< Apostolok 24 >

1 Öt nap mulva aztán aláméne Ananiás főpap a vénekkel és egy Tertullus nevű prókátorral, kik panaszt tettek a tiszttartónál Pál ellen.
Five days later Ananias the high priest, [having heard that Paul was now in Caesarea], went down [there from Jerusalem], along with some [other Jewish] elders and a lawyer [whose name was] Tertullus. There they formally told the governor what Paul had done [that they considered] wrong.
2 Mikor pedig ő előszólíttatott, Tertullus vádolni kezdé, mondván:
[The governor commanded] Paul to be brought {[a soldier] to bring Paul} in. [When Paul arrived], Tertullus began to accuse him. He said [to the governor], “Honorable Governor Felix, during the many years that you [(sg)] have ruled us, we [(exc)] have lived well/peacefully. By planning wisely, you have improved many things in this province.
3 Nagyságos Félix, teljes háládatossággal ismerjük el, hogy te általad nagy békességet nyerünk, és a te gondoskodásod folytán igen jó intézkedések történnek e népre nézve, minden tekintetben és mindenütt.
[Therefore], sir, we [(exc)] always gratefully acknowledge everything that [you have done] for all [of us], wherever [you have done those things].
4 De hogy téged sok ideig ne tartóztassalak, kérlek hallgass meg minket röviden a te kegyelmességed szerint.
But, so that I will not take up too much of your time, I earnestly request that you kindly listen to me very briefly.
5 Mi ugyanis úgy találtuk, hogy ez veszedelmes ember, és hasonlást támaszt a föld kerekségén levő valamennyi zsidó közt, és a nazarénusok felekezetének feje,
We [(exc)] have observed that this man, [wherever he goes], causes trouble. [Specifically], he causes all the Jews everywhere [HYP] to riot. [Also], he leads the entire group [whom people call] ‘the followers of the Nazarene’, a [false] sect.
6 Ki a templomot is meg akarta fertőztetni. Meg is fogtuk őt, és a mi törvényünk szerint akartuk megítélni.
He even tried to do things in the Temple [in Jerusalem] that would (defile it/make it unholy). So we [(exc)] seized him.
7 De Lisiás, az ezredes, nagy karhatalommal oda jövén, kivevé őt kezünkből.
But Lysias, the commander at the Roman fort, came with his soldiers and forcefully took him away from us [SYN].
8 És azt parancsolá, hogy az ő vádolói hozzád jőjjenek. Tőle te magad, ha kihallgatod, értesülhetsz mindezekről, melyekkel mi őt vádoljuk.
Lysias also commanded Paul’s accusers to come here and accuse Paul before you. If you question him yourself, you will be able to learn that all these things about which we are accusing him are true.”
9 Helybenhagyák pedig a zsidók is, mondogatván, hogy úgy vannak ezek.
When the Jewish [leaders who were listening heard that, they] told [the governor that] what Tertullus had said was true.
10 Felele pedig Pál, miután intett néki a tiszttartó a szólásra: Mivelhogy tudom, hogy te sok esztendő óta vagy e népnek bírája, bátorságosabban védekezem a magam ügyében,
Then the governor motioned with [his hand to Paul that] he should speak. So Paul replied. He said, “[Governor Felix, I know that you(sg) have judged this Jewish] province for many years. Therefore I gladly defend myself, confident [that you will listen to me and will judge me fairly].
11 Mert megtudhatod, hogy nincsen tizenkét napjánál több, mióta feljöttem imádkozni Jeruzsálembe.
You [(sg)] can [easily] ascertain that (it has not been more than twelve days since/only twelve days ago) I went up went up to Jerusalem to worship [God. That is not enough time to cause a lot of trouble].
12 És a templomban sem találtak engem, hogy valakivel vetekedtem volna, vagy hogy a népet egybezendítettem volna, sem a zsinagógákban, sem a városban.
No one [can claim legitimately that they] saw me arguing with anyone at the Temple courts [because I did not do that. No one can claim legitimately that they saw me] causing people to riot in [any Jewish meeting place], or causing trouble anywhere [else] in [Jerusalem] city, [because I did not do that].
13 Rám sem bizonyíthatják azokat, a mikkel most engem vádolnak.
So they cannot prove to you the things about which they are now accusing me.
14 Erről pedig vallást teszek néked, hogy én a szerint az út szerint, melyet felekezetnek mondanak, úgy szolgálok az én atyáim Istenének, mint a ki hiszek mindazokban, a mik a törvényben és a prófétákban meg vannak írva.
But I admit to you [(sg) that this is true]: I do worship the God that our ancestors [worshipped. It is true that] I follow the way that [Jesus taught us]. The Jewish leaders call that a false religion/teaching. I also believe everything that was written [by Moses] {that [Moses wrote]} in the laws that [God gave him], and everything that was written by the [other] prophets {that the [other] prophets wrote} [in their books] [MTY].
15 Reménységem lévén az Istenben, hogy a mit ezek maguk is várnak, lesz feltámadásuk a halottaknak, mind igazaknak, mind hamisaknak.
