< Na Helu 31 >

1 OLELO mai la o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 E hoopai i ka hana ino ia mai o na mamo a Iseraela maluna o ka Midiana; a mahope e huiia aku oe me ou poe kanaka.
Reuenge the children of Israel of the Midianites, and afterwarde shalt thou be gathered vnto thy people.
3 Olelo aku la o Mose i na kanaka, i aku la, E hoomakaukau i kekahi poe o oukou no ke kaua, a e kuu aku ia lakou e hele ku e i ka Midiana, a e hoopai aku i ko Iehova maluna o ka Midiana.
And Moses spake to the people, saying, Harnesse some of you vnto warre, and let them goe against Midian, to execute the vengeance of the Lord against Midian.
4 I hookahi tausani no kela ohana, keia ohana ma na ohana a pau a Iseraela, ka oukou e hoouna aku ai i ke kaua.
A thousande of euery tribe throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye sende to the warre.
5 A ua haawiia mai noloko mai o na tausani o ka Iseraela, he tausani hookahi no kela ohana no keia ohana, he umikumamalua na tausani i makaukau no ke kaua.
So there were taken out of the thousands of Israel, twelue thousande prepared vnto warre, of euery tribe a thousand.
6 Hoouna aku la o Mose ia lakou i ke kaua, i hookahi tausani o ka ohana hookahi, ia lakou a me Pinehasa ke keiki a Eleazara ke kahuna, me na mea hoano, a me na pu e puhi aku ai ma kona lima, i ke kaua.
And Moses sent them to the warre, euen a thousand of euery tribe, and sent them with Phinehas the sonne of Eleazar the Priest to the warre: and the holy instruments, that is, the trumpets to blow were in his hand.
7 A kaua aku la lakou i ka Midiana, e like me ka Iehova i kauoha mai ai ia Mose; a pepehi iho la lakou i na kane a pau.
And they warred against Midian, as the Lord had commanded Moses, and slue all the males.
8 Pepehi iho la hoi lakou i na alii o Midiana, he okoa kela poe o lakou i pepehiia, o Evi, o Rekema, o Zura, o Hura, a me Reba, na alii elima o Midiana: pepehi iho la hoi lakou ia Balaama ke keiki a Beora me ka pahikaua.
They slue also the Kings of Midian among them that were slaine: Eui and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur and Reba fiue kings of Midian, and they slue Balaam the sonne of Beor with the sworde:
9 Lawe pio aku la na mamo a Iseraela i na wahine a me ka lakou poe keiki liilii, a hao ae la lakou i na bipi o lakou a pau, me na holoholona a pau o lakou, a me ko lakou waiwai a pau.
But the children of Israel tooke the women of Midian prisoners, and their children, and spoyled all their cattell, and all their flockes, and all their goods.
10 Puhi aku la lakou i na kulanakauhale a pau kahi a lakou i noho ai, a me na pa holoholona a pau o lakou, i ke ahi.
And they burnt all their cities, wherein they dwelt, and all their villages with fire.
11 Lalau ae la lakou i ka waiwai pio a pau, a me ka mea a pau i haoia, o na kanaka a me na holoholona.
And they tooke all the spoyle and all the pray both of men and beastes.
12 Lawe mai la lakou i na pio a me ka waiwai pio, a me na holoholona, io Mose la laua o Eleazara ke kahuna, a i ke anaina kanaka o na mamo a Iseraela, i kahi hoomoana ma na papu o Moaba ma Ioredane o Ieriko.
And they brought the captiues and that which they had taken, and the spoyle vnto Moses and to Eleazar the Priest, and vnto the Congregation of the children of Israel, into ye campe in the playne of Moab, which was by Iorden toward Iericho.
13 Hele aku la o Mose me Eleazara ke kahuna, a me na luna a pau o ke anaina kanaka e halawai me lakou mawaho o kahi hoomoana.
Then Moses and Eleazar the Priest, and all the princes of the Congregation went out of the campe to meete them.
14 Huhu aku la o Mose i na luna kaua, i na luna tausani a me na luna haneri, i hele mai, mai ke kaua mai.
And Moses was angry with the captaines of the hoste, with the captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer hundreds, which came from the warre and battel.
15 I aku la o Mose ia lakou, Ua hoola mai no anei oukou i na wahine a pau?
And Moses sayde vnto them, What? haue ye saued all the women?
16 Aia hoi, o keia ka poe i hoowalewale i na mamo a Iseraela, mamuli o ka manao o Balaama, e lawehala ia Iehova ma ka mea a Peora, a hiki mai no ke ahulau iwaena o ke anaina kanaka o Iehova.
Behold, these caused the children of Israel through the counsell of Balaam to commit a trespasse against the Lord, as concerning Peor, and there came a plague among the Congregation of the Lord.
17 No ia hoi, e pepehi oukou i na kane a pau iwaena o na kamalii, a e pepehi i na wahine a pau i ike i ke kane ma ka moe me ia.
Now therefore, slay all the males among the children, and kill all the women that haue knowen man by carnall copulation.
