< תהילים 107 >
הדו ליהוה כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו׃ | 1 |
BOOK FIFTH: Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for unto eternity endureth his kindness.
יאמרו גאולי יהוה אשר גאלם מיד צר׃ | 2 |
Thus let the Lord's redeemed say, even those whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the adversary;
ומארצות קבצם ממזרח וממערב מצפון ומים׃ | 3 |
And whom he hath gathered out of the [various] lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the sea.
תעו במדבר בישימון דרך עיר מושב לא מצאו׃ | 4 |
They wandered about in the wilderness, in the desert path; they could not find an inhabited city:
רעבים גם צמאים נפשם בהם תתעטף׃ | 5 |
Hungry and thirsty, their soul within them fainted.
ויצעקו אל יהוה בצר להם ממצוקותיהם יצילם׃ | 6 |
Then they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, [and] out of their afflictions he delivered them.
וידריכם בדרך ישרה ללכת אל עיר מושב׃ | 7 |
And he led them forth on the right way, that they might go to an inhabited city.
יודו ליהוה חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם׃ | 8 |
They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
כי השביע נפש שקקה ונפש רעבה מלא טוב׃ | 9 |
For he satisfied the longing soul, and the hungry soul he filled with good.—
ישבי חשך וצלמות אסירי עני וברזל׃ | 10 |
Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in misery and [fetters of] iron; —
כי המרו אמרי אל ועצת עליון נאצו׃ | 11 |
Because they have rebelled against the words of God, and have contemned the counsel of the Most High;
ויכנע בעמל לבם כשלו ואין עזר׃ | 12 |
And he humbled with trouble their heart; they stumbled, and there was none to help;
ויזעקו אל יהוה בצר להם ממצקותיהם יושיעם׃ | 13 |
But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions;
יוציאם מחשך וצלמות ומוסרותיהם ינתק׃ | 14 |
He bringeth them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and teareth their bands asunder.
יודו ליהוה חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם׃ | 15 |
They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
כי שבר דלתות נחשת ובריחי ברזל גדע׃ | 16 |
For he hath broken the doors of copper, and the bolts of iron hath he hewn asunder.—
אולים מדרך פשעם ומעונתיהם יתענו׃ | 17 |
Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
כל אכל תתעב נפשם ויגיעו עד שערי מות׃ | 18 |
All manner of food their soul abhorreth; and they draw near unto the gates of death;
ויזעקו אל יהוה בצר להם ממצקותיהם יושיעם׃ | 19 |
But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions.
ישלח דברו וירפאם וימלט משחיתותם׃ | 20 |
He sendeth his word and healeth them, and delivereth them from their graves.
יודו ליהוה חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם׃ | 21 |
They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
ויזבחו זבחי תודה ויספרו מעשיו ברנה׃ | 22 |
They shall also sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and relate his deeds with joyful song.—
יורדי הים באניות עשי מלאכה במים רבים׃ | 23 |
They who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; —
המה ראו מעשי יהוה ונפלאותיו במצולה׃ | 24 |
These have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders on the deep.
ויאמר ויעמד רוח סערה ותרומם גליו׃ | 25 |
For he spoke, and he raised the stormy wind, which lifteth up its waves.
יעלו שמים ירדו תהומות נפשם ברעה תתמוגג׃ | 26 |
They would mount up to heaven, they would go down to the depths: their soul was melted because of their danger.
יחוגו וינועו כשכור וכל חכמתם תתבלע׃ | 27 |
They would reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their wisdom was exhausted.
ויצעקו אל יהוה בצר להם וממצוקתיהם יוציאם׃ | 28 |
And they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, and he brought them out of their afflictions.
יקם סערה לדממה ויחשו גליהם׃ | 29 |
He calmed the storm into a whisper, and stilled were the waves of the sea.
וישמחו כי ישתקו וינחם אל מחוז חפצם׃ | 30 |
And they were rejoiced because they were silent: and then he guided them unto their desired haven.
יודו ליהוה חסדו ונפלאותיו לבני אדם׃ | 31 |
They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
וירממוהו בקהל עם ובמושב זקנים יהללוהו׃ | 32 |
And they must exalt him in the congregation of the people, and in the assembly of the elders must they praise him.—
ישם נהרות למדבר ומצאי מים לצמאון׃ | 33 |
He changeth rivers into a wilderness, and water-springs into parched ground;
ארץ פרי למלחה מרעת ישבי בה׃ | 34 |
A fruitful land into a salty waste, for the wickedness of those that dwell therein.
ישם מדבר לאגם מים וארץ ציה למצאי מים׃ | 35 |
He changeth the wilderness into a pool of water, and desert land into water-springs.
ויושב שם רעבים ויכוננו עיר מושב׃ | 36 |
And there he causeth to dwell the hungry, that they may found an inhabited city;
ויזרעו שדות ויטעו כרמים ויעשו פרי תבואה׃ | 37 |
And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, that they may yield the fruits of the [annual] product.
ויברכם וירבו מאד ובהמתם לא ימעיט׃ | 38 |
He also blesseth them, and they multiply greatly, and he suffereth not their cattle to diminish.
וימעטו וישחו מעצר רעה ויגון׃ | 39 |
They were also diminished and bowed low through oppression, misfortune, and sorrow:
שפך בוז על נדיבים ויתעם בתהו לא דרך׃ | 40 |
He [then] poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in a pathless wilderness.
וישגב אביון מעוני וישם כצאן משפחות׃ | 41 |
And he exalteth the needy from misery, and maketh [his] families like flocks.
יראו ישרים וישמחו וכל עולה קפצה פיה׃ | 42 |
The righteous shall see it, and rejoice; but all wickedness shall stop her mouth.
מי חכם וישמר אלה ויתבוננו חסדי יהוה׃ | 43 |
Whoever is wise, let him observe these things, and let [all] understand the kindness of the Lord.