< Solomona 14 >

1 O KA wahine naauao, oia ke kukulu i kona hale; Wawahi iho la ka mea naaupo me kona mau lima.
A wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish destroyeth it with her owne handes.
2 O ka mea hele ma kona pololei, oia ka i makau ia Iehova; O ka mea i hookekee i kona aoao, oia ka i hoowahawaha ia ia.
He that walketh in his righteousnes, feareth the Lord: but he that is lewde in his wayes, despiseth him.
3 Ma ka waha o ka mea naaupo, he laau hahau ka haaheo; O na lehelehe o ka poe naauao, oia ke malama aku ia lakou.
In the mouth of the foolish is the rod of pride: but the lippes of the wise preserue them.
4 I ole na bipi, kaawale ka hale waihona ai, A ua nui hoi ka waiwai ma ka ikaika o ka bipi.
Where none oxen are, there the cribbe is emptie: but much increase cometh by the strength of the oxe.
5 O ka mea hoike oiaio, aole oia e wahahee; E hai wahahee mai no ka mea hoike hoopunipuni.
A faithfull witnes will not lye: but a false record will speake lyes.
6 Imi ae la ka mea hoowahawaha i ke akamai, aole loaa; He hikiwawe no ka ike i ka mea naauao.
A scorner seeketh wisdome, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easie to him that will vnderstande.
7 E huli ae oe mai ke alo aku o ke kauaka lapuwale, Ke hoomaopopo ole oe i na lehelehe ike.
Depart from the foolish man, when thou perceiuest not in him the lippes of knowledge.
8 O ke akamai o ka mea ike, oia ka hoomaopopo ana i kona aoao; O ka lapuwale o ka poe naaupo, oia ka hoopunipuni.
The wisdome of ye prudent is to vnderstand his way: but the foolishnes of the fooles is deceite.
9 Akaaka ka poe lapuwale i ka hewa; Me ka poe hoopololei ka hoomaikaiia.
The foole maketh a mocke of sinne: but among the righteous there is fauour.
10 Ua ike ka naau i ke kaumaha o kona uhane iho; Aohe hoi i mea mai ka malihini i kona olioli.
The heart knoweth the bitternes of his soule, and the stranger shall not medle with his ioy.
11 O ka hale o ka poe hewa, e hoohioloia; O ka halelewa o ka poe pololei, e paa mau no ia,
The house of the wicked shalbe destroyed: but the tabernacle of the righteous shall florish.
12 O kekahi aoao, he pololei ia i kanaka; O kona hope hoi, oia ka aoao o ka make.
There is a way that seemeth right to a man: but the issues thereof are the wayes of death.
13 I ka akaaka ana, he ehaeha ko ka naau; O ka hope hoi o ia lealea, oia ke kaumaha.
Euen in laughing the heart is sorowful, and the ende of that mirth is heauinesse.
14 E hoopihaia auauei ka naau o ka mea hoi hope i kona aoaoiho; A o ke kanaka maikai hoi i kona hua iho.
The heart that declineth, shall be saciate with his owne wayes: but a good man shall depart from him.
15 Manaoio no ka mea noonoo ole i na olelo a pau; Aka, o ka mea maalea, nana pono oia i kona hele ana.
The foolish will beleeue euery thing: but the prudent will consider his steppes.
16 O ka mea naauao, makau no ia, a haalele i ka hewa; O ka mea lapuwale hoi, he haaheo kona a me ka makau ole.
A wise man feareth, and departeth from euill: but a foole rageth, and is carelesse.
17 O ka hiki wawe o ka huhu, oia ka hana lapuwale; O ke kanaka imi i na manao hewa, ua inaina oia.
He that is hastie to anger, committeth follie, and a busie body is hated.
18 E ili mai ka lapuwale no ka poe noonoo ole; E kau hoi ka ike me he lei la maluna o ka poe naauao.
The foolish do inherite follie: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19 Kulou ae ka poe hewa imua i ke alo o ka poe maikai; O ka poe aia hoi ma ka ipuka o ka mea pono.
The euill shall bowe before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20 Ua inainaia ka mea ilihune e kona hoanoho; O ka mea waiwai, lehulehu kona poe makamaka.
The poore is hated euen of his own neighbour: but the friendes of the rich are many.
21 O ka mea hoowahawaha i kona hoanoho, ua hewa oia; O ka mea lokomaikai aku i ka mea i nele, pomaikai oia.
The sinner despiseth his neighbour: but he that hath mercie on the poore, is blessed.
22 Aole anei he lalau wale ko ka poe imi hewa? He aloha a he oiaio na ka poe imi maikai.
Doe not they erre that imagine euill? but to them that thinke on good things, shalbe mercie and trueth.
23 Ma ka hana a pau he waiwai no; Aka, o ke kamailio wale o na lehelehe, pili i ka ilihune wale no.
In all labour there is abundance: but the talke of the lippes bringeth onely want.
24 O ka lei o ka poe akamai, oia ko lakou waiwai; O ka lapuwale o ka poe naaupo, he lapuwale wale iho no ia.
The crowne of the wise is their riches, and the follie of fooles is foolishnes.
25 Hoopakele i na uhane ka mea hoike oiaio; O ka mea hoike wahahee, hoopunipuni no ia.
A faithfull witnes deliuereth soules: but a deceiuer speaketh lyes.
26 Ma ka makau ia Iehova, malaila ka paulele nui; He puuhonua hoi ia na kana poe keiki.
In the feare of the Lord is an assured strength, and his children shall haue hope.
27 O ka makau ia Iehova, he punawai ola ia, He mea ia e haalele ai i na pahele o ka make.
The feare of the Lord is as a welspring of life, to auoyde the snares of death.
28 Ma ka lehulehu o na kanaka ka hanohano o ke alii, A i ole na kanaka ua make ke alii.
In the multitude of the people is the honour of a King, and for the want of people commeth the destruction of the Prince.
29 O ka mea uumi i ka huhu, oia ka noonoo nui; O ka mea hikiwawe i ka huhu, oia ke hoike i ka lapuwale.
He that is slowe to wrath, is of great wisdome: but he that is of an hastie minde, exalteth follie.
30 O ke ola no ke kino, oia ka naau oluolu, O ka lili, oia ka popopo o na iwi.
A sounde heart is the life of the flesh: but enuie is the rotting of the bones.
31 O ka mea hookaumaha i ka mea nele, oia ka i hoowahawaha i ka Mea nana ia i hana; O ka mea malama aku ia ia, oia ke aloha i ka mea ilihune.
He that oppresseth the poore, reprooueth him that made him: but hee honoureth him, that hath mercie on the poore.
32 Hookukeia ka mea hewa iloko o kona hewa; Lana hoi ka manao o ka mea pono i kona make ana.
The wicked shall be cast away for his malice: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
33 Noho no ka naauao ma ka naau o ka mea noonoo; Ua ikea hoi ko loko o ka poe lapuwale.
Wisedome resteth in the heart of him that hath vnderstanding, and is knowen in the mids of fooles.
34 Hookiekie ae la ka pono i ka lahuikanaka; O ka hewa hoi ka mea e hoowahawahaia'i na kanaka.
Iustice exalteth a nation, but sinne is a shame to the people.
35 O ka makemake o ke alii, aia i ke kauwa naauao; O kona huhu aia i ka mea e hilahila ai.
The pleasure of a King is in a wise seruant: but his wrath shalbe toward him that is lewde.

< Solomona 14 >