< Sálmarnir 58 >
1 Þið konungar og leiðtogar þjóðanna, talið þið sannleika? Er réttlæti í dómum ykkar og úrskurðum?
When you mighty men speak, you never say what is right; you never decide things about people justly [RHQ]!
2 Nei, svo er ekki. Þið eruð allir svikarar sem seljið „réttlæti“fyrir mútur.
No, in your inner beings you think only about doing what is wrong, and you commit violent crimes in this land [of Israel].
3 Slíkir menn hafa allt frá fæðingu vikið af réttum vegi. Þeir hafa talað lygi frá því þeir fengu málið.
Wicked people do wrong things and tell lies from the time that they are born [DOU].
4 Eiturnöðrur eru þeir, slöngur sem daufheyrast við skipunum særingamannsins.
God, show in the heavens how great you are! And show your glory to people all over the earth! What wicked people say [injures people like] the venom of a snake [MET]; They refuse to listen to good advice, [as though they were] cobras that were deaf [MET]!
5 Drottinn, slíttu úr þeim eiturbroddinn!
As a result, [like a snake that does not respond when] a charmer plays a flute or when someone sings magic songs, [they do not pay attention when others rebuke them].
6 Dragðu vígtennurnar úr þessum vörgum, ó Guð.
God, as for these enemies who [want to attack me like] young lions, break their teeth!
7 Láttu þá hverfa eins og jörðin hafi gleypt þá. Sláðu vopnin úr höndum þeirra.
Cause them to disappear like water disappears [in dry ground]! Cause the arrows that they shoot to have no (heads/sharp points)!
8 Láttu þá þorna upp eins og snigla og ekki sjá sólina frekar en þeir sem andvana eru fæddir.
Cause them to become like snails that disappear in the slime; cause them to be like babies that are born dead!
9 Guð mun svipta þeim burt, eyða þeim skjótar en pottur hitnar yfir eldi.
Get rid of them [as fast as] thornbushes are blown away [after they are cut] (OR, [as fast as] a fire heats a pot over burning thorns).
10 Þá munu hinir guðhræddu fagna, þegar réttlætið sigrar og þeir fá að ganga um blóðidrifin stræti fallinna óvina.
Righteous people will rejoice when they see wicked people being punished as they deserve; they will wash their feet in the blood of wicked people.
11 Þá munu menn sjá að réttlætið sigrar og að Guð dæmir jörðina með réttvísi.
[Then] people will say, “It is true that there is a reward for righteous people; and there is indeed a God who judges people justly here on the earth!”