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1 Izrel mụrụ ụmụ ndị ikom ndị a: Ruben, Simiọn, Livayị, Juda, Isaka, na Zebụlọn,
Forsothe the sones of Israel weren Ruben, Symeon, Leuy, Juda, Isachar, and Zabulon,
2 Dan, Josef, Benjamin, Naftalị, Gad na Asha.
Dan, Joseph, Beniamyn, Neptalym, Gad, Aser.
3 Juda mụtara ụmụ ndị ikom atọ site na nwunye ya Bat-shua, onye Kenan. Aha ha bụ Ịa, Onan na Shela. Ma Ịa ọkpara Juda bụ nnọọ mmadụ ọjọọ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị, nʼihi ya, Onyenwe anyị gburu ya.
The sones of Juda weren Her, Onam, Sela; these thre weren borun to hym of Sue, a douyter of Canaan. Sotheli Her, the first gendrid sone of Juda, was yuel bifor the Lord, and he killide hym.
4 Juda mụtakwara ụmụ nwoke abụọ ọzọ, Perez na Zera, site na Tama nwunye nwa ya nwoke. Ụmụ ndị nwoke niile Juda dị ise.
Forsothe Thamar, wijf of the sone of Judas, childide to hym Phares, and Zaram; therfor alle the sones of Judas weren fyue.
5 Ụmụ ndị ikom Perez bụ, Hezrọn na Hamul.
Sotheli the sones of Phares weren Esrom, and Chamul.
6 Zera mụrụ: Zimri, na Etan, na Heman, na Kalkol, na Dara. Ha dị ndị ikom ise nʼọnụọgụgụ.
And the sones of Zare weren Zamry, and Ethen, and Eman, and Calchab, and Dardan; fyue togidere.
7 Ekan nwa Kami, bụ onye ahụ tinyere ndị Izrel na nsogbu, site nʼihe o mere nke gbasara ihe e doro nsọ.
The sone of Charmy was Achar, that disturblide Israel, and synnede in the theft of thing halewid to the Lord.
8 Etan mụrụ Azaraya.
The sone of Ethan was Azarie.
9 Hezrọn mụtara Jerameel, Ram na Kaleb.
Sotheli the sones of Esrom, that weren borun to hym, weren Jeramael, and Aram, and Calubi.
10 Ram mụrụ Aminadab, Aminadab amụọ Nashọn onyendu a maara ama na Juda.
Forsothe Aram gendryde Amynadab. Sotheli Amynadab gendride Naason, the prince of the sones of Juda.
11 Nashọn mụrụ Salma, Salma amụọ Boaz.
And Naason gendride Salmon; of which Salmon Booz was borun.
12 Boaz amụta Obed, Obed amụọ Jesi.
Sotheli Booz gendride Obeth; which hym silf gendride Ysay.
13 Nwa nwoke mbụ Jesi mụrụ bụ Eliab; nke abụọ bụ Abinadab, nke atọ bụ Shimea.
Forsothe Ysai gendride the firste gendride sone, Elyab, the secounde, Amynadab; the thridde, Samaa;
14 Nke anọ bụ Netanel, nke ise bụ Radai,
the fourthe, Nathanael;
15 nke isii Ozem, nke asaa Devid.
the fyuethe, Sadai; the sixte, Asom;
16 Ọ mụkwara ụmụ nwanyị abụọ site nʼaka nwunye ya, ndị aha ha bụ Zeruaya na Abigel. Zeruaya mụrụ Abishai, na Joab, na Asahel.
the seuenthe, Dauyd; whose sistris weren Saruya, and Abigail. The sones of Saruye weren thre, Abisai, Joab, and Asahel.
17 Abigel, nwunye Jeta onye Ishmel mụrụ Amasa.
Forsothe Abigail childide Amasa, whos fadir was Gether Hismaelite.
18 Kaleb nwa Hezrọn lụrụ ụmụ nwanyị abụọ, Azuba na Jeriọt. Ọ mụrụ ụmụ ndị ikom ndị a Jesha, Shobab na Adọn.
Sotheli Caleph, sone of Esrom, took a wijf, Azuba bi name, of whom he gendride Jerioth; and hise sones weren Jesar, and Sobab, and Ardon.
19 Mgbe Azuba nwụrụ, Kaleb lụrụ nwunye ọzọ. Aha ya bụ Efrat, onye mụtaara ya Hua.
And whanne Azuba was deed, Caleph took a wijf Effrata, whiche childide Hur to hym.
