< תהילים 103 >
לדוד ברכי נפשי את-יהוה וכל-קרבי את-שם קדשו | 1 |
[I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh. I will praise him [MTY] with all of my inner being, [because] he [MTY] is holy.
ברכי נפשי את-יהוה ואל-תשכחי כל-גמוליו | 2 |
[I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh and never forget all the kind things he has done for me:
הסלח לכל-עונכי הרפא לכל-תחלואיכי | 3 |
He forgives all my sins, and he heals me from all my diseases/sicknesses;
הגואל משחת חייכי המעטרכי חסד ורחמים | 4 |
he keeps me from dying [MTY], and blesses me by faithfully loving me and acting mercifully to me.
המשביע בטוב עדיך תתחדש כנשר נעוריכי | 5 |
He gives me good things during my entire life. He makes me feel young and strong like eagles.
עשה צדקות יהוה ומשפטים לכל-עשוקים | 6 |
Yahweh judges justly and (vindicates/does what is right for) all those who have been treated unfairly.
יודיע דרכיו למשה לבני ישראל עלילותיו | 7 |
[Long ago] he revealed to Moses what he planned to do; he showed to the [ancestors of us] Israeli people the mighty things that he was able to do.
רחום וחנון יהוה ארך אפים ורב-חסד | 8 |
Yahweh acts mercifully and kindly; he does not quickly (get angry/punish us) [when we sin]; he is always [showing us that he] faithfully loves us.
לא-לנצח יריב ולא לעולם יטור | 9 |
He will not keep rebuking us, and he will not remain angry forever.
לא כחטאינו עשה לנו ולא כעונתינו גמל עלינו | 10 |
He punishes us for our sins, but he does not punish us [severely] as we deserve [DOU]!
כי כגבה שמים על-הארץ-- גבר חסדו על-יראיו | 11 |
The skies are very high above the earth, and Yahweh’s faithful love for all those who revere him is just as great.
כרחק מזרח ממערב-- הרחיק ממנו את-פשעינו | 12 |
He has taken away [the guilt for] [MTY] our sins, taking it as far from us as the east is from the west.
כרחם אב על-בנים-- רחם יהוה על-יראיו | 13 |
Just like parents act mercifully toward their children, Yahweh is kind to those who revere him.
כי-הוא ידע יצרנו זכור כי-עפר אנחנו | 14 |
He knows what our bodies are like; he remembers that [he created us from] dirt, and so we quickly fail [to do what pleases him] [MET].
אנוש כחציר ימיו כציץ השדה כן יציץ | 15 |
We humans do not live forever [SIM]; we are like grass [SIM] [that withers and dies]. We are like wild flowers: They bloom [for a short while],
כי רוח עברה-בו ואיננו ולא-יכירנו עוד מקומו | 16 |
but then the [hot] wind blows over them, and they disappear; no one sees them again.
וחסד יהוה מעולם ועד-עולם-- על-יראיו וצדקתו לבני בנים | 17 |
But Yahweh will faithfully keep loving forever all those who revere him. He will act fairly to our children and to their children;
לשמרי בריתו ולזכרי פקדיו לעשותם | 18 |
he will act that way to all those who obey the agreement he made with them [to bless them if they did what he told them to do], to all those who obey what he has commanded.
יהוה--בשמים הכין כסאו ומלכותו בכל משלה | 19 |
Yahweh made/caused the heavens to be the place where he rules [MTY]; from there he rules over everything.
ברכו יהוה מלאכיו גברי כח עשי דברו לשמע בקול דברו | 20 |
You angels who belong to Yahweh, praise him! You are powerful creatures/beings who do what he tells you to do; you obey what he commands.
ברכו יהוה כל-צבאיו-- משרתיו עשי רצונו | 21 |
Praise Yahweh, you armies/thousands of angels who serve him and do what he desires!
ברכו יהוה כל-מעשיו-- בכל-מקמות ממשלתו ברכי נפשי את-יהוה | 22 |
All you things that Yahweh has created, praise him; praise him in every place where he rules, everywhere! And I [also] will praise Yahweh!