< Mareko 16 >
1 A HALA ae la ka Sabati, ua kuai o Maria ka Magedala, a me Maria ka makuwahine o Iakobo, a me Salome, i na mea ala, a hele mai la lakou e ialoa ia ia.
And, the Sabbath having passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him.
2 A i ke kakahiaka nui o ka la mua o ka hebedoma i ka puka ana a ka la, hele aku la lakou, i ka halekupapau.
And, very early, on the first of the week, they are coming towards the tomb—when, the sun, arose.
3 Kamailio iho la lakou ia lakou iho no, Nawai la e olokaa ae i ka pohaku no kakou, mai ka puka ae o ka halekupapau?
And they were saying one to another—Who, shall roll away for us the stone, out of the door of the tomb?
4 Nana aku la lakou, ike iho la ua olokaa e ia'ku ka pohaku; no ka mea, he pohaku nui loa ia.
And, looking up, they observe that the stone hath been rolled up, —for it was exceeding great.
5 I ko lakou komo ana iloko o ka halekupapau, ike aku la lakou i kekahi kanaka opiopio, e noho ana ma ka aoao akau, na aahuia i ke kapa loihi keokeo; a makau iho la lakou.
And, entering into the tomb, they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, —and they were greatly alarmed.
6 Olelo mai la oia ia lakou, Mai makau oukou: ke imi nei oukou ia Iesu no Nazareta, i ka mea i kaulia ma ke kea: ua ala mai ia, aole oia maanei; e nana oukou i kahi a lakou i waiho ai ia ia.
But, he, saith unto them—Be not alarmed! Jesus, ye are seeking, the Nazarene, the crucified: He hath arisen! he is not here, —See! the place where they laid him!
7 E hele hoi oukou, e hai aku i kana poe haumana a me Petero, e hele aku ana ia mamua o oukou i Galilaia; malaila oukou e ike aku ai ia ia, e like me kana i olelo mai ai ia oukou.
But go your way, tell his disciples, and Peter—He is going before you into Galilee: there, shall ye yourselves see him, —according as he said unto you.
8 Hele aku lakou iwaho, a holo mai ka halekupapau aku; a haalulu lakou me ka weliweli; aole uae lakou i hai i kekahi, no ka mea, ua makau lakou.
And, going out, they fled from the tomb, for, trembling and transport, were holding them; and, unto no one, said they, anything, for they were afraid.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) I ke ala ana o Iesu i kakahiaka nui o ka la mua o ka hebedoma, ike mua ia oia e Maria, no Magedala, mawaho ona kona kipaku ana i na daimonio ehiku.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) And, arising early, on the first of the week, he was manifested, first, unto Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had cast, seven demons.
10 Hele aku la oia, a hai aku la i ka poe i noho pu me ia, ia lakou e u ana, a e uwe ana no hoi.
She, going her way, bare tidings unto them who had come to be with him, as they were mourning and weeping.
11 A lohe lakou, ua ola ia, a ua ikeia e ia, aole lakou i manaoio mai.
And, they, hearing that he was living, and had been looked upon by her, disbelieved.
12 A mahope iho o ia mau mea, ikeia oia, me ke ano okoa, e na mea elua, ia laua e hele ana i ke kuaaina.
But, after these things, unto two from among them, as they were walking, was he manifested, in a different form, as they were going unto a country place;
13 Hoi mai la laua, a hai mai la i kekahi poe, aole nae lakou i manaoio.
and, they, departing, bare tidings unto the rest, —but, even them, they believed not.
14 A mahope iho, ikeia mai no ia e ka poe umikumamakahi, ia lakou e ai ana, a hoohewa mai ia lakou no ko lakou manaoio ole ana, a no ka paakiki o ko lakou naau, no ka mea, aole lakou i manaoio aku i ka ka poe nana ia i ike mahope iho o kona ala ana.
But, afterwards, unto the eleven themselves, as they reclined, was he manifested, and he upbraided their disbelief and hardness of heart, —because, them who had looked upon him when arisen [from among the dead] they believed not;
15 I mai la oia ia lakou, E hele aku oukou i na aina a pau, e hai aku i ka Euanelio i na kanaka a pau.
and he said unto them—Go ye into all the world, and proclaim the glad-message, to the whole creation:
16 O ka mea e manaoio mai, a bapetizoia, e hoolaia oia, aka, o ka mea manaoio ole mai, e hoohewaia oia.
He that hath believed, and been immersed, shall be saved; but, he that hath disbelieved, shall be condemned:
17 Eia no na ouli kupauaha e pili pu aku i ka poe e manaoio mai ia'u. Ma ko'u inoa lakou e mahiki aku ai i na daimonio, a e olelo no hoi lakou ma na olelo ano e.
Signs, moreover, shall follow, them who have believed, —these: —In my name, shall they cast, demons, out, with tongues, shall they speak, —[and, in their hands, ] they shall take up, serpents;
18 E kaikai no lakou i na nahesa; a ina inu lakou i ka mea make, aole lakou e poino ia mea; a e kau no lakou i ko lakou lima maluna o ka poe mai, a e ola lakou.
And, if, any deadly thing, they have drunk, in nowise, shall it, hurt, them: Upon sick persons, shall they lay, hands, and, well, shall they remain.
19 A pau ae la ka olelo ana a ka Haku ia lakou, alaila, laweia'ku la ia iluna i ka lani, a noho iho la ma ka lima akau o ke Akua.
The Lord [Jesus], therefore, on the one hand, after talking with them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down on the right hand of God:
20 Hele ae lakou, a ao aku la ma na wahi a pau; hana pu mai la no hoi ka Haku me lakou, e hooiaio ana i ka olelo, me na hana mana e pili ana. Amene.
They, on the other hand, going forth, proclaimed on every side, the Lord, co-working, and confirming, the word, through, the closely following signs. OTHERWISE. All the things given in charge unto the companions of Peter, they concisely reported. But, after these things, Jesus also, himself, from east even unto west, sent forth, through them, the sacred and incorruptible proclamation of the age-abiding salvation.