsịsa.
Therefore Saul said, “Come here, all you leaders of the troops, and let us investigate how this sin has occurred today.
39 Nʼezie dịka Onyenwe anyị, onye na-azọpụta Izrel na-adị ndụ, a sịkwarị na ọ bụ nwa m Jonatan ka a chọpụtara na ọ bụ ya ka ikpe mara, ọ ga-anwụ!” Ma ọ dịghị onye gwara ya ihe ọbụla.
As surely as the LORD who saves Israel lives, even if it is my son Jonathan, he must die!” But not one of the troops said a word.
40 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl gwara ndị Izrel niile okwu sị ha, “Guzonụ onwe unu nʼebe ahụ, mụ na nwa m Jonatan ga-eguzo onwe anyị nʼebe a.” Ndị ahụ zara sị, “Mee ihe ọbụla dị gị mma.”
Then Saul said to all Israel, “You stand on one side, and I and my son Jonathan will stand on the other side.” “Do what seems good to you,” the troops replied.
41 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl kpere ekpere nye Onyenwe anyị, bụ Chineke Izrel, “Gịnị mere na ị zabeghị ohu gị taa? Ọ bụrụ na ikpe mara m maọbụ nwa m Jonatan, zaa site nʼUrim, ma ọ bụrụ ndị ikom Izrel ka ikpe mara, nye ọsịsa site na Tumim.” Nza ahụ mara Jonatan na Sọl, ma ikpe amaghị ndị ikom Izrel.
So Saul said to the LORD, the God of Israel, “Why have You not answered Your servant this day? If the fault is with me or my son Jonathan, respond with Urim; but if the fault is with the men of Israel, respond with Thummim.” And Jonathan and Saul were selected, but the people were cleared of the charge.
42 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl kwuru sị, “Ugbu a feenụ nza nʼetiti mụ na Jonatan, nwa m nwoke.” Nza ahụ mara Jonatan.
Then Saul said, “Cast the lot between me and my son Jonathan.” And Jonathan was selected.
43 Sọl gwara Jonatan okwu sị ya, “Gwa m ihe i mere.” Jonatan zara sị ya, “Ọ bụ naanị mmanụ aṅụ ntakịrị ka m ji ọnụ mkpanaka m rụrụ rachaa. Ọ pụtara na m ga-anwụ nʼihi ya?”
“Tell me what you have done,” Saul commanded him. So Jonathan told him, “I only tasted a little honey with the end of the staff that was in my hand. And now I must die?”
44 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl zara sị, “Nʼezie Jonatan, ị ghaghị ịnwụ. Ka Chineke meso m mmeso, otu ọbụla mmeso ahụ si sie ike, ma ọ bụrụ na ị nwụghị nʼihi ihe a i mere.”
And Saul declared, “May God punish me, and ever so severely, if you, Jonathan, do not surely die!”
45 Ma ndị ikom ahụ sịrị Sọl, “Jonatan ọ ga-anwụ, bụ onye a wetara nzọpụta a dị ukwuu nʼIzrel? Nke a apụghị ime! Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, ọ bụladị otu agịrị isi agaghị esi nʼisi ya dapụ, nʼihi na Chineke ejirila ya rụọ ọrụ ịtụnanya dị ukwuu taa.” Ya mere, ndị agha ahụ zọpụtara Jonatan, e gbukwaghị ya.
But the people said to Saul, “Must Jonathan die—he who accomplished such a great deliverance for Israel? Never! As surely as the LORD lives, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground, for with God’s help he has accomplished this today.” So the people rescued Jonathan, and he did not die.
46 Emesịa, Sọl kwụsịrị ndị agha ya ịchụ ndị Filistia ọsọ. Ndị Filistia nʼonwe ha lakwara nʼala nke ha.
Then Saul gave up his pursuit of the Philistines, and the Philistines returned to their own land.
47 Site nʼoge Sọl malitere ịchị nʼIzrel, o buru agha megide ndị iro ha nʼakụkụ niile, ndị Moab, ndị Amọn, ndị Edọm, ndị eze Zoba na ndị Filistia. Ebe ọbụla o chere ihu ọ na-alụgbu.
After Saul had assumed the kingship over Israel, he fought against all his enemies on every side—the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Edomites, the kings of Zobah, and the Philistines. Wherever he turned, he routed them.
48 O buru agha dị ukwuu, lụgbuo ndị Amalek; ma zọpụta ndị Izrel site nʼaka ndị niile na-emegbu ha site nʼịpụnarị ha ihe ha nwere.
He fought valiantly and defeated the Amalekites, delivering Israel from the hands of its plunderers.
49 Sọl mụtara ndị ikom atọ; Jonatan, Ishvi na Malkishua. Ọ mụtakwara ụmụ agbọghọ abụọ, Merab na Mikal.
Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malchishua. His two daughters were named Merab (his firstborn) and Michal (his younger daughter).
50 Aha nwunye Sọl bụ Ahinoam, ada Ahimaaz. Ọchịagha Sọl bụ Abna, nwa Nea, nwanne nna Sọl.
His wife’s name was Ahinoam daughter of Ahimaaz. The name of the commander of his army was Abner, the son of Saul’s uncle Ner.
51 Nea, nna Abna, na Kish, nna Sọl bụ ụmụnne. Ha bụ ụmụ Abiel.
Saul’s father Kish and Abner’s father Ner were sons of Abiel.
52 Ndị Izrel na ndị Filistia nọ nʼagha dị egwu ụbọchị niile Sọl bụ eze. Mgbe ọbụla Sọl hụrụ nwoke dị ike, maọbụ dimkpa, ọ na-eduru ya mee ya ka ọ bụrụ otu nʼime ndị agha ya.
And the war with the Philistines was fierce for all the days of Saul. So whenever he noticed any strong or brave man, Saul would enlist him.

< 1 Samuel 14 >