< תהילים 87 >
לבני-קרח מזמור שיר יסודתו בהררי-קדש | 1 |
His foundation is in the holy mountains.
אהב יהוה שערי ציון-- מכל משכנות יעקב | 2 |
Adonai 'ahav ·affectionately loves· the gates of Zion [Mountain ridge, Marking] more than all the dwellings of Jacob [Supplanter].
נכבדות מדבר בך-- עיר האלהים סלה | 3 |
Glorious things are spoken about you, city of God. (Selah) ·contemplation with musical interlude·.
אזכיר רהב ובבל-- לידעי הנה פלשת וצר עם-כוש זה ילד-שם | 4 |
I will record Rahab and Babylon [Confusion] among those who acknowledge me. Behold, Philistia, Tyre, and also Ethiopia: “This one was born there.”
ולציון יאמר-- איש ואיש ילד-בה והוא יכוננה עליון | 5 |
Yes, of Zion [Mountain ridge, Marking] it will be said, “This one and that one was born in her;” haElyon [the Most High] himself will establish her.
יהוה--יספר בכתוב עמים זה ילד-שם סלה | 6 |
Adonai will count, when he writes up the peoples, “This one was born there.” (Selah) ·contemplation with musical interlude·.
ושרים כחללים-- כל-מעיני בך | 7 |
Those who sing as well as those who dance say, “All my springs are in you.”