< איוב 15 >
ויען אליפז התימני ויאמר | 1 |
Then answered Eliphaz the Themanite, and said,
החכם יענה דעת-רוח וימלא קדים בטנו | 2 |
Should a wise man utter windy knowledge, and fill his inward parts with the east wind?
הוכח בדבר לא-יסכון ומלים לא-יועיל בם | 3 |
Should he reason with a speech which availeth nothing? and with words in which there is no profit?
אף-אתה תפר יראה ותגרע שיחה לפני-אל | 4 |
Yea, thou truly makest void the fear [of God], and diminishest devotion before God.
כי יאלף עונך פיך ותבחר לשון ערומים | 5 |
For thy iniquity teacheth thy mouth, so that thou choosest the language of the crafty.
ירשיעך פיך ולא-אני ושפתיך יענו-בך | 6 |
Thy own mouth must condemn thee, but not I: yea, thy own lips will testify against thee.
הראישון אדם תולד ולפני גבעות חוללת | 7 |
Wast thou born as the first man? or wast thou brought forth before the hills?
הבסוד אלוה תשמע ותגרע אליך חכמה | 8 |
Hast thou listened to the secret counsel of God? and is wisdom therefore of little esteem with thee?
מה-ידעת ולא נדע תבין ולא-עמנו הוא | 9 |
What knowest thou, that we do not know? what understandest thou, which is not with us?
גם-שב גם-ישיש בנו-- כביר מאביך ימים | 10 |
Both the grayheaded and the very aged are among us, — richer than thy father in days.
המעט ממך תנחומות אל ודבר לאט עמך | 11 |
Are the divine consolations too little for thee? and the word that was so mild with thee?
מה-יקחך לבך ומה-ירזמון עיניך | 12 |
Whither doth thy heart carry thee away? and what do thy eyes gaze at?
כי-תשיב אל-אל רוחך והצאת מפיך מלין | 13 |
That thou shouldst turn against God thy spirit, and utter [such] words out of thy mouth?
מה-אנוש כי-יזכה וכי-יצדק ילוד אשה | 14 |
What is man, that he should be pure? and that he who is born of woman should be declared righteous?
הן בקדשו לא יאמין ושמים לא-זכו בעיניו | 15 |
Behold, in his holy ones he putteth no trust; and the heavens are not pure in his eyes:
אף כי-נתעב ונאלח איש-שתה כמים עולה | 16 |
How much more then the abominable and corrupt, the man who drinketh like water wrong-doing?
אחוך שמע-לי וזה-חזיתי ואספרה | 17 |
I will instruct thee, hear me; and what I have seen will I relate;
אשר-חכמים יגידו ולא כחדו מאבותם | 18 |
Which wise men have ever told, and have not concealed, as they obtained it from their fathers;
להם לבדם נתנה הארץ ולא-עבר זר בתוכם | 19 |
Unto whom alone the earth was given, and into whose midst no stranger ever entered.
כל-ימי רשע הוא מתחולל ומספר שנים נצפנו לעריץ | 20 |
All his days is the wicked plagued with pain, and the number of years which are laid by for the tyrant.
קול-פחדים באזניו בשלום שודד יבואנו | 21 |
A sound of terrors is in his ears: during peace will the waster come over him.
לא-יאמין שוב מני-חשך וצפו (וצפוי) הוא אלי-חרב | 22 |
He believeth not that he shall return out of darkness, and he is looked for by the sword.
נדד הוא ללחם איה ידע כי-נכון בידו יום-חשך | 23 |
He wandereth abroad for bread, [saying, ] Where is it? he knoweth that there is ready at his hand the day of darkness.
יבעתהו צר ומצוקה תתקפהו כמלך עתיד לכידור | 24 |
Distress and anguish terrify him: they assail him with might, as a king prepared for the battle.
כי-נטה אל-אל ידו ואל-שדי יתגבר | 25 |
Because he had stretched out against God his hand, and strengthened himself against the Almighty;
ירוץ אליו בצואר בעבי גבי מגניו | 26 |
[And] he had run against him, with an [extended] neck, with the thick roundings of his bucklers;
כי-כסה פניו בחלבו ויעש פימה עלי-כסל | 27 |
Because he had covered his face with his fat, and had made thick folds of fat on his flanks;
וישכון ערים נכחדות--בתים לא-ישבו למו אשר התעתדו לגלים | 28 |
And he dwelt in abandoned cities, in houses which none inhabited, which were destined to be ruinous heaps.
לא-יעשר ולא-יקום חילו ולא-יטה לארץ מנלם | 29 |
[Yet] will he not remain rich, neither will his wealth endure, nor will he attain their perfection on earth.
לא-יסור מני-חשך--ינקתו תיבש שלהבת ויסור ברוח פיו | 30 |
He will never depart out of darkness: the flame shall dry up his shoots, and he will depart by the breath of God's mouth.
אל-יאמן בשו נתעה כי-שוא תהיה תמורתו | 31 |
Let him that goeth astray not trust in vanity; for vanity will be what he obtaineth thereby.
בלא-יומו תמלא וכפתו לא רעננה | 32 |
Even before his time will it be overfull, and his branches will not be green.
יחמס כגפן בסרו וישלך כזית נצתו | 33 |
He will shake off like the vine his unripe grapes, and cast off like the olive his blossoms.
כי-עדת חנף גלמוד ואש אכלה אהלי-שחד | 34 |
For the assembly of hypocrites will remain desolate, and fire will consume the tents of bribery.
הרה עמל וילד און ובטנם תכין מרמה | 35 |
They conceive trouble, and bring forth wrong-doing, and their body prepareth deceit.