20 Hua mụrụ Uri, Uri mụtara Bezalel.
Forsothe Hur gendride Hury; Hury gendride Beseleel.
21 Mgbe Hezrọn gbara iri afọ isii, ọ lụrụ ada Makia onye mụtaara ya Segub. Makia bụ nna Gilead.
After these thingis Esrom entride to the douytir of Machir, fadir of Galaad, and he took hir, whanne he was of sixti yeer; and sche childide Segub to hym.
22 Segub mụrụ Jaịa, onye chịrị iri obodo abụọ na atọ na Gilead.
But also Segub gendride Jair; and he hadde in possessioun thre and twenti citees in the lond of Galaad;
23 Ma Geshua na Aram dọtara obodo Jaịa nʼagha, dọtakwa Kenat nʼagha, ya na iri obodo nta isii ndị ọzọ gbara ya gburugburu. Ndị a niile bụ ụmụ Makia nna Gilead.
and he took Gessur, and Aran, the citees of Jair, and Chanath, and the townes therof of seuenti citees. Alle these weren the sones of Machir, fadir of Galaad.
24 Mgbe Hezrọn nwụrụ nʼobodo Kaleb Efrata, Abija nwunye Hezrọn mụtaara ya Ashua, onye bụ nna Tekoa.
Sotheli whanne Esrom was deed, Caleph entride in to Effrata. And Esrom hadde a wijf Abia, which childide to hym Assir, fadir of Thecue.
25 Jerameel ọkpara Hezrọn mụtara Ram, onye bụ ọkpara ya, mụọkwa Buna, na Oren, na Ozem, na Ahija.
Forsothe sones weren borun of Jezrameel, the firste gendrid of Esrom; Ram, the first gendrid of hym, and Aran, and Ason, and Achia.
26 Nwunye Jerameel nke abụọ, aha ya bụ Atara, mụtara Onam.
Also Jezrameel weddide anothir wijf, Athara bi name, that was the modir of Onam.
27 Ram ọkpara Jerameel mụtara ụmụ ndị ikom ndị a: Maaz, na Jamin, na Eka.
But and the sones of Ram, the firste gendrid of Jezrameel, weren Mohas, and Jamyn, and Achaz.
28 Ụmụ Onam mụrụ bụ Shamai, na Jada. Shamai mụkwara Nadab, na Abishua.
Forsothe Onam gendride sones, Semey, and Juda. Sotheli the sones of Semei weren Nadab, and Abisur;
29 Abishua na nwunye ya Abihail mụrụ Aban, na Molid.
forsothe the name of the wijf of Abisur was Abigail, that childide to hym Haaobban, and Molid.
30 Ụmụ Nadab mụrụ bụ Seled, na Apaim. Seled nwụrụ na-amụtaghị nwa ọbụla.
Sotheli the sones of Nadab weren Saled and Apphaym; forsothe Saled diede without children.
31 Ma Apaim mụtara Ishi. Ishi mụrụ Sheshan, Sheshan amụtakwa Alai.
Sotheli the sone of Apphaym was Jesi, which Jesi gendride Sesan; sotheli Sesan gendride Oholi.
32 Jada nwanne Shamai mụtara ụmụ ndị ikom abụọ, Jeta na Jonatan. Jeta amụtaghị nwa ọbụla,
Forsothe the sones of Jada, brother of Semei, weren Jether and Jonathan; but Jether diede with out sones; treuli Jonathan gendride Phalech,
33 ma Jonatan mụtara ụmụ ndị ikom abụọ: Pelet na Zaza. Ndị a bụ ụmụ Jerameel.
and Ziza. These ben the sones of Jerameel.
34 Sheshan mụtara ọtụtụ ụmụ nwanyị, ma o nweghị nwa nwoke. O nwere otu ohu bụ onye Ijipt, aha ya bụ Jaha.
Forsothe Sesan hadde not sones, but douytris, and a seruaunt of Egipt, Jeraa bi name;
35 O weere ada ya nwanyị nye odibo ya bụ Jaha, ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya. Ọ mụtara ya otu nwa nwoke aha ya bụ Atai.
and he yaf his douyter to wijf to Jeraa, whiche childide Ethei to hym.
36 Atai mụrụ Netan, Netan mụrụ Zabad,
Forsothe Ethei gendride Nathan, and Nathan gendride Zadab.
37 Zabad amụọ Eflal. Nwa Eflal bụ Obed,
Also Zadab gendride Ophial, and Ophial gendride Obed.
38 ma Obed mụrụ Jehu. Jehu amụọ Azaraya.
