< Mataio 2 >

1 A HANAUIA o Iesu ma Betelehema i Iudea, i ke kau ia Herode ke alii, aia hoi, kele mai la na magoi mai ka aina hikina mai a Ierusalema,
Now Jesus having been born in Bethlehem of Judea in [the] days of Herod the king behold Magi from [the] east arrived in Jerusalem
2 I ka i ana mai, Ai la ihea ka mea i hanau iho nei i aliii no ka poe Iudaio? No ka mea, ua ike makou ma ka aina hikina i kona hoku, a ua hele mai nei makou e kukuli hoomaikai ia ia.
saying; Where is the [One] having been born King of the Jews? We saw for His star in the east and are come to worship Him.
3 A lohe ae la o Herode ke alii, apoapo ae la kona oili, oia a me ko Ierusalema a pau.
Having heard then King Herod he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him,
4 Alaila, houluulu ae la ia i ka poe kahuna nui a me ka poe kakauolelo a na kanaka, ninau mai la oia ia lakou, Ai la ihea kahi e hanau ai o ka Mesia?
And having gathered together all the chief priests and scribes of the people he was inquiring of them where the Christ is born.
5 Hai aku la lakou ia ia, Aia i Betelehema i Indea nei; no ka mea, ua palapalaia e ke kaula penei,
And they said to him; In Bethlehem of Judea. thus for it has been written through the prophet:
6 O oe, e Betelehema, i ka aina o Iuda, aole no oe ka mea uuku loa iwaena o ko Iuda poe alii; no ka mea, mailoko mai ou e hele mai ana kekahi alii, nana e hoomalu i ko'u poe kanaka o ka Iseraela.
And you yourself Bethlehem land of Judah, by no means least are among the rulers of Judah; out of you for will go forth [One] leading who will shepherd the people of Mine Israel.’
7 Alaila, kii malu aku la o Herode i ua mau magoi la, ninau pono aku la ia lakou i maopopo ai ka manawa i ikea aku ai ua hoku la.
Then Herod secretly having called the Magi inquired exactly of them the time of the appearing star,
8 Hoouna aku la oia ia lakou i Betelehema, i aku la, Ou haele oukou, e imi pono aku i ua keiki la; a loaa hoi, alaila e hai mai ia'u, i hele aku hoi au e kukuli hoomaikai ia ia.
And having sent them to Bethlehem he said; Having gone do search carefully for the Child. when then You may have found [Him], do bring word back to me so that I myself also I myself also having come may worship Him.
9 A lohe ae la i ka ke alii, haele aku la lakou; aia hoi, ka hoku a lakou i ike ai ma ka aina hikina, lele e aku la ia imua o lakou, a hele aku la, a kau iho la maluna pono o kahi e noho ana o ua keiki la,
And having heard the king they went away. and behold the star which they saw in the east was going before them until having arrived (it was stood *N(k)O*) over where was the Child.
10 A ike aku lakou i ua hoku la, hauoli nui loa ae la lakou.
Having seen now the star they rejoiced [with] joy great exceedingly,
11 Komo lakou iloko o ka hale, a ike aku la i ua keiki la a me kona makuwahine o Maria, a moe iho la lakou, hoomaikai aku la ia ia; a wehe ae la lakou i ko lakou waihona waiwai, haawi aku la lakou nana i ke gula, a me ka libano, a me ka mura.
And having come into the house (they saw *NK(o)*) the Child with Mary the mother of Him, and having fallen down they worshiped Him, and having opened the treasures of them they offered to Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.
12 A ma ka moeuhane, papaia mai lakou, aole e hoi bou aku io Herode la, a ma kekahi alanui e ae i hoi aku ai lakou i ko lakou aina.
And having been divinely warned in a dream not to return to Herod, through another route they withdrew into the country of them.
13 A hala aku la lakou, aia hoi, ikea aku la ka anela a ka Haku e Iosepa i ka moeuhane, i mai la, E ala, e lawe i ke keiki a me kona makuwahine, a holo aku i Aigupita; malaila e noho ai, a olelo hon aku au ia oe; no ka mea, e imi mai ana o Herode i ke keiki, e pepehi ia ia.
When were withdrawing then they behold an angel of [the] Lord appears in a dream to Joseph saying; Having arisen do take the Child and the mother of Him and do flee into Egypt and do remain there until when I may tell you; is about for Herod is to seek the Child to destroy Him.
14 Ala ae la ia, lawe ae la i ke keiki a me kona makuwahine i ka po, a holo aku la i Aigupita;
And having arisen he took the Child and the mother of Him by night and withdrew into Egypt,
15 Malaila ia i noho ai a make o Herode. Nolaila, ko ae la ka olelo a ka Haku ma ke kaula, i ka i ana mai, Ua kahea aku au i ka'u keiki mai Aigupita mai.
and he was remaining there until the death of Herod, so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken by (the *k*) Lord through the prophet saying; Out of Egypt I called the Son of mine.
16 Alaila, ike ae la o Herode, ua hoohokaia oia e ka poe magoi, ukiuki loa iho la ia, kena aku la ia, a luku aku la i na keikikane a pau o Betelehema, a o na wahi a puni e kokoke ana, i ka poe elua makahiki a hala ilalo, i ka manawa i ninau pono aku ai ia i ka poe magoi.
Then Herod having seen that he had been outwitted by the Magi was enraged intensely, and having sent forth he executed all the boys that [were] in Bethlehem and in all the vicinity of it from two years old and under according to the time which he had ascertained from the Magi.
17 Alaila, ko ae la ka olelo a ke kaula a Ieretnia, i i mai ai,
Then was fulfilled that having been spoken (through *N(k)O*) Jeremiah the prophet saying;
18 Ua lohea ka leo ma Rama, he pihe, he uwe ana, a me ke kanikau nui; e uwe ana o Rahela no kana mau keiki, aole loa ia e na, no ka mea, aole ae nei lakou.
A voice in Ramah was heard, (lamentation and *K*) weeping and mourning great, Rachel weeping [for] the children of her, and not was willing to be comforted because no more they are.
19 A make o Herode, alaila ikea aku la kekahi anela a ka Haku e Iosepa ma ka moeuhane i Aigupita;
When was dying now Herod behold an angel of [the] Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt
20 I mai la, E ala oe e lawe i ke keiki a me kona makuwahine, a e hoi aku i ka aina o ka Iseraela; no ka mea, ua make ka poe i imi mai e pepehi i ua keiki nei.
saying; Having arisen do take the Child and the mother of Him and do go into [the] land of Israel; they have died for those seeking the life of the Child.
21 Ala'e la ia, lawe ae la i ua keiki la, a me kona makuwahine, a hele aku la i ka aina o ka Iseraela.
And having arisen he took the Child and the mother of Him and (entered *N(k)O*) into [the] land of Israel.
22 Aka, lohe ae la ia, o Arekelau ke alii ma ludea i pani no ka hakahaka o kona makuakane o Herode, makau iho la ia i ka hele aku malaila: a aoia mai ai ma ka moeuhane, hoi aku ia i ka moku o Galilaia.
Having heard now that Archelaus rules (upon *ko*) Judea in place of the father of him Herod he was afraid there to go. having been divinely warned now in a dream he withdrew into the district of Galilee,
23 A hiki aku la ia i kekahi kulanakauhale o Nazareta ka inoa, noho iho la ia ilaila: pela i ko ai ka olelo a ka poe kaula, E kapaia oia he Nazarene.
and having come he dwelt in a city being named Nazareth, so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through the prophets that A Nazarene He will be called.

< Mataio 2 >