< Sálmarnir 105 >
1 Þakkið Drottni fyrir öll hans undursamlegu verk og segið frá þeim meðal þjóðanna.
Give thanks to Yahweh, and tell others that he is very great! Tell everyone in the world what he has done!
2 Syngið fyrir hann, leikið fyrir hann og segið öllum frá máttarverkum hans.
Sing to him; praise him as you sing to him; tell others about his wonderful miracles.
3 Lofið og vegsamið hans heilaga nafn. Þið sem tilbiðjið Drottin, fagnið!
Be happy because [you know that] he [MTY] is holy! You people who worship Yahweh, rejoice!
4 Leitið hans og máttar hans, og keppið eftir að kynnast honum!
Ask Yahweh to help you and give you his strength, and continue to ask him!
5 Minnist dásemdarverkanna sem hann vann fyrir okkur, sína útvöldu þjóð,
You people who are descendants of God’s servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, the man God chose, think about [all] the wonderful things that he has done: He performed miracles, and he punished [all our enemies].
6 afkomendur Abrahams og Jakobs, þjóna hans. Munið þið hvernig hann útrýmdi óvinum okkar?
7 Hann er Drottinn, Guð okkar. Elska hans blasir við hvar sem er í landinu.
He is Yahweh, our God. He rules and judges [people] throughout the earth.
8 Þótt þúsund kynslóðir líði, þá gleymir hann ekki loforði sínu,
He never forgets the agreement that he made; he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations;
9 sáttmála sínum við Abraham og Ísak.
that is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement with Isaac.
10 Þennan sáttmála endurnýjaði hann við Jakob. Þetta er hans eilífi sáttmáli við Ísrael:
[Later] he confirmed it [again] to Jacob as an agreement for the Israeli [people] that would last forever.
11 „Ég mun gefa ykkur Kanaansland að erfð.“
What he said was, “I will give you the Canaan region; it will belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
12 Þetta sagði hann meðan þeir voru enn fámennir, já mjög fáir, og bjuggu sem útlendingar í landinu.
[He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land like strangers.
13 Síðar dreifðust þeir meðal þjóðanna og hröktust úr einu landinu í annað.
They continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
14 Samt leyfði hann engum að kúga þá og refsaði konungum sem það reyndu.
But he did not allow others to oppress them. He warned those kings by saying to them,
15 „Snertið ekki við mínum útvöldu og gerið spámönnum mínum ekkert mein.“sagði hann.
“Do not do harm the [people] whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
16 Og hann lét hungursneyð koma yfir Kanaansland og allur matur gekk til þurrðar.
He sent a famine to Canaan, and [as a result all the people] had no food to eat.
17 Þá sendi hann Jósef í ánauð til Egyptalands, þjóð sinni til bjargar.
So his people went to Egypt, but first he sent someone there. He sent Joseph, who had been sold to be a slave.
18 Þeir hlekkjuðu hann og þjáðu,
[Later, while Joseph was in prison in Egypt], they put his legs in shackles that bruised his feet, and they put an iron collar around his neck.
19 en Guð lét hann þola eldraunina og batt að lokum enda á fangavist hans.
There, Yahweh (refined Joseph’s character/tested Joseph to see if Joseph would continue to trust him), until what Joseph predicted would happen (came true/happened).
20 Og faraó sendi eftir Jósef og lét hann lausan,
The king [of Egypt] summoned him, and he set Joseph free; this ruler of many people-groups released Joseph [from prison].
21 og setti hann svo yfir allar eigur sínar.
[Then] he appointed him to take care of everything in the king’s household, to take care of everything that the king possessed.
22 Þá hafði Jósef vald til að fangelsa höfðingja og segja ráðgjöfum konungs til.
(Joseph was permitted/He permitted Joseph) to command the king’s servants to do anything that Joseph wanted them to do, and [even] to tell the king’s advisors the things that they should do [for the people of Egypt].
23 Síðar kom Jakob (Ísrael) til Egyptalands og settist þar að með sonum sínum.
Later, [Joseph’s father] Jacob arrived in Egypt. He lived like a foreigner in the land that belonged to the descendants of Ham.
24 Þau ár fjölgaði Ísrael mjög, já svo mjög að þeir urðu fjölmennari en Egyptar, sem réðu landinu.
And [years later] Yahweh caused the descendants of Jacob to become very numerous. [As a result], their enemies, [the Egyptians], considered that the Israelis were too strong.
