< איוב 34 >
And Elihu commenced, and said,
שמעו חכמים מלי וידעים האזינו לי | 2 |
Hear, O ye wise men, my words; and ye that have knowledge, give ear unto me.
כי-אזן מלין תבחן וחך יטעם לאכל | 3 |
For the ear proveth words, as the palate tasteth the food.
משפט נבחרה-לנו נדעה בינינו מה-טוב | 4 |
Let us choose for ourselves what is just: let us acknowledge between ourselves what is good.
כי-אמר איוב צדקתי ואל הסיר משפטי | 5 |
For Job hath said, “I am righteous; and God hath taken away justice from me.
על-משפטי אכזב אנוש חצי בלי-פשע | 6 |
Should I lie concerning the justice due me? incurable is [my wound from] the arrow I bear in me without any transgression.”
מי-גבר כאיוב ישתה-לעג כמים | 7 |
What man is there like Job, who drinketh scorning like water,
וארח לחברה עם-פעלי און וללכת עם-אנשי-רשע | 8 |
And is on the road to keep company with the wrong-doers, and to walk with men of wickedness?
כי-אמר לא יסכן-גבר-- ברצתו עם-אלהים | 9 |
For he hath said, “It profiteth a man nothing when he acteth according to the pleasure of God.”
לכן אנשי לבב-- שמעו-לי חללה לאל מרשע ושדי מעול | 10 |
Therefore ye men of sense hearken unto me: far is it from God to practise wickedness; and from the Almighty to do wrong!
כי פעל אדם ישלם-לו וכארח איש ימצאנו | 11 |
For the work of a son of earth doth he recompense unto him, and according to the path of man doth he permit things to occur to him.
אף-אמנם אל לא-ירשיע ושדי לא-יעות משפט | 12 |
Yea, surely God will not condemn unjustly, nor will the Almighty pervert justice.
מי-פקד עליו ארצה ומי שם תבל כלה | 13 |
Who hath given him a charge concerning the earth? or who hath intrusted [him] the whole world?
אם-ישים אליו לבו רוחו ונשמתו אליו יאסף | 14 |
If he were to set his heart upon man, he would gather unto himself his spirit and his breath:
יגוע כל-בשר יחד ואדם על-עפר ישוב | 15 |
All flesh would perish together, and the son of earth would return again unto dust.
ואם-בינה שמעה-זאת האזינה לקול מלי | 16 |
If then thou wishest to understand, hear this: give ear to the sound of my words.
האף שונא משפט יחבוש ואם-צדיק כביר תרשיע | 17 |
Is it possible that he who hateth justice should govern? or wilt thou condemn the righteous mighty One?
האמר למלך בליעל-- רשע אל-נדיבים | 18 |
[Is it fit] to say to a king, Thou art worthless? and to princes, Ye are wicked?
אשר לא-נשא פני שרים ולא נכר-שוע לפני-דל כי-מעשה ידיו כלם | 19 |
Whereas he is one that showeth no favor to chieftains, and distinguisheth not the rich before the indigent; for all of them are the work of his hands.
רגע ימתו-- וחצות לילה יגעשו עם ויעברו ויסירו אביר לא ביד | 20 |
In a moment will they die, and in the midst of the night; people are moved, and pass away: and the mighty will be removed without a human hand.
כי-עיניו על-דרכי-איש וכל-צעדיו יראה | 21 |
For big eyes are upon the ways of man, and all his steps doth he see.
אין-חשך ואין צלמות-- להסתר שם פעלי און | 22 |
There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the evil-doers can hide themselves.
כי לא על-איש ישים עוד-- להלך אל-אל במשפט | 23 |
For he need not direct [his attention] a long time upon man, that he should enter into judgment before God.
ירע כבירים לא-חקר ויעמד אחרים תחתם | 24 |
He breaketh down mighty men without [long] searching, and placeth others in their stead.
לכן--יכיר מעבדיהם והפך לילה וידכאו | 25 |
For the reason that he knoweth their deeds: therefore he overturneth them in the night, and they are crushed.
תחת-רשעים ספקם-- במקום ראים | 26 |
Among wicked men doth he strike them, in the place where [many] see them:
אשר על-כן סרו מאחריו וכל-דרכיו לא השכילו | 27 |
Because they have departed from following him, and have not considered all his ways.
להביא עליו צעקת-דל וצעקת עניים ישמע | 28 |
Bringing before them the cry of the indigent, and the cry of the afflicted which he had to hear.
והוא ישקט ומי ירשע-- ויסתר פנים ומי ישורנו ועל-גוי ועל-אדם יחד | 29 |
When he now granteth rest, who will condemn [him]! and when he hideth his face, who can behold him? whether it be against a nation, or against one man, it is the same:
ממלך אדם חנף-- ממקשי עם | 30 |
That no hypocritical man may reign, that such shall not be a mare to the people.
כי-אל-אל האמר נשאתי-- לא אחבל | 31 |
For truly it is only fitting to say unto God, “I bear [cheerfully], I will not do any wrong;
בלעדי אחזה אתה הרני אם-עול פעלתי לא אסיף | 32 |
What I cannot see myself, do thou truly teach me; if I have done what is unjust, I will do so no more.”
המעמך ישלמנה כי-מאסת--כי-אתה תבחר ולא-אני ומה-ידעת דבר | 33 |
Should he then according to thy view send a recompense, because thou hast rejected him? “Because thou must choose, and not I?” and what thou knowest, do speak.
אנשי לבב יאמרו לי וגבר חכם שמע לי | 34 |
Men of sense will say unto me, and every wise man who heareth me,
איוב לא-בדעת ידבר ודבריו לא בהשכיל | 35 |
That Job hath not spoken with knowledge, and that his words are without intelligence.
אבי--יבחן איוב עד-נצח על-תשבת באנשי-און | 36 |
Oh that Job may therefore be probed continually, in order to give answers against sinful men.
כי יסיף על-חטאתו פשע בינינו יספוק וירב אמריו לאל | 37 |
For he addeth unto his sin transgression: among us he uttereth too many loud words, and multiplieth his speeches against God.