I confidently expect, just like [some of] these men also expect, that [some day God] will cause everyone who has died to become alive again. He will (cause to become alive again/raise from the dead) both those who were righteous and those who were wicked.
16 Ebben gyakorlom pedig magamat, hogy botránkozás nélkül való lelkiismeretem legyen az Isten és emberek előtt mindenkor.
[Because I am confidently waiting for that day], I always try to do what pleases God and what other people think is right.
17 Sok esztendő múlva pedig eljövék, hogy az én népemnek alamizsnát hozzak és áldozatokat.
After I [had been in other places for] several years, I returned to Jerusalem. I went there to deliver some money to my fellow Jews [who are] poor, and to offer sacrifices [to God].
18 Ezek közben találának engem megtisztulva a templomban, nem sokasággal, sem pedig háborúságtámasztásban, némely Ázsiából való zsidók,
Some [Jews] saw me in the temple [courts] after I had completed the ritual by which a person is made {that makes a person} pure. There was no crowd with me, and I was not causing [people] to riot.
19 Kiknek ide kellett volna te elődbe jőni és vádolni, ha valami panaszuk volna ellenem.
But it was some [other] Jews [who had come] from Asia [province who really caused people to riot. They] should be here in front of you [(sg)] to accuse me, if they thought that I [did] something [wrong].
20 Avagy ezek magok mondják meg, vajjon találtak-é bennem valami hamis cselekedetet, mikor én a tanács előtt álltam;
[But if they] do not [want to do that] (OR, [But because they] are [not] here), these [Jewish] men who are here should tell you [(sg)] what [they think] I did that was wrong, when I [defended myself] before their Council.
21 Hacsak ez egy szó tekintetében nem, melyet közöttük állva kiáltottam, hogy: A halottak feltámadása felől vádoltatom én tőletek e mai napon.
[They might say that] one thing that I shouted as I stood before them [was wrong. What I said] was, ‘You are judging me today because I believe that [God] will (cause [all people] who have died to become alive again/raise [all people] from the dead).’”
22 Mikor pedig ezeket hallotta Félix, elhalasztá dolgukat, mivelhogy tüzetesebb tudomása volt e szerzet dolgai felől, és monda: Mikor Lisias ezredes alájő, dönteni fogok ügyetekben.
Felix already knew quite a lot about [what people called] ‘the way [of Jesus’]. But he did not let Paul or his accusers continue to speak. [Instead], he said [to them], “[Later], when Commander Lysias comes down here, I will decide these matters that concern you all.”
23 És megparancsolá a századosnak, hogy Pált őrizzék, de enyhébb fogságban legyen, és senkit ne tiltsanak el az övéi közül attól, hogy szolgáljon néki, vagy hozzá menjen.
Then he told the officer [who was guarding Paul] to [take Paul back to the prison and] make sure that he was guarded all the time. But he said that Paul was not to be chained {that the officer was not to fasten chains on him}, and if his friends came to visit him, [the officer] should allow them to help Paul [in any way that they wished].
24 Egynéhány nap mulva pedig Félix megjelenvén feleségével Drusillával egybe, ki zsidó asszony vala, maga elé hívatá Pált, és hallgatá őt a Krisztusban való hit felől.
Several days later Felix and his wife Drusilla, who was a Jew, came [back to Caesarea after having been away for a few days]. Felix [commanded] Paul to be brought in {[a soldier to] bring Paul in}. Then Felix listened to what Paul [said to him]. Paul spoke about what [Christians] believe about the Messiah Jesus.
25 Mikor pedig ő igazságról, önmegtartóztatásról és az eljövendő ítéletről szólt, megrémülve monda Félix: Mostan eredj el; de mikor alkalmatosságom lesz, magamhoz hivatlak téged.
Paul explained [to them about what God requires people] to do in order to please him. [He also explained about God requiring people to] control how they act. [Paul also told him that there will be a time when God] will judge [people]. Felix became alarmed [after hearing those things. So] he said to Paul, “That is all I [want to hear] now. When there is a time that is convenient I will ask you [(sg)] to come [to me again].”
26 Egyszersmind pedig azt is reményli vala, hogy Pál pénzt ad néki, hogy őt szabadon bocsássa: ezért gyakrabban is magához hivatván őt, beszélget vala véle.
[Felix said that because] he hoped that Paul would give him some money [to allow Paul to get out of prison]. So he repeatedly sent for Paul to come, and Paul [repeatedly went and] talked with him. [But he] did not [give Felix any money, and Felix did not command his soldiers to release Paul from prison].
27 Mikor pedig két esztendő elmúlt, Félix utóda Porcius Festus lőn; és a zsidóknak kedveskedni akarván Félix, Pált fogságban hagyá.
Felix let Paul remain in prison, because he wanted to please the Jewish [leaders and he knew that they did not want him to release Paul]. But when two years had passed, Porcius Festus became governor in place of Felix.

< Apostolok 24 >