< Ioba 33 >

1 NOLAILA ke noi aku nei au ia oe, e Ioba, e hoolohe mai i ka'u mau olelo, A e haliu mai i ka'u mau huaolelo a pau.
Hear therefore, O Job, my speeches, and hearken to all my words.
2 Aia hoi, ano, ke wehe nei au i kuu waha, Ke olelo aku nei kuu elelo ma kuu waha.
Behold now I have opened my mouth, let my tongue speak within my jaws.
3 Ma ka pono o kuu naau ka'u olelo; A e olelo akaka kuu lehelehe i ka naauao.
My words are from my upright heart, and my lips shall speak a pure sentence.
4 Na ka Uhane o ke Akua owau i hana, Na ka hanu hoi o ka Mea mana owau i hoola.
The spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life.
5 Ina e hiki ia oe ke ekemu mai ia'u, E hooponopono oe imua o'u, e kupaa.
If thou canst, answer me, and stand up against my face.
6 Aia hoi, no ke Akua no wau e like me oe; Ua hanaia hoi au mai ka lepo mai.
Behold God hath made me as well as thee, and of the same clay I also was formed.
7 Aia hoi, aole ko'u makau e hooweliweli ia oe, Aole e hookaumahaia ko'u lima maluna ou.
But yet let not my wonder terrify thee, and let not my eloquence be burdensome to thee.
8 He oiaio, ua olelo mai oe maloko o kuu pepeiao, A ua lohe au i ka leo o kau mau olelo;
Now thou has said in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words:
9 Ua maemae wau, me ka hala ole, Ua maemae wau, aohe hewa iloko o'u.
I am clean, and without sin: I am unspotted, and there is no iniquity in me.
10 Aia hoi, ua imi no ia i na mea ku e ia'u, Ua manao mai ia ia'u he enemi nona;
Because he hath found complaints against me, therefore he hath counted me for his enemy.
11 Ua hookomo no ia i kuu mau wawae ma ka laau kupee, Ua hoohalua no ia i ko'u mau aoao a pau.
He hath put my feet in the stocks, he hath observed all my paths.
12 Aia hoi, ma keia ua pono ole oe; E olelo aku au ia oe, no ka mea, ua oi ke Akua mamua o ke kanaka.
Now this is the thing in which thou art not justified: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
13 No ke aha la oe i hakaka pu ai me ia? No ka mea, aole ia i hoike mai i kana mau mea a pau.
Dost thou strive against him, because he hath not answered thee to all words?
14 No ka mea, hookahi ka ke Akua olelo ana mai, A elua hoi, aole nae i manaoia oia.
God speaketh once, and repeateth not the selfsame thing the second time.
15 Ma ka moeuhane, ma ka hihio i ka po, I ke kau ana o ka hiamoe nui maluna o kanaka, I ka hiamoe ana maluna o kahi moe;
By a dream in a vision by night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, and they are sleeping in their beds:
16 Alaila wehe ae la ia i na pepeiao o kanaka, A hoopaa mai ia i ke ao ana o lakou,
Then he openeth the ears of men, and teaching instructeth them in what they are to learn.
17 I hoololi ai ia i ka ke kanaka hana, A e hookaa i ke kiekie mai ke kanaka aku.
That he may withdraw a man from the things he is doing, and may deliver him from pride.
18 Ua hoopakele no ia i kona uhane mai ka luakupapau mai, A i kona ola hoi mai ka make ana i ka pahikaua.
Rescuing his soul from corruption: and his life from passing to the sword.
19 Ua hoopaiia oia i ka eha maluna o kona wahi moe, A o ka haukeke o kona mau iwi, ua ikaika ia.
He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed, and he maketh all his bones to wither.
20 Ua hoopailua kona naau i ka berena, A o kona uhane i ka ai maikai.
Bread becometh abominable to him in his life, and to his soul the meat which before he desired.
21 Ua hoopauia kona io mai ka maka aku, A ua ahuwale mai kona mau iwi i ike ole ia.
His flesh shall be consumed away, and his bones that were covered shall be made bare.
22 A ua hookokokeia kona uhane i ka luakupapau, A o kona ola i na mea hoopau.
His soul hath drawn near to corruption, and his life to the destroyers.
23 Ina me ia he anela, he hoikeolelo, Hookahi noloko mai o ke tausani, E hoike aku i ke kanaka i kona pono;
If there shall be an angel speaking for him, one among thousands, to declare man’s uprightness,
24 A aloha mai oia ia ia, a i iho la, E hoopakele ia ia mai ka iho ana i ka lua; Ua loaa ia'u ka uku hoola.
He shall have mercy on him, and shall say: Deliver him, that he may not go down to corruption: I have found wherein I may be merciful to him.
25 E hana hou ia kona io me ia i ka wa kamalii, E hoi hou no ia i na la o kona wa opio:
His flesh is consumed with punishment, let him return to the days of his youth.
26 E pule aku no ia i ke Akua, a e oluolu no oia ia ia: A e ike aku ia i kona maka me ka hauoli; A e hoihoi aku no ia no ke kanaka i kona pono.
He shall pray to God, and he will be gracious to him: and he shall see his face with joy, and he will render to man his justice.
27 E nana mai no ia i na kanaka, A e olelo iho kekahi, Ua hewa au, A ua hookahuli au i ka pono, aole nae i hooukuia mai au;
He shall look upon men, and shall say: I have sinned, and indeed I have offended, and I have not received what I have deserved.
28 E hoopakele no ia i kona uhane mai ka hele ana i ka lua, A e ike kona mau maka i ka malamalama.
He hath delivered his soul from going into destruction, that it may live and see the light.
29 Aia hoi, o keia mau mea a pau i hana pinepine ai ke Akua me ke kanaka,
Behold, all these things God worketh three times within every one.
30 E hoihoi mai i kona uhane mai ka lua mai, E hoomalamalamaia i ka malamalama o ka poe e ola ana.
That he may withdraw their souls from corruption, and enlighten them with the light of the living.
31 E haliu mai oe, e Ioba, e hoolohe mai ia'u: E noho malie, a na'u e olelo aku.
Attend, Job, and hearken to me: and hold thy peace, whilst I speak.
32 Ina he wahi mea, e ekemu mai oe ia'u, E olelo mai, no ka mea ke makemake nei au i kou hoaponoia.
But if thou hast any thing to say, answer me, speak: for I would have thee to appear just.
33 A i ole hoi, e hoolohe mai oe ia'u, E noho malie, a e ao aku au ia oe i ka noeau.
And if thou have not, hear me: hold thy peace, and I will teach thee wisdom.

< Ioba 33 >