< תהילים 94 >

אל-נקמות יהוה אל נקמות הופיע 1
The Lord is a God of vengeance! God of vengeance, shine out!
הנשא שפט הארץ השב גמול על-גאים 2
Stand up, judge of the earth, and pay back those who are proud what they deserve.
עד-מתי רשעים יהוה עד-מתי רשעים יעלזו 3
How long, Lord? How long will the wicked celebrate in triumph?
יביעו ידברו עתק יתאמרו כל-פעלי און 4
How long will you let them pour out their arrogant words? How long will these evil people go on boasting?
עמך יהוה ידכאו ונחלתך יענו 5
Lord, they crush your people; they oppress those you call your own.
אלמנה וגר יהרגו ויתומים ירצחו 6
They kill widows and foreigners; they murder orphans.
ויאמרו לא יראה-יה ולא-יבין אלהי יעקב 7
They say, “The Lord can't see what we're doing. Israel's God doesn't pay any attention to us.”
בינו בערים בעם וכסילים מתי תשכילו 8
Take another look, you stupid people! Fools—when will you ever get the point?
הנטע אזן הלא ישמע אם-יצר עין הלא יביט 9
Do you think the creator of the ear can't hear? Do you think the maker of the eye can't see?
היסר גוים הלא יוכיח המלמד אדם דעת 10
Do you think that the one who punishes nations won't punish you too? Do you think that the one who teaches human beings knowledge doesn't know anything?
יהוה--ידע מחשבות אדם כי-המה הבל 11
The Lord knows the thoughts of human beings—he knows they are pointless.
אשרי הגבר אשר-תיסרנו יה ומתורתך תלמדנו 12
Those you discipline are happy, Lord; those you teach from your Law.
להשקיט לו מימי רע-- עד יכרה לרשע שחת 13
You give them peace in days of trouble, until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.
כי לא-יטש יהוה עמו ונחלתו לא יעזב 14
For the Lord will not give up on his people; he will not abandon his own.
כי-עד-צדק ישוב משפט ואחריו כל-ישרי-לב 15
Justice will once again be based on what is right; those who are sincere will support it.
מי-יקום לי עם-מרעים מי-יתיצב לי עם-פעלי און 16
Who came to my defense against the wicked; who stood up for me against those who do evil?
לולי יהוה עזרתה לי-- כמעט שכנה דומה נפשי 17
If the Lord hadn't helped me, I would have soon gone down into the silence of the grave.
אם-אמרתי מטה רגלי חסדך יהוה יסעדני 18
I shouted out, “My foot's slipping!” and your trustworthy love, Lord, kept me from falling.
ברב שרעפי בקרבי-- תנחומיך ישעשעו נפשי 19
When my mind was full of worries, you comforted me and encouraged me.
היחברך כסא הוות יצר עמל עלי-חק 20
Can unjust judges really be on your side, Lord, when their corrupt use of the law causes misery?
יגודו על-נפש צדיק ודם נקי ירשיעו 21
They work together to destroy good people; they condemn those who are innocent to death.
ויהי יהוה לי למשגב ואלהי לצור מחסי 22
But the Lord protects me like a fortress; my God is the rock that keeps me safe.
וישב עליהם את אונם-- וברעתם יצמיתם יצמיתם יהוה אלהינו 23
He will turn the wickedness of evil people back upon them; he will destroy them because of their sins; the Lord our God will destroy them.

< תהילים 94 >