25 En Guð sneri hjörtum Egypta gegn Ísrael, þeir hötuðu þá og hnepptu í þrældóm.
[So] Yahweh caused the rulers of Egypt to (turn against/hate) the Israeli people, and they planned ways to get rid of his people.
26 Þá útvaldi Guð Móse sem fulltrúa sinn og Aron honum til hjálpar.
[But then] Yahweh sent his servant Moses along with [Moses’ older brother] Aaron, whom Yahweh had [also] chosen [to be his servant].
27 Hann gjörði tákn meðal Egypta og vakti þannig ótta hjá þeim.
Those two performed amazing miracles among the people of Egypt, in that land where the descendants of Ham lived.
28 Þeir fóru að skipun Drottins og hann sendi myrkur yfir landið,
Yahweh sent darkness, so that the people of Egypt could not see anything [DOU], but the rulers of Egypt refused [RHQ] to obey when [Moses and Aaron] commanded [them to let the Israeli people leave Egypt].
29 breytti ám og vötnum í blóð svo að fiskurinn dó.
Yahweh caused [all] the water in Egypt to become (blood/[red like] blood), and [his doing that] caused all the fish to die.
30 Þá kom flóðbylgja af froskum – þeir voru um allt, jafnvel í svefnherbergi konungs!
[Then he caused] the land to become full of frogs; the king and his officials even had frogs in their bedrooms.
31 Að skipun Móse fylltist landið af mývargi og flugum.
[Then] Yahweh commanded that flies come, and swarms of them descended [on the people of Egypt], and gnats [also] swarmed across the whole country.
32 Í stað regns dundi banvænt hagl yfir landið og eldingar skelfdu íbúana.
Instead of sending rain, Yahweh sent [terrible] hail, and lightning flashed throughout the land.
33 Vínviður þeirra og fíkjutré drápust, féllu brotin til jarðar.
The hail ruined their grapevines and fig trees and shattered all the [other] trees.
34 Þá bauð hann engisprettum að naga allan grænan gróður
He commanded locusts to come, and swarms of them came; [so many that] they could not be counted.
35 og eyðileggja uppskeruna, – hvílík plága!
The locusts ate every green plant in the land, ruining all the crops.
36 Þá deyddi hann frumburðina, – elsta barn í hverri egypskri fjölskyldu – þar fór framtíðarvonin.
[Then] Yahweh killed the oldest son in every house [of the people of Egypt] [DOU].
37 Og Drottinn leiddi sitt fólk heilu og höldnu út úr Egyptalandi, hlaðið gulli og silfri. Ekkert þeirra var veikt eða vanmáttugt.
Then he brought the Israeli [people] out [from Egypt]; they were carrying loads of [jewelry made of] silver and gold [that the women of Egypt had given to them]. No one was left behind because of being sick.
38 Og Egyptar voru því fegnastir þegar Ísraelsmenn héldu á brott, því að þeir óttuðust þá.
[The people of] Egypt were glad when the Israeli people left, because they had become very afraid of the Israelis.
39 Um daga breiddi Guð út ský og hlífði þeim gegn brennheitri sólinni og um nætur lýsti hann þeim leiðina með eldstólpa.
[Then] Yahweh spread a cloud to cover the Israelis; and [at night it became] a big fire [in the sky] to give them light.
40 Þeir báðu um kjöt og hann sendi þeim lynghænsni og brauð gaf hann þeim – manna, brauð frá himni.
[Later] the Israelis asked for [meat to eat], and Yahweh sent [flocks of] quail to them, and he gave them plenty of manna [food] from the sky [each morning].
41 Hann opnaði klettinn og vatnið spratt fram og varð að læk í eyðimörkinni.
[One day] he caused a rock to open up and water poured out [for them to drink]; it was like a river flowing in that desert.
42 Hann minntist loforðs síns til Abrahams, þjóns síns,
[He did that] because he kept thinking about the sacred promise [that he had given] to his servant, Abraham.
43 og leiddi sitt útvalda fólk fagnandi út úr Egyptalandi.
So his people were joyful as he brought them out from Egypt; those people whom he had chosen were shouting joyfully as they went.
44 Og hann gaf þeim lönd heiðingjanna, sem stóðu í fullum blóma með þroskaða uppskeru og þeir átu það sem aðrir höfðu sáð til.
He gave to them the land that belonged to the people-groups [that lived there in Canaan], and the Israelis harvested crops that [other] people had planted.
45 Allt skyldi þetta hvetja Ísrael til trúfesti og hlýðni við lög Drottins. Hallelúja!
[Yahweh did all these things] in order that his people would do all the things that he had commanded them to do [DOU]. Praise Yahweh!