< Halelu 37 >
1 MAI ukiuki oe no ka poe hana hewa; Aole hoi e huahua i na mea lawehala.
Of David. Be not kindled to wrath at the wicked, nor envious of those who work wrong;
2 No ka mea, e oki koke ia lakou e like me ka mauu, A e mae hoi e like me ka laauikiai maka.
for, like grass, they will speedily wither, and fade like the green of young grass.
3 E hilinai aku ia Iehova, a e hana i ka pono; A e noho no oe ma ka aina, a e hanai io ia'ku oe.
Trust in the Lord, and do good; remain in the land, and deal faithfully:
4 E hauoli hoi oe ia Iehova, A e haawi mai no ia nou i ka makemake o kou naau:
then the Lord will be your delight, he will grant you your heart’s petitions.
5 Hookaa aku i kou aoao ia Iehova; E hilinai aku hoi ia ia. a nana no hoi e hana.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act,
6 A e hoopuka mai hoi oia i kou pono e like me ka malamalama, A me kou hooponoponoia e like me ka la ku pono.
making clear as the light your right, and your just cause clear as the noon-day.
7 E noho malie ia Iehova, a e kali ahonui ia ia; Mai noho a ukiuki no ke kanaka e pookeokeo ana i kona aoao iho, No ke kanaka e hana ana ma na manao hewa.
In silence and patience wait on the Lord. Be not kindled to anger at those who prosper. At those who execute evil devices.
8 E waiho i ka huhu, e haalele hoi i ka inaina; Mai nauki iki e hana hewa ai.
Desist from anger, abandon wrath: be not kindled to anger it leads but to evil:
9 No ka mea, e okiia'ku ka poe hana hewa; Aka, o ka poe manaolana ia Iehova, e loaa ia lakou ka honua.
for evildoers will be cut off, but the land will be theirs, who wait on the Lord.
10 A liuliu iki aku, aole ka mea lawehala; Oiaio, e hoomanao ikaika oe i kona wahi, aole hoi ia.
Yet but a little, and the wicked vanish: look at their place: they are there no more.
11 Aka, e loaa ka honua i ka poe hoohaahaa; He hauoli lakou i ka pomaikai nui wale.
But the humble will have the land, and the rapture of peace in abundance.
12 Kukakuka ku e ka mea hewa i ka mea pono, A nau iho la me kona mau niho ia ia.
The wicked plots against the righteous, snarls like a wild animal;
13 E akaaka mai no nae ka Haku ia ia; No ka mea, ua ike oia i ke kokoke ana mai o kona la.
the Lord laughs, for he sees that his day is coming.
14 Ua unuhi ae la ka poe hewa i ka pahikaua, Ua lena hoi i ka lakou kakaka, E hoolilo i ka poe ilihune a me ka poe haahaa, A e hoomake hoi i ka poe e hele pono ana.
The wicked have drawn the sword, and bent the bow, to fell the poor, to slay those who walk uprightly;
15 E komo no ko lakou pahikaua i ko lakou naau iho; A e uhakiia ka lakou kakaka.
but their sword will pierce their own heart, and their bows will be broken in pieces.
16 Ua oi aku ka waiwai uuku o ke kanaka pono Mamna o ka waiwai nui o ka poe hewa he nui.
Better is the righteous person’s little than the wealth of many wicked.
17 No ka mea, e uhakiia na lima o ka poe hewa; Aka, e hookupaa iho o Iehova i ka poe pono.
For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 Ua ike o Iehova i na la o ka poe ku pono; A e mau loa ana no hoi ko lakou hooilina.
The Lord watches over the days of the blameless, their heritage will continue forever.
19 Aole lakou e hoka i ka manawa ino; A i ke kau wi e maona no lakou.
They will not be shamed in the evil time, in the days of famine they will be satisfied.
20 Aka, e make no ka poe hewa, A e like auanei oa enemi o Iehova me'ka momona o na keikihipa; E pau lakou i ke ahi, e lilo lakou i uahi.
Because the wicked will perish: but the foes of the Lord, like a brand in the oven, will vanish, like smoke they will vanish.