Obed gendride Yeu, Yeu gendride Azarie,
39 Azaraya bụ nna Helez, Helez mụrụ Eleasa.
Azarie gendride Helles, Helles gendride Elasa,
40 Eleasa mụrụ Sismai, Sismai amụọ Shalum.
Elasa gendride Sesamoy, Sesamoy gendride Sellum,
41 Shalum bụ nna Jekamaya, ebe Jekamaya mụrụ Elishama.
Sellum gendride Jecamya, Jecamia gendride Elisama.
42 Ụmụ ndị ikom Kaleb nwanne Jerameel bụ Mesha onye bụ ọkpara ya, nna Zif, onye mụrụ Maresha nna Hebrọn.
Forsothe the sones of Caleph, brothir of Jerameel, weren Mosa, the firste gendrid sone of hym; thilke is the fadir of Ziph; and the sones of Maresa, the fadir of Hebron.
43 Hebrọn mụrụ ndị a: Kora, Tapụọa, Rekem na Shema.
Certis the sones of Ebron weren Chore, and Raphu, Recem, and Samma.
44 Shema mụrụ Raham, onye bụ nna Jokean. Rekem mụrụ Shamai.
Forsothe Samma gendride Raam, the fadir of Jerechaam; and Recem gendride Semei.
45 Ọkpara Shamai bụ Maon, onye mụrụ Bet Zoa.
The sone of Semei was Maon; and Maon was the fadir of Bethsur.
46 Efaa, iko nwanyị Kaleb, mụtaara ya Haran, Moza na Gazez. Haran mụtakwara nwa ọ kpọrọ aha ya Gazez.
Sotheli Epha, the secundarie wijf of Caleph, childide Aram, and Musa, and Theser; forsothe Aram gendride Jezen.
47 Jadia mụtara ndị ikom ndị a: Regem, Jotam, Gesham, Pelet, Efaa na Shaaf.
The sones of Jadai weren Regon, and Jethon, and Zesum, Phalez, and Epha, and Saaph.
48 Maaka, iko nwanyị ọzọ Kaleb nwere mụtaara ya ndị a: Sheba na Tiahana,
Matha, the secoundarie wijf of Caleph, childide Zaber, and Tharana.
49 ọ mụtakwara Shaaf, onye bụ nna Madmanna, Sheva nna Makbena, tinyere Gibea. Aha nwa nwanyị Kaleb mụtara bụ Aksa.
Forsothe Saaph, the fadir of Madmenas, gendride Sue, the fadir of Magbena, and the fader of Gabaa; sotheli the douyter of Caleph was Axa.
50 Ndị a bụ ụmụ Kaleb. Ụmụ Hua, ọkpara Efrata mụrụ bụ, Shobal, nna Kiriat Jearim,
These weren the sones of Caleph. The sones of Hur, the firste gendrid sone of Effrata, weren Sobal, the fader of Cariathiarim;
51 Salma nna Betlehem, na Haref, nna Bet-Gadea.
Salma, the fader of Bethleem; Ariph, the fader of Bethgader.
52 Ụmụ Shobal nna Kiriat Jearim mụrụ bụ Haroe, onye mụrụ ọkara ndị ikwu Menuhot.
Sotheli the sones of Sobal, fader of Cariatiarim, that siy the myddil of restingis,
53 Ya mụtakwara ndị ikwu Kiriat Jearim, ndị Itra, ndị Put, ndị Shumat na ndị Mishra. Nʼime ndị a ka ndị Zorat na ndị Eshtaol si pụta.
and was of the kynrede of Caryathiarym, weren Jethrey, and Aphutei, and Samathei, and Maserathei. Of these weren borun Sarytis, and Eschaolitis.
54 Salma mụtara ikwu ndị a: Betlehem, ndị Netofa, ndị Atrot Bet Joab, ụfọdụ ndị Manaha na ndị Zoa.
The sones of Salma, fadir of Bethleem, and of Netophati, weren the corouns of the hows of Joab, and the half of restyng of Sarai.
55 Ụfọdụ ha bụ ikwu ndị ode akwụkwọ, ndị bi nʼobodo Jabez: ndị Tirait, na ndị Shimea, na ndị Suka. Ndị a niile bụ ndị Ken, ndị sitere nʼagbụrụ Hamat, nna ndị ikwu Rekab.
And the kynredis of scryuens, dwellynge in Jabes, syngynge, and sownynge, and dwellynge in tabernaclis. These ben Cyneis, that camen of the heete of the fadir of the hows of Rechab.

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