18 Aka, o ka poe kaikamahine a pau i ike ole i ke kane ma ka moe me ia, oia ka oukou e hoola ai.
But all the women children that haue not knowen carnall copulation, keepe aliue for your selues.
19 A e noho oukou mawaho o kahi hoomoana i na la ehiku: o ka mea i pepehi i kekahi kanaka, a o ka mea i hoopa aku i ke kupapau, e huikala oukou ia oukou iho a me ko oukou poe pio, i ke kolu o ka la, a i ka hiku o ka la.
And ye shall remaine without the host seuen dayes, all that haue killed any person, and all that haue touched any dead, and purifie both your selues and your prisoners the third day and the seuenth.
20 E huikala hoi oukou i na aahu a pau, a me na mea ili a pau, a me na mea hulu kao a pau, a me na mea laau a pau.
Also ye shall purifie euery garment and all that is made of skins and al worke of goates heare, and all things made of wood.
21 Olelo aku la hoi o Eleazara ke kahuna i na koa i hele aku i ke kaua, Eia ka oihana o ke kanawai a Iehova i kauoha mai ai ia Mose;
And Eleazar ye Priest sayd vnto the men of warre, which went to the battel, This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord commanded Moses,
22 O ke gula wale no, o ke kala, o ke keleawe, o ka hao, o ka piuta, a me ke kepau,
As for gold, and siluer, brasse, yron, tynne, and lead:
23 O kela mea keia mea e pono ma ke ahi, oia ka oukou e hoohele mawaena o ke ahi, a e huikalaia oia; a e hoomaemaeia no nae ia i ka wai huikala: a o na mea a pau e pono ole ma ke ahi, oia ka oukou e hoohele mawaena o ka wai.
Euen all that may abide the fire, yee shall make it goe through the fire, and it shalbe cleane: yet, it shalbe purified with the water of purification: and all that suffereth not the fire, yee shall cause to passe by the water.
24 A i ka hiku o ka la, e holoi oukou i ko oukou mau aahu, a e maemae oukou; a mahope iho e hele mai auanei oukou maloko o kahi hoomoana.
Ye shall wash also your clothes the seuenth day, and ye shalbe cleane: and afterward ye shall come into the Hoste.
25 Olelo mai la o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
26 E helu i ka waiwai pio o ka poe i lawe pio, o kanaka a me na holoholona, o oe a me Eleazara ke kahuna, a me na lunakahiko o ke anaina kanaka.
Take the summe of the praie that was taken, both of persons and of cattell, thou and Eleazar the Priest, and the chiefe fathers of the Congregation.
27 A e puunaue i ka waiwai pio i na puu elua; no ka poe i lawe i ke kaua maluna o lakou iho, ka poe i hele aku i ke kaua kekahi, a no ke anaina kanaka a pau kekahi.
And deuide the praye betweene the souldiers that went to the warre, and all the Congregation.
28 A e auhau oe no Iehova i na kanaka kaua, i ka poe i hele aku i ke kaua: i hookahi kino noloko mai o na haneri elima, o na kanaka, o na bipi, o na hoki, a o na hipa.
And thou shalt take a tribute vnto ye Lord of the men of warre, which went out to battel: one person of fiue hundreth, both of the persons, and of the beeues, and of the asses, and of the sheepe.
29 E lawe ia noloko mai o ka lakou hapalua, a e haawi aku na Eleazara ke kahuna, i mohai kaikai no Iehova.
Yee shall take it of their halfe and giue it vnto Eleazar the Priest, as an heaue offring of the Lord.
30 A noloko mai o ka hapalua no na mamo a Iseraela, kau e lawe aku ai i hookahi hapa kanalima o na kanaka, o na bipi, o na hoki, o na hipa, a o na holoholona a pau, a e haawi aku ia mau mea na na Levi, na ka poe e malama ana i ka ukana o ka halelewa no Iehova.
But of the halfe of the children of Israel thou shalt take one, taken out of fiftie, both of the persons, of the beeues, of the asses, and of the sheepe, euen of all the cattel: and thou shalt giue them vnto the Leuites, which haue the charge of the Tabernacle of the Lord.
31 A hana aku la o Mose laua o Eleazara ke kahuna, e like me ka Iehova i kauoha mai ai ia Mose.
And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord had commanded Moses.
32 A o ka waiwai pio, o ke koena o ka waiwai pio a na kanaka kaua i lawe pio ai, he aono haneri me kanahikukumamalima na tausani hipa.
And the bootie, to wit, the rest of the praie which the men of warre had spoyled, was sixe hundreth seuentie and fiue thousand sheepe,
33 A he kanahikukumamalua na tausani bipi.
And seuentie and two thousand beeues,
34 A he kanaonokumamakahi na tausani hoki.
And three score and one thousand asses,
35 A he kanakolukumamalua na tausani wahine a pau i ike ole i ke kane ma ka moe ana me ia.
And two and thirtie thousande persons in all, of women that had lyen by no man.
