< 1 तीमुथियुस 1 >
1 १ पौलुस की ओर से जो हमारे उद्धारकर्ता परमेश्वर, और हमारी आशा के आधार मसीह यीशु की आज्ञा से मसीह यीशु का प्रेरित है,
[I], Paul, [am writing this letter. You know that] I am an apostle. I [represent] Christ Jesus because God and Christ Jesus commanded me to do it. God is the one who saved us, and Jesus is the one for whom we are confidently waiting [to return].
2 २ तीमुथियुस के नाम जो विश्वास में मेरा सच्चा पुत्र है: पिता परमेश्वर, और हमारे प्रभु मसीह यीशु की ओर से, तुझे अनुग्रह और दया, और शान्ति मिलती रहे।
[You], Timothy, [are like] [MET] a true son [to me] because [you] trusted [in Christ after I told you about him]. [I pray/desire that] God, who is our Father, and Christ Jesus, who is our Lord, will [continue to act] kindly and mercifully to you, and [that they will give you inner] peace.
3 ३ जैसे मैंने मकिदुनिया को जाते समय तुझे समझाया था, कि इफिसुस में रहकर कुछ लोगों को आज्ञा दे कि अन्य प्रकार की शिक्षा न दें,
[I urge you now], just like I urged you when I was going to Macedonia [province], that you remain there in Ephesus [city]. Stay there so that you may command certain persons [who teach other believers] that they not teach false [doctrines].
4 ४ और उन कहानियों और अनन्त वंशावलियों पर मन न लगाएँ, जिनसे विवाद होते हैं; और परमेश्वर के उस प्रबन्ध के अनुसार नहीं, जो विश्वास से सम्बंध रखता है; वैसे ही फिर भी कहता हूँ।
And tell people to not continually give their attention to stories [that tell about our ancestors], stories in which there are (genealogies/lists of our ancestors’ names) that [seem to be] endless. [You must command your congregation not to think that these stories are valuable], because [whenever people think] that, they [just] start arguing about things uselessly, instead of [teaching] God’s plan, which [is concerned with] what we believe (OR, which [we know because] we trust [in Christ]).
5 ५ आज्ञा का सारांश यह है कि शुद्ध मन और अच्छे विवेक, और निष्कपट विश्वास से प्रेम उत्पन्न हो।
[Teach them] to have pure desires [MTY] and [so to know that God] approves of what they do, and to sincerely believe [the true teaching]. By doing that, [they will] love [God well].
6 ६ इनको छोड़कर कितने लोग फिरकर बकवाद की ओर भटक गए हैं,
There are some people who have turned away from these true teachings. As a result, they [just] discuss what is useless.
7 ७ और व्यवस्थापक तो होना चाहते हैं, पर जो बातें कहते और जिनको दृढ़ता से बोलते हैं, उनको समझते भी नहीं।
They desire to teach the laws [that God gave to Moses], but they do not understand what they are really saying, or the things about which they (confidently speak/say that they understand well).
8 ८ पर हम जानते हैं कि यदि कोई व्यवस्था को व्यवस्था की रीति पर काम में लाए तो वह भली है।
We know that the laws [that God gave to Moses are] good if people consider correctly [what God intended them for].
9 ९ यह जानकर कि व्यवस्था धर्मी जन के लिये नहीं पर अधर्मियों, निरंकुशों, भक्तिहीनों, पापियों, अपवित्रों और अशुद्धों, माँ-बाप के मारनेवाले, हत्यारों,
We must remember that God did not give Moses those laws in order [to condemn] righteous people. By those laws he [condemns people who act as though there were no] laws and who refuse to obey [anyone. He condemns] those who do not revere God and those who sin habitually. [By them he condemns] those who refuse to perform rituals that are pleasing to God and who show no respect for religion. [He condemns] those who murder their fathers and who murder their mothers and who murder [other] people.
10 १० व्यभिचारियों, पुरुषगामियों, मनुष्य के बेचनेवालों, झूठ बोलनेवालों, और झूठी शपथ खानेवालों, और इनको छोड़ खरे उपदेश के सब विरोधियों के लिये ठहराई गई है।
[He condemns] those who are sexually immoral and those who are homosexuals. [He condemns] those who kidnap/steal people [in order to make them slaves]. [He condemns] those who lie and those who promise something strongly but do not do what they promised. He condemns every other action that is contrary to our true teaching.
