< איוב 11 >
Then answered Zophar the Na'amathite, and said.
הרב דברים לא יענה ואם-איש שפתים יצדק | 2 |
Shall a multitude of words not be answered? and is it so that a man full of talk shall be deemed in the right?
בדיך מתים יחרישו ותלעג ואין מכלם | 3 |
Thy inventions are to bring men to silence; and when thou utterest thy mocking no one is to cause thee to feel abashed!
ותאמר זך לקחי ובר הייתי בעיניך | 4 |
For thou hast said [to God], My doctrine is pure, and I am become clean in thy eyes.
ואולם--מי יתן אלוה דבר ויפתח שפתיו עמך | 5 |
But oh that God would but speak, and open his lips against thee;
ויגד-לך תעלמות חכמה-- כי-כפלים לתושיה ודע-- כי-ישה לך אלוה מעונך | 6 |
And that he would declare unto thee the secrets of wisdom; for it is double to that which is really in our possession: and thou wouldst experience that God overlooketh unto thee much of thy iniquity.
החקר אלוה תמצא אם עד-תכלית שדי תמצא | 7 |
Canst thou find out the experience of God? or canst thou find [the way] unto the utmost limit of the Almighty?
גבהי שמים מה-תפעל עמקה משאול מה-תדע (Sheol ) | 8 |
It is as high as heaven; what canst thou effect? it is deeper than the nether world; what canst thou know? (Sheol )
ארכה מארץ מדה ורחבה מני-ים | 9 |
Longer than the earth is its measure, and broader than the sea.
אם-יחלף ויסגיר ויקהיל ומי ישיבנו | 10 |
If he pass by, and surrender [one to suffering], and call together an assembly, who can hinder him?
כי-הוא ידע מתי-שוא וירא-און ולא יתבונן | 11 |
For he knoweth the men of vanity: he seeth the wrong-doer and him who considereth not;
ואיש נבוב ילבב ועיר פרא אדם יולד | 12 |
And the heartless who acquireth intelligence, and him who is [like] the colt of the wild ass who is transformed into a man.
אם-אתה הכינות לבך ופרשת אליו כפיך | 13 |
If thou truly direct [aright] thy heart, and spread out thy hands toward him: —
אם-און בידך הרחיקהו ואל-תשכן באהליך עולה | 14 |
If wrong be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tents.
כי-אז תשא פניך ממום והיית מצק ולא תירא | 15 |
For then canst thou lift up thy face free from blemish: yea, thou wilt stand steadfast, and needest not to fear;
כי-אתה עמל תשכח כמים עברו תזכר | 16 |
Because thou wilt truly forget thy trouble, and as a waterflood that is passed away wilt thou remember it;
ומצהרים יקום חלד תעפה כבקר תהיה | 17 |
And brighter than the noon of day will thy earthly existence arise; and thy obscurity will be like thy morning.
ובטחת כי-יש תקוה וחפרת לבטח תשכב | 18 |
And thou wilt feel trust, because there is hope: yea, thou wilt search about carefully, and thou wilt lie down in safety.
ורבצת ואין מחריד וחלו פניך רבים | 19 |
Also thou wilt stretch thyself out [to rest], with none to make thee afraid; and many will entreat thy favor.
ועיני רשעים תכלינה ומנוס אבד מנהם ותקותם מפח-נפש | 20 |
But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and the means of escape will vanish from them, and their [sole] hope shall be the breathing out of their soul.