< होशे 14 >

1 हे इस्राएल, अपने परमेश्वर यहोवा के पास लौट आ, क्योंकि तूने अपने अधर्म के कारण ठोकर खाई है।
[You people of] Israel, return to Yahweh our God. You are being punished because of the sins which you have committed.
2 बातें सीखकर और यहोवा की ओर लौटकर, उससे कह, “सब अधर्म दूर कर; अनुग्रह से हमको ग्रहण कर; तब हम धन्यवाद रूपी बलि चढ़ाएँगे।
So now return to Yahweh and say [MTY] this to him: “Forgive us for all the sins that we have committed, and kindly accept (us/our sacrifices) in order that we may thank/praise you [IDM].
3 अश्शूर हमारा उद्धार न करेगा, हम घोड़ों पर सवार न होंगे; और न हम फिर अपनी बनाई हुई वस्तुओं से कहेंगे, ‘तुम हमारे ईश्वर हो;’ क्योंकि अनाथ पर तू ही दया करता है।”
[We admit that] Assyria will not save us, and our war horses will not save us, either. We will never again say, ‘You are our gods’ to [the idols that] we [SYN] have made. You are the one who acts mercifully to orphans.”
4 मैं उनकी भटक जाने की आदत को दूर करूँगा; मैं सेंत-मेंत उनसे प्रेम करूँगा, क्योंकि मेरा क्रोध उन पर से उतर गया है।
[Yahweh says, “If they say that to me, ] I will forgive them for having (turned away from/abandoned) me, and I will love them with all my inner being, because I [PRS] will have stopped being angry with them.
5 मैं इस्राएल के लिये ओस के समान होऊँगा; वह सोसन के समान फूले-फलेगा, और लबानोन के समान जड़ फैलाएगा।
I will be to the people of Israel like dew [that refreshes the soil]. When I do that, they will [become as delightful as] [MET] lilies are when they are blooming. [No one will be able to conquer them; ] they will be [as unmovable as] [SIM] the roots [of cedar trees].
6 उसकी जड़ से पौधे फूटकर निकलेंगे; उसकी शोभा जैतून की सी, और उसकी सुगन्ध लबानोन की सी होगी।
[Their good influence will spread] like [MET] the branches of a tree. They will be like [SIM] beautiful olive trees, and [they will be as delightful as] [SIM] the aroma of the cedar [trees in] Lebanon.
7 जो उसकी छाया में बैठेंगे, वे अन्न के समान बढ़ेंगे, वे दाखलता के समान फूले-फलेंगे; और उसकी कीर्ति लबानोन के दाखमधु की सी होगी।
People will [come to them to be protected] [like people are protected from the hot sun by being] [MET] in the shade [of a tree]. They [will (flourish/be strong) like] [SIM] grain that grows well. They will [be successful like] a vineyard [in which grapes grow abundantly]. They will become as famous/well-known as [SIM] the wines from Lebanon.
8 एप्रैम कहेगा, “मूरतों से अब मेरा और क्या काम?” मैं उसकी सुनकर उस पर दृष्टि बनाए रखूँगा। मैं हरे सनोवर सा हूँ; मुझी से तू फल पाया करेगा।
[You people of] Israel, do not [RHQ] have anything more to do with idols; if you [get rid of your idols], I will answer your [prayers] and take care of you. I am like [MET] a strong/green pine tree, and your blessings come from me.”
9 जो बुद्धिमान हो, वही इन बातों को समझेगा; जो प्रवीण हो, वही इन्हें बूझ सकेगा; क्योंकि यहोवा के मार्ग सीधे हैं, और धर्मी उनमें चलते रहेंगे, परन्तु अपराधी उनमें ठोकर खाकर गिरेंगे।
Those who are wise will understand the things [about which I have written]. Those who think well will pay careful attention to them. The things that Yahweh wants us to do [MET] are right; righteous people will conduct their lives adhering to them. But those who rebel against Yahweh will be ruined.

< होशे 14 >