< תהילים 111 >

הללו-יה אודה יהוה בכל-לבב בסוד ישרים ועדה 1
Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart in the congregation of the faithful.
גדלים מעשי יהוה דרושים לכל-חפציהם 2
All the wonderful things the Lord has done are studied by everyone who loves them.
הוד-והדר פעלו וצדקתו עמדת לעד 3
His majesty and honor are revealed by what he does; his goodness lasts forever.
זכר עשה לנפלאותיו חנון ורחום יהוה 4
He wants the wonderful things he has done to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and kind.
טרף נתן ליראיו יזכר לעולם בריתו 5
He feeds those who respect him; he always remembers the agreement he made.
כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו-- לתת להם נחלת גוים 6
He demonstrated to his people the powerful things he could do by giving them the lands of other nations.
מעשי ידיו אמת ומשפט נאמנים כל-פקודיו 7
Everything he does can be depended on, and is right; all his commandments are trustworthy.
סמוכים לעד לעולם עשוים באמת וישר 8
They remain rock-solid forever. He was true and right in saying what should be done.
פדות שלח לעמו-- צוה-לעולם בריתו קדוש ונורא שמו 9
He delivered his people. He commanded that his agreement would continue forever. How holy and awesome is his reputation!
ראשית חכמה יראת יהוה-- שכל טוב לכל-עשיהם תהלתו עמדת לעד 10
The beginning of wisdom is honoring the Lord. Those who follow what he says do well. He is to be praised forever!

< תהילים 111 >