36 A o ka hapalua, ka puu a ka poe i hele aku i ke kaua, ma ka helu ana, he akolu haneri me kanakolukumamahiku na tausani hipa, a me na haneri keu elima.
And the halfe, to wit, the part of them that went out to warre touching the nomber of sheepe, was three hundreth seuen and thirtie thousand, and fiue hundreth.
37 A o na hipa auhau na Iehova, he aono haneri me kanahikukumamalima.
And the Lordes tribute of the sheepe was sixe hundreth and seuentie and fiue:
38 A he kanakolukumamaono na tausani bipi; a o ka auhau na Iehova noloko mai o ia poe, he kanahikukumamalua.
And the beeues were six and thirty thousad, whereof the Lordes tribute was seuentie and two.
39 A o na hoki, he kanakolu na tausani, a me na haneri keu elima; a o ka auhau na Iehova noloko mai o ia poe, he kanaonokumamakahi.
And the asses were thirtie thousande and fiue hundreth, whereof the Lordes tribute was three score and one:
40 A o na wahine, he umikumamaono na tausani; a he kanakolukumamalua o lakou ke auhau no Iehova.
And of persons sixtene thousand, whereof the Lordes tribute was two and thirtie persons.
41 A haawi aku la o Mose i ka auhau, i ka mea mohaikaikai a Iehova, na Eleazara ke kahuna, e like me ka Iehova i kauoha mai ai ia Mose.
And Moses gaue the tribute of the Lordes offring vnto Eleazar the Priest, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
42 A o ka hapalua a na mamo a Iseraela, ka mea a Mose i puunaue ai mai na kanaka kaua mai.
And of the halfe of the children of Israel, which Moses deuided from the men of warre,
43 (O ka ke anaina kanaka hapalua, he akolu haneri me ke kanakolukumamahiku na tausani hipa, a me na haneri keu elima,
(For the halfe that perteined vnto the Congregation, was three hundreth thirtie and seuen thousand sheepe and fiue hundreth,
44 A he kanakolukumamaono na tausani bipi,
And sixe and thirtie thousand beeues,
45 A he kanakolu tausani na hoki me na haneri keu elima.
And thirtie thousand asses, and fiue hudreth,
46 A he umikumamaono tausani na wahine.)
And sixteene thousande persons)
47 A lawe aku la o Mose i hookahi hapa kanalima, noloko mai o ka hapalua a na mamo a Iseraela, i na kanaka a me na holoholona, a haawi aku ia lakou na ka poe Levi, ka poe i malama i ka ukana o ka halelewa o Iehova; e like me ka Iehova i kauoha mai ia Mose.
Moses, I say, tooke of the halfe that perteined vnto the children of Israel, one taken out of fiftie, both of the persons, and of the cattell, and gaue them vnto the Leuites, which haue the charge of the Tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
48 Hele mai la na luna o na tausani o ke kaua, a kokoke io Mose la, o na luna tausani a me na luna haneri:
Then the captaines which were ouer thousandes of the hoste, the captaines ouer the thousandes, and the captaines ouer the hundreds came vnto Moses:
49 I aku la lakou ia Mose, Ua helu iho nei kau poe kauwa i na kanaka kaua malalo iho o makou, aole hoi i nalowale kekahi kanaka o makou:
And saide to Moses, Thy seruants haue taken the summe of the men of warre which are vnder our authoritie, and there lacketh not one man of vs.
50 Nolaila makou i lawe mai nei i alana no Iehova, i ka mea a kela kanaka a keia kanaka i loaa'i, o na mea gula, na kupee, na apo, na komolima, na apo pepeiao, na leia-i, i mea hookalahala ia makou iho imua o Iehova.
We haue therefore brought a present vnto the Lord, what euery man found of iewels of golde, bracelets, and cheines, rings, eare ringes, and ornaments of the legges, to make an atonement for our soules before the Lord.
51 A lawe aku la o Mose a me Eleazara i ke gula, i na mea i hanaia a pau, mai o lakou aku.
And Moses and Eleazar the Priest tooke the golde of them, and all wrought iewels,
52 O ke gula a pau o ka mohai, ka mea a na luna tausani a me na luna haneri i kaumaha aku ai no Iehova, he umikumamaono tausani ehiku haneri a me kanalima na sekela.
And all the golde of the offring that they offered vp to the Lord (of the captaines ouer thousands and hundreds) was sixteene thousande seuen hundreth and fiftie shekels,
53 No ka mea, ua lawe na kanaka kaua i ka waiwai pio, o kela kanaka keia kanaka nona iho.)
(For the men of warre had spoyled, euery man for him selfe)
54 Lawe aku la o Mose laua o Eleazara ke kahuna i ke gula o na luna tausani a me na luna haneri, a halihali aku la ia mea iloko o ka halelewa o ke anaina, i mea hoomanao no na mamo a Iseraela imua o Iehova.
And Moses and Eleazar the Priest tooke the golde of the captaines ouer the thousandes, and ouer the hundreds, and brought it into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, for a memoriall of the children of Israel before the Lord.

< Na Helu 31 >