11 ११ यही परमधन्य परमेश्वर की महिमा के उस सुसमाचार के अनुसार है, जो मुझे सौंपा गया है।
This is what we teach people when we tell them the glorious/wonderful message about Christ that our awesome God [has revealed] and that he gave to me to teach.
12 १२ और मैं अपने प्रभु मसीह यीशु का, जिसने मुझे सामर्थ्य दी है, धन्यवाद करता हूँ; कि उसने मुझे विश्वासयोग्य समझकर अपनी सेवा के लिये ठहराया।
I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord who enabled me to do this work, because he considered that I could be trusted. So he appointed me in order that I [would serve him].
13 १३ मैं तो पहले निन्दा करनेवाला, और सतानेवाला, और अंधेर करनेवाला था; तो भी मुझ पर दया हुई, क्योंकि मैंने अविश्वास की दशा में बिन समझे बूझे ये काम किए थे।
Formerly I said evil things [about him], I caused [his people] to suffer, and I acted very cruelly toward them. But [Christ acted] in a kind way toward me since I (acted ignorantly/did not know that I was doing wrong) because I did not believe [in him].
14 १४ और हमारे प्रभु का अनुग्रह उस विश्वास और प्रेम के साथ जो मसीह यीशु में है, बहुतायत से हुआ।
Our Lord kindly did for me what I did not deserve, so that I now believe [in Christ Jesus] and I love others (OR, him) [because I belong to him].
15 १५ यह बात सच और हर प्रकार से मानने के योग्य है कि मसीह यीशु पापियों का उद्धार करने के लिये जगत में आया, जिनमें सबसे बड़ा मैं हूँ।
[Something that all we believers] say is certainly true and is worthy for us to fully accept is that Christ Jesus came into the world in order to save sinful people [so that God would not punish them for their sins]. As for me, I [consider that I have sinned] more than all others.
16 १६ पर मुझ पर इसलिए दया हुई कि मुझ सबसे बड़े पापी में यीशु मसीह अपनी पूरी सहनशीलता दिखाए, कि जो लोग उस पर अनन्त जीवन के लिये विश्वास करेंगे, उनके लिये मैं एक आदर्श बनूँ। (aiōnios )
Yet Christ Jesus acted mercifully to me in order that he might demonstrate [to people that he is perfectly patient with them]. He did that by his being patient with me, one who has sinned worse than everyone else. He wanted what he did for me (to be an example/to demonstrate his patience) to people who would [later] believe in him, and as a result would live forever. (aiōnios )
17 १७ अब सनातन राजा अर्थात् अविनाशी अनदेखे अद्वैत परमेश्वर का आदर और महिमा युगानुयुग होती रहे। आमीन। (aiōn )
I desire that people will honor and praise the only [true] God forever! Even though no one can see him, he is the King who rules for all time, who will never die! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
18 १८ हे पुत्र तीमुथियुस, उन भविष्यद्वाणियों के अनुसार जो पहले तेरे विषय में की गई थीं, मैं यह आज्ञा सौंपता हूँ, कि तू उनके अनुसार अच्छी लड़ाई को लड़ता रह।
Timothy, you [are like] [MET] a son [to me]. So, (based on/in accordance with) what [someone] previously (prophesied/told what God revealed to them) about you, I am instructing you [to strongly oppose those who teach false doctrines. You should oppose them like] [MET] a soldier (fights strongly against/opposes) [those who attack his countrymen].
19 १९ और विश्वास और उस अच्छे विवेक को थामे रह जिसे दूर करने के कारण कितनों का विश्वास रूपी जहाज डूब गया।
Continue to believe [the true teaching] and do only what you know to be right! Remember that some people have (pushed aside/rejected) the true teaching. As a result, they no longer believe [MET] what is true.
20 २० उन्हीं में से हुमिनयुस और सिकन्दर हैं जिन्हें मैंने शैतान को सौंप दिया कि वे निन्दा करना न सीखें।
Among the ones who have done that are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I put in the hands of Satan, in order that [when Satan punishes them] they may learn not to teach wrong teaching.