< 1 Timóteushoz 1 >
1 Pál, Jézus Krisztus apostola a mi megtartó Istenünknek, és Jézus Krisztusnak a mi reménységünknek rendelése szerint,
[I], Paul, [am writing this letter. You know that] I am an apostle. I [represent] Christ Jesus because God and Christ Jesus commanded me to do it. God is the one who saved us, and Jesus is the one for whom we are confidently waiting [to return].
2 Timótheusnak, az én igaz fiamnak a hitben: Kegyelem, irgalmasság és békesség Istentől, a mi Atyánktól, és Krisztus Jézustól, a mi Urunktól.
[You], Timothy, [are like] [MET] a true son [to me] because [you] trusted [in Christ after I told you about him]. [I pray/desire that] God, who is our Father, and Christ Jesus, who is our Lord, will [continue to act] kindly and mercifully to you, and [that they will give you inner] peace.
3 A miképpen Maczedóniába menetelemkor kértelek téged, hogy maradj Efézusban, hogy megmondjad némelyeknek, ne tanítsanak más tudományt,
[I urge you now], just like I urged you when I was going to Macedonia [province], that you remain there in Ephesus [city]. Stay there so that you may command certain persons [who teach other believers] that they not teach false [doctrines].
4 Se mesékkel és végehossza nélkül való nemzetségi táblázatokkal ne foglalkozzanak, a melyek inkább versengéseket támasztanak, mint Istenben való épülést a hit által.
And tell people to not continually give their attention to stories [that tell about our ancestors], stories in which there are (genealogies/lists of our ancestors’ names) that [seem to be] endless. [You must command your congregation not to think that these stories are valuable], because [whenever people think] that, they [just] start arguing about things uselessly, instead of [teaching] God’s plan, which [is concerned with] what we believe (OR, which [we know because] we trust [in Christ]).
5 A parancsolatnak vége pedig a tiszta szívből, jó lelkiismeretből és igaz hitből való szeretet:
[Teach them] to have pure desires [MTY] and [so to know that God] approves of what they do, and to sincerely believe [the true teaching]. By doing that, [they will] love [God well].
6 Melyektől némelyek eltévelyedvén, hiábavaló beszédre hajlottak:
There are some people who have turned away from these true teachings. As a result, they [just] discuss what is useless.
7 Kik törvénytanítók akarván lenni, nem értik, sem a miket beszélnek, sem a miket erősítgetnek.
They desire to teach the laws [that God gave to Moses], but they do not understand what they are really saying, or the things about which they (confidently speak/say that they understand well).
8 Tudjuk pedig, hogy a törvény jó, ha valaki törvényszerűen él vele,
We know that the laws [that God gave to Moses are] good if people consider correctly [what God intended them for].
9 Tudván azt, hogy a törvény nem az igazért van, hanem a törvénytaposókért és engedetlenekért, az istentelenekért és bűnösökért, a latrokért és fertelmesekért, az atya- és anyagyilkosokért, emberölőkért.
We must remember that God did not give Moses those laws in order [to condemn] righteous people. By those laws he [condemns people who act as though there were no] laws and who refuse to obey [anyone. He condemns] those who do not revere God and those who sin habitually. [By them he condemns] those who refuse to perform rituals that are pleasing to God and who show no respect for religion. [He condemns] those who murder their fathers and who murder their mothers and who murder [other] people.
10 Paráznákért, férfifertőztetőkért, emberrablókért, hazugokért, hamisan esküvőkért, és a mi egyéb csak az egészséges tudománynyal ellenkezik,
[He condemns] those who are sexually immoral and those who are homosexuals. [He condemns] those who kidnap/steal people [in order to make them slaves]. [He condemns] those who lie and those who promise something strongly but do not do what they promised. He condemns every other action that is contrary to our true teaching.
11 A boldog Isten dicsőségének evangyélioma szerint, mely reám bízatott.
This is what we teach people when we tell them the glorious/wonderful message about Christ that our awesome God [has revealed] and that he gave to me to teach.
12 És hálát adok annak, a ki engem megerősített, a Krisztus Jézusnak, a mi Urunknak, hogy engem hívnek ítélt, rendelvén a szolgálatra,
I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord who enabled me to do this work, because he considered that I could be trusted. So he appointed me in order that I [would serve him].
13 Ki előbb istenkáromló, üldöző és erőszakoskodó valék: de könyörült rajtam, mert tudatlanul cselekedtem hitetlenségben;
Formerly I said evil things [about him], I caused [his people] to suffer, and I acted very cruelly toward them. But [Christ acted] in a kind way toward me since I (acted ignorantly/did not know that I was doing wrong) because I did not believe [in him].
14 Szerfelett megsokasodott pedig a mi Urunknak kegyelme a Krisztus Jézusban való hittel és szeretettel.
Our Lord kindly did for me what I did not deserve, so that I now believe [in Christ Jesus] and I love others (OR, him) [because I belong to him].
15 Igaz beszéd ez és teljes elfogadásra méltó, hogy Krisztus Jézus azért jött e világra, hogy megtartsa a bűnösöket, a kik közül első vagyok én.
[Something that all we believers] say is certainly true and is worthy for us to fully accept is that Christ Jesus came into the world in order to save sinful people [so that God would not punish them for their sins]. As for me, I [consider that I have sinned] more than all others.
16 De azért könyörült rajtam, hogy Jézus Krisztus bennem mutassa meg legelőbb a teljes hosszútűrését, példa gyanánt azoknak, a kik hiendenek ő benne az örök életre. (aiōnios )
Yet Christ Jesus acted mercifully to me in order that he might demonstrate [to people that he is perfectly patient with them]. He did that by his being patient with me, one who has sinned worse than everyone else. He wanted what he did for me (to be an example/to demonstrate his patience) to people who would [later] believe in him, and as a result would live forever. (aiōnios )
17 Az örökkévaló királynak pedig, a halhatatlan, láthatatlan, egyedül bölcs Istennek tisztesség és dicsőség örökkön örökké! Ámen. (aiōn )
I desire that people will honor and praise the only [true] God forever! Even though no one can see him, he is the King who rules for all time, who will never die! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
18 Ezt a parancsolatot adom néked, fiam Timótheus, a rólad való korábbi jövendölések szerint, hogy vitézkedjél azokban ama jó vitézséggel,
Timothy, you [are like] [MET] a son [to me]. So, (based on/in accordance with) what [someone] previously (prophesied/told what God revealed to them) about you, I am instructing you [to strongly oppose those who teach false doctrines. You should oppose them like] [MET] a soldier (fights strongly against/opposes) [those who attack his countrymen].
19 Megtartván a hitet és jó lelkiismeretet, melyet némelyek elvetvén, a hit dolgában hajótörést szenvedtek;
Continue to believe [the true teaching] and do only what you know to be right! Remember that some people have (pushed aside/rejected) the true teaching. As a result, they no longer believe [MET] what is true.
20 Kik közül való Himenéus és Alexander, kiket átadtam a sátánnak, hogy megtanulják, hogy ne káromkodjanak.
Among the ones who have done that are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I put in the hands of Satan, in order that [when Satan punishes them] they may learn not to teach wrong teaching.