21 Ua noi e lawe iki ka mea hewa i ka hai. aole nae i hoihoi mai: Aka e lokomaikai aka ka mea pono, a haawi wale aku no.
The wicked must borrow and cannot pay back, but the righteous is lavish and gives.
22 Nolaila o ka poe hoomaikaiia e ia e loaa ia lakou ka honua; Aka, o ka poe i hoinoia e ia e okiia lakou.
For those blest by the Lord inherit the land, while those whom he curses will be cut off.
23 Ua hooku pono ia e Iehova na kapuwai o ke kanaka pono; Oluolu mai no oia i kona hele ana.
The Lord supports the steps of those with whom he is pleased.
24 Ina e hina ia aole ia e hoohiolo loa ia: No ka mea, ua hookupaa o Iehova ia ia me kona lima.
Though they fall, they will not be cast headlong, for the Lord holds their hands.
25 Opiopio aku la au, a ua elemakule ae nei, Aole hoi au i ike i ka mea pono i haaleleia, Aole hoi i kana hua e makilo berena ana.
Never, from youth to age, have I seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread.
26 He aloha mau kona, a ua haawi aka no; Pomaikai no hoi kana hua.
They are ever lavishly lending, and their children are fountains of blessing.
27 E haalele i ka hewa, a e hana i ka pono; A e noho mau loa aku.
Turn away from evil and do good and you will live in the land forever.
28 No ka mea, ua makemake no Iehova i ka hoopono ana: Aole ia i haalele i kona poe haipule; E hoomalu mau loa ia hoi lakou; Aka, e okiia ka hua a ka poe hewa.
For the Lord loves justice, he does not forsake his friends. The unrighteous will be destroyed forever, and the seed of the wicked will be cut off.
29 E loaa ka aina i ka poe pono, A e noho mau lakou ilaila.
But the land will belong to the righteous, they will live upon it forever,
30 Ua olelo ka waha o ka mea pono ma ka naauao; A ua kamailio kona alelo ma ka hoopono ana.
The mouth of the righteous murmurs wisdom, and words of justice are on their tongues.
31 Maloko o kona naau ke kanawai o kona Akua; Aole kapuwai ona e kapeke ai.
The law of their God is in their heart, their steps are never unsteady.
32 Kiai ka mea hewa i ka mea pono, A imi hoi ia e hoomake ia ia.
The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to put them to death.
33 Aole e waiho mai o Iehova ia ia iloko o kona lima, Aole hoi e hoahewa ia ia i kona wa e hookolokoloia'i.
But the Lord leaves them not in their hand: at their trial they will not be held guilty.
34 E hilinai aku ia Iehova, a e malama i kona aoao: A e hookiekie oia ia oe e komo i ka aina; Aia okiia ka poe hewa, e ike ako no oe ia.
Wait on the Lord, and observe his way: he will lift you to honor the land will be yours, you will feast your eyes on the doom of the wicked.
35 Ua ike aku au i ke kanaka hewa e weliweli ai, E hoopalahalaha ana ia ia iho e like me ka laau uliuli i kona wahi iho.
I have seen the wicked exultant, lifting themselves like a cedar of Lebanon.
36 Aka, ua hala aku la ia aia hoi, aole iho la ia; Oiaio, imi aku la au ia ia, aole hoi ia i loaa.
But the moment I passed, they vanished! I sought for them, but they could not be found.
37 E noonoo i ke kanaka hemolele, E nana hoi i ka mea kupono: No ka mea, o ka hope o ua kanaka la, he pomaikai no ia.
Preserve your honor and practise uprightness, for such a person fares well in the end.
38 Aka, e luku pu ia ka poe lawehala; A o ka hope o ka poe hewa, e okiia no ia.
But transgressors will perish together. Cut off are the wicked forever.
39 Aka, no Iehova mai ke ola o ka poe pono: Oia ko lakou ikaika i ka wa popilikia.
The righteous are saved by the Lord, who in time of distress is their refuge:
40 A e kokua mai o Iehova ia lakou, a e hoakea mai ia lakou, E hoopakele oia ia lakou i ka poe hewa, A e hoola ia lakou. no ko lakou hilinai ana ia ia.
the Lord helps and rescue them, from the wicked he rescues and saves them, because they